THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1928, ph THE CENTRE REPORTER ISSUED WEEKLY, # CENTRE HALL, PENNA. SMITH & BAILEY, Proprietors, A W, BMITH.......0srrseessaces. Editor Loeal Editor and DW. E. BAILEY... Business Manages - = ADVERTISING RATES. —Legal notices, £ Mand ten cents per line for each additional |, Seertion. Lecal notices accompanying display ad-|« gaptisements, Mve cents per line for each] Assertion ; otherwise, elght cents per line; miadmom charge, twenty-five cents. t Senday Church Services —— i FENNS VALLEY LUTHERAN CHARGE Jev., 8. F. Greenhoe, Pastor) A. M. Sunday school at 10:30 A. M. Georges Valley—Preaching at 11 to A. M. #. M local Ministerial Rally at 2 P. M. This Rally comprises | Aaronsburg, Rebarsburg, State College, Pine Grove Mills, and Penns Valley. The principal ill be Dr. Hoffman, of Philadelphia. speake of Regular preaching services from 7 to BPM b — {:s TRINITY REFORMED, . (Rev. Delas R, Keener, Pastor) Centre Hall— a 1130 Sunday School, ag A j .3i30 Church Services. . : Friday 7:16 P. M., catechetical in _,. struction, Tussey vilie— §:30 Sunday School 10:30 Church services Bpring Mills— Catechetical instruction, Thursday evening - EVANGELICAL {Rhey,. W. E. Smith, Pastor.) Kusseyvilie Hegular worship at 10:3) A. M. Begg Hill— Regular worship at 2:30 P. M. fentre Hall Regular + Revi METHODIST EPISCOPAL (Rev. C. E. Hazen, Pastor PRESBYTERIAN (Rev. J. M. Kirkpatrick, Pastor) Lemont, 11:00 A. M. Centré Hall—-9:30 A. M. Pine Grove Mills—7:30 P. AM. — SPRING MILLS Dayton. Pastor) EVANGELICAL, (Rev. M. W, ———— FUGITIVE CONVICT SURRENDERS SELF Lewistown Man Whe Rockview Prison Escaped from Three Years Ag Gives Self Up, Revealing That He Has Developed science, Frouablesoine Wil who tent years Philads cons B county Jail the per view | He w Decemin start the night Baked to surrender « his fathe CONSCiencea prepared his sentence Aa A ————— SPECIAL COURT TUESDAY. Judge Flem ng hed a sped of cowrt for Tuesday the pusiness transacted being hear timony and other features of div el cases, } Henry Gramiey sent to the Huntingdon He plead guilty to having various depredations in Miles town ship, among them being the theft of | a bicyagle. He was arrested and taken | to the } aged 17 years, was Reformator committed Wilefonte jail last week Willian from the penitentiary ago and a few days ago surrendered! himself to autherities in Philadelphia. @rl peeount which appears elsewhere in this vas given the usual sen- | tence by Judge Fleming | i broke away about two years Baker, who About eleven ot on forenoon a ght rain began and as it fell It froze highways exceedingly dangerous aucomaobi ling § numbel of oa on the way over tHe mountain were obliged | to be halted and chains applied. Lat a thicker coating of lve wax cut up By traffic, making travel less dangers ous. During Monday night all trace of the jce disappeared A The ont ® petty theft reported from this locality during the past week was a can of m'k lifted from a cooling trough at the home of John D, Homan, the local dairyman, It is presumed tne mitk was used for making ice aream * making — William H. Keller, an aged citizen in this place who for, some mbRtha’ has been carved for at the State College hospital. has been very ill during the Past week or more . . » » . DEATHS » . * 5% oo » * GOHEEN.~—Mre, Katharine (Woods) roheen, wife of the late Wm. M, Go toalsburg, on Monday at 4 Mrs. Goheen ap church Monday, about 10 velock, neighbors noticed Mrs, Goheen daughter, Mrs, Tus- mother, and he afternoon het in entering the house found the fires wit and her mother absent Going to porch she was shocked Le ind her mother lying cold in death, he result of a heart attack Just two months ago Mrs. Goheen add gone to her daughter's home for Wm. M. Goheen, dead in Katharine Woods Goheen was the Matthew 1875, she Their January 28, iving are the two children, Matthew { f R. Edwin grandchildren, Richard Mary Helen and Kath- ina Tusse, and these brothers and Cyrus KE Woods, of Woods, Boals Holidays of San ig: Mrs, Alice Magoflin, urg: Miss Helen FF. Woods of thei” Mrs. Goheen was a member 3 Years, swian church for many pastor, Rev. J M { Jato at the funeral serv Kirkpat-{ » at the home Thursday at 10:30 M. Burial in the local cemeler) (From the teporters Bodie odoin Sods Dodds & ods 1 < ddd WEE WED FIRS SE Pl. Wit Out of wi hear Out Shriek Mul What vou! tery 1 WOORLE shows that THE OF KING HE THE 8 } wns dnt Funeral ‘ hotel Tuesday flernoon made In the local ce wne n Phanied (Emerick) Frazer, and Madisonburg He was Three brothers and a him: James, Welling Jeremiah, Sharon. Kans: The deceased never married sinter survive on, Kinsas | Pleasant Gap. " Also two Charler and Alfred. and Margaret Knepp. Commins rie Rimmey half brothers a half -sicter, Mrs BECK. ~~John H. Beck, marehant at Nittany, and a well known tigen of Centte couht died Haturday night i afternoos Beck was long on the board of directors of the Farmers SA se Ls Fire Indurance {f'oniping Centre County. AUMAN ~~Jacob Auman, a resident of Penn township, west of Coslrn died ¥Friddy afternoon, aged a ft Lis Funeral services were poll on Toesday morning. He was o son of Philip and Rebecca (Elausner) Auman, long deceased, GILL dward Gill, aged abgut ff tP-nine years. a son of Amos Gill, died Sunday night of intestine nephritis, a ——— Spring Mills ve. Mifflinburg. The Greg Township Vocational Schoo! will play Mifflinburg High school in basket ball at Spring Mills, Saturday, January 21st, ot 7:00 P.M. Both girls’ and boys (amas wil play. Mirflinburg is reported as having one of the best teams in a number of K-END PROGRAM OF PHOTO- ~PLAYS AT— PEE -~ — = BELLEFONTE NESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY (This Week) ASBON'S AY GREATEST MYSTERY h CHARLES MURRAY, FRED ALICE DAY of the underworld Come the ~-sfrangler of men. In men*--Kidnapert Mulligan ind detectives who come see all and know absolute lights-——~on go th thrill Roars! Bereams! More go the cs! Yells! ligan, Mulligan, Where the h i is the Gor 7? Anybody will tel It is positively the greatest mys ay ever filmed. It's the pruplest, st. funniest of all mystery personally guarantee it to advertised and other business aside Pleas admitted unless ac insist you lay all ake It In remember no ~(N THE WAY— PRIVATE LIFE OF HELEN TROY. SABIUR" OF KINGS, A Special Purchase of $10 & $12 Silk Dresses Only 2 to a Customer, at 2 for $().00 TEMPEST, SHEPHERD OF LOYE MANT. HATS ONLY A FEW OF THE HILLS, ADVERTISEMENTS i i A i ligt i. Bonin bin lin Spt pol. din dpi tin | rT ¥ Real Estate TTT TTT Tre SEE US FIRST Successors to Kesslers FENTRH MALL, PA, | MILILHEIM TTT TTT Teeter rrrred d 4 k 4 % y ; gears... mushroom type valve tappets «++ AC oil filter and AC air cleaner and new crank