Drugs Excite the Kidneys, | Drink Water Salts at First Sign of | Bladder Irritation or Backache Take The American men and women must guard constantly against kidney trouble because we often eat too much rich food. Our blood is filled with acids which the kidneys strive to filter out; they weaken from over work, become sluggish, the elimina- tive tissues clog and the result is kid- ney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline in health, When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead: your back hurts or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or you are obliged to scek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer with sick headache, or dizzy, nervous spells, acld stomach, or if you have rheumatism when the weather is bad, begin drinking lots of good soft water and get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts, Take a tablespoonful in a glass of water be- fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may thea act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com- bined with lithia, and has been used for years to help flush and stimulate clogred kidneys, to neutralize the acids in the system so they no longer are a source of irritation, thus often relieving bladder disorders. Jad Salts Is inexpensive, cannot In- jure, makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink and belongs in every home, because nobody can make a mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time. Ri 5 No more Nausea hearth sick. headache, nausea, over-acidity and other di- gestive disorders quickly and sure ly relieved. Safe. Pleasant. Not a laxative. Send for free samples to Eell & Co, Inc., Crangeburg, N.Y. Normalizes Digestion and Sweelens the Breath -r BELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION £5¢ AND 75¢ PACKAGES EVERYWHERE COMMON COLD Muco Solvent Treatment Saves Lives The comme old, + treat so vf be a the } of our finenza, Kill the ro i old reliable Muco Sol: MUCO SALVE, 25 ind MUCO SOLVENT, The salve opens the } liquid clears t centa i trouble some people to find iL a Keep Your Uniform and | Hold Your Customers Don’t wait for your customers to complain about the variable color our butier. Keep your butter S3 8 olden June. Golf everybody likes putting a few drops of Dandelion Butter Color into the churn. It is purely yegetabie, wholesome and ab- solutely tasteless. It ts all State and National F. laws. All large creameries have used Dandelion Butter Color for years. It does not col- or buttermilk. You can pet the large bottles or 35¢ from all drug Or grocery stores. Wells & Richardson Co., boc. Barlington, Vermont AGENTS MEN--WOMEN 100% PROFIT. Wonderful iine Toilet Articles Rell on sight Full Spare time, Experience unnoges. sary. Nelson Products, Dept. E, Monroe, N. Y. Christmas Present? Buy Italian Accordeon We import, make, ro. pair, exchange, 10 vears uarantes, Quick delivery. Cata- tore Free, Paldont-Barton Established 1876. 1 av IRE By ELMO SCOTT WATSON NE of the greatest “battles’ in modern history is now being waged against a foreign Invader on Amer. jean soll. It is a battle against an enemy which has threatened to wipe out nearly $10,000,000,000 worth of American Crops, To save them, the sum of $10,000,000 already has been appropriated by the federal governmen: and much more will probably be required before the fight is ended. The enemy Is the “assassin of the corn field,” the “most dangerous ene- my of Indian corn that has ever ap- peared In America”—the European corn borer. This enemy is an allen that first appeared on American soil in Canada in 1021, After ravaging the corn fields of that country and al- most totally destroying them in the short space of six years, it sneaked over the boundry line and appeared in the United States. Ohio and Michi- gan were the first states which It In- fested and there the losses mounted to as high as 30 per cent of the nor- mal crop. Jefore its presence became widely known, the pest had spread into New England and New York, through Pennsylvania as far south as Pitts. burgh and into corner of West Virginia. Then It' began to work farther west Michigan, invaded the northeastern corner of Indiana and within the last year it struck at the heart of America’s famous com belt by appearing In Kankakee coun- ty, lllinois. As the result of its opera- tions an area of 3.000.060) acres, cov ering 10.000 square miles, has been infested and unless it is controlled, It is predicted that “the entire agricul- tural map of the world's greatest farm producing area will be changed.” Threat to Crops. If the corn borer threatened only the corn crop It would be bad enough, But in striking at King Corn, this lit. tie insect is a menace also to the very foundations of the dairy, pork, poul- try and other farm industries. It Is estimated that 80 per cent of the corn fg fed to live stock and sold in the form of meat, milk, poultry. Forty per cent of the corn Is fed to hogs and 15 per cent to cattle, Last year these hoga were worth 21.080,000000 and cattle R1.165,000000. The value of the poultry was estimated at $600,000,000 and the dairy products £1.515,000.000, Add to these the value of the corn crop itself, $2,000,000,000, and it gives one into which the European corn borer Is threatening to reduce, Of course, this can wipe out of existence that much wealth, but It is a potential danger to it unless the ravages of the pest are checked, Alarming as the situation has been, there is one ray of light in a recent statement by Secretary Jardine of the United States Department of Agricul ture that even though the corn borer might spread over the entire corn belt, by that time his department would have developed effective and eco- nomieal methods of control and the damage would be kept to a minimum, The Agricultural department has re- cently completed a survey of the re- sults of the $10,000,000 spring control campaign in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohlo, Indiana and Michigan authorized by congress. Although this survey #hows one and a half times as many “Mcoies” to Feature Annual Farm Report For the first time in the history of the American Farm bureau federation apd so for ns is known In any organi ration, the annus! report this year will Le given to the convention dele gates in “movie” form. I. 1 Kibler, head of the educn- tonal dipactiment of the federation, pointed or tbat the delegates in the pret hove curried voldininous reports away In their porters and that It ap ¥ ¥ a | E) bo Rl borers In 1027 as in 10246, this Is only the normal ind the number of borers in the Infested area that Is shown in the estl four times 08 many The significance of this the remainder of statement which reads as follows: one-sixth of Tease 1026 as | Secretary The reduction of the rate of Incr in the number of borers this year | effectiven the cont eaten the The department's opin © t # to be that the spread of borer to the entire belt table and that It iz a situatl the farm 8, state de curn ie nevis wit and t} state colleger At the same time ares used In the spring iy effective to lead believe that serious age to the nation's corn crop can ba av able extent. The reauils campaign are due in a to the co-operation given by farm in the infested area in carry clean-up measures recomn continuation of such ¢ vigorous action by all area in putting effective contre gres into practice is the onij ate way In which can be prevented These measures Include the destruc tion of all ty «bili sided to ' large messure ers ing out the ended. The erted and the iI meas. farmers in immedis commercial damage cornstalks, remnants of stalks, and corncobs In the fields or near the premises, before the gence of the corn borer moth, tive methods of holding down the In- crease in the number must be adopted practice generally or ser ment of the present sysiem of ing in the corn belt will bece already occurred in emers Lifec. ious 1 Brea nag on the and state forces having dem mpaign of federal gtrated the effec me At tiveness of the control d in slo crea of the number of b assumed that adequa urers will be ¢ affected. The to co-operate with the states In scouts Ing to determine infesiation, the main. tenance of quarantines and In provid« ing for necessary research and educa- tional work Insofar as the regular avpropriations of the department for the purpose are available, New Bulletin Cut. In furtherance of its “Control the Corn Borer” campaign, the Agricul. tural department has recently issued a bulletin for farmers on the subject of “The European Corn Borer—Its Present Status and Methods of Con- trol” which contains the following ad. vice on how each ean do his share to help thwart the “assassin of the corn field”: The main effect at control of the corn borer In the Middle West should be directed toward the disposal of corn refuse, Large-stemmed weeds or grasses Rrowing In or along the edges of badly infested cornfields must also he des stroyed. Infested plants may be dis. posed of through any one of the fol- lowing methods or by a combination of such methods: (1) Feeding to live stock direct from the field, or as silage. or as finely out or finely shredded ren une wing down the in. it is meng ers, rol the states department will continue al (2 i 1} wed ¢ to the ng stage Clean Up by May 1. of safety the clean-ug d by May 1 of each t be plowed r in the Por the spake iid be winslets 4 be destroyed unless in- eaten trampled creased shredder parts deeply fhure of the silo and i ¢ is recomme into m Gyse under to the tion befor the mot emerge. arers of their crawl to being bpiowed lowing methods must n plowing depriv natural shelter when the soil surface after they under be In f sntly to insure that all corn 1k 513 trash are tu under of i Neither dept plowing of plowing portant orer contro clean i afterward dra in case the ment wil gtalks o cut or brol 3 tf An ex £ paris can then i Breaking or 3 ling cornstalks at the : , followed by clean raking windrows or pi and ¢f ing are very effective methods may be mi more effective if the remaining trash is plowed under cleanly. Before June 1 of each year ler ade thatching, and for windbreaks, similar purposes, clude surplug stalks stored for fodder and feed lots from badly infested fields should be year and cornstalke or high-cut stubble borers. Poisons, trap lights, tive baits or pasturing fields trolling the borer and are not recom mended, Control of the corn’ borer depends upon community-wide effor.. The corn growers must help one another. Corn. borer moths fly from field to field. Com secure the full concerned, —— peared that possibly some of them were not thoroughly scrutinized. Proceeding on the theory that a few figures in the delegates’ heads are worth more than endless columns in their pockets, Mr. Kibler, with other federation officials, devised the “movie” idea, Reel 1 of the “annual report” will show M, 8 Winder, executive socre- tary, beginning to read the real re port that Ix to be filed In the federn. tion's archives, He will "fade out.” to be replaced by a man busily cranking an electric generator at Chleago. which provides current for farm ma. chinery in the West. If contributions dropped, for Instance, during August, the separator will slow down while the thresher does gome troubleshoot ing. Other agricultural events of the year in which the federation was in. terested will be portrayed in a similar manner. Many of the officials of the organization expressed objections: te the movie idea, but every protest was eventually ironed out, On days when winds whine and whistle down the chimney and it's too rough for outdoor sports—here’s a happy thought, Let the children have a Monarch Teenie Weenie Pop Corn party, and make fudge with Monarch Cocoa, ‘VERY genuine Monarch package bears the Lion Head, the oldest trademark in the United States covering a completes line of the world’s finest food products — Coffee, Ten, Cocon, Catsup, Pickles, Peanut Butter, Canned Fruits snd Vegetables, and other supecior table specialties, REID, MURDOCH &: CO. Established 1853 Chicago Piusburgh Boston New York Jacksonville Tampa Los Angeles on Provuors ex cine. Monarch Is the only nationally Foro Fao brand of QUALITY © vely through the men who own aod operste thelr —— a soa Sn MONARCH Wait for others to advance your In- and you will walt until thes limited by the clothes A man's wardrobe is fact that a lot of nuisance, become a ‘ Joys of Motoring HL, 3 i o1 v troubl 4 Lost “1 3} these pleas His Contribution Have 4 pain. on the box. not! So are colds, rheumatism promptly relieved. with proven directions, Get Bayer—at any drugstore— — cos A ——— W. H. FORST, Mfg. - Scottdale, Penna. —— igs re