The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 15, 1927, Image 8

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. To Build Up--Not Tear Dow
Mine Has Been a Constructive Campaign for Judge
From the day of my appointment as Judge of Centre County hy Goevern- With these principles as my guide, 1 ean say truthfully and sincerely
or Fisher, 1 have adhered strictly to th. following principles: that I have kept faith with the Republicans in the County into whose hands
I willingly entrust my candidacy.
Io wage a constroetive campaign;
I have not committed a single act, nor have my friends done so to my
Ta make a clean, honorable contest;
knowledge or with my eonsent, for which I need apologize to anybody.
To keep continually Tn mind and respect the honor and Integrity of the
Courts of Centre County;
Te refrain from personalities of any kind, and to Impress upon my iriends consistently refused to dignify Idle gossip with denials, it Is gratifying to
that they do Hkewlses state that my friends Indorse this polliey and joined loyally In Hs enforee-
: meni.
To bear In mind, always, that this Is and should be a friendly contest, y
Yeu J + ‘ « “ " §
and one In which there need not be, and should not be, cause given for a Personally, always have taken the firm stand that ome could and
single unkind word or thought regarding other candidates; should engage In polities only upon the same high plane as marks his private
: or professional business,
To carefully avold doing anything that might justly give any Republi-
ean the slightest reason to refuse to loyally support the nominee for Judge,
whoever he should happen to bes
To keep always before me the realization that this nomination Is one for .
the Republicans of the whole county to deelde, and that my first obligation es ig upon, the Be publican Puts as being vg though lor eviryfieds.
' chee rlously at I helr decision; 2 RO tye tha wre Is ether room or place within the Republi
is to them by cheerfully and graclously ablding by their 810 can Party for hatred or malice.
To make no pledges other than those to the people, themselves;
With my conscience clear on this vital feature of the eampalgn, 1 have
To foment strife by arousing prejudice as to race, religious creed or color
is to sow the seed of destruction. It means tearing down. My campign has
been utterly free from such methods.
The high office of Judge Is too sacred to be attained by other than up-
To enter Into no secret deals or bargains In return for votes; right, honorable procedure. I am sure that the great mass of the people
To conduct my campalgn, In every respect, upon the same Ligh plane as join me In this belief.
I view the position to which I aspire. I cannot be shaken In my confidence that the people themselves will de
My alm and desire have been, and will continue to be, to do everything termine who shall be the Judge of Centre County strictly upon the basis of
possible toward effecting a solidly united Republican Party. training, experience and ability.
I prefer to consider as unfounded any and all rumors that unless some Be that as it may, however. I will stand openly and above-board for the
particular candidate Is nominated his friends will bolt the Republican tick- Republican ticket. My friends will do lkewlsee. I am justly proud that I
et. Such reports belong to the principle of tearing down, and certainly not ? ’
to my polley of bullding up.
It has been my wish and desire to eall personally upon as many Repub- Many well-meaning persons assume that thelr voles are not needed and
llean voters as possible, without peglecting or sacrificing my duties in the do not take the time and trouble to ge to the polls at primary elections. It is
Courts. Everywhere that I have been 1 have been treated most courteously the duty of every citizen to vote. Every eltizen should meet this duty of de-
and with the greatest kindness. 1 his kindly consideration accorded me from clding at the primaries who shall be the candidate at the general election.
upon all sides always will stand out in my memory as the finest feature of I am making a personal appeal to every Hepublican that he or she
my life. It has given to me a closer knowledge and understanding of the make It a special point to vote at the primaries on Sepls mber 20th. The
needs of every section of the County. Judge Is chosen for ten years,
{ stand four-square upon my record, not only In the Courts of Centre | If, after closely scrutinizing my record on the Bench, you believe that |
ean vouch for thelr enthusiastic loyalty to and for the Republican Party.
County, but alse In the (Courts of Elk and Clinton counties, | have demonstrated my ability and ef fcleney, and if my oie
I stand squarely, without reservation, for strict enforcemen al an : my platform of principles meet with sour approval, 1 respes
fearlessly and impartially. . personally will greatly appr at sour vote on Septem!
o Not Fail to Go to the Polls on Sept. 20. Mark Your Ballot for Judge Furst. [ aus c. purst |X |
Sm—— —————————"
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FARM CALENDAR. PUBLIC SALE. ; b ‘ ! 1 14 t ’ 31st ! 36x SHERIFF'S SALE.
be — .
Timely Reminders from The Pennsyl
vania State College.
TELLS HOW T ED COWS—T Leads the World in Motor Car Value
srovide dairy farmer with pract S ° (1 rit roa then :
Ket 26 ¢ lat rooding the Dalr p ei 2€S hot 8 h 29 degrees East 1
\ ; at ps a thenras by land
} prepar ye th \ » i thence ¥ JANG
. degreos West 52
tains 28 p y ¢ post under stone thenoe oy
+ 3 = - ew 2 degrees East 1
recommendations shows : egress Las
w 5 Of thence ¥y 5 Tie
: th } :
ifferent rations
your ounty igent
the Agricultur ublic fhe ® | stones; thence by san South Si by - 1 .
the Agric Prices rees East $2 perches to stone in| a
State Hega $4 : i Lae 3 Ces 0 n in
public road noe bY SAT corth 44.5 Sheriffs Office, Belisfonte, Pa. 3
" aa A jet 20th, 1927 3
Mian pullets and hens become ine
fested with intestinal round worms and i
e na nd worn ) 21 Models—All Sixes |
limej AUB
tapeworms 1g the summer. When
aE FE a *865 Upwards The Goose that Laid the Golden Bg |
them these ntestinal parasites
" ' i Lob
Fivo per cent tobacco dust in the mash Suctuey
the pullets receive helps to control “=
round worms. There are some com _— ~—
mercial worm remedies on the market b
that give satisfactory results Pullets | a
suffering from chron coccidionis
should be fed heavily on mi £ for sev
eral weeks
wild OUT THE VOTE. ; i n X ro du Cc e d
— on ——_— — Youneed only té look at these new styled cars you have ever looked at.
Nash models—then DRIVE one — .
SECOND LIBERTY LOAN | And every model is powered with
to realize that at the new lower
4: PER CENT BON . : : the newly refined Nash 7-bearin
‘ DS prices Nash isofferinganabsolutely © "10" elivers the worl 3
EXCHANGE OFFERING OF NEW revolutionary motor car value. smoothest and quietest performance.
TREASURY NOTES There is today NO value on the
Interiors are new and of exquisite
market that even begins to com- q H
pare with the Nash value. beauty. You note rich upholster- as come to
ings, skilled use of genuine walnut i 1
These new models are the finest, for panelings, steering wheel and Life n the
astest cars in all Nash history. luxurious silver-finished ware. form of a Sav-
ith their new steel alloy springs .
built by a special secret process All this—and many more notable ings Bank
they are the EASIEST ri new feqtures—are now offered you
RY os of pm ding cars, py Nash at new lower prices. Come Come to us for your
in and feast your eyes on the “Golden Egg’’ Bank,
With new body designs, lowerbody beauty of these new Nash models, Start
lines, new radiator designand small And if you want a real treat—just ; ; i= Your Goose Lay-
wheels they are the most smartly DRIVE one. ng “Golden Eggs."
Hosterman’s Garage centre Hail, pa. ceNTRR maLL, PA.