The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 15, 1927, Image 6

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GOL epbuPeee Pee eeblLvvIeID
i 3 Are ecuipping #xpl 1 ot #475
Aileen Pringle ommun pty. | BABIES Hi of miiog ciaime tn Ji a
Cont le nt
SIT uilding i OR “CASTORIA” | cis. oi
Martha Martin || ER Prepared Especially for Infants | Sour Ree Erixte dency. Ks
Beauty in Homes and | and Children of All Ages
ABOUT THE WALRUS “Not rude at all, Billle Brownie”
anid Mother Walrus, “Not rude at all, Tsatas Environment Is Sought | Mother! Fletcher's Castoria has
Now wy Mr. Walrus is one of the i j a - i Many students of American life pro- been in use for over 50 years a8 a
“WE LL tell ‘of our ways” suid ar ! Jost und ost superb of crea- A © : fess to see a marked desire on the pleasant, harmless substitute for Cas-
Muir W aires. *Yes, well nt Ae > gi ae 7 part of our eltizens for greater beauty | tor Oll, Paregoric, Teething Drops and W, W, WILLIAMS EEALTY
“He's a Walrus after my own heart : ! in their homes and environment, This Soothing Syrups. Contains no narcot Raleigh, N. (
and, of course, why wouldn't he he?” ; i urge to be surrounded bLy beautiful fea. Proven directions are gn each
them know about us”
lillle Brownie wns wearing his
warm, warm coat which Old Man Win-
ter had given him. It was mnde out of
the same material thit Old Man Win-
ter had his wardrobe made of, for no
matter how cold it is, it is never too : y
cold for Old Man Winter, Walrus of my own heart? :
He is protected from the cold by his He weighs three thousand pounds, 0 Md ; I'he American un autift G77 2 PARKER'S
resular winter clothing! B ' and I weigh two thousand pounds g ; RE “4 home, beautiful furniture un urnish » » { AE ” HAIR BALSAM
- . i i hiss 4 ¥
. helo | MAKE MONEY, 24
Mother Walrus laughed a great Ea 7 # ' things is not taking the form of theo package. Physlclans everywhere rec- ¢ they t. GO
: = : : 2 1 1 1 ¥ tf i $ Yors
deep laugh, wa i ve retical discussions and philesophizing | Ome nd It
“Of course,” she repeats d “why va RR o * y FA about art, musie and landscaping The genuine hears signature of {| Ambitious Agent wi ith Guod Hees
wouldn't he be, considering he is the 1 Aina Tew iS i FF : is manifesting self in
But he won't | is beautiful gurdes ; { A Wii ae rh 4
ea : .“ - Walrus Isn't one of your ; , i | Ings, beautiful gardens and surroun { ayy ek Da ; : ny
tell anyone just how it Is made, Ah, Mr. Walru : a a . * y Rear Color and
And Billie was wearing the hoes skinny gentlemen, No. he Is fat, good h k Bb" ings, and #0 he ig crea r them him Ww anted More Than His | fate B uty to Gray and Faded Hair
‘ sii i a - sO «Do #. ke i a a " . { - : ree
and the cap and the earmuffs Old Man and fat, and full of wrinkles, for the b EP self or setting up a dem: nd for them Fai ir Share of Wives i 7 A Hinonn Chew tebsogoe XY
: ah 3 y ! , y ail | . re . ; EE ee tich artists and craftsisen are sulis ! |
rinte g lve { fut all wrinkles up, as there Is 80 P wh 1 arn mn ailsinen o Bitlis C AMPC er jenl for use in
Winter had given him, too, | I } 3 : tying Abbe Domenech, the French prie Ere tion o ON ShAmPoo— ey as th
th ' i
“There are many of us about, as | much of it. ; 4 AFL | ' ita full :
o » “hare | io y . ¢ rs dy * y 5 $ Ar 8 servers i UrpnEe ony
you can see,” said Mother Walrus. I'here is plenty of fat to spare, you 8 din f the Nineteenth century, left an in
see, and It just folds up and wrinkles i i when the rank und file, the genera y Selita re sash h x. | Ae of
ub amd iets you know that there is citizenry, the vast majority of the pop teresting record of his work in a book. | ALE’ fz the first sneeze,
vi Maa ., : was 4 f ’ { - nhlicshe “4 ia} yt y Ee
. ; we ¥ Yecud sexu CAR we | NOW out of print, that wa mblished banish cvery syr
nothing stingy about the fatness— Aileen Pringle. the motion picture ulace want their environment, the : - print, i]
it's all there—plenty of it! gay go rs utensils they use In their iomes, their | in London in 155 | OT or aT te
t's all there—pienty of it. star, is considered one of the best. ‘re heel } 4 : Ope amusing inclden ¢ recor | etc. with HALE'S.
“His two Ivory tusks are the most | dressed women of the screen. “Adapt | streets, business houses and factories rircsgect a 2 het abla 3 (tor at | Relief st once — Breaks
beautiful I huve ever sve: . i {| created along beautiful line The concerned a vi an minister i of up cold positively. :
eautiiu ye ever seen, the style to yourself instead of your. | wnowied : a / | ’ + | Brownsville, w vit imasel o | cents st ail druggists
» 3 : a Oy Mipe ¥ “1 SY 1a of { » i 3 | + B 3 :
“We ure slow creatures when we go | self to the styls,” says she, “and you H Sai 4 y 4 Alsr his i . marriageable |
: : : ; : | serves only a limited purpose, while a dispose of ! sl conidia
over the ice, but we're good swine will be among the best.dressed woman, | 3 ’ : i $4 The minister tine that
mers.” too | general and widely spread apprecia- ee Rite H Hird lm AA - -
“Gracious,” sald Billie Drownie “To ——p
think of weighing three thousand DHIRRIOOO 0 SORROnaNn SOT
who labored in Texas in the early part hair soft and fis afl £9 ertitE
wists. "Hiscox Chemical Works, Pat
tion of benefits the whole nation, nt i i = 1
One sees the spirit in the care and ters, reached a rimmon on the sub- |
attention which many hundreds of C 2 F age, amplitying foi * tex: | Have
gitizens of Richmond bestow upon | JENIN, crease and Muitips) ci 1
their yards. If this were being done spo + with eloquence and va rst
by only u few groups, If a beautiful in | lie Bliss of the hym il ate and | a
ard outlined with slhiruliby ry ane 1d 3. Nerine his three daughte i
aced with flowers were te be found | WY si ds tune for each, to | ovely
: ‘ only here and there, there would be
and little vise GOOG SE000000000000000000! Th
Os Fan, ah eat nd nothing noteworthy about i! © added that he woul i receive ths en
+ have so much ful i et - ara ferro Aescta a dred Ate Jf the candidates after rye
isn't much room for brains Cre nh TRIPLE LEVEL OF LIFS | are hundreds and hundreds of be ek . i
toed Fated n with thelr vista of grass and : sy : ey i You van Maske and Jone JURE compiles
very bright, In fact, we might ainiy ne ‘ wit "
their borders of shrubs a flowers-— : lon as lovely as 8 young girl's by giving a
! i Lio atlen tien 1 y
\ ' : 4 a 8 good complexion
Hum, ; a i -. unde health deep. ®
For Meditation |
“It's a mnlestic thought
sald Mother Walrus, with
“Ah,.ves.,"” she continned,
> E
small or dainty, We go
be considered stupid 3 ni it O13 Ee fron \ w i
“ys pn 1:1 a delight to the eye of anyone ~lich- : oe ’ . . 5
MIL we're uns sociabie ? d al
con he, ang © } very eae — 1 eu i Physicians agree that s: y
the most effective blood purifiers i
to schenoe, Baneock Sulphur Compa
is un old, reliable, scientific remedy. that
purges the bicod of impurities. Taken
f a few drops in a glass of
s at the root of the te
: , “ a neglected, a cost of paint at any i: it soothes and heals.
no ode any harm kee contuet with a large orig H 4, a aint at any time
“But-——Iif any one should come after orrespondence, Th ] benelit wi Lf ( HS sale va Ie un amoun ROVED SAFE
ht Hit, Ne olla hte Take without Fear as Told | | Vewseex
“Put, though we love to go about in Th he It . 1 fieht potdetiee ature has provided it | Increase in value ‘ S13 sf the y | ge ; / with
big groups, we have a nice family heir ung. ‘They ar Feinde ¢ notl vith un large 3 f oof sieation, | painting fn specific property, there in y Bayer” Package "Hancock
life und are devoted to our own, in thing, nothing If thei oung it + bird into 8 vary nd tin | 18 8 further increase if the entire dis u
“We are great, creatures, ara | sel | medintely it goe mek to y | trict conforms be practice nin Suiphur Compound
aren't we? sstnnh 3 basa of the Ess | tevel heean nerve of correspond. 1 IDE at regul
with one another,
arb a. on EEE Gi |Conat pam wit Add | up AYER ASPIRIN’
: ven whet roe rt ss a oy
“I'm not much of a fighter, vill flowers ure on a higher love i Even when property has long been
“Ah, Mr. Walrus Isn't One of Your
Skinny Genticmen.”
nd 0%
“Enormous,” said Billie Brownlie, mtntar™ onde st hain Vaehh al ahes hi 1 broken i practice does much toward
“If it wouldn't he rude.” he added, he hellowed i tood-b si i The ston y the dend level Is net i the appearence and general irahl
after a moment, “1 would | like to know i brownie, Iw from v ost Ti i : 1" 3 1 ity of a neighborhood An $
Ww uc OF eizgh’ ‘apy rie vine love ‘ > *Oit fs § turn Is an Important 4 41 4 Drews *t lgnore the angle
how much yeu wer h as ’ ’ . " v 3 n ‘mpa uy o co . of aching eyes, rod Lids, oct:
stat alye — bot eyeballs i tehell
v —_ Eye Baive removes irrite.
succeed ir mohing n wef ric ] The relati fl Ss f owning » Go Lon, redo
: 4 Poot hes pa
the trick die ‘1 Live fe fn ainted and an unpainted house 18 »
Cl HE WHY Ml leach tn shot! doz. The tiv. | Point worth considering. Not only Is | 347 Waverly PL, New York |
of N ine les is olreut rite | vel Loot { the question important fo rentats and
SUPERSTITIONS I | nite timitasior Ee Toe ne
i Wa h it is possible to borrow money $03 C. 1H. Berry Co.'s Freckles
’ » 2 ye a at $a * ww aval 1 s 3 F sO rt in un rood state no stanly ! vt nt, Your desler or by Ge. Booklet
By H. IRVING KING By Viola Brothers Shore imiratia he a level is or 1 } good st; f repal {oni one ot a ave hao
erry Uo bh. Ave. Chicago
is usually accepted as an ind tion of
nmhition This In fesire 1 aire | #0 order nanagement of affairs on Unless you sce the “Bayer Cross’
CAULS FOR THE GOOSE— | been denied | creat nt | the prrt of the owner, on pack:
ee THE first time a Ki oes |Oome'm ani i smsosses Intellizence. 1 i . getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin
—— 9 bad might not s hi ult. 3 rite oO Yrant {tae Saag : 4 Xe v lo proved safe by millions and pres: ribed
tion with regard to the | | : . b Ins mn : W | alue of Zonin = : :
¢ by physicians over twenty-five years for
ige or on tablets you sre not
. ’ the second img i Tig : est y xia th ap wha . at
nhrane which some- lin ad ! ‘3d ny fn i There is i a law or reg ,
times envelopes a child's head at birth The kid that scalded drinkin’ ir . ArT h n ! 2h ' | in existence that does pot prove at Colds Headacke
{is by no means extinet. It is still " A h ghts and mo : times to be undesirable or “damaz Neuritis Lumbago
: cocon'll blow on an ice cream soda AL
by many supposed to | te good id winters, ny na A thy bral he | ing” to somebody. Bat in all enses the Toothache Rheumatism
fortune for the chill so born and by You ean gen'rally get bread for the ReuIerYy sill Sy of tng. and in | coneral welfare must take precedence Neuralgia Pain, Pain re
many to be an infallible charm against | 0 pearls without thy brews al) em ove and | In the end, 2 #ll are served alike. If Each unbroken “Bayer” package con. | Literal Truth
drowning, for the person who can get ’ » “ all } Ie Teal o Fig und wrong { an individual is restricted in one di tains proven directions. Handy boxes | ‘Paps. what was the Stone age?”
possession of one and wears it about | op rus GANDZR— <} na ” ' np ns oh ty i JUrpHsrS | rection he Is aided In another. That | of qwelve tablets cost few cents. Drug “That was the glorious period, my
him. Now and then cauls are adver- oy in Sl / Ne 1 holds with respect to zoninZ, as to | sig also sell bottles of 24 and 100 | son, n a man axed a woman to
tised for sale, What their market Formerly It was considered good structive vniue to life n ee | other necessary regulations. The per — i wy
price Is now Is uncertain; but it I= | dope to make friends with a girl's enough to guaruntee a very real satis | on who desires to override zoning
said that “In the Seventeenth cen- mother. Nowadays girls is so con faction Sr The hapd_ can nuves | restrictions in a certain way in order Stowaways Guard d Monkey
tury sailors used to pay from $550 to | trary it's almost as much as your SXPCTile nuything higher than the char to gain a selfish advantage would be Two young stowaways on the steam-
£150 for one” chances is worth. ta have a girl's acter can inspire. quite ready to object to such a pro | er The Lambs, in the port of Balti-
“] was born with a eaul,” says Dick- | mother put in a kind word for you (®. 1911, Wastern Newspaper Union.) cedure by another that threatened in. | nore from Manila, with a cargo of
ens in the beginning of "David Cop- — ... GL convenience or uctual damage to him | sugar, made themselves so useful as
perfield.” and relates how his caul was sesides months of cultivatin' a girl's | self. Zoning is designed not so much aretakers of four monkeys that the
purvinsed by an old Indy in the neigh mother won't prove half as enli . 3 of ne YOUNG LADY b restrict he few as to ald all.— | captain had aboard that they've been
borbood whom reserved from enin’ to a man as five minutes k | kansas City Times, signed on for a Far East trip and
death by dr ng: or fact that she with a kid sister or hrother. ACROSS THE WAY ——— ————————— have decided to follow the sea. The
never in her life ventured on the wa- — Plan Program First boys boarded the ship at the Consl
ter being merely Incidental, However, it don't hurt to toss the The preparation of a thoroughly con Zone. They are Claude and John W.
The eau! superstition can be clearly old lady a few kind words now and sidered program, based on exhaustive Dawson, both of St. Louis. Only once
traced back into remote history. It is then. Becanse if they don’t like you, study of existing conditions and prob pi He, Yoyage wid itis larges Bo
ival of 0 rorghi oO he | they got a way of hangin’ around the able future trends, is a prerequisite | “0% al Lu Ee ye ay .
Drm a AD : ie dining room, with the French doors 7 of a worth-while city plan, That ac. | 0 offices s cabin and devoured two | Must Function Properly for
“Yoil of Isis” The word itself is a half open and crumpin’ your style. \ is complished and the program adopted, cakes of soap. ou to Be Well.
form of the old Gaelle “enll” a veil, — = 0) it is vitally Important that excep T JATE hous rich foods and stimu.
Just why Isis should have had an es But of course if you gotta Iolia tions to the rules laid down be Reaper's Centenary Rr. I there ave al Jad o ra
pecial connection with the water and Jack you ean count on your money | or granted sparingly, short of a conclu | This is the centepary year of the -ish, they do not thoroughly ES viv
hose who ventured upon it is a trifle | to make the mere go. +t - sive showing that the original require: | roaping machine, the early appearance | blood of poisonous wastes.
hazy: hut there Is no doubt that she y eignt) ment was an error. Otherwise, zon: | o¢ which, obviating the necessity of Such impurities are apt to make one
did and a ship was carried in the pro. i ing becomes Ineffective in practice.
. ] large numbers of scythemen, was bit dull, tired and achy, with often a nag.
cession in her honor. 00000000000000000000CD0000 - re] This is a danger that needs to be | torly resented by agricultural laborers. | &ing backache, drowsy headaches and
It 1s rather remarkable how often : avoided in localities where city plan. Dr. Patrick Bell, a minister of Car- dizziness. A common warning of im-
investigating Rad i 4 ning has been adopted. Rules, fre 13 <n 4 incanted 14 perfect kidney action is scanty or bum.
n investigating modern superstitions, OW t tarte : quently broken, become Worthless as | mylie, Arbroath, Scotland, invented it ing excretions,
we run across traces of Isis-worship; a guide while he was a student at St. An Thousands have leamed the virtue of
it 1s a reminder of the persistency ; ! drews’ university, and the presbytery Doon's Pills, stimulant diuretic. 50,000
with whieh her eult introduced itself By JEAN NEWTON . of Arbroath has appointed a commit. user- have publicly recommended
into Grecian and Roman communities a Rural School Studies tee to consider the best method of Deen's. Ask your neighbor!
in spite of the opposition of priests OOOVOOOVVO0 A western soll expert contends that | celebrating the centenary of Bell's in
and lawgivers THE “THRESHOLD” ’ 5 the country school ought to be more | vention, PILLS
(@ by MeClure Newssaper Syndicate.) : agricultural-minded than at present, - -
pur [Hers
cme { Prem os : and believes that rural education STIMULANT DIURETIC =
HIS word which describes a door. i needs but this one more advance step old d Type Wanted o. M . came vs
. hs a Foster Milburn Co.
step oF an entrance. to # house or to make its emancipation complete “I suppose you want to marry a irl
to a room and is used figuratively to It is this gentleman's opinion that the | '8 Pear like your mother as possible?" [ mr———
indicate the heginning or entering
country school should give more at “No. I'm going to marry an old A genius is a man who knows whe
» Frionc “the threshol i Fo A CP =
Titer “the . of a ld tention to common problems in terms | “2%hioned girl. You have a headache,
be fn very interesting story : 2s of rural life, as city schools are in ee —
tegrated to urban conditions.—Fort
Specifically, the threshold is a plank The young Indy ucross the way «ay1 | Wayne News-Sentinel, : = Fresh Youthful Skin
or stone or plece of timber which Hes § po cone letters of credit ndvertised . 2
under a door, the sill, the place over | co. orang thinking of going abroad Keep House in Repair / IE
fering. id es - Weil hat is she should think they'd better stay at own a Fg Bg CAE
1 girunge e VY es §
the TR en re which, home. that home In good repair, so that its PV +d Daily use of Cuticura Soap, with touches of
(Eby MeClurs Newsnaper Synidientey 4
from “perscan,” signifies “to thresh I" ; winnie, arnt value may be maintained as time goes Rs) 7” Cuticura Ointment when required, will do
Tracing the connection of the word by. much to prevent pore-clogging,
In its modern sense with its origin, wo | aterloo Repeated +4 nis | Jf more home awners could realise rashes, roughness and other un
find that threshing. the beating out of | yal ae Hh eral nin A Was the saving that con be effected by conditions of the skin, vb
the straw from grains, hos for nges ie Jus ed their first quarrel. WAR | making repairs as needed there would
~ serious be many less nnkempt houses and
fieen the first step In the preparation ’ - fr
of the harvest Nap hy { Dobbs ¥ ery. He give in nnd thus greater home owning satisfaction as BAR annkD Rn
of by MeClurs AP Syndicate y (Copsrieht.) established a precedent, 1 whole. Cuticura Shaving Stick 28e.