. le’ GRANGe PARR TENT LIST, nder Cane Beautiful Families 1 Week Hundred This Park. Several Vilss on tsrange rst complete 16827 headquarters The the fl list of the from how following tent Park of your I holders for issued Grange many lends found therein OFFICIALS—Jacob E. XN Spayd, Iss Sankey A. HW Hall; College: R. C Dut L D. ow, Watts, S A Clyde Dale, R Blaney, John 8S tate Grove, Bellefonte CENTRE HALL. M : omew Mrs, D wom, Shannon Milton Bradford, 1D Bradford, Mrs. W,. vith. J. C. Brook VV. A. Ben- Bart Boozer Arney Cre L Auman, C arth WwW. E Robert Aartg Bl wdford, ner, J WwW. dq, P BR. 1 Jewett Bu Burkholder, Ray Dec Ralph re. John Mrs wal Grace Sn -ooks, Cleve Brungart, John Morris Bu Harry W. F. Colyer, Mrs. John T. F kholder, is, Sharer, ker, Dinges Durst, John Wm Dutrow, Claud Emerick, C A Mrs if. Geo. Fetterolf, Mrs. Frank Fisher, Mrs. Wm . F'1 Garbricl hart John ‘lenahan, Mrs Eungat Geo Wm Qa Keller, Kr} ink, R k, Frank Samuel Gross He ps Heckman, H Ed Hoy H Houtz. feeder 8 Mra. Harry i fru Gomer Drunkiehnrs Frank Irvin. Mrs i Samuel Blatr HUBLERSBURG Ellis ZION-~John Eby. Mrs Clyde Hock man, John Hockman, Earl Shrecken- gast, Mrs. Miles Bartley, Mrs Hoy, Mrs. Amelia lickert, Woomer, Clarence Yearick, Hoy. W. E. Corman NITTANY-J. 8 Condo, Alta Year feck, Nit-A-Nee Stock Farm, Peck Bros ORVISTON ~~ Mrs Alfred Shank, Bherman Confer. COBURN Virginia Hassinger, Ww H. Musser, Mrs, C. E. Rishel, Mrs. L, . Stover, Martin Stover, Edward Win- kleblech, Mrs. John Slack, J. A Weav« er, Wm. Krader, Joseph Lynn, Mildred Eisenituth, SPRING MILLS-—Jennle Albright, Mra Bright Bittner, J. K. Bitnery, Dr H. ; Braucht. Lee Brooks, Mrs Guy sCorman, A. C. Confer, CC. H. Eungard, James W. Evans, Ellis Hennigh, C. J Finkle, Mrs. Foster Frager, Arthur M Relish, J ire “iC E. Ripka Sartz. Deitrich George A M Samuel ————————— EAE" (Continued on last page) BAYARD COMPLETES TRIP TO HOLY MRS. Arrive In UU. Week—lilves and to 8S. Latter Part his Constantinope Due Impressions Mt. Vesuvius, the while went Int ind afternod yf sight of the the rm and row ship stantinople the a mo 3 1] Unie hard:y mini evel spar ind vivid beauties thevisitor open spaces streets the of there verdure trees so it indance which uilt by nosque and is Wis once Justinian, now oslem most with but it impres and semi-domes There jous m Bixty give its domes of floor Bre sl pre rbd ground There ind Naples ig most th It is round ster ga the street mlight on the Beautiful Fora the me magnificent any | pa dd King's pala His unning in ginss arched roo dome ling everything buildings hundred of them point in the cit Nero ithe he killed his meeting pl the island landed on visit to tae containg the Gredd the ral Fron we saw located the spot where # bi were where moth really ind Baths A little farther on We on which Peter and Paul their way to Rome. Our National Museum, which relics from Pompeil and many sculptures was very interesting We gaw the jewelry the people wore, all kinds of household utensils, gold orna- ments, and furniture, There were many parchments which told much of the life of the people and many won: derful statues. The same afternoon we went to Pompell. the gity which wis buried under the ashes of Vesuv- fus for centuries. The city was found ed In 600 BB. CC and war destroyed by Vesuviug in 78 A. D. It wns evidently a rich and prosperous city and had a population of at least 25,000. It was #0 completely buried under the ashes that all trace of the city was lost and it or 0s wire Baw wns only accidently discovered cen’ turies afterwards, and the real excava~ (Continued om foot of next column) TOWNSHIP WILY SCHOOLS OPEN MONDAY School Under Director Watts Efficiency Increasing in Popularity and (Continued from previolw column) 184 ne were only GEun Many ween Many mintings on them it cannot Ww aupis nterest will gardens numerous and flour rket wre ishing : no rain for three has been un- gated, as there This hot went i. summer “We then on a lap on a special seemed almost by train, the last COR which perpendicular. We al most held our breath for fear the ear would its balance, After that a ten minutes walk brought us to the crater. Vesuvius is 4.000 feet above sea level. Gardens and vineyards go up its glide for some distance, then there ame trees and shrubs, and above that just gray and black lava. The crater a mile in clrocumference and 150 feet deep. In the crater there Is A cone from which a heavy cloud of smoke issues all the time” Mrs, and party, who from York, Saturday, July 2, on the Homeric, sailed for the United States Saturday, August 27, on Pennland. The party Is due to reach New York September 3rd 4th. Vesuvius ind railway to road. out CoE ist fos lose in Bayard wailed New Bteamer the Steamer or MTH GRANGE ENCAMPMENT. Full Opening Gathering In Since The Great Grange Swing—Attendance, Unusually (iate Thursday, Exhiblts—Educu- of Large an Many tional! Features—Amusements and Concesslonalres In Abundance. Preshyterian Manse on Flre, Money at Interest In Centre. Schools Open Monday. Army Deserter Pleked of the Ha ret June t Omi itt at ched to the 44th Many August Jt “State” Abandons Athletic Scholarship Total abolition of athlet sehola next A AS TALIA 908 Park { Wednesday on Grange Beginning itNhis continu untii Satu Co. of neg ¥ Mever sent four of the The past Kid Brother,” d; Clara Bow in Richard Dix in "The Quartier and “The Covered Wagon group that the in pictures and you should sec one of them. They are mount Plotures, a name that the utmost in the cinema Popular admission prices only these “Big Four” pictures, See large ad. in this issue. ’ KUCCeages 1 in ing Harold Lilo starr “It; back" Here best ja a is positively Ara. stands world 10 see every for IS APSA. Sunday the home with her afternoon some one entered Mrs, Eliza Stump, daughter and son-in-law, Mr. of who and Mrs, Bamuel Stump, live near the station. The house was pretty well gone over by the sneak thief, and there was found missing about $2.00 in mon- ey, some old cvins, a pocket knife, etc Sntrancewns made through a cellar window by removing a 10x14 glass This indicates the thief to have been slim, and it ls thought youthiul C—O AAA. ns A— SAAR LETTER FROM TEXAS Shreckengast Writes Vast Faul South.~Buy- & Co. iy of Areas In ing Poultry for Swift Houston, Tex Editor Reporter east I supp of Texan ton is 3 cut 3 distance has of the jarges th snd / i pPOrts are wheat, oil and sui- phaur and otion, itis only 35 has a population of The country fevel and has pine forests of im mense and full Kinds animal life. In the farming and Erazing country one oan see many in- teresting things, especially the cattle which they have introduced into this country called the zebu. you can see thousands in a single herd Coming to Galveston, we have a real seaport town, only 46 miles from Hous ton. Galveston fs situated on an is- land made by man out of sand {rom dredging for a harbor. The Govern ment spent several million dollars put- ting up sea walls and jetties to protect the town from high seas and (ropical storms. but Galveston is not so very jarge-—only about 30.000, but they do an immense shipping there. One of the chief industries is fishing, and be lieve me, you can catch plenty of them. Will close, Please change my address Houston, Yours truly, PAUL SHRECKENGAST, feet above sea level shout +0! people about here in very of all sige, is of to NO. 34 OWN AND COUNTY NEWS, HAPPENINGS OF LOCAL INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS ie ment His om BOmers Dr. J from his where he had Cine He wife. who New York City recently Vienna Hungary, taken in medi accompanied by his him when he landed in They were joined in Philadelphia by thelr children, Johns Lauretts, David, Albert and Emma Jane, from where they drove to Ocean City to visit another daughter, Helen, sfore returning home. COUrses was met Miss Mary Corman, a daughter of George Corman, of Rebersburg, who injured her right leg at the ankle about two years ago, was taken to Youngstown, Ohio, and her injury brought before Bonesetter Recse. The latter took about ten minutes to core rect the condition and assured Miss Corman that with care the injuced limb would again become normal. Mise Corman teaches one of the Greg township schools and makes her home with Mr, and Mra J. G. Shook. Mr, Shook having taken ber to Youngse The Centre Reporter, $1.50 a year 1814 Dallas Ave. Houston, Texas, town,