— CENTRE CENTRE VOL. Cl. COUNTY MOTOR CLUB. INTERESTING LETTER MRS, ROGER T. FROM BAYARD | Temporary Organization Effected Mon raved “ AIR i i wo~uart nr AR har anlandid {ey a duy Evenlng—400 Members Ari nd to Head Holy of on Way Cadman of Incidents Writes Lands—Dr, Signed wore Parks Party. Mules, the Publle Sale of Horses and Boner, of Yorl nager for elders of sell sixty Mit I thro ; posters bar, wh » pla this ace, Is pi 24 33 and seems cen A A ST PREPARING FOR ELE Although the prin CTIONS. ment on sight. When Monday ing. The fl ps, then ( We i are sn the time but through the The folks h received parting hem to and it banquet three flower choose an seems the ship. Whe worning, July decorated and there ill over up Monday n the dining r a with flags and ars Stripe —— Follows Charge of Crime. — Lutheran Summer Assembly. sass APTA AIH Fletitlons Business Name, aT , tedl w gene yah 1 % nwealth be wig sotting fo iddreonses 4 Horner Reunion, Saturday. interested —————— GOOD PRICES FOR (OWS, Pass B. Smith MODERATE SIZED FARM IS POPULAR IN PENNSYLVANIA 1 waive | Twenty -One Over Barn, (ows Saturday at €, ting to ux pity in owned and attended 1 $111.6 jages tage © Buck ia ngham Palace was de but did not envy the ve also had ittle time nuseum® and one of the hut they must be one any realization Some day 1 am at my leis. $110.00 147.50 72.580 120.00 85.00 147.50 130.00 90.00 65.00 $2.50 B50 50 7.50 00 50 50 00 0.00 A and are iy erated with little hired heip Not all the farms are small, howev- or There are 114 in the State contain” ing more than 1.000 acres and eight of have 5.000 acres or more According to the bureau. the figures reveal + tendency toward smaller farms. From 1920 to 1926 the numbe of farms containing fewer than acres increased 5.300 while the num- ber in excess of 50 acres decreased To 160. numbering 244 in 1880, 23% in 1900, 167 in 1910, 154 in 1920 and 114 in 1925. C—O AIL Annual August Furniture Sale, Twenty (20) per cent. discount on all cash sales, Large and up-to-date stock, consisting of furniture, ry, Axminster, Congoleum and eum rugs res a Fraziet Harter 1. Weaver Perry H. Luse William Breon R. P. Haugh talph Luse Gregg Carper J. H. Bediyon J. H. Bediyon H. O. Reeder I. W. Lingle B. IL. Sheets John Rimmey John Rimmey Harry Burris Harry Burris Gardner Long IL.. R. 8mith galleries, ny are see those great ail seen to of give they back what Coming to ure. “After catching a glimpse’ of the statue of George Washington In Tra falgar Square and of one of the Wool* worth stores we felt quite at home. We crossed London bridge, visited the haunts of Dr. Johndon, the church in which Penn was baptized, the famous Fleet street and the Tower of London. It is pretty much of a museum. Yeéars ago the Kings and Queens lived there. for a time before they were crowned and many lost their lives there, The moat twas filled up in Queen Victoria's time because the filthy waters in it gavey the soldiers fever. The crown jewels are stored here We saw the Free delivery crown of King George and Queen ity miles, Mary and the coronation rings dine 8M mond studded swords, a gold baptis Phone 3RI1L 4.032 these 50 #7 tapest: linol Total ‘os $2344.00 Ome of the cows bought by John Rimmey was a Durham weighing 15565 Ihe, at the time she was unloaded. within a radius of CAMPBELL. Millheim, Pa. FEATURES FOR ENCAMPMENT AND FAIR Engaged MeSpar- Band of Weeko—Hon, fo Roy’ Beavertown A. Home Ser- gxth. for Juhn ran Conduct Harvest viees on Sunday, Aug, 1927. NO. 29 HECLA GOES DOWN AGAIN, ds CENTRE ————————— AAS LOCAL AND PERSONAL home in removed the hospital, the boy's tonsils, the enlarge ment of which had much ed his health and was beginning fect his He now on a fair ‘ay to regain his for good health. by “Te Wy Wyland makes Harshbarger, very impairs to af speech. in driven Mrs Simer Tupe who with his home with east of Centre Hill along Sinking Creek, wrecked in contact with a Graham truck at Old Fort, on Friday forenoon. The truck wus one returning to one of the oast- ern fish hatcheries, and on reaching Old Fort the driver failed to realize he should turn to the left until alter he had passed the junction of the road. He stopped his car and was backing, when the Ford following the truck to the south, rammed under the rear of it. The front of the oar. and jeft side of the coupe were completely torn to pleces, the mystery being how the driver escaped with his life. He received a number of bruises and cuts, was completely by coming but none of them apparently serious. sl ————— SILOS FOR 1927 CORN CROP. FEEDING CLUB. Age GRANGE LEADERS AT CENTRE TRAIN the ana te Grange ounty. re the Hetzel, { Centre Spe appear bef i President Dean RL. of the Bchoo oO Agriculture of Penn State; Se Ag of Penna. C. G. Jordan; Deputy of Agriculture R a Bressler Deputy Superintendent of instruction R. C. Shaw, Harris A. ‘Boak, New Castle, acting Master of the State Grange; H G. Eleman, East Springfield. lecturer of the State Grange; W. R. Gordon, ex* tension rural sociotiogist of the Penna State College: John A. McSparran, of Furniss, past master the Niate Grange: Charles M. Gardner, Spring- field. Mass. high priest demeter; Fred Brenckman., Washington representac tive of the National Grange, Henry A. Canton, master the Ohlo Bate Grange, and W. H. Whiton, lecturer of the New Jersey State Grange. The program consists of addresses, lectures, conferences, reactiohal group meetings, and secret work. ———————— AAD LH SATION A gentine 30x30% FIRESTONE Tire and Tube for only 37.50, at Boower's Ke ude Walls, Grangers etary of culture Seo'y Publi burg: J * 0s of TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS. HAPPENINGS OF LOCAL INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS. wited iben~ Prof. greed renn . Bel Penne evy 6 ine i wesent innounced by this district. listings Com be B i noted h 4. H. Caum. manager { The new per page modated but 145 The x11 inche The Wi and Shamokin directories wil bound un der one cover. The new directory will cover Centre, Sullivan. Montour, Union, Snyder, Northumberiand Clinton, Co* lumbiag and Lycoming counties, The one 8 Aa style rmit 250 old a page will Hameport will the whereas siyie # he fresh alr children arrived Friv day morning at Spring Mills Centre Hall, Bellefonte and State College, on schedule time on the train from the east. Those coming here were in good spirits, although on all of tham was the grime of travel by train. hut on thelr second appearnce on the street they looked clean, neat and tidy; well mannered, all of which made them loveable. They have since been en joying Country life and its scented alr. One of the older ones here had her first look at ahog the impression It left not being too pleasant, but when she saw ga clean little pig she thought Garage, Centre Hall adv, - it "very nice.