The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, July 21, 1927, Image 8

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YHE CENTRE REPORTER Asso. Inc. tract in Millheim; $3 3.
, we Samuel E, Brown, et ux, to A
Reiber, tract in Potter twp. A
BOALSBURG ITEMS, James P. Alkens to Morris 1. Fromm,
Albert Meyer, of Pittsburgh, was alet ux, tract in State College; $3,000,
vigitor in town last week. Adam Relish to Ballie teish, tract in|
Miss Dorothy Laonbarger spent the | Miles twp.; $1.
week end at Salona. Wallace Woonier, #t ux, to Nor al
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hosterman, a Benn. tract in Ferguson twp.: 8656 {
companied by their son Charles, of Adam H. Krumrine, et ux, to ge]
Greensburg, enjoved a motor trip tolD. Krumrine, tract in State College; |
Watking Glen, Niagara Falls and |$800
Cleveland. Ohlo, spending some time at Albert E. Bartges, et ux, to F
the latter city with their son Frank Heckart, Sr, tract In Milthe mj
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coxey, of Altoo- B. F. Heckart, et ux, to J ort A
a er. 7 7
Just How Fast
We Grew
July 1st, 1922—-0OPENED:
$24,358.97 $63,652.22
June 80th, 19283—FIRST YEAR
$80,723.76 $141,521.80
na, spent Sunday with their parents, Bartges, et ux, tract in ine
Wm R Ishler, of Pittsbur
spending his vacation with his parents, ANNUAL AUDITORS REPORT
Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Ishie: June 30th, 1924—SECOND YEAR:
The Julia Allen show spent last week of the School District of Potter Town
in our town. leaving on Sunday for ]ship, Centre County, for the hool
Pine Grove Mills, vear ending July, 1927
Charlies Corl invited a number f RECEIPTS.
$153,789.77 $218,550.58
» 80th, 1926—FOURTH YEAR:
$212,497.80 $272,497.59
S04h, 1927—FIFTH YEAR:
$237,926.14 $302,411.88
friends to spend Monday eveéning in| Balance on hand July, 1026...83179.16
In Altoona Booster Stores
their Pine Street home in honor of Taxes 3 : 3834.54
Mrs. Corls birthday anniversary. Non-resident tuition , ’
Miss Louise Fisher recently visitedig e appropriations “‘ 0.00
friends in State Colleg her recel 211.96
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meyer spent
Thursday with reir daughter, Mrs Total receipts Brooks, at Farmers Mills. Friday. EXPENDITURES.
receiving the news of the burning of
the Brooks barn, H. M. Hosterman and
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer drove to the
Always a Profitable Day
General Control (A)
Secretary : Is
3 Treasurer
Brooks home Treasurer
Mrs William Stover is joubly af 4 ttorney “ees ™H
flicted. While feeding a neighbor's dog } x ‘ollector .... 1.25
the animal became excited at the pres u sae reve
ence of a stranger and bit Mrs. Stoy Compulse ob ? Se ; : |
er's hand. First ald was rendered
Dr, Sider giving funtier atintion us STORES CO-OPERATE
though the patient is now suffering | Instruction (B)— TUSTIN $ SARRAERRE CE a . 1 S b b D
g I , on A asl oh —— fet —— in uburban ay
with sciatica rheumatism. Salaries of
Misses Alberta and Marjorie MceGirk Textbobks 38.34 : : hb
of Altoona, returned home Saturday| Supplies . 271.17 and invite you to visit them and share in the
after spending a week with their aunt i ae
Miss Anna Dale. Le _— Good Values that are featured Every Wednes-
tin day.
oli — Tk Gir . ua
PUBLIC HEALTH ASS'N MEETING, ayxiliary Agencies se
dbraries : 200.7 * ®
infant Mortality fo Me Definite Pro.| TrORSUORtation L............. THLE Have You Tried Buying Look for the Advertisements Featuring
ject of the Organization—Speak- ther expenses
nn oe pan eene. | Le at Goodyear’s Store ? Suburban Day Opportunities
The executive committe «
Public. Health Asguclation Opsrayjon 0 "33.80 NOTE : All Altoona Booster Stores will Be Closed
r at 8 » N in Jallefonte ie] *rareserensienns i 5 » y ~
Janitor's su Thursday Afternoons during July & Aug., & Sept. 1st
Stuckey, Fle SeCPetary: |. (Wher expences =. .ovs 66.95 Hop in the ‘old bus,’ drive a few
Health Associa-
local association is
affiliated, gave a very inte esting oat : os 1598.80 miles into the country. make —
talk on “Organization,” and suggested jJaintenance oN SENSEI - ; om
a Ee mis ee your purchases--and see what you [7 AAA AN
'h ih iect { fan » ad 7 E
nt Mort LS State Retirement Board . 173.86 ’ £
had high rate Insurance ran nnas 5.76 SAVE! § Jor Economical Tramiporietion
Other expénses
TRY US So Comfortable - -
So Easy to Drive - -
wherever you go
Come to our salesroom and see for
yourself how completely the Most
Beautiful Chevrolet meets every tour-
ing need. Note the ample room in
each model for a capacity load of pas
sengers. Test the deep, restful seats—
pitched at the proper angle to encour-
age relaxation. Then take the whee {of
vour favorite model and go for a drivel
Come intoday. Wehavea car waiting
for vou.
~ at these Low Prices
The Touring $ The Landau $745
or Roadster » The Imperial $a.
The Coach - 8 Lands = » « IR
Ton Track $398
. ’ ei i The Te . Chassis Onl»
Leads the World in Motor Car Value Bb i The —e 1 Ton Track S495
i Sedan « « » + Chassis Only
The Sport All prices f o }
Cabriolet - - Flint, Mich
ar m———— A A——— ts.
Negro Escapes from Rockview.
3 New Series
a New
FARM CALENDAR. id Lower Prices
Timely Reminders from The Pennsyi-
vania State College. :
Take Care of Calves—Calves on
should be visited frequently,
feed gets short they should receive
cain o some owner mpmemenal| the easiest riding cars
feed. say dairy specialists of the Penna
Bute Coles A snice in eni OU ever traveled in - - Decker;Chevrolet Co. - Bellefonte
the animal and delays the time that
the heifers should come into milk Homan’s Motor Co. - Centre Hall
To Make Whiltewash—Weatherproof
whitewash can be made by shaking 62
pounds of quicklimie in 12 gajons of Q v A L I T Y s A T L 0 Ww C Oo § T
hot water Dissolve two pounds of
con 1 table salt and one pound of am PN a +
iphate in two gallons of boiling
and add to the lime mMIXTure
ton =) of Secret Process Alloy Steel. | pyLyERIZED LIMESTONE
cultivator going in the young straw- individually designed and tailored for each Nash car
ber ry bed, The next two months &
ji RIN the We . Now_-tWeats ru t be Now Nash introduces the GREAT- absorbers on every new Nash model at Prices that will be Much LESS
than Burned Lime
annihilated without mercy even if the EST improvement in riding smooth- Even the new Nash Standard Six
weather is too hot for comfort. If no ness developed in years. : : . h
weeds are permitted to go to seed in i y series, which sell ata 4cylinder price,
the lawn or garden, there will be few- All new Nash modelsare now cradled equipped.
er to fight next yea The garden must on new sprin built of a secret new ) :
be cultivated thoroughly and often steel Her: i In all, there are 21 new Nash models We are arranging to make pulverized limestone for sale
during the hot, dry weather. to con Tr you to view, Body designs and . : ; ; A firs 4
gerve the molsture. Cultivate after This new material gives to Nash finishes are the smartest you have : and delivery beginning August first.
every raim and once a week during springs a smoothness and ease of ac. ever Seer and the color harmonies
the dry weather. tion found in no other car, regardless are of magnificent richness. ! . ; ;
Mk Fra of price. in ne The bodi xtremely cl the Lime Your Land This Fall and Grow
Transfers of Heal Estate. a bree me Ww ose to
These new Nash springs are individ. road. The wheelsare small. And there
John M. Potter, et al, adm.. to Paul
W. Lingle, tract in Centre Hall; $1500, ually designed and balanced scien. are a host of other great new features y Grain_and Clover Next Year
Franklin Waite to Fretfa Krumrine, tifically to the weight and size of each for you to see. :
tract in Miles twp.; $1.000. Nash model—actually 9 different At the NEW LOW prices these vf : a
Arthur P. Stevens, et ux, to H. B. redr spring types in all. Nash models are the greatest i The analysis of our stone is very good and we can refer
you to some of your neighbors tnat have had fine results
Clemens, tract in State College: $1,100, Bd
James Holloway to James Holloway. Every new Nash mods] 5 Fhese you ve ever known. : : 3 be
et ux, tract in Haines twp.; . unique new s rin ndividua tai ash in rom the Gs © cur Stine.
et mera I Canis Ha $1 loreli—and then. aa final conthibu. them and have demonstration of thele Phone or see us concerning price at plant or delivered to
M.D. Rockey, exec, to Wm. Witmer, tion to your ease and comfort—shock great speed and power-smoothness.
et al, tract in Miles twp. $2,050.25. 1 your { ;
William Witmer, et al, to Wm. Blez, ] arm
tract in Miles twp.; $650. fd Lo -
A. R. Everett, et ux, to W. H ng, J
wi Jl i, 8 H 's Ga memes || CENTRE HALL LIME & STONE CO.
John Karstetter, et ux, to Rebecca osterman Ss rage Centre Hall, Pa.
Brant, et Bar, tract in Penn twp; la ee me Pod Phase Y6RA
J. H Hoffman, et al, to Three Links