YO... Cl. CE HALL. PA. MILLEIM'S NEW BANK FORMALLY OPENED, SATURDAY Large Crowd Inspects Handsome Quarters of Farmers National Bank and Trust Co—Million and Quarter Resources, i new bank building, sug Millhel gestive m's its outward appearance ol in and the public concourse p duri lay was formally Saturday. A ted the evening. solidity strength opened to on large ile inspe and banking structure A br tut which lef histor) insti merger tu the new to the leading mde lows: ons, up possible inst in Penns 15. 1872, and Ellas of John was March Keen name Co John C. Motz A. Walter, 8, the eat Motz, the Valley iblished by John C Kramer, under CC. Motz & president and 1 Was John firm i cash chosen fer. Feb st, 18 tlso the number effected in David vice increased and The: was stockholders by electing president, J. H Reifsnyder and A. Ww the firm Company, was ganization l cashier, and to Millheim which name until dent. changed Banking the business 1, 1926. A. Walter as « i r until his death, April 8, 1814, at which time 8. W. Gramley succeeded him and was cashier until the merger last sum- mer. Succeeding Mr. Krape as presidents in their or were John DA Stoner, Adam Bartges. Andrew Harter, and D. D. Royer. Associated with Mr. Walter as cashier were H. C. Musser, M. O. Musser, D. L. Zerby, P. H. Mus- ser and 8. W. Gramley as assistants Mr. Gramley hewith P. H. the present B. Meyer, Musser Grami¢ der nducted continued net ler Musser, later became cashier Musser are banking organization. Paul J. Meyer were members Bower l who x continuous) i April, grow until in May, azn with resources of $300.000.00, a surplus fund of $60.000.- {ded over undiv Neco table found increa plic ation was Gover fe Tri the ti Farmers Negotl nment Bak & de fe the ink Nation tions were m Nieman Pp. J. 3 in and Penn Sire ind up and a contract drawn the Tilgham Moyer Co. block on the sets. plans were wns let to Allentown. for the erection of a mod: ern bank building and equipment. The banks were consolidated on July 8. 1926, with total resources $1.161.- 015.27, and a surplus of 50.000.00, The progress of the business continued during theyvear, and on June 30, 1927 the statement of the bank showed re sources of $1,260,030.54, surplus of $70,- 000.00 and umdivided profits in excess of $14,000.00, The new bank building is now oc: cupled and on Baturday the opening was celebrated by a large visitation of customers and friends to show their appreciation for the progressiveness of the bank and the modern facilities for banking nnd the greater salety for securities and valuables,’ The outside of the buliding Con structed of brick trimmed with gran: {te cast/ stone, the entire buliding be- ing of fireproof material. The inter for arrangement is modern in every way, having the directors’ room over of of in ww the entrance with the president's room on ona side for private it posite comfort. to make the bank business The lHeghted trust ne the rest cozy ladles’ room on for LO Op= fully equipped and are welcome tihs room whether t or not irge Ladies always wheneve! they Use of is open. to transa King and wi cashier locat wou spa An open office for officer is the and conveniently ed near entrance interviewed and effort where they can ilwave 1 without Care The er mony officers putting employees have the and hest to mow ern bank | vice, thi ink i ble se 8 ary 5 i y Rive the &i FV test "tomfor The e and is fitted and convenience tomers is arg desks for writing, fitted with all and four windows receiving deposits, vlies handling of notes rated f grill massive time locks In the vault are boxes which are customers to rent for securities and va very reasonable rental co which is afforded rate of insurance afforded by ern construction of tion of the grating in valuables Sepa om work is fitted with and the bronze th combination vault w its door intended keel posit the safe ua ble safety ar the vault vault is div which th Are secur steel compartments Outside the v with © ault tw ded ft 1 ve locks booths have been Brov tal ers to tax t 5 Cor contents one lest The st A ——— Pomona Grange Meeting. EE a e,. FEiks In Convention. The Life of Trade, be said But a the is enterpi wasted pme———— Keeping the Town Clean, The = about int of f litter of and va features the jots is modern terribly realize what when they ittreing and lawns one the town life. Some people stupid in their failure to poor manners they show throw away this stuff in the streets Property owners can do much to keep their places and the town neat, if they will plek up every bit of litter that falls on their own grounds and on the walks in front. When a place is neatly kept. careless people would think twice before they throw any more refuse there. But if a place has a lot of such litter on it, these folks think a little more will do no harm And so if the waste stuff is constantly picked out of the streets, peaple are not so likely to throw more of it there. A clean town looks like a go ahead town. ugliest are A IM US A, A farmer's wife near Muncy has a flock of white leghorn hens so busy laying eggs that they have Induced a rooster to hatch out a seting of eggs. BANKERS SEND GIRLS TO WEIKERT CAMP Did Are Girls Who Work Eleven Centre County Excellent Girls Club Chosen, Fleven gh the Mis Helen Hunte: Mins mn presentative ind and the the Union There EDONSOrs Bank ante Mrs WwW. L Hand, Kapp, Foster and Mri This Maurd Ww camp represented from Home nomics personally the ram of Intensive activity was under which five members lege faculty devoted Classes were condud sewing, craft co—— lp LETTERS FROM SU ta peed ' y BSCRIBERS. The f{ yd Mrs Kenneth, Hite H . ind Helen " \ Jodon, Mir nd MM Jean, En Miltheim Mrs E 31 nee yma, ald Jodon, of Centre Hall Frank Philadelphia: Mary Biaz- or, SBelinsgorve Zella Ripka, Edna Hosterman. Miltheim: Marion Corman Glenn Corman, Spring Mille: Mildred Miller, Altoona. Refreshments con- sisted of ice cream, cake, sandwiches, pickles and potato chips. The birth: day cake measured 12 inches in height, was baked by Mrs. Bloom, and dec- orated on top with 50 candles. Mrs. Jodon was taken completely by surprise. and received a number of nice presents. nn hel ne and Dorothy Garbrick Lowis, A ————— It was Blaine Bitner, and not Bright Bitner, as erroneously stated in the Reporter last week. who was appointed rural mall carrier on Route No. 1 out of the Spring Mille post office, Mr, Bitner started work on his route last week, Bright Bitner continues to haul milk for the Bryer Ice Cream compas ny'e plant at Spring Mills. AI HP RD AION: Centre Hall and Hecly will play a game of ball on the local grounds on Saturday afternoon. CATTLE T. B. DONE TESTING IN BEING CENTRE COUNTY Considerable t ng done in Ce ent time. Last made nts week the 60-day sounties untry “mitie a Punch Your Driver's Card! No! a 8a hnader Highw Relish Farm Sold. ymes 8. Relish farm FARM BARN BURNED. Barn C. D. Bartholomew Farm, Last of Old Fort, Totally On Friday Noon, on Destroyed Before ihe tholomew large fa Ba and the then ran SOME “ax observed a f driv vats eld cult A — MILLHEIM TARES A LH Rossm RE Brown, M Boone. of... Eisenhauer, 1b, C Boone, sa Winter, bp, M Brown, Stover, If tachau, an © ws ib Pfeeinoss Pivivivi 3h .. } oi peat Totals ... Millhelm ... Centre Hall .0 813 0 0x18 LM MI SL BS 5. ATTENTION, FARMERS, The Purina Mills with thelr eight busy mills are the big Purina Service Stations, The store with the Checker: hoard sign is the Service Station for the local feeder. The results obtained from feeding Purina Chows are the greatest service that can be rendered by either. Animals must eat every day-=don't let your supplies run out. A car standing on track now, — - onventions — TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS. HAPPENINGS OF LOCAL INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS, Lock Haven w vote school for het mi Mt, wri many teacher of entre Hall baseln ll Milesburg iatter rain and the piace, Baturd ! interfered { brought the Remember { fentiv club's athletie wesc, vour pats 100. val 1 ¢ field, Raturday evening of this | The jrona and grands econsed, and ittended by couple, to organite ew of pre” next Legisig« yt bod iy f the netalled Lutheran head Dr. were niresent Dew NVinge« rtment nnect at mmittes met uh Potter Home Sold. Notes Entered In Centre Safe. The sustaining of a decision of a Columbia county judge by the Supreme that in effect a mortgage or a judgment note put on record in the prothonotary's office, as the case may be not valid unless a certificate of jesidence is filed with it by the plain- tiff, threw a temporary scare into the money lenders throughout the State. The filing of this certificate or res tdence is not incumbent on the pro- thonotary or recorder, but is the duty of the acting attofney performing the the srevice for the plaintiff-—the per: gon who holds the mortgage or note, Inquiry at the Centre county pro- thonotary's office reveals that the at torneys have uniformly complied with this as well as other features of the faw. Court is — A A AIA. The Reformed Church Messenger is about to celebrate its centennial ane niversary and will have as a director for this event, Dr. Ambrose M. Schmidt BRADFORD & CO, formerly of Bellefonte. i mn Susan ughter, shing- ¢ guests of son. Dr. J. Frank gpecial invitation him for few days embarked extended Mr. Meyer is road, J. M. Cold room in the successful rendered satisface they ho issued a to visit for an wd now § several months Mrs the dining hotel in that is, the service ron conducted Centre Hall manner, the hotel guests was entirely tory. It was the fact that the net pes turns to her were not sufficient to warrant a continuation of the armpge« ment, #0 she discontinued the service the latter part of last week The Burnham borough preparing to pass an will commit it to a very council is ordinance that pay a portion of a concrete road thorugh its limits, which road will connect with the concrete pavement over Electric Avenue. Lewis: town. The new road through Burne ham will have a total width of twenty four feet. The borough will pay 88 per cent. of the cost of bullding a six teen-foot roadway, and all of the cost of the remaining eight feet of the 24 foot road. The road will pass over what is known as the Burnham boule vard.