The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 30, 1927, Image 1

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    ‘RE HAIL. PA. THUKSDAY. JUNE 30. 127. NO. 96
» * ® *® * » . -. .
worker in
The couple went to
the birth r of Rev.
united in wedlock and then
a dainty
fold occasio
satin faced
the groom
style. They
home of the
in extend
western states
fifty invit
fonte, State Col
The bride is a graduate of the Boals
burg High shooli and a Williamsport
business college and during the past
Year had held a clerk ip ition
First National Bank
The bridegroom
the Boalsburg
College, class of 192 d at present
holds the position of sales manager
Maviag 3 1 Altoona wher
iI take up r resi
which the
} for a wedding
Wielphia, The groom is a
of the Bellefonte High Sk hool and
the Lock Haven Normal School The
bride has been employed for the past
several years in the Physics Depart
ment at the Pennsylvania State Col
Guests at the wedding incl
and Mrs. A. D. Smeltzer and
of near Pleasant Gap; Mr.
Charles Begner and family, Mir
Mrs, O. F. Smith, Miss Anna Sweeny
and Mrs. W. W. Moyer, all of Bonals-
burg, and Miss Catherine Houser and
Miss Helen Glasgow, of State College.
L——— A PT ————
Gerald Hale of Chicago and Marion
Harshbarger, daughter of Mr, and Mrs
wm. V. Harshbarger, of Altoona, were
uhited in marriage at the home of the
bride's parents on Friday, by Rev. F.
R. Greninge of the Temple Svangelical
"(Continued on foot of next column)
_- —-—
wr Loeal Commitice to Reeelve Applica- ——
Board Set Aside by Judge Furst | bune Fresh Alr Movement, Pen Inmates Thelr Undolng—Hide Old Swimming Hole Is Becoming | HAPPENINGS OF LOCAL INTEREST
—Locatlon Not Considered. | ‘ort Hall n take y Booze In Wood Plle, a Joy of the Past.
Mii 3
Barn Burned Near Huston.
+ a.
rc —————————————
Earth Swallows Horse,
There wasn't muci T radia
be the me f u
live up to their imagina
earn U
The Coolidge Administration's
appropriate here
ything sale
xp re the hatter vie onls ti : its pt al ORE > BR CHECK o v3 wocompanied by two of
star |! i ; ; ot : Mage ge ar Spring Mil last week went
ink {v : 5 Th nn remov i } min Eibur: ii soy by rail. in response
ssth Birthday. it in p, jera not sived by the formes
Our former townsman K. Gelss yx score Tolle | that his broth George A. Zerby, had
" t } } : / T ’ Ss \ G < } { {fu Saath ane
Hi : n “ | CENTRE HALL | TWEN IY GIRY IN TRAINING ited. re of the death ap
LR # i I's Ar A i 5 ¥ 3 -" i 3 > \ i 'S TE 0 + : i"
OR ay am a Sry Just the] R H 0 Ao RB AT CAP HIRONIRUS
Linbergh. as nan mingi 4 a ka n 3 4 ; ne mis ith a view « looking over a bunch
¢ 3 x ck 1 3 tt low
§ for the past year i . i .
ompiished, the rlahit oO po ited : to 1 3 12 : 0! Northumberland, Union and Snyder stown,
’ . h ! and
Counties All Represented. !
§%th birthda
Coolidge admit
of Commander
of Bald
i Es has
onnections made
i . $a 4 wi TH -
New Tax Upon Gasoline, ! de. wi nn hose sir) 2 i . " This will en
a R ; ay nil . ’ . . i + the company to give its patrons
} : : king and for the
sted a total debt reduc: cen m the present tas t ; vutherforg. « y.. 8 Yiahiy 4 o-operation
yf $6.611.000.000 under the Hard: | mated “ nerease will stint a in i 1 n : 3 i The following banks and organisa He
ment | this
ng and Coolidge administrations, ig- | between $5,000,000 and 000.08 Ln schnure, of tions are sponsoring the girls from | foMbpany :
noring the fact that $2.400.000,000 of | nually Aumiller. = ) 1lihe various communities milk plants in valley, and is visi
the reduction was accomplished be The Auditor General has forwarded] ursiey, &, 0 Joh First National bank of Milton; Mil. ing barns of the company's customers
tween June 30, 1919. and March 4th, | blanks for reports for the quarte: i ; ) ton Trust and Safe Deposit Co.; Sun and whitewashing cow stables and
1921, when Woodrow Wilson was Pres- | ending today (Thursday) to all retail Keister, 2 sean } 2 bury Trust and Safe Deposit Co.; First theds to conform with the companys
ident. a reduction during a little more | dealers and consumers who buy in —— —- o— | National bank of Sunbury; North sanitary regulations.
than a year and a half that was great- | Jarge quantities. The new gasoline] Totals . 1 3* 23 sranch Title and Trust Co. of Sun While mowing grass fog hay on his
er than accomplished in any three jaw was approved by Governor Fisher *A Emery out, attempt to bunt 3rd ibury: Farmers State bank of Dalma- { "
vears of the Harding-Coolidge admin: | April 14, and since that time the large strike, tia: First National bank of Herndon?
istrations, consumers, who formerly purchased ——————————————_ First National bank of Elysburg: Free
———————————_s outside the State and were immune #2 ¢ 2 5 % & 5 2 & 2 burg State bank; Union Nat onal bank jer was surprised to see two fawns
at | from tax, have been subject to the} NO PAPER NEXT WEEK of Lewisburg and individuals of MM jump up from the ground immediately
levy, and are required to report for the No paper will be fssued from this Clure, Selinsgrove and Middleburg in front of the mowing bar. The one
much attention and drawing favorable eh ang aie hit month periol, ail office next week, which Is the week The work >i he Supsryiseg by Bi Fn animal Sa tae close to, the
1¢ increase of one cent a galion of the Glorious Fourth, This eon. Mary Reynolds and Miss Harmony | Knives that its one hind leg was
Sammon accrues to the State motor fund fo forms with our eunstom of omit Hutchinson, Home Beonomics Exten- caught and cut off a few inches above
use on the highways. the counties re: ting an issue at this season of the sion Workers Mrs. C. F. Frick of the tiny hoof. The injured fawn was
(Continued from previous column) ceiving one-fourth of the remainingls your to afford a stight respite from Elysburg, and Miss Nettie Treaster, of captured, and taken to the farm house
Lutheran church. The ring ceremony two cents the grind of getting out a news: MeClure, will be with the girls also. where it eagerly took milk from &
was used. Dinner followed the cere —————————— paper regularly, and on time, Aside from these, specialists from State bottle Later it was taken to game
mony and Mr. and Mrs, Hale left for Metal roofs and other favorable We'll be here, however, to receive College will give work in leadership, warden Wingart ‘at Woodward, The
a month's tour of the Pacific const. | ninces early Monday nin | * payments on subseription™und take *|health, camp cookery, craft work, and] uninjured fawn scampered to a hiling
On thelr return they will /reside in Places sarly Monday: norm ng, showed orders for printing. Miss Ruth Willis, Snyder county nurse. place while its mate was being taken
. * . % »
Chicago. 0 a» will give demonstrations in First All captive,
farm near Centre Hall mallroad sta
tion, one day last week, Willlam Stones
A new Dodge-8ix is on display
the Hagan Garage, and ls attracting
a lght frost, and that was June 27. .