== CENTRE R ALL PA —— LOCAL AND PERSONAL, LOCAL AND PERSONAL i DR. C. T. AIKEXNS MARRIAGE LICENSES, —————— Te ft HASSE 3 MACHINE HRSRIT BRR et SHOP a # mr gy ACETILERE WELDING WOOD WORK, WAGOR WORK W. A. HENNEY SEEMS MRT py ct BAAS NEVER T00 OLD. FOURS JOELL JEORRRIMREARE SOMRIRREE JO IRN] ORE A indi JERE JIN DORA ea Mee . an Insurance and * Real Estate Want to Buy or Sell 7? PUBLIC SALE REGISTER. Jersey, came and visited Shoop, Mrs. Moc daughter of Mrs. The Senior Servic class of the Lau theran Sunday school was entertained at the farm home of Mrs. Rol Bloom, west of town. last Thursday The members of tHe night. Mrs. Bloom served an abun-}e iy ong Sinking Creek dance of delicious refreshments. entre Hill. ‘sho had been :- Chas. D. Bartholomew CENTRE HALL, PA, Mrs. Alice Durst and Miss Margaret | scarlet fever, have all recovered Wibler motored to Willlamsport he Miss Emma Mi 2 3 ww th : y y irs, % na vit ‘ . Ada 4 PO pe latter part of last week, Mrs. USL] pq, was a patient ir je St called to d ies tl fe n of an _ tand wh Orgar sewing |. than. Yrs. Fart . i lot of EET CTTOPCTVCTCCTETrrrey remaining until Sunday with her alle Privat yospital, wag brought « tion ve fou 1 re ntin ine veiting ‘ ¥ n cabl : d : Mrs, E. M. Kuhn, and J Mr. and Mrs. 'J. Henry and Mrs, Willlam Hunte: art and Calvin Kuhn Knee Deep In June Summer calls to each one of us. Finery unex- wo celled for every occasion in light summery fab- wha - i i ries, in colorful designs, at prices — the NIE- WEEK-END PROGRAM OF PHOTO-| ~PLAYS AT-— aes I . DRESSES SUITS BELLEFONTE MAN kind of prices. comme he ete AT THE SCENIC The kind Every in the newest patterns, SPRING MILLS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY VARY OTHERS PRESENT Selects lowest of prices JOHN BARRYMORE Ion— s Woman of Taste at the “PON JUAN"— COOOPPEOGOP EEE OOEEOEE PES EO EOEPESOOEH 48 With Mary Astor. Here Is the greatest actor of our day as the greatest lover of all ages. This OUR LE production needs no Introduction to Eh - ie s Rt . ay Seenie patrons for you all know what ON time : if did In the big cities of $2.00 top and ————————————— FARMERS MILLS you all now very well what it wHl do £40008 Fire at Miftlinbure. : » A a Sng al the Seemnie for three days at 15 and re Finis 35¢. This great attraction is In ten massive reels and as it goes, “A word to the wise Is sufficient.” Come early 9 and avoid standing in line. The feat- ure will be shown at 8:45 and 9 p. m.! | Don't follow the erowd hut pet ini wore || DEPARTMENT STORE 1 | “WHERE THE DOLLAR GOES THE FARTHEST" t em = i i i | Ii MILLHEIM ! | The Greatest Washer Value |=——= md In the World... $95.90 Not only because this new All-Metal AUTOMATIC offers exceptional qual- het le l h h d ity wh fine eaten OI am C 70 e as C ange low price, but also because its efficien- » cy Hydro-Disec Washing Principle cvery idea of how fine t. ghuse am To : HR are bargain ! The Model 20 “‘A ¥ lr of enough corn BL Na j : a ¢, v3 ar you all the nl ttle money In some instances won : ! il a greater efficiency, faster washing and - y ie wag done by first re- ; E _ . # absolute safety. % p . . ge - - Has Spced with Safety Lina yo b f Never have you been offered such a a car \ u can uy or 8! § a h replant 5 3 Ts Sa ke g of the most expensive washers, Dn entire field, but the , . ’ a Sn . ———————— ——————————————— anting most practiced was that by hand between the visible corn plants. Oats, along the same path, are in fine condition; wheat and grass iso look promising Mr. and Mrs. Clay W. Heesman. of Camden, New Jersey, motored to Cen . ppc Because it offers a host of costly car features The! COACH Ca age tne weekl | ‘Results that Please in : ——— and reincments, and a ype of performance. | SES QI .Reesmaps 'fonner hom This Torrent of Suds Py a | previously undreamed-of in a low-priced Re m n re Sie 8 wn i 58 i ’ TTT "| automobile~the Most Beautiful Chevrolet The Tausing #525 4t the Pols. oo The cast aluminum Hydro-Dise forces many gallons of il | «om | has changed every idea of how fine a car you Cove . %625 elected as a City i | can buy for little money. Saneer = M05 cleansing suds thru the fabrics 120 times each minute. : {im : : | t— | bs Regardless of the car you may now be driv. Sob . 215 Such constant and turbulent saturation quickly produces } | Fc HA ii, fegardliess of the Beims: ; one of gre ; ; an abundance of clean and sanitary clothes. i a » Pepa : @ price you expect to pay Commissioners t ontrol H for your next automobile—come to our sales. # 5 Ft ET iy 84 f 1 -r ie ’ ¥ . ¢ 1 of he ity government re. No wonder owners say, ‘It’s a revelation, considering room and see the new Chevrolet models. i" ’ in heir uthority as HEIR : . . ’y # : rpck mayor as well as all othe ty off its low price, You will find literally scores of quality KnauinG n os, fale. In reality, these City Commis % features that make Chevrolet absolutel Michigen i etars. of TRY IT IN YOUR HOME FIRST 4 ique in § ill find oles 1 inounts i JU JIVE ES ’ ™ | unique in its price class. You will find Cheek Chevrolet giant corporation whose of to the stupenduous figure ot 93,000, THEN JUDGE! LE : > beauty of line and elegance of appointment ¢ Delivered Prices 000, representing the assessed valua comparable to the costliest custom cars.’ hea and financing tion of the city of Mr. Heesman's specific task is that of ai ector of the department of Parks foi Pe Foobar H : Electric Supply Co. Decker Chevrolet Co. - Bellefonte politica’ draws heavily on the nervous oer of the couniry-—hack 10 one's BELLEFONTE STATE COLLEGE Homan’s Motor Co. Centre Hall ie filet o . i sotn ye Re } Ca 439 ol ome town-~is Ju 1 « SL re QW ALITY AT LOW. cOST