The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 23, 1927, Image 4

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Hill } $18 DEATHS
¥ * *
SMITH & BAILEY, Proprietors
# W. SMITH Editor |
ZDW, E. BAILEY iditor ‘and
Business Manager |
Entered at the 1 Office fo Centre Hab |
38 second class mall matter. i
TERMS. The terms of subseription t
dhe Beporter are $1.00 a year, !n advan |
ADVERTISING RATES. —Legal, notices, |
Swenty cents per line for three insertiMs
3nd ten cents per line for each additional |
imeertion, ud
Local notices accompanying display ad-
gertisements, five cents per line for each
imsertion; otherwise, eight cents per line;
minimum charge, twenty-five cents.
Sunday Church Service
y ervices
FENNS VALLEY LUTHERAN CHARGE | di. county w con thi | eete i : fas FOPLIC SAL .
(Rev. 8. F. Greenhoe, Pastor) enr. These three boys will ésent | pom nd oth . : . 4 ia Andree Prizes
Georges ; 30 A. MM, an the State of Pennsylvan n a x { Broadi r thers ‘ tWo SATURDAY AUGLST i o'cle tion for a m
Sunday School at 10:30 A. M, judging contes a . Lah n Squ : nds of bacter { 1 tl “1 HHP) pring y M { “| Cases, are
Centre Hall—Sunday School at 9:38¢ arden, New York City . at t 8 Hulleoqu niectio (4H d il i 11 Rov 11 i ¥i] 1 household The two
A. M., and Children's Services 1 T 30 ya 3 B1Y - u a b oes MF that do not Bacteria of Lhe not 1 goods the National
TRINITY REFORMED, SHI DE terns entered. To thiSL a AB “In” gener _| Showing CONTINUOUSLY from 2 to
(Rev. Delas R. Keener, Pastor) contest. the buys had Ween competi) unts mean cleanly methods apd ex 11 P. M.
Centre Hall— tion and it was an hon win this]. vel nty 1 n dirty milk. | adults, 25e. Children, 10e
$:30 Sunday School i The boys i 1 iss of hors-ip t Le el
sass] Jo ———
7:30 Children's Day
Bussey ville— team cons
10:30 Children's Day services fonte, R
EVANGELICAL ity wal ting. at. tis ' . : ih
(Rev. W. E. Smith, Pastor.) In connection. Farmers 1 yr rule . jo the
Lemont— ; adn
Regular worship at 10:39 A. M.
Egg Hill—
Regular worship at 2:30 P. M.
Regular worship at 7:30 P. M.
Pentre Hall—
Prayermeeting, inesday at 7:30. nny r nn¢ 1 fort} ery ¢ the r« | Also, “The Colleglans,” First Hun
XY i % ‘ ‘ i News and Aesop's Fahl ..
PRESBYTERIAN nto g ' i ‘ . 4 ty]
(Rev. J. M. Kirkpatrick, Pastor)... ! }
Pine Grove Mills, 9:30 A. M.
Lemont, 11:00 A. JM.
Centre Hall, 7:30 P. M. i t © [har t : ti GIANT SPECIALS ON THE WAY.
Lil Star east In “HELD BY TH} A. Atwater Kent,
RY President cf Atwater Kent
(Rev. C. E. Hazen, Pastor) taliowis earn: J. Heckman. 1 I : . ; : which open or of
. > . y . . : John Gilbert in “THE SHOW)" :
| Belle Bennett and all star cast in
Louise Fazenda and all star east in
{Gene Stratton Porter's *MAGIC GAR
I RANGER, the greatest dog star, In Winners of third prizes will each
te 4} homes on 1 ening : 1 “WHEN A DOG LOVES" receive $1,000 and one year's tuition,
DEMOCRATIC fier putting a full 4 ¢ bap wntll i | “"lCeell B. DeMilles’ “KING OF KINGS®| Winners of fourth prizes will each
FOB JUDGE OF THE COURTS OF CEN-|event ad 4 4 6 Not : | and the plek of the 1927 Productions receive $500.
TRE COUNTY. The xt big event fuse art "les : . thee . : B a—— p—— —— ——— —
J bereby announce ny FC i ) :
she office of Judge oft
gr County, su
fon oe | meme meno) IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY DONE
Ee ty cone mE EER 2 im] SO, YOU OWE IT 10 YOURSELF 10 SEE
snnly piedge a
Bd eflicie id
A am
We a:
#Hall Borough, is a can ste for tho . ¥ i 3 BOALSBURG ITEMS
pom.inal a { int i :
of the
st the y election Stemameenf meteemn.
A ll
We are authorized to annqu that Har | i of Centre Hall High School
2y E !
be a cand
# Cenire
of the ¢ :
MM the prim
fsmber 20,
We are authorized to announce that, * re catmminntion as A \t ; : a : »
fo L. SMITH, of Centre Hail Borough, is|’ iecess gf ihe. Organ BA MN or 1 0 wil x parents, Mr. a a AL The Automobile Engineers have been trying for years to combat the de-
# candidate for the somination of Treas- . . ' z . oo . >
BME af ‘Centre chunty, subject to the de- structive force known as Vibration, but it remained for Star Engineers to success-
gigion of the voters of the Democratic par ir mn me at t ome of her un- |} - : > : i y :
WF, 45 expressed at the Primary election.| Ray Snyder :Held for: Manslaughter. |cle, James Reed full$ achieve something never before attained in cars of this class.
We are authorized to announce that] THEE ‘charges of manslaughter Alfred Bar and children,
PIEMER T. PEARCE, of State College reckless driving and larceny, Ray Sny- |. burgh, are visiing at the Willi $ 5 ¢ f ’
Borough, 1s a candidate for the office of|der, of Tyrone and Port Matilda, was Young home. . Russell et 1 ra 101
Hreasurer of Centre County, subjelt to]committed to, the Centre county jailon| Mr. and Mrs Fernon Ege ‘1
> el di sre Bending sie time ont
the decision of the voters of , the Demo- | Saturday in defaut of bail aggregating Lewistown, are spending some Lune
he ho ys Of Silen WINE
gratic party, as expressed at the Primary] $2,000 to await the grand jury action t Age i Mrs. Filen xe ng
pi 3000 to await he y Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Rockey, Mrs. | has been accomplished to a degree never before believed possible. A rubber-
ection, to be held Sept. 20, 197 at the September term of court, nt RP ulohs tmnohiar Marie ai . : ’ . .
of an au-|John Wright and daughter Marie at-| mounted motor is responsible for the Star’s new smoothness. This places the Star
. tended the Grove reunion at Centre . . . . s
COUNTY COMMISSIONER, Hall on Saturday Car in a place by itself with its—"
We are authorized to announce that John | . SP Lay snd Mrs s wr ro re
$8. Bpearly will be a candidate for the Aron aro hn, Feces n "1 rrtenat Thi wr Posse we wWeblts . '
patio fo county smimissioner on | h late ised his deat or thet . : hati is / » . J » “ : p
Sogiiuation for Cousty Commpsionat 080 ye. count 5: visit with their son, at Garresto Added Power, Smoother Performance
gislon of the voters of the part; X a Pasta t op Ro RE Co - vi ; nd Mrs harles Fisher L134 . ~
Pressed at the primaries on Sept. 20, zn, | Pld Eagle tr and bins VEIT) Charles, Jr. arrived in town on Longer Life, Greater Economy
We are authorized to announce
Snyder's arrest grows ou
Rm '
dent on May 13, in which
tomobile ace
i Eboct y+ traveling salesman
Pe 4 candidate f the nomination State ) che v from a Alin ee ¥ i : Mrs Clemes 3. Dal f at no increase in price. In order to fully appreciate the full significance oi this
Sounty Commiszioner, subject to the
gision of the Democratic voters as ex
pressed at the primaries to be beld Sep
pember 20, IT.
claim we respectfully solicit inspeciion and comparison.
ocala i ntilg’
when he § Ne £4 Mr, and Mrs
have ried from Port Matilda . BE. Flink, Mi
REPUBLICAN he at times lived with his sister. lin hind son, of
3 the organ rec
FOR JUDGE. On Saturday afternoon he was ar a " oni ’
She Centre HReporter:—Kindly anfounce | raigned before "Squire WwW. H. Arts, of ehureh a hl + Moves :
Sy Dame as a candidate for the oflice of Port Matilda, on charges of Involun- dy and sly “ Moyer, “Cig
Judge of the tary manslaughter, reckless driving and Mary Relish and Nora Miller, Misses
Courts of Centre County, Mildred A Kathrs Ginerict
subject to the decision of the voters at larceny of a bicye In default of jMidred and Kathryn LHRErchH
she Republican primaries to be held Sep- $1.000 bail on the manslaughter charge, [20d Mrs James Irwin, attended the
4 i? hak ay TR fu A x A
gember 20th, 1027. Very truly yours, $500 on the reckless driving charge, | Houser-Dre iblebls wedding at Linden
] y . ; and $500 on the larceny charge, Snyder Hall on. Thursday evening. FOU RS H 1
M. WARD: FLEMING. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest McGirk and Centre a
" was taken to the county jail to await
PROTHONOZAY trial. daughter Jane, of Lakemont Terrace, d SIXES
Bisse Arnone my name on a candi were visitors in town Saturday and an
or the aomination of Prothonotar &® ; ot YS Ii . bs gh 0 a
date y Nine foreign born residents of Ceh-} unday; returning home they were
#f Centre county, subject to the rules a accompanied by Miss Anna Dale who
governing the Republican primaries on t folinty wera Sian 1 wl o%y mar SA ave oka arog friends |
she twentieth day of September, 1927. BE TBE Hy dNud in ; ! {
EDWARD It {1 Smes pa § wie AA
Phaiifpsbure, Pa.