1—S8oldiers rescuing flood in New Iberia, NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS ! Levine to Germany— “Lindy” Comes Home. By EDWARD W. PICKARD RAVELING than did way dimming the glory man's achievement, Clarence D considerably Lindbergh, but in of that young no and presented to President wards frs The then » who with a few fitting pinned on his breest the tinguished Flying Service ¢ aviator and ‘oolidge new TORS, his mother were {Re and for the following and a hi were banqueted and feted and inter- viewed and photographed without re day spite. Before his arrival in Washing- ton Lindbergh was promoted to colonel ing his financial backer, flew in the Bell- anea monoplane, Columbia, from New York to Eisleben, Germany, a distance wag Berlin, but they wandered in a fog and ran out of fuel and were com- pelled to land at the old town where Martin Luther was born and They obtained a little gasoline there started for the German died. again capital, but fog again hampered them and they to a meadow at of KIli near Kotthus, propeller. Repairs were ance of the Germans and next day flew ana des ended the village breaking the made with as=ist 3 he Tempel two Americans to the Tempel hofer aviation field at yerlin Germany, especially deriin, vas wild with joy over the arrival of the Columbia, and the rec eption accorded the aviators was no less enthusiastic than that given Lindbergh Paris. President von Hindenburg and every one all the down showered attentions and and they the Ambassador Schurman during r von Hindenburg and President Coolidge i in else way the scale on of their honors them, were guests stay exchanged cable messages nf congratulation and good will, and Berlin even renamed one « f its streets “Columbia.” In Kottbus, this respect ti little own of famp over the ite officials Chan omplete At the last n the berlin. ine’'s part WHS 0 surprise, even to his wife. aboard g and flight iinute he stepped his ordinary ci on the plane in away went Their earth inductor compass did not and they the Atlantic by observing they function well, way guess largely by the drift ACTOSS and icebergs medal by the Smithsonian Institution Geographic shipboard and By radio committees an that al soc. ety. from invitations to visit cities and persons that wanted to entert him, It was that vigit Now which fi great hoped innumerable certain he would York, rece ption had for him, to have cago him as tivine wilitare LTT £5 PTL T 4 > * during a military tournament Jun on x80 Louis of St course will in him for that is his residence Little Falls, his town, expects a VOIKOFF M. “rotund, Warsaw and Lame was us Russian thie « another noft, possi Maxim missar of foreign ity of uropean » ¥ Atvi soviet nssistant affairs, Immedl dispate hed demand that tl a part in an which led uj assassination, he various but intended t including to fly to ies, Vienna ; As soon their wives started to join them, and this admittedly com- plicated their plans. Whether or they will fly back to America is un- decided. received not OMING home to receive the pland- C its of his Americans, Charles Lindbergh passenger on the cruiser Memphis, which was met 100 miles at sea hy a. squadron of destroyers, As the Memphis en- tered the Potomac river from Chesa- peake bay Saturday morning, she was met by the giant dirigible Los An- geles and more than a hundred air- planes of all types—the greatest as- semblage of alrcraft ever assembled on the Atlantic coast. With this mag- nificent escort the cruiser moved on up to the Washington navy yard, where Lindbergh went ashore. The first to greet him was hig mother, Mrs. Evangeline Lindbergh, who had gone to Washington ag the guest of the President. Then a special guard of honor, composed of all the aces of the American air service and others who have achieved distinction in fly- ing, formed around the hero of the day, High service officers, public offi- elalg, all sorts of committees and ot her delegations fell in line and the tri- utuphal trip began around the capitol and up Pennsylvania avenue to the Washington monument grounds, There, on # special platform, were President (Coolidge, the cabinet, the Supreme rourt justices and other notables, and all around them a wildly cheering throng as large as the grounds would aecommodate—perhaps 150,000, Wearing his characteristic bashful «mile, Lindbergh was escorted to the fellow Wis a disrupt soviet Russia’ "and he 1 on the raid it demand for inquiry would be m Russia's tion the ficult, The similar murder in June, 1014, which led to the World minds, with in at Sara fevo war, naturally, Polish circles regarded the tragedy as ternal Russian affair, though it happened tory. Poland had moral bility for it. As usual in such the soviet authorities in staged a big popular demonstration against the Polish legation and osten- tatiously protected it with troops. was in However, government an in saying that on Polish al terri no responsi Cases, Moscow POINCARE of REMIER told the to of France chamber deputies better debt the United he intended to try, particu as he realized that parliament would not with America he get settlement terms from States and that larly French fy the accords Great Britain in their present form. The premier said that was why he had made the “provisional” payments on the debt account-—so as to free to renew the negotiations, declaration came after he had marked that “the French parliament does not seem to wish to ratify” the accords, N AYOR THOMPSON of Chicago A and the members of the execu tive committee of the recent flood con. trol conference went to Washington and laid before President Coolidge the recommendations for legislation adopt. ed by that gathering. The President has been urged by several national leaders to call congress in special ses. gion at least six weeks before the reg. ular December asgembly in order that the flood control and farm relief problems may be disposed of, and pos- sibly revenue legigiation framed, thus relieving the program of the regular gesslon, rati- keep C ShrLicATED and obscure politi cal negotiations are going on in China that may result in at least tem- porary peace. Any way, the prospect is that there will be no fighting In Peking and that the foreign legations will not have to move out, Chang Teo-lin's armies having been driven New guard Clarence D, Chamber. const of all south of the province is the Manchurian marshal is apparently making a d the Cantonese out the terrl tory in which located Peking with the opposing generals which be followed by reorganization of the Chang is said to have stipulat factions shall war on Meanwhile the troops of the foreign powers were gathering in Tientsin and that city looked an armed reiteration made that be for 1 property, which like camp the defense was solely the forces will of life and is accepted by the better class of Chi There is no intention immedi ately to reinforce the legation The Peking filled with guards foreign office, however Minister Murray a against the augmentation of the Amer fcan that country } protest forces at Tientsin, contending the Boxer was entitled to main under protocol this #UC forces as actuails were to keep open com Peking and the sea. HICAGO, hay eggs to ature an ity raise an adequate meeting meetings tender for convention Republican from Qin ton {to ould be convention given to ( the Chief Executive's attit ficiently oi OL PR 1 1 encour: ng city going after the prize $ to Washington correspondents, Moore i Mr agseted with the Presi wins cl dent long wigh to whether what Demo MeADOO, In a 1a Gay com address at Tus Tenn, question that responsible cannot ignore, political leaders of parties to make Known their stand on He uttered the that ef forts to nullify the eighteenth amend. part of a that the foundations of popular 1 11 ad ris y : lam college, Greenville, de clared the prohibition pre gents a vital issue and challenged the all warning are movement EARS government of litigation In which the has sought to dissolve the International Harvester company and affiliated corporations as a combi. nation in restraint of trade, the United States court ruled that the ended Sapreme Harvester com: pressed “a free, untrammeled. keen Sanford, affirmed the government's petition In 1023, for an order compelling the Har rate and distinet corporations ers, — IPLOMATIC relations and the entire legation staff departed from Tirana. by Jugo-SBlavia demanding the release of an attache of the Jugo flav fegation in Tirana, who was re cently arrested by the Albanian au thorities on a charge of espionage. Albania appealed to the League of Na- tions to avert hostilities between the two countries, EATS of the week Included those of Dr. Joseph Schneider of Milwaukee, world-famed oculist: W. R. Stansbury, clerk of the United State Supreme court, and Robert C. Hillinrd, veteran acter, Saving Price of Mineral Mixture ing Skim Milk, Tankage, Ete., Are Favored. “Usually, If a farmer needs a 36- inch fence, he doesn't go to the ex- ware salesman tries to persuade. The which has stirred up among farm- ers, 1s a very similar problem and Is as simple,” says Dr. W. E. Carroll, chief In swine husbandry at swine rations, of Illinois, “The two things most needed In the way of mineral supplements for swine Is a little more straight thinking on men who feed them, and a little less ‘hocus pocus’ on the part of the salesmen. rations need a mineral supplement while oth- ere do not. In case the ration being fed needs a mineral supplement, it Is not necessary to pay prices for it Some Rations Need Protein. “If a ration already contains enough mineral elements of the right kind, pothing will be gained by adding more. It is the problem of the fence feet high is ample. In general, rations which contain liberal amounts of skim milk, tankage, fish meal or other protein supplements of animal origin will contain enough of the mineral elements, cept common salt, to meet the needs of any class of swine, On the other hand, swine rations which are made up entirely of materials from the plant kingdom are likely to be deficient in Hime and may also lack phosphorus. As examples of these rations may be mentioned corn and soy beans, corn and soy bean oil meal. “Even with these rations which are cnown to be deficient in mineral, noth- ing appuerently Is to be gained, except in special cases, by adding other ele- ments than and the their cost and the proporti Sp * them are Some exorbitant foot when one 3 necessary ex- also calcium, phosphorus, so- That source of these dium chiorine. case, the to feed (questions oe attention i Lien Lon. ng ¢ Cheap Source of Calcium. “Without ! he tory, nary going stated that f of source agricultural um grade, One of | meni, while added rd tion of hosphorus Is Brie “ii sodium as common sait. these materias quite g recommended at the present t oO pa Tw rt steamed bone meal & ground limestone, two and one part ¢« Inn case the feeding is be done in a goitrous area, the feeds and water will in these areas one ounce of pota sodium iodine be 100 po mon salt, be deficient jodine. should each unds of the min plefnent, “This simg can be mixed on gf Cost not 1« a hundred pounds, retail prices of the spent bone black less than steamed bone be substituted for the formula, obtained good mineral almost an y exceed $1.25 - 1 ie based on ingredients, be bought meal, Jt maj meal in The Indiana station has results from feeding a ten parts wood ashes, ten parts 16 per cent acid phos phate, and one part salt.” can the bone mixture composed of Prevent Maggots From Attacking Onion Sets The best way to control the onion maggot is to trap the adult flies which lay the eggs. Thesa flies like sweets, About twenty small plates of a little poisoned sirup placed on an acre will do much to control them, The plates should be covered with a wire screen of a mesh small enough to prevent bees from getting In. One-fourth-inch mesh is the most satisfactory. This screen will also prevent poultry and birds from drinking the sirup, The sirup can be made by dissolving sne-fourth ounce of sodium arsenite in a gallon of hot water, and then adding a pint of molasses, The addition of a slice of onion makes the sirup more attractive to the flies, BO OOO ORO + Ors Oe! Agricultural Notes BOT OwO+ Os ORO O+O+O+OR Coceldiosis and bacillary white diarrhea are chick diseases dreaded by every poultryman, * - - All the good things that ean be said about alfalfa apply in slightly less de gree to clover and other legumes, ® * » As long as the only reason you plant a tree or a bush is to have something worthwhile growing, it looks like good sense to use sufficient care in the planting of the tree or bush to insure its growth, . ® » A period of better prices In the beef. cattle Industry is ahead because the number of consumers is increasing and because there ig already a short: age of young eattle, The high point probably will come in 1031, .- ® = Moisture 18 all-important to a good crop of fruit, Do not allow any of it to escape. Keep the dust mulch on the ground by running over it every ten days or # with a spike-tooth har. ww ot some like Implement. To Wage Poison War on Cabbage Maggots Corrosive Sublimate Guns Useful for Purpose. New tactics are to be veed ngalnst cabbage maggots this year by Del-Bay Farms, of Bridgeton, N, J. Instead of using the customary method of hoeing around the young remove maggot eggs, will poison the pest sublimnate, With the new method, the young cabbage plants are watched after they are set in the field, When eggs of the maggot fiy are found, which under ordinary conditions will be within four or six days after the setting, the Del-Bay Farms’ workmen will go into action with thelr corrosive sublimate guns, Instructions been issued to apply the solution on the plants for an space of about two Inches above the ground so that it will run down to roots. A second application will be made ten days later, The Del-Bt Farms company mates that iig treatment, including materials and labor, will cost about 821% an acre for each application which 1s considerably below the cost of the old method, '. H. Nissley, cabbage plants to the company with corrosive have the estl exztenglon specialist retuble growing for the New Jer State College of Agriculture, as serts that corrosive sublimate has also the ravages of and Oh been used for checking cauliflower be For cabbage cabbage maggots on radishes, The chemical can tained at any drug store, maggot control, it 1s dissolved at the rate of ounce to eight or ten gallons of water and about one-half a cupful of the solution applied to eacl plant, one Control Melon Aphid by Application of Nicotine United Finles witure.) hich attacks wa- by the Depart. ment of Agric I've melon aphid, musk melons, cucumbers and is effectively controlied by (Prepared Ti termelons, like crops, the application of nicotine either as a 7) United Agriculture. This In called the melon louse, spray or dust, says the States ’ sect, frequent! Department of y ts very small, varies in color from light green to dark green, and the agless forms are kein a LOTT iousell check its ravag n No. 1400-F, Its antr f i HIER The velop on © } the lon cucumber vi the underside curl, wither and die Rinece the insects are capable of caus me : they feed on leaves, which esale destruction on short no- important that a for any sign DNeASUres whol ing constant af the applied tin contains a general scription of the melon aphid, the pa- of attack, distributi its it seasonal history, insect ture plants, ene- mies, and methods of control. A copy as the Unit Agriculiure be obtained free, supply 1 ed Washington, nay as long Aste, upon request to the States Department of D.C Bichloride Is Safest for Sweet Potato Dip Growers will do well to using mercuric chioride for the con: trol of certain sweet potato diseases, in the opinion of R. F. Poole, gsociate plant pathologist at the New Jersey agricultural experiment sta. tion. Experiments indicate that a num ber of new organic mercury com pounds now on the market must be used with caution. These substances control the diseases very well but also poison the roots of the plants and thereby reduce sprout develop ment to a considerable degree, Until this bad effect of the new compounds is overcome, growers will get better resuits from the old mer curie chloride or, ns it is sometimes called, bichloride of mercury, dipping method. In making the solution for this. one ounce of the bichloride Is used in eight gallons of water. By immersing the seed potatoes in this for ten minutes, the grower can de stroy scurf, black rot, soft rot, and stem rot organisms on the surface of the potatoes, No solution Is effective, Doctor Poole adds, unless healthy seed is selected. The only function of the seed treatment is to destroy organ {sms resting on the potatoes before they begin te enter the skin and young sprouts, Once they have entered, no surface treatment can reach them continue as Bad Odors and Flavors Found in Milk or Cream It is wellknown to everybody who has handled milk or cream, that both will take on odors of all kinds, Cream which is delivered to creameries fre quently has odors and flavors rang: ing from gasoline, kerosene, potato fruit, to dish-rag, cowy and stable These odors are a part of the cream. When such cream Is delivered to the creamery the buttermaker cannot sift, strain, or force these odors from the cream. He may drive off some of the milder odors by pasturizing and coy. er up others, for the time being, but the odors and flavors are there, and if given time will affect the butter. FOR SICK WOMEN Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Co Has Restored the th of Thousands Brooklyn, New York -~-Mrs. G, Heg- mann of 228 Schaeffer Bt, was In a run- g— down condition and could not do her housework. Bhe could not sleep at night. Her story is not an unusual one Thousands of women find them- selves in a similar condition at some time in thelr lives, “] found your ad- vertisement in my letter box,” wrote Mrs. Hegmann, “and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and got relief” Mrs. Hegmann also took Lydia E. Pinkham's Herb Medicine and Lydia E. Pinkham'’s Pills for Constipa- tion, with good results. She says, “I am recommending your medicines to all 1 know who have symptoms the game as mine, and to others whom I think it will help. You may use my statement as a testimonial, and 1 wil answer any letters sent to me by women who would like information regarding your medicines.” There are women fn your state perbaps in your town—who have writ ten letters similar to this one telling how much Lydia BE. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound has helped them The Pinkham Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass, will gladly furnish other women with these names upon request. Us in un- Mil- are pow Mysterious Rays Reach Wonderful discoveries are ne {ikely from iikan "cosmic Lnown present study of the which earth , y n from the 18 a ? space will feet and ot can penetrate nine lead Science suggests the yt man be able to Tnay ils “Aree £ f the energy’ ag one so- world's werk problem. ~~ You mever can koow how superior | Peery’'s “Dead Ehot™ for Wi fave tried it 372 Pearl Bt Industry Electrified roximately 60 per cent of Amer igs electrified Three. power generated is used I should be killed! Bee Brand Powder or Liquid kills Flies, Fleas, Mosquitoes, Roaches, Ants, Water Bugs, Bed Bugs, Moths, Crickets, Poultry Lice and many other insects, Powde~ 10c and 25¢ 50 and $1.00 30c Sprey Gun Liquad killing bouse and garden insects, McCormick & Co. Baltimore, Md. @ LIQUID You can make and keep your complex jon as lovely as a young girl's hy giving a little gttention to your blood, Remember, & good complexion isn’t skin deep — it's bealth deep. Phywicians agree that sulphur is one of the moet effective blood purifiers known to science. Hancock Sulphur Compound is an old, reliable, scientife remedy. that purges the blood of impurities. Taken internally — a few drops in a gla of water, it ets at the root of the trouble. Aas a lotion, it soothes and heals. 0c and $1.20 the bottle at your drug ghet's, If be can't supply you, send his name and the price in stamps and we will pend you a bottle direct. Haxoocx Liquid Svrrave Company Baltimore, Maryland Baneovk Sulphur Cwsmpownd Ointment B00 and toe wo for wee with Hancock Sulphur Compound gestive 30c & 90c. At all Druggists. | G. G. GREEN, Inc. WOODBURY, N. J.