VOI. C1." WORKMEN ESCAPE FROM FALLING CHURCH WALL Church Badly Rear Wall Way, Weak- Lutheran When Celling, Addition Montgomery Damaged Entire With Part As Exeavations for Celling. of Gives en during underpinning to A A —————— DECISION ON DOE DEER EXPECTS State Game Ci lesion Will Har Matter, fo Co shure used leniency ciglons tested, of doe The deli brought comm issi ite sit and t® oO uation In ers sportsmen Fa all Penn Eleetrie Acquires New Properties, init ation of These include n and power, and water wi owned by the Company, a subsidiary of Southern Citles Utilities Company. The combin- ed gas, electric and water properties have than 15,000 consumers It probable that the electric and power, natural gas and street ral way will become a part of the Monongahela West Penn Public Service Company, an operating unit of the West Penn Electric System. A ———— i Keystone Power Corporation, Notice of Dividend, The Board of Directors has declared quarterly dividend No. 21 of one and three quarters (1%) per cent. upon the 7 per cent. Preferred Stock of Keystone Power Corporation, for the quarter ending June 30, 1627, payable July 1, 1927, to stockholders of rec ord at fhe close of business on June 20, 1027.~C. BE. MURRIE, Becretary, 40 600 electric light street forme Utiliti rks properties, West Virginia more Hight in 1 3 ¥ properties EVANGELICAL ORPHANAGE BAND HERE JULY a - Have Forty Engagements ust Before Aug- Under Albert, Ist—Organization rection of Luther ——————————— Antomohile Sales, es ASA ABA Sehool Teachers for Millheim. Cheeks Sent to Bank Depositors, x3 $88 ws lem 1 oatnte sy the Harris ent bank cl spresents fifteen of the when May 13 doors on ssi A ASAI RABI S500 CLINTON COUNTY TOWN OFFERED FOR SALE : i ork fers Premium Bidder v file, Men's Club Securing Business to for Purchase of Haven Person Farrands- school house $10.0600 church, 1 water system and the site, sum of $30,000, A premi has been offered by the Business Men's Agso person securing a bidder When Farrandsvilie was a big factor in The seventeen hous- with slate 1 the the church and school location ideal for plant sum cont erected s ref years road siding, all for the um of 2100 Lock Haven tion to the for the site booming, it Haven en, Ago, 1il= was Lock business frame mountain water, house, and the an industrial mer colony. Located six miles west of Lock ven, it will Just the river from the new State highway, and in olden days when the place was a lum- ber camp had a <¢lgar manufactory and the brick plant, all in operation, the river teemed with craft. which could ford It at any time. of oots, nre either or no Ha be AROCTORS H S“HERALD-TRIBUNI FRESH AIR FUND” Half Million Half Starting On Its Second More Than Spent to Give Children An Vielnity Century Dollars Million Outing—{ entre Hall will Have An Make ontrl This Work wo Over Again It and Opportunity hution to Townrd Humane STOVER-HAINES, m Journ n utheran meeting both University, in the Stover he contracting parties at 8 Miss Haines being a junior servatory of and Mi one of this graduates The groom second son Mr. ind Mre Lo of Milheim, a young man high character and ability. He has accepted a position As instructor in the Fayetie High at MeAlisters 1927-28 term His bride, pumber of the younger charming young lady Following the ceremony, on 8 honeymoon Via motor king Glen, Niagara Falls and Canada leturging they will divide their hetween Millhelm and Selinsgrove, at thelr parents homes until the fall school term opens. They have the best wishes of a host of friends, were students usguehanna con music Is years the Stover, in of E of township for the to a is nu ille known here, sohool sot they depart to Wat Ontario, probably ed time SPRING MILLS SCORES 181 POL LTHY AT STATI] TEAM Ivan nt Garden Show York City Nguare New Poultry Next Winter. A ————— A A—————— Quilt for Pastor's Wife, ss————— i ————— NS, SN Class Takes Outing. a, L,I LSS i RP fenms Used In Moving “Miss Altoona™ % i w “Mise A made toona not AIKENS ASKS RELEASE AS 8, 1, When About Hospital Request to ig du The mencement season. on the ev Of Ho ryation for an ure for the Geisinger he with ARO did to the depart spital where rhe ailment week He tion ask under which iw he was stricken a tender a board. He that the directors not Iater than the mid yea in February, 16828 Members the board thelr appreciation services given executive ability was respon gible in a critical period of its exist ence, and later In developing it to its present degree of prosperity. It attained the most position in its hisfory, with continued growth ————_— LATER. ~8ince the above was in type, Dr. Alkens died of death In another column. not formal did, consider a res gna howeves = Coser season of were quick to the valu Aikens, repent of able by Dr. whose hing favor shile POs te Ol put See account { } { i WHITEWASH 1 BELLEFONTI} ALS Hi “CUBS” Little Girl Hit by Auto, Passed 55th Birthday, t Mrs has the full possession of and with olyer faculties refuses to never { the partake of a meal family. —————— AY APSA Reading the Advertising. A very enterprising spirit shown by the merchants of today in advertising their goods. They are do ing their part to inform the public as to how they oan keep the costs of living down, and what kind of things the people are buying now. Thereby they give the public information that enables the home buyers to make ther purchases more efficiently It experience, skill, formation to buy intelligently Those who make it their habit to read the advertising just as earefully as they read any part of A newspaper, are prepared to wake purchases that will satisfabiory and worth the is being takos and in- p rove money. ——— 1 A AUDA The Centre Reporter. $1.50 a year ————————————————— NO. 26 a T0WN. AND COUNTY NEWS. HAPPENINGS OF LOCAL INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS. Miss in the * direc. is at gua and spend 4 Krae the Ed urgh to luring the onsidere Stover Marvin C. risler, 1 REOVe Nurg= $ ent, gu her former home the oOuUnty. an instructor Philadelphia for a but recently wae the High schools of elsewhere over er has of years to been in the number of transferred Overbrook schools The progress of a community depends principally upon the things that the average run of people do. We all have to take hold and help. Everyone should consider himself on a commits for that purpose. The ordinary person can help in various ways. By taking an interest in municipal affairs; by missing no opportunity to speak favorable words for his home oity. By keeping his own home in perfect order and giving it some touch of beauty. By doing his best on his own job, =0 that the business with which he is associated shall grow more prosperous. {oe