Ee TN Sp ecial Offer to Victims of Indigestion Your Dru ngist Says Pleasant to Take, Elixir Must Help Poor Distressed Stomachs or Money Gladly Refunded. You can be 80 distressed with gas and fullness from poor digestion or is going to stop beating. Your stomach may be so distended relief—what's to be done. Just one tabliespoonful naturally. Oh! What blessed relief; but why not get rid of such attacks altogether? Why have them at all? * money back. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Removes Dandruff-Stope Halr Falling Restores Color an Beauty to AR and Faded Hair HINDERCORNS Removes Corns, Cal- louses, ete., mops all palin, ensures comfort to the feet, makes walking easy. 1bec by mall or at Drug- gists. Hiscox Cheayn Vorks, } uiehogue, 8 . ¥ DR.L.D.KELLOGG'S ASTHMAREMEDY for the prompt relief of Asthma and Hay Fever. Ask your “ruge gist for it. 28 cents ana one dole lar. Write for FREE SAMPLE. Northrop & Lyman Co.,Inc., Buffalo, N.Y. KELLOGG S REMEDY BEWARE OF WORMS IN CHILDREN Worms quickly ruin a child's health. If your child grits his teeth, picks his nostrils, has a disordered stomach—beware! These are worm symptoms! Quickly. see} hout delay—firee your ih d's body of these health-destroy- parasites. Give him Frey's Ver- pe. Eo — America’s safe, vegetable worm medicine for 75 years. Buy it today! All druggists! Frey’s Vermifuge Expels Worms Cause for Exasperation “What exasperates me more than anything else about the boobies who differ with and from me on politics, religion, the money question, the tariff, weather omens and the gulf toward which we are rapidly and inevitably drifting,” said J. Fuller Gloom, the human that they are so infernally proud of their own idiocy.” Kansas City Times, hyena, “is A 922. pound chureh bell in Taun- ton, Mass. has been repaired by elec- tric arc welding after being silent 40 years, Dr. Scholl’s Zino-pads stop all iB pain quicker than any other method. Takes but a minute to ova the worst corn. Healing starts at once. When the corn is gone it never comes back. If new shoes make the spot “touchy” again, a Zino-pad stops it instantly. That's because Zino-pads remove the cause— pressing and rubbing of shoes. Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads are medi- cated, antiseptic, protective. At all druggist's and shoe dealer’s—35¢, Dz Scholl's Zino-pads Put one on—the pain 1s gone! a ———— WHAT CAUSES BOILS. Poile and earbuncles are the result of ime properd or Infection of © Sean, It's some- to determine the exact cause but CRRBOIL wil give quick relief, Noexpensive SPeration ia necessary as one spplieation of CARBON, 1 prompiy Se Supe the Ahapain and contin. f te Ins) box a dein. SPURLOSH-MEAl G0 NASHVILLE, TENN.