QUEEN VICTORIA 'LYDIAEPINKHAM Two Famous Women Born the Same Year In the year 1819 two bableg were born whose lives were destined to have a far reaching in- fluence, One was born in a stern castle of Old Eng. land, the other in a humble farmhouse in New England. Queen Victoria through her wisdom and kindliness dur- ing a long and pros- perous reign has be- come enthroned in the hearts of the British people. Lydia E., Pinkham through the merit of her Vegetable Compound has made her name a house- hold word in many American homes, One of the many women who praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound is Mrs. Adolph Bratke of 4318 South 13th St., South Omaha, Nebr. who was in a rundown condition for four years before she tried the Com- pound. “I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,” she writes, “and I have felt my health steadily improving.” Mrs. Bratke con- tinued to take the Compound for a year and a half and at the end of that time sine found herself in excellent health, “] am feeling fine now and do all my : she wrote in her most recent letter. “I am the mother of six and manage an eight-room house ithout anybody to help.” One Soap Keep your complexion free of is all you need blemishes, your skin clear, SOLET BATH SHAMPOO soft, smooth and white, your hair silky and glistening, your entire body refreshed, by using —Glenn’s Sulphur Soap Contains 33% 7 Pure Sulphur. At druggists. Robland’s Styptic Cotton, 28¢ AR Common Complaint a lovely (omplexion You ean make and keep your complex. jon as lovely as a young girl's by gf littie attention to your blood, Re a good complexion isn’t skin deep health deep. - ber, - it's Physicians agree that sulphur ls one of the r moat effective hliood pu are known Hancock Sulphur Compound old, reliable, scien tifie remedy. that purges the blood of impurities. Taken internally a few drops in a glass of water, it gets at the root of the trouble, As a lotion, it scothes and heals 60c and $1.20 the bottle at your drug- gist's. If he can't supply you, send his name and the price in stamps and we will send you a bottle direct. B QUID SULPHUR COMPANY more, Maryland Haneosk Sviphur Compe im tmment « Meo fle = for use with Hancock Sulphur Compound und O and FOR OVER 200 YEARS haarlem oil has been a world- wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. correctinternal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist on the original genuine Goro Mepat. AER TT, MosQu ITO ES . Bee Brand Insect Powder won't stain——or harm ind, except insects. Household sizes, 100 and 2% other sizes, 30c and $1.00, at your druggist or grocer Write for Free Booklet, *‘It Kills Them" ~McCORMICK & co., Baltimore, Ma BLOTCHY SKIN oe vit as qalchir Sap ath Resinol CORNS vo | Quickrelief from painfal drug ood et everywhere corns, tender toes and pressure of tight shoes, Dz Scholl's Zino-p The photograph shows Senorita woman to take part In an automobile race agninst men she received a high CR TR LF - a first -hour Patrocinio Benito, who is the race in Spain. During a recent 12 rating. 600D RULES FOR SUMMER TOURIST Observance Will Aid in Avoiding Road Trouble. Now son Is byways are ists, tourists where io ry stock" and pect sure our en still d of out having fow safety, Be hat the touring sea- were and overrun and ticular let us summer the highways with I and vacation others going no in a big hur- “count of who also ex may do to ln- this d limb and wl Here 14 to ge take see what we, to be on the road wrgence from season, soul wind an th accidents suggestions properly pee If you « quired 8. When movement that can po manipulation of another ca proper signal In tinct manner. Do this you don't the other know there stop the cn for a given about to execut sibly Sop that ite vicinity. How to Use Horn, ¥ "fe the horn,” in dense your use oads, partie ching curve where iy is obstructed. Always about direction when to pass a ox same of the “Calls of Open the sound of the horn when to descend a would le is you use never descend » gears in neutral. In loading you not left nor m than six In the hub cap on the right. 7. In passing through streams other hodles of water do not dash In in high gear, Go Into low gear before entering the water and remaln so unti dry land has been reached. Share With Others, 8B. Do not hog the road. If a per- son who Is in a bigger hurry than you are should come up behind you, assist him In passing, then neither you nor he will be worried. 9. Do not try to beat any rallroad trains crossings. No automobile has yet tried to oppose a traln with- out coming off second best. 10. Always be sure your campfire Is absolutely out before leaving It. Also, sure your cigarette, cigar, pipe ashes and matches are dead be- fore they are thrown away. Carry in the car a small box or can of earth for extinguishing purposes. Often- times a tiny spark which gives no evl- ore Oor to be burst Into flame in the noonday heat and cause Immense property damage and possible loss of life. to Protect Auto Bolts A thin coating of shellac Is an ef. nuts. The substance will also { reduce the annoyance of loose and | rattling parts, Both nut and bolt should be dipped In thin shellac, After | being put in place with the nut tight. ened, the bolt should have a little ad- ditional shellac applied to its end. ! This treatment will not only prevent rusting, but will allow the nut to be taken off more easily. As a general rule, it is very hard to rustproof tmall * parts. Sometimes they are coated with grease or graphite, but this soon wears off and the rust con- tinues to accumulate, Some forms of paint are frequently used! but these, too, are not permanent protection. The shellac coating Is expected to over. come this, | @OEEOPECHOIIIABODOIOOOEE Stolen Car Toots When Sheriff Smith of Salina, Kan., enters hig motor car there no unusual alarm, but when i stranger enters it the horn begins sounding and toots a sec ond. A heside back the SEE is SYR man whose car was parked the sheriffs attempted to out and his fender rubbed official's At horn began sounding the The sheriff rushed out curbing fu ore expecting to pick up a car thie “What's the the man ut. car, once the 1 alarn to the from matter with car,” asked in the trying to back o all, except ing at in INEWere it Is ct sheriff? Kk he, ) EEN RE SS SOG RC I eG a Ya eeeeee 8 ALANS AY RNR RN ON eX NON BE AEE eX FHGRRGGERAEEIARMNGAREREGRGGN Easy Means Provided for Olling the Rear Springs Ea 18 - ine h holg either side throu indicated oblle vided an easy means of rear springs dirt soon the oll to of the floor Easy Way to Qi! Springs. the and presented a This trouble he remedis a short length {| out at the top, in each hole. extended about 3% inch below the running board shield and was bent come directly above the spring shackles. Short nalls were used to plug the holes between ollings-—R. C. Tarr, Gloucester, Mass, in Popular Mechanics Magazine, which accumulated dust appearance »d by inserting of brass tubing, flared The tube aAnrot apron airty to Tire Resiliency Much Increased by Invention A Hungarian Inventor has perfected a new method of attaining a 400 per cent Increase of resiliency in pneu- matic tires without changing diameter, cross section, shape, form or general appearance. An extra cushioning ef- fect is attained by using a double disk wheel and by converting the entire hol- low space between the two walls into air under pressure as permanently in service as that accomplished by the inner tube of the tire. tion between the tire and the alr chamber In the wheel makes the latter virtually an extension of the former in point of cushioning effect. ~ AUTOMOBILE NOTES Keep your automobile license tags clean. . * * The quickest automobile turnovers occur at the grade crossings. - Ne * States there are 100 motor cars . . . No matter how popular swimming may be, It Is best for an automobile not to dive, * - . After the collision (old style): “Why the blazes don't you buy a bell for your bleycle?” . * - Evidently the speeder can't say that he was testing his car, and expect to got away with It POINTS ON KEEPING WELL DR. FREDERICK R. GREEN Editor of "HEALTH" Nestern () 1026, Newspaper Union.) PURE WATER FOR THE HOME y HEN this country tiled by early settlers built good from 8 which at \ was first J tered wherever a ploneers the thelr wiuter log supply vers furs lakes, that supply possible spri ng un abundant Locations near supplies were the country filled up and as | from natural water sources cupled or these natural were polluted or found In wells were dug, usuall household. Some of us when towns of considera slze the principal source of ter. Even i 5 or 5 of which AB tent an ns th of pure Le wiler water As the distant wis these natural first chosen. and Of as supplies adequute, for remen one each can iher even in surface drinking wi were wells were in : clties there un Years ago town still these remain as ities, wells d insuffi our knowledge of water-borne d creased, the ayer gE wite except proves BeNses In took all inoln day and witer from ted DUST IN THE AIR Woe, the pu pay have been in in Americ white man or arity of the alr ’ the Garden of » globe wl and every i into our lungs abou te seh of alr or we a minute, every twenty-four inte and force 00) times 0 cubic Inches of air or about cuble inches of alr. Now nice problem for the class In arith metic. How big a cube of alr would that be? And that is only for one day 80 what alr you've breathed so far in life would be S604.000 times 365 times the number of years you lived. Into your lungs goes not only all the alr but whatever the alr carries Long continued experiments with es pecially constructed Instruments show that the dust carritdd by the alr varies from 2,000 dust particles on an un- usually clear fresh day to 115,000 on & smoky day for every euble inch of air. In very smoky cities like Pitts burgh or Chicago, the amount may go to five times this amount, What happens to the dust when It Ix breathed into the lungs? If the mouth is closed and the alr is breathed In through the nose as it should be, most of the minute dust particles are caught on the moist mucous membrane lining the nose. That Is one of the things to strain the dust out of the air. The others are to warm and moisten the alr before it goes into the lungs. That's why on a or dusty day, If cubic Incl that draw lungs we our " S04. (6) there's a out times have ness you can see the results on your blow your If from habit or from some obstruc- tion you breathe through your mouth, then the dust isn't caught by your nose but goes direct Into your lungs. Does the dust do any harm? Yes, if It is stone dust, such as granite or hard, sharp, cutting dust. If it soft soot, probably not, although peo ple who live in the city, especially smoky cities, Inhale so much dust that their lungs become dark Instead of the natural pink that they should be. (® 304; Western Newsyaper Gaion.) + AA Out Doors {ERE is pleasure and joy in the country, “but "tis substantial hap. piness to eat.” When the children come ir, they relish a cup of Monarch Cocoa — refreshing, satisfying, pure, rich, wholesome. MONARCH Quality jor 7o Years Rever Bold Through Chaln Blores. REID, MURDOCH & CO. Chicago + Boston + Pltsburgh «+ New York ie Suspicions man crawled from some exami “Yor to a he r, Two Kok your shes fure Cuticura for uf especia BE INET L-V DUST CLOTH abric “Crepstie 8 Veneer of Ligx SONGS ~ Estate with Fl lit and easy to use. destroys insects and their eggs. Flit kills ¥ ESTATE ow PEs 050 PER HUNDRED arments. LXtensive fabrics. ogists and chemists. [It replaced the old does it quickly. Flit has Flies Mosquitoes Moths Ants Bed Bugs Roaches you have. attention. SCOTTDALE, PA.