The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 08, 1926, Image 4

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: THE CENTRE REPORTER A 3 ww \ tod A |
SUD WEEKLY, Z JEATHS NN BA Vind Hl ig De E Eaters Increa : |
— tr Eo | SB 1925 || BUY
GENTRE HALL, PA. =~ | KRAMER.—John Fishburn Kramer| ug Juiy 16, 1844, making his ag Prices Highest in Five Years
ps 3 passed to the beyond on Monday eve ars. b wonths and several day i
THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1826 ning at his home in Centre Hall, af DArents w » Adam id Cather ; HOLLAND LINEN
cme —— an illness extending over the greater | Irungart Bair both ) Whom Ong
SMITH & BAILEY, Proprietors part of li ter. He w uber: ce. deceased 5 wan twice mn od.) PRICE OF WEEKLY TREND OF EGG RECEIPTS AND PRICES AT NEW YORK RI
B W. BMITH.....oovotcttnnennnens Editor | but was hopeful until almo his | 4, t wit Su \ Wert, | Fae | JAN [FE [Fe8 MAR]; APR MAY JUN JUL AUG Sef] OCT [NOV DEC MLW YORLB8T 10M B h P d
2 , Loeal Editor and |, day thit hie would FEOOV : a d . a ritiag " | range L DELP IA y t ge Ourn
BDW, E. BAILEY.... | Business Manager eth ne nexpected time t {1} ‘ 1 i ees | 60¢ : Ee —
: | | } eho d i ; . 4 —~— ad I y 700.000 . .
. Ee Laid 3 i 1 FT It’s Cheaper ;
Butered at the Post Ofiuce in utre Hal | . : : . . . e ¢ ~~ ~
a8 second ‘class mall ma i ( ¢ : : wv ‘ ‘ 55 A : i €00000 M u
TERMS he 1 * A ! i : WA i ’ 1 y : : TA DErrn yr v 500.000
he Rep + are ir, In adva . / : yt ei a
bwenty cel
and tem
Lecal notice
|esertion ; IE rWine, celts per il y
@inimum charge, niy-five cents, ; VN | RECEIPTS
‘ h 7 - — fea | 5( re Bo
Plsplay advertising rates made know i : iy hd $n r . 4 “ & Ee — ! 50c the Box
#8 application. : : : : “a : at the Reporter Office
ch Cheaper.
Es nes to mateh. at
Sunday Church Services
(Rev. 8. F. Greenhoe, Pastor)
Gee ah $0 0 10 1, 8 [i= mara ow. 4 vn Announcing the OPENING of =-
Jf Grey a [bord wi BT = “Seve ee Toners STATE COLLEGE
3 THURSDAY, APRIL 8th, 1926
6:00 P. M.
(Rev. C. E. Hazen, Pastor 14 Fe 1p ea Dedication preceding presentation of first
Delas RK. heener, Pastor)
To —— A Mp5
Ha iiit BE a EE a ys First Attraction : MARION DAVIES
tne wo at sen 30 | on She Ta hr 2 SEY in “BEVERLY OF GRAUSTARK”
Regular worship at 7:30 P. M. a SD ia ei ; ; 1 A 3 i. Vinx ‘ >
Prayer ody \ : ‘ ob : ! ’ : : 4 : . { First Showir & in Penna. |
3 i
FP. M. i t £ ‘ RE a dd a tb ed i ff Sd
PRESBYTERIAN If not convenient to attend the opening we can assure
1 fi
(Rev. J. M. Kirkpatrick. Pastor) . |, to M 129 t vou at all times of carefully selected pictures of merit un-
Centre Hall—1 A. M. ¥i0urv $B LIahnd ne der the most pleasant surroundings.
Boalsburg P. M
Jor Economical Transportation
b. Flim, Michigan
Touring *§10
ee : ; aking pre-|Spayd, O vin, Millhe villis, | ed ‘ Roadster S10
$a n ! the Cont ny ’ bli F : | cite. Stauffer, c. at home jas : 0 " ine 4 | ton 4 .- : one Coupe . 645 Think of buying for only $645 a beautiful
48.40 be of a permanent character dnd College, also survives her. | | Which is not being | sowhers Sedan - 735 Fisher body closed car, finished in beautiful
Rlttonce, onty medica dora | Min Hraon suffered a severe atiack[in this part of the State at present, Landau 765 colors of lasting Duco and offering such quality
The, Wows OF The. Work of the orga Soy repern on IE [Sd will Eive the students mare onions 39g |[ features as 3-speed transmission, balloon tires,
fration is to promote the general public| began with a bad cold, and later con 1 Ton Truck 550 Alemite lubrication, oil and water pumps, and
HE ay ak rl Rian licati velop “hassis only) . . . » . ud
on ; NOTICE, Remy electric starting, lighting and ignition!
movements to form such organizations - n p——— Prices 1. 0. b. Fling, Michigan
In every county in the State are being CORMAN Aa the result of harden Notice is hereby given that appliea
ade iil 3 : ¢ in! : :
made, and e under the direction |ing of the arteries. John Corman pass-|tion has been made to The Publi Come in! Learn how little it now costs to
o aries Miner, Becretary ofjed away at the home of his daughter, | Service Commission of the Common oO i i
shter, | Service Commission of the Commo wn and drive a quality closed car of mod
Health. Mrs. John Barr, at Coburn, on Sunday. | wealth of Pennsylvania, under the pro
The time for organizing the aseo-|The funeral services were held Wed-| visions of the Public Service Combat design. L
ciation in Centre county has not been |hesday, He was aged 76 vears, and Law, by 8. W, Bmith, Centre Hall, Cen
definitely fixed, but will likely be dur-]was a widower. There survive himltre County. Pa. for a certifi Wa of
ing the latter part of May or begin: [nine children. namely: Mra Willian | Public Convenience evidencing the
ning of June, Grove, Mrs, John Barr, Mra. T. A. Hos | Commission's requisite approval of Call
———————————— terman, Mrs. John Vonada, Mra 1. A ind Demand Services at Centre Hall . - y
Weston Stryker, T-yvear-old son of Meyer, Edward, Fred and Jeremiah, allland vicinity DESC xX ER BROS. Bellefonte
Mr. and Mrs. T. 8B. Sti or. of Queen's of Cobtirn ind Mrs, Adda Boob, Mrs A public hearing upon this applica
tun: a former pupil at the Lock Ha Vonada and Mra Meyer are twins, as tion vill be held nn the Commission
. v ak " kent sie a are also Fdward and Fred. Building 119 A i SE ros x x 'S
ven Normal Training school, who had}? e al ’ swilding, 11 Market Street Harris H M AN'’S GG AR A :E - 11
g Mr. Corman was unable to work onlburg, Pa... on Thursday, 15th y of i JL £ J «entre a
been trained during the past winter] . A any
account of delicate health for several April, 1826, at 9:30 o'clock, when and
by a large motion picture corporation ‘ id
years prior to his death His Inst ser where all persons in interest may ap
in Philadelphia, is spending his Easter
vacation there. The other morning hel] V'C®® Were rendered to Penn township | pear and be heard, if they so desire.
ns i $11 MOY Le sw i.
gave a few demonstrations before thel]™ ® road supervisor, 8, W. SMITIL
third grade of which he had formerly : A — fe —— ES ———— ad——. - — sien U A kK I
been a pupil. . The Centre Reporter, $1.50 a year, The Pink Label) appears this week. T L 0 YW C 0 « T