DEATHS * w REIBER his lif in which on He William 2 a the ses Hyed east housekeeper death of fifteen gr The «ay Mr. Reiber The George The were The etery the only (Move two decensed was and Esther forebears for Potter red residents of body connected of which was prominently also wits inte: n with the church denominatior ceased since its organization. The cemetery are located home. Services were « Rev. Floyd A. Huff, angeltical chureh. x near pasior o———— FLISHER. iy-one, 23rd, at ments, Mr. phia connected firm of Artman actively engaged his Isaiah on nigh the K. died t i his home, Wyne Germantown, Flisher, who from Centre cour for mary ¥ Treichler in week before deat ed by aughter, Flisher. The one of Mr. Daniel ter township, where widow, Flora Miss his Margaret noti Philade sher above is a the Fi Fisher, and phic was was farm home until quently suddenty White. «died Henry the f§ h of seventy-live at Zion Mee, White r Holtz made noon survivin Tusseyy sonburg: ham; Mra KLINE na. received a the death of her un having taken place on Wedne ult, aged 77 Mr, resident Angeles, gone to Texas, t hie daughter, Mrs J attend the wedding daughter, Miss Edith ter the wedding he died A number of relative Altoona the Mrs. J. E telegram ie Sears of Los Dallas, was reside and in Centre funeral message, county. Details § of were not given in the Ts—— “ MITCHELL Mitchell, widow of MH. Mitchell, formerly Harrisburg, passed away at the home of hes daugh ter, Mre. A. P. Wieland, Heights, State College, 80 years, 8he survived by three children: Mra, A. P. Wieland, of State College: Mrs. Fred M. Parkhill, of Mechanies- burg, and Ross 1. Mitchell, of New Castle; also by six grandchilden. She. from her girlhood duys., was a consist ent memebr of the Lutheran church. Interment was made in the Arlington national cemetery, at Washington, DD. C., where she will rest beside her hus , who preceded her into the spirit rteen years ago. Capt. Mit- a medal-of-honor man and G. A. R circles. Mrs. Sara KE Capt, Alexander of on College Bhe was nged in ~James P. Frank, a former Justice of the peace at Rebersburg, i iel an wt at Thon home 18) ollege, ¢ Mrs at root, Decker rows | death Her and 9 the daughter McBath entire from heart age 10 days. ! of Mr and was] in this ashe was | Monroe | July : chil months Mra, Rager w Mrs Wil and spent About 0 mm her fifty n life nty Yours ago John to h occurred In ved i by three Htate of Alto I). Decker, State ra and one sister William Mc and Mrs. Harriet Corl, of State! and Fran MeBath, of Ty five grandchildren and one | great-grandchiid Interment was made in the Pine Hall cemetery (Other deaths on inside pags) ————————— At least once in 1925 all of the trains on the Lewisburg and Tyrone branch of the Pennsy running between Sun- bury and Bellefonte were on time, This was on Christmas day, when all the trains hove in sight before the scheduled time for departure and were obliged to walt until that time. a ae «A year ago we had Nitle thought that today Harry Keller would be Judge of the courts of Centre county, and that Arthur C. Dale would be one of two living ex-judges of Centre coun: ty, and it was just as far afleld ot that time that today John G, Love would be Ivan Walker's successor as district at- torney. ren Mra ort T Rager, College ha Cramer, a, lege; two | brothe Bath College, “ niso Ve. STOVER DIES 8. C, SUDDENLY stricken In Auto on Way Sorvice-=Born ns fre ~Waus Reformed Tow Fore Boalshurg sso Business Opens ——————-— Court's Delay Brings Criticism. irnal inter settled the would be Much to the court peburg srned became voived in the the le reasons brewery and pike cases were to bw Dale w aga OTIS pienty Tudge as not re-elected. s— oo Boosting Seott for Senator. riield Progress boosts Harry State Senator district, and nominated The indorsed by that "Mr. 8 was in the Clear thinks Ma statement the ott'e friends iced y without 8 Ntate mes four not on acount shortcomings but his fool friends” Of course, the Progress do not mention by name these “fool” friends, but it must be presumed that he does not want their support in May or November, The Times, in fits introductory, Is coming around with the old deaf nut cracked repeatedly heretofore without results that Mr. Scott is in a “position to get things for the district” If there is anything in the “getting things” it belongs to the Hon. Mr Betts who got Centre county almost a million for roads and the largest ap- propriation (according to Pinchot's statement) Penneylvania State College ever received. We were told during the campaign that Mr. Betts, if elect- od couldn't “get” a thing. Like then it Is now all bunk, Scott's ability to ad x he we years £ his Oi gOme ago, own of #0 much f because of and Times Trespassing Cost $19.09, rms Farm Sold. Valley Mill # Kishacoguillas Burned. V4 y Entertalned 8, S, Ciodshal Class, enter — BELOW DEER SEASON ESTIMATY on Special Hanting for Does Falls Get Results, io Desired i that and Doe as well as Di plo ire damag Crops trees ks without horng | re game during the ial spec relating | Ac licenses sold d the regular’ season rules intierea did not apply the number ! { was estimated bn 3500 short 18 to 22 deer of special the Game Commis- | {sion that deer would be 1} during the special season from | This ektimate in Adams Comberland counties, 750 in Franklin, | in Huntingdon, 400 in Perry and | [300 in Mifflin, ! The law under which the | was issued provided no who i December eluded 800 in- | and} i each 1] gv licenses | for charge to but licenses reports of landowners obtained licenses, all other {paid $2, persons The obtaining preliminary of [the kill show that fewer landowners hunted than had been expected, and that the total kill is far below the es- timate, It is probable because of the large number of deer in certaln sections of the State that other counties will nsk for a special season this year. In the Binnemahoning State forest, Cameron county, the deer are 86 numerous that great damage has been done to the forest plantatioms, the State Forestry Department announced. The deer in the State forest, deprived of food be: catge of the snow, have heen Niving on the tops of small treed, and a dis- trict forester has reported that 10 to 20 per cent of the youug frees in the plantation have been ig The various siucents home for the Christmas vacation have returned to § —————————— New P. M. at Linden Hall Left i fo £40,000 Ev. Home, H. Recognized by rations, County At meeting of a recent Wool P. Campbell, ¢ the County : Rn made Assoc] Hall, wi WwW. C sec reta { ion. if Cx LH 1026, for Bellefonte, Smeit- The «} and of rs mem bers last year was 12.448 pounds, fr received $1.114.0% same guantity ity been sold to local buye The 8 ou was over that and Threshermen tive . Association, Hike the thelr president a man from Centre Hall in the person of Se with Cleveland Eung- Mille, secretary -treas: growers, elected as George ard, urer. WEN of Spring Eu — Accidental Shooting at 1 0, 0. F. Home Augustus Morgan. aged 12 years a ward at the 1. O. OO. ¥ orphanage near Sunbury, was accidentally shot in the leg by companion, Raymond Gottstein, also of the home Gott- stein, aged 15 years, had a 22 calibre rifle, with which he was shooting near the home. A bullet struck the Mor gan boy in the thigh, K. A. Hartman, superintendent of the orphanage, took him 40 the Shamokin hospital, where the bullet was removed. IA SAA INAS Week of prayer services are in prog: ress in the churches of Centre Hall MI I Phlleo Batteries, bulit to last; serv: lee guaranteed. Also, all makes of batteries repaired and charged. Clyde A. Smith, Centre Hall wu a their respective scl.ools and colleges. { i BUS. 1APPENINGS OF LOCAL INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS. OWN AND GOUNTI N iff g from Ler farm fire sued Separte Hedbone ! Ye iries B, gle and moe Line~ and of Belle and Mra holidays, he Penn Mrs, IO sv here and and Cen~ i Were ents, Mr. by. Bare sited at r. Mrs. urge