THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA. THE CENTRE REPORTER Christmas service on Christmas even-! WEEK-END PROGRAM OF PHOTO- LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS “or JUNITEAMHAOIIE SUOLERIOIRE IUMAIIIINE SUAMRESTIOOE 3 a aa ing at 7:30 o'clock. J class of girls PLAYS AT are preparing a tableaux "The Christ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, mas Fairy” Which promises 10 ve| Goanie & Moose Theatre| im te mse or son i good, JU, f Potter township, Centre] POTTERS MILLS. Mrs. Ray Royer, of Lewistown, I THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17 aunty, Pa., decensed W. BE. Montgomery. of Harrisburg visiting at the home of her parents, “GO STRAIGHT" — Letters of administration on above estate . 4 A RX Y: i riso ' . = SYtr , Who ot one time was State Forester]MT: and Mrs. , Wm. Young. ‘ With the following all star cast: having been duly granted the undersign-| ly ue VE The s r i 5 { ur own " 4 " hemselve .] in ow Hllage, was circultating among The show , window 3, oul "Owen Moore, Gladys Hulette, Mary ed, all persons knowing themselves In | " : : ; . have on thelr Xmas dress, . y Pet arp y ? A debted to the estate are requested to make | old acquaintances for a few days Rbtormed Carr, Geo. Fawcett, Robert Edison, Lig : 3 { days. . os bs i y Tthtormes | ; : . . Joseph Carson, accompanied by Mr On Sunday morning He Wlo fol and Francis McDonald, A thrilling Immediate payment, and those baving 3 : : . . rer Jeet 6 cers, ns ol . . 5 . . ARE and Mra J. GG. Boal, spent Sunday congregation elected officers story of a beautiful girl who led a ® lalms against the same to present them with Mr Boal's brother in Hunting- Jows: Elder: A..H. Gingerich; deacons, gang of crooks to breathless daring. |duly authenticated Tn Sot lom eu , Pg : : KE. IUNKLE, Admr, Wm RR. Tressler and Paul Durner; trustee, Jacob Meyer. | p r 04 Centre Hall, Pa. don. {Their amazing adventures started In L. Russe! Copenhaver, who had been {the homes of New York millionaires | ! } i i > THULSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1820 Stepping on the Gas It Is reported that last year 43.000 people were killed by gas— 2,000 by asphyxiation, L000 hy attempting to light it, and 40,000 by “stepping on it.” nn AA AA working ‘at the stone quarry at Cen- and terminated in the world-famous y CN YY CE TIN p ‘4 y ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, tre Hall, had the misfortune to have ANNUAL MEETING, movie studios of Hollywood. We could . a large stone fall on his great toe. The annual meeting of stockholders pot pick out a better one. ALSO In the estate of HARRY W. CUM and smash it. He is at present going |©f The First National Bank of Centre Pathe News and Review. MINGS, late of Potter Township, Cen crutches, Hall, Pa., will be held in the banking FRIDAY. DECEMBER 18 tre County, Pa., deceased E. Royer, of Altoona, visit- [rooms the second Tuesday of January, | oo. or pops Letters ‘of administration on above estate week at the G. H. McCormick | 1926, it being the 12th day of the ‘ant reise Tila; . . ,. having been duly granted the undersign wonth, at 10 o'clock A. M,, for the Featuring Hleanor wHoardman, Hay ed, all persons knowing themselves In Kimport, of Altoona, spent | Purpose of electng oflicers and dire aon ord and I at > Maliey, 1 pa debted to the estate are Fequested {o make k end at the J. W. Slack home, [tors for the year 1926, and fo the Fr a ; So pi on 3 ! oh na ¢ rv ith Thomas and mother. Mrs, | transaction of such other business as!" ane ety pis ih 2 i a # hore Smith, attended the funeral|may be presented. of Ee ov A Al ati . win duly authenticated for settlement, gl ater inlaw, re tol H, LeioH sii about it I entértaing: ry } orb A. J. CuMMR ihe ———— or —— Bar and provokes and spurs the imagina- Notice. tion ALSO : op NH haters ) ire indebte ith Chapter of the “Wild West” Serial dl of thi All person 10 are indebt ooting ‘dees . Meiss for merchandise will have to| At MOOSE TEMPLE THEATRE PUREBRED is’ apend- | P) ull for 1925 to have credit for, FRL & SAT, DECEMBER 18 & 19 time at the Slack home with [the coming yea (Signed) POM MIX In “RIDERS OF THE Registered Guernseys Mrs. John Slack, - whose | #. R. MEISS. |[pPURPLE SAGE"— . rE 148 been rather serious for One more Mix picture and it sure BRED FOR PRODUCTION. — | THe RICHRLIEU THEATRE 8 HEIFERS SPRING MILLS BELLEFONTE Hockman. Jr. spent Wedne SUUSRERUECRERE AEORAVAOIGRE OLOMBIRNNRAE 3H LOERSCEBAE AISAUPSILANE «So DOASSOLAIIORAE SUAVIHORRIRLE <3 BASUSUOCURISIC 3 EXURVOM 600 XIUSEOMVESIRRL SUOSRSFIIINAOE YOARMERORE km Jr. spent dne: Williamsport. | Where the Best in Pletures Is Shown ore 0 ars weande~ i mas Decker shot a deer on Egg! ili on : irda y Bruce Meyer shot | Se U LS alo. si Fuce ""l THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17 3 BUL ‘enn Hall and Sale Sunday school | “SANT. "LAUS"— . . I: ; il an Sa mm Sun ay ok! SANTA CLAUS 7a) of exceptional good breeding, S E or CALL 1 * \ XO \ will have a Christmas exercise at | Here's the greatest Christmas treat, Penn Hall church on Sunday evening iS) } : ‘| the kiddies ill go wild over it, and all a having A. R, Backing, e : ; . cember 20th. the adults will also appreciate it. Pro / 1 ff d Spring Mills gers will sing Chri 3 ) ! ¢ Si : a NM Isesingers w Sing Christ” | 4.,0ed to be shown the week before oe. are o are . mas caro. at various places in OWN | pvisimas and of course we secured ta , ~ - > on Chrfistinas eve } A : : : } a i F OR SALE ® a R . {first run. It tells all about Santa, his soto - 4 rit 4 A : 1, Bich al i 7 ™ : lerchant John Rishel is ill with toys, - Reindeers. Toy Shop and every ppehmonia, thing interesting about Santa. This Rd TR x Entire Herd T. B. Free I —— — a ———— | picture is in two reels FOR SBURG, { The main or feature productio rill ; . » wi : Tem PEERREILL epi coe | LUMBER, ROOFING AND MILLWORK vs Club has arranged to have | be: Poultry Regulator to 100 pounds of any - i al carol singers sing on the | «THE YERDICT™— mash. 1 5 to 10 times the cost of Regu- streets on Christmas eve. All who lator is not returned in extra eggs every It's an 8-reel super production of penny of your money is cheerfully re. ~ a . ‘ ) thd finest we personally guarantee turned. Half a century of Pratt experi. will Ug held in the Lutheran church A» > ence has made Regulator the one na. e as one of the season's best Produced tor 3 c on Sunday evening at 8 o'clock tural tonic. Regulator builds flock in big way regradiess of cost Als vitality. Make your birds strong to There Is a moral In that for It is not a joke. A good many people are traveling fast these days, not only In motor ears but In general methods of living, There is always a temptation to “step on it” when more speed can he attained. This bank be Heves in “safety first” rather than in “stepping dn the gas” immediate payment, and those having | claims against the same to present thew | Lewistown, on Sun Smith, Frank | THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CENTRE HALL, PA. 8 PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME AND SAWINGS DEPOSITS oC SESRSTECHEE JURE CORINA SOMREIOINETTE TRIAL SV TORIIONE DIOP AOL JAMA IRE oe Jo JPHRTVIAINE JOROTOTIRANR JUNCROALNROI L JURMSARMETIIL TURING THINS Joma oO SERENE JOTI EIU DOOVRERONNE HILO CORAL JOVESEIIL | ORIEN CPVIIE +e +00 VEIIRINIRNNE JOURCLEDEEIR SEOSEUIERNT TAIN SO aE 3 7 I will help are invited to practice which “WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICE” hogs Killed in town this watchered on last Thurs-| First Run News and Special Comedy resist foup and ox old _weat her d mean Insurance and } Ture, ik, inl Systane ce Real Estate v lard. Adults, 25e, Children, 10¢ an. CONTINUOUSLY from 2 to 1s Poultry eran Sunday schoo will > i WwW 1 \ristmas service on Christ-1 1 PM prot J Yantto Buy or Sell? SEE US FIRST other Exclusive “Curtis” Dealer WE DELIVER ANYWHERE be ddd ddd dedi COMING—0On Our Stage, MONDAY, To Our Costomers: DECEMBER 21st. Pauiirs Riiniti wisonbitiond he you “THE KID HIMSELF” your money Sold and Guaranteed by 4 3 a : REPRESENTED BY Chas. O-Baritiolomew W. B. (“BILL”) SWARTZ. C. N. HOCRKMAN. CENTRE MALL, PA, PEEP PEO POPPIES OPPO PEPE OPe bedi bdo do T TEPC Ed CPrr TPT reve MASALA STATE COLLEGE, PA = BOTH "PHONES, Most All Men Have a Secret Hope You'll Get His Xmas Gift at Montgomery's JUST AS MUCH AS WE DO ~The NEW Star Six They Carry Distinction and are Make his Christmas extend on through the year by beauty, efficiency, comfort and value. giving him something practical. Christmas time is dress up time. His presence more than his presents ONE DOLLAR GIF | S L-head Continental motor, 40 brake- is of most importance. Here is a vast selection with a | "he SL Imp : | horsepower, Hayes-Hunt body, lacquer style, distinction, long wear and economy written in- WIDE LEATHER BELTS to them at FINE SILK NECKWEAR | finish in sage-brush green and black, THREE HANDKERCHIEFS Jo . : and balloon tires. 00 00 1 .00 TWO PAIR OF HOSE | an $23 } $33 4 $ 3 SUSPENDERS SS —— Sus MORE POWER AND SU- A LOUNGING ROBE TWO DOLLAR GIFTS PERIOR QUALITY betokens good taste, and good judgment. Our label : ; % in it is a pledge of genuine quality and distinction. ADO OTH SHIRTS UNION SUITS $7.50 TO $20.00 CAPE DRESS GLOVES toni GOLF HOSE re ~ FETTEROLF'S GARAGE WIND BREAKER ou pte CENTRE HALL SPORT SHIRTS FIVE DOLL AR GIFTS | STAR AND DURANT AUTOMOBILES for the great outdoors and collegian, In great checks VELOUR HATS | Associate Dealer : PHILIP'S GARAGE, Potters Mills, Pa, of red and black, green and black, grey and black. SPORT BLOUSES SILK PAJAMAS | PUBLIC SALE REGISTER. | : FINEST WOOL, MUFFLERS | $5.00 TO $6.50 SPORT SWFATERS | THURSDAY, MARCH 25th, at 10 A. MACHINE SHOP . ra : A ih i M., 3 miles west of Old Fort, by A. A 4 » | Cummings: Horses, cattle, sheep, hogs WHERE ‘one oN SHORT land full Yne farm implements iL. F.! : | Mayes, auct, ACETYLENE WELDING MONTGOMERY & CO. on sn 0 ve | WOOD WORK, WhO WOR - | miles south Centre Hall, A. O. Detwiler | en fn : THE MEN'S GIFT STORE will sell: Horses gattle, hogs, full line ' W. A. HEN h A a 4 ; : 2 3 fo BELLEFONTE Hi implements. LL. F. Mayes, auct. CENTRE IENNEY “ Bell Phone 19RS | The Centre Reporter, 31.50 a yoar. | — ——