Colds ti: Grippe Go Stop them today Stop them quickly—all their dangers and discomforts. End thefeverand headache. Force the poisons out. Hills break colds in 24 hours. They tone the whole eystem. The prompt, ree liable results have led millionstoemploy them, Don't rely on lesser helps, don't delay. Be Sure Its ql © Price 30e. CASCARA $7 QUININE Get Red Box MS with portran Paper Money Annoyance We the government would either reconsider its decision to print no more $10,000 bills or else retire those that are already in circula- tion, us we do hate to carry so much dirty money around all the time, says he Ohio State Journal, on which the Newark (Ohio) Advocate “And the iceman almost never has the change for it. And only the other day our street car conductor accused us of trying to snatch a free ride when we handed him one.”—Indianapolis News. wish remarks: Many people imagine that Worms or Tapeworm cannot be expelied entirely A single dose of "Dead Shot” proves that they can. 372 Pearl 8t. N.Y. Adv State Line Juggled Someone has been moving the state of Pennsylvania. State officials made the discovery that boundary line jugglers have effected unauthorized re- have visions in the centour of the Keystone In places showed the state line has been noved 00 feet by the markers, state. some invest tion shifting monument | Bea be 6 BELLANS Hot water Sure Relief BELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION 25¢ and 75¢ Pkés.Sold Everywhere Widows and Dependent Ladies—Attention Hepresentatives in o Marvelous New Camera lakes picture in tw tes, io fi rooms directions only $2 Terry, 1888 West 1 finishes a , plates or with full Arthur Brookiyn, N. Y. Y g frees STAGE CAREER; DRAMA: VAUDEVILLE; motion pleture Your opportunity today r successful course f it Bay. Hank Bldg FREE—RFEAD THE “ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ETIQUETTE” and aveld embarrassment social fun it MONT MUSIC: 1etalls P 157. Clas one. Do you want the latest records? Answer these two questions, and send us one dime, for which we'll these popular records. Send for them today: { The Camel Walk (Fox Trot) Ted Lewis’ Band T%-D t mw. Bam, Bamy Shore (Fox Trot) * = Nets. i I'm 80 Disappointed in You (Solo) heta 1007 Buchanan St, Washington, Dh. ( Z— ® 7 Pain AA Eimiment- yg 54 Years a Favorite Remedy Coughs and Colds A Noth Su Like It. oY FOR OVER 200 YEARS haarlem oil has been a world- wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. G HAARLEM OIL correct internal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist on the original genuine Goro MEDAL. “BLOTCHY SKIN Resinol Boschee’s Syrup Relieving Coughs for 59 Years Carry a bottle in your car and always keep it in the house. 30c and 9%0c at all druggists. I — RE [PASTOR KOENIGS | NERVINE | 7; _- / Epilepsy Nervousness & Sleeplessness HOES ET AER IVER YER Wrile Jor Jrei F612]. 7141 TO ALR OL So EAA ARK wf oF Tee BT RE HOW TO KEEP WELL mie dfs DR. FREDERICK R. GREEN Editor of “HEALTH” (©, 1925, Western Newspaper Union.) THE CONTROL OF RAW FOODS RIMITIVE man picked his fruit from the tree and ate it as fast as he picked it. The fish he ate were those he caught himself. The animal food was of his own killing and preparing There was little danger of his food becoming infected or contaminated, for it passed through no' hands but his | own. | So modern problems of food control | are of comparatively recent origin, | says Dr. Herman N. Bundesen, health | commissioner of Chicago. In a recent | article in the Journal of the American | Medleal Association, he discussed the | best methods of regulating raw foods so that they may reach the purchaser | and consumer in sound and wholesome | condition, Milk is probably our raw food. It is also probably the most perfect natural food. Unfortunately, It | is just as fitted for sustaining other forms of life and go is an commonest well ideal which germs diphtheria fever, milk medium in to grow the typhoid, losis may into raw from the cow that the the farm hand who milks the cow, from the pail or milk, frem the milk is stored ot the contaminated which the milkman wh The of milk Is generall from delivers danger now go sold must be partially cooked or ven in- city being sold hefore muy be before it is consumed. So for bottling, 4 housewives shoul t capping and han i dling and t | all { In which | he taug pans, crocks, bottles un kept should milk Is also ha clean That this real 1s { shown by Professor Rosenau of Har | vard, s 317 epidemics of typhoid, {| let fever 51 of dij { 1907. There have probs danger Is very who has collected evidence of 125 of scar and htheria since mans co ry ist iets that were never re orted Cream, butter ar ce cream, being ally i to suspicion. Oysters raw may { carry typhold, as shown by the typhold epidemic last win in New { York, Chicago and Washington. Frults | and vegetables typhoid | especially leafy such as | cabbage, celery, lettuce and water | cress. This infection may come from | the earth In they are grown, especially from heavily manured ground or from dust or handling In transportation. All fruits and hles eaten should be thoroughly | washed preferably in hot water before | eating { milk products, niso fire of open eaten may Carry vegetables which vegetn mw i KIDNEY DISEASE i HERE is probably no aliment of | the human body which arouses | so much public Interest as disease of | the kidneys. A large share of the | space In our newspapers and maga- | glnes devoted to so-called “patent | medicines” is taken up by various “kid- | ney cures,” kidney and lignid medicines. Most of pills the medicines advertised | the pads, plasters and belts have no effect at all, Putting a plaster on the back, as near the supposed location of the kidneys as you can get, has | no more effect on the kidneys than ft | has on the ribs or the bones of the | spinal column. But the idea in the | popular mind seems to be that the | sufferer has inherited “weak kidneys” | or has “strained hfs kidneys” or “caught cold In his kidneys” and that the nearer he can get sonfe Kind of a contraption to his kidneys, the sooner | he will get relief. in “kidney disease” the kidneys alone are affected and that they are en- tirely independent of any other part of the body. Both these Ideas are wrong. There is no such thing as “kidney diseases of the human body in which with special emphasis to the kidneys. Another popular delusion is that pain In the hack means disease of the kidneys. It doesn't. In the great ma- jority of cases of real disease of the kidneys, there Is no pain In the back or anywhere else, Likewise where pain in the back is present without any other symptom, there 18 no disease of the kidney. So don't worry about what the advertisements say. It just “ain't #0." There are two common forms of In- flammation of the kidneys or nephritis as the doctor calls them, Both of these are the result of Infection somewhere else In the body and affecting other parts of the body as well as the kid- neys. This Infection may follow some acute digease as scarlet fever, measles or diphtheria, or It may be due to glow poisoning from bad tonsils, ab- geessed teeth, Infection of the sinuses or bony spaces around the nose, to running ears or Infected gall bladders or to any other kind of long continued infection In which not only the kid neys but the whole body are slowly Irritated by the absorbed polsans PA. Foes Carry Well in Good Packing Series of Tests Made to Show Efficiency Under Com- mercial Conditions. (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) The economy of careful packing of eggs has been demonstrated in a series of shipments to test the comparative efliclency under commercial conditions of elght different methods of packing eggs In cases and two methods of buffing the cases In the cars. The eggs carried through to market with paratively little damage. The tests were made recently under the auspices of the interrelations com- mittee, representing egg case and filler manufacturers, and com- shippers, and co-operation with the bureau of United of Agriculture Different Methods. The eight different methods of pack- Ing used were as follows: 1. Standard railway companies economics, case, standard fillers 2. Standard ease, standard 1 ¥ its, six excelsior f pads 3. Cut down | less than fill- In depth ers and : 4. Standar Ors ONe-¢ ard, f« iT ur excel tom. different of hipments The dif nid, OKlu., (Wo Cars to Bos St i to Ascer lamage transit recordin each shocks to which fected during s! ord of were car Secure a red the the eggs sub- iipment Damage in Transit The occurring sit was reduced to terms of th nge £ basis tran F Aver m this damage during money loss per case the shiproents there was a | results show all hard of aver that for ight, but iy significant the the wond-hriaced loss in the f¢ advantage In hay-buffed cars favor straw and cars, The averag rmer was 1.40 cents and in the latter 1.52 The onsidered. ranked as follows in terms Pack pack Cents various packs, all shipments ff average mouey 8 004 cent; pack T, 2. 1.40 cents: pack 4. 8. 1.62 cents: pack 5, 1. 2.9 cents and pack 3, A mimeographed report “Comparative Efficiency of Methods of Packing, Loading and Bracing Eggs” has been issued whieh describes the tests and gives the data secured in detall. Copies of this re port may be obtained application to the loss per case: “wy 1.55 cents; 1.88 cents; 2.46 cents ; cents on riculture, Washington, Cover to Protect Grape Young grape vines should be pruned as soon as the leaves are off and then covered to protect them from extreme cold weather and drying winds which quite often cause winter killing. "ants set out last gpring are usually and this from three to four buds long. These small plants are protected by inches long. have two or three vigorous canes, they may be pruned fhe same as the two- year-old vines. Vines older than two years may be pruned to a definite sys- tem, the Kniffen system being one of the most popular, In following this system, the trunk is trained to the upper wire of the trellis. The frultage cane arises from this trunk. These canes are light in color as compared with the old wood and the bark !s smooth. From four to six of these canes are chosen to pro- duce the next year's crop. Better Live Stock The most enthusiastic corn-grower Is the one who has been at it the long. eet, Corn, alfalfa and sweet clover mean more and better live stock, and this means that your operations will be on a much more profitable perma- nent basis. Remember these things: Get seed of a variety suited to your climate: test the seed for germination plart it with an accurate planter] work the soil shallow In the later cul tivations, and use your own good judg. ment as to the best time and munner ef harvesting. : Coniferous Trees Good as Farm Crop Have Assured Market for Lumber or Pulpwood. {Prepared by the United Htates Department of Agriculture.) Profitable crops may be obtained from the poorer areas on many farms by planting coniferous trees. Even In small sizes the may be sold at a profit as Christmas trees, and In have an assured market for lumber or pulpwood. As a class they promise earlier and larger money returns to the farmer than other kinds of trees. Conifers are also very effective And al- rich, deep, ped fos conifers the lurge sizes they a8 windbreaks, though they grow best well-drained conifers aon solls, of will | some the pines In particular flelds or pastures, and sandy areas, cut- woodlands areas shnl wit low soil Information for planting, to obtain trees in- home-grown and for nre giv on how as well for producing for planting them, caring for the plantation 1453, just of Agriculture as complete seedlings, en in issued hy the Departinent under | the title on the F i ‘Growing and Planting Trees arm.” ighteen states listed In the nernte nurseries or pr her for distribu way ¢ tree seed for planting gtates usunlly furnish the seed free Good planting stock be oO ned from possible exceptio es of hardw trunks yield BAW more for t ire, timber the best choice Fine Time to Overhaul Farm Machines in Winter During late winter and early M j poo? nade a f anrifne "nN = fi £ ’ hing the rush ers and bolts and extra snaps, for the harness are bought and handy place. In fact, everything is done that + work when spring opens up, and if we lessening of their quick Remember on In the and In happen makes of the use bhreak- 1 GOWns, 4 they that farmer with right with it is a more his brains than he money use does hands, 50.50 proposition, of his or at least Endeavor to and do some regular reading and study. Good Staying Qualities Needed by Swine Grower Andrew the told an loss, vice director of University farm, St. Paul, Minn, plan that suits the farm, and sleeping. {ng fields to give clean fresh forage for brood sows and litters through the summer. farm waste possible abundance of water at all times, tened. Provide for a surplus of feed so that stock hogs ean be fed out at any time that the market looks especially prom- Fat pocket gophers cause leaner pocketbooks. . . » The well-fed, well-housed hen cer- tainly knows her eggs. * * » Now is a good time to begin plan- ning for next year's garden. * . * The feeding’ value of sorghum grains is about 90 per cent that of corn, ® & = ‘ The chief cause of ropy milk is bac terial growth on utensils, The remedy is careful scalding. *® * Potato storage should be dark, and arranged so that It can be ventilated during warm days. . 5 » Cabbage 18 rich In the green mate rin] needed by laying hens. About six pounds of cabbage may be fed per hundred birds per day. » . . A strong ram given one liberal grain feed daily, water to drink and with Ms fleece lightened or off will finish the season bu good condition, Castoria is especially pre- pared to relieve Infants in arms znd Children all ages of and Diarrhea; allaying 1 i and Bowels, aids Absolutely Harmless = No Opiates arn Against Sports Another wi rainst ex« irning again OX CPRRive sounded Where Credit Whitsett Is Due Reverend Seven children, h? My good man, you deserve a 1 } credit for raising a fam- ut I manage eventually. — Colds Pain Headache Toothache Lumbago Rheumatism Paderewsk: Likes Billiards After the piano and politics, bill ards high in ewski- He once game that enabled him plete mental rest. the opinion of Pader- said it was the only take com- to One Good Reason Randall-—-Why is it that you are not y any more? h, I kinda got out of the going with you.—0U. 8. GC. Rac) children sickly. So I'm very careful to Mothers are the best friends of Nujol. When their chil- dren's health is at stake they seek the remedy that med- ical authoritiés approve be- cause it is so safe, so gentle, so natural in its action. Constipation is dangerous for anybody. Nujol 1s safe for everybody. It does not affect the stomach and is not absorbed by the body. Nujol simply makes up for adeficiency-—tem- porary or chronic ~=in the supply of natural lubricant in the intestines. Itsoftens the waste matter and thus permits thorough ew regular elimi. nation, without overtaxing the intestinal muscles. Nujol can be taken for length of time haut effects. To insure internal cleanliness, it should be taken regularly in accordance with the directions on each bottle. Unlike laxatives, it does not form a habit and can be dis- continued at any time. Ask druggist for Nujol today and let your childrenenjoy the perfect health that i» possible only when their elimination is normal and regular,