THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA. + LOCAL AND PERSONAL. LOCAL AND FPERSONAL ville. Bedford county, arrived in Cen- fe tre Hall Wednesday afternoon of last {+ Tuesday was the fairest day Im a Farmer John Blauser, of near Pot-| oor ond were entertained hy Mr and ters Mills, is tickled to: sticks because 3 . 50a * long time back--say, at least, for Mra. A. H Bpayd They were closing § For Both MEN : 3 . © 1 A ‘ yo. ) 8 ng | thie, Weoks. wh A -— poi > , nd a four weeks’ vacation, a part of which, . "4 / Franklin Ruble and Miss Catharine 1400 bushels. The tubers are: safely |Was spent in Virginia, In’ the first pas | and WOMEN Ruble, R. N, both located In Altoona. |g, veq, toral field of Rev. Jones. Before coms | ’ were at thelr home in Centre Hall ov- a 3 aw . Miss Laura Runkle was in Altoona | ‘NE here for a few days to be with M!ss Ferma | of Rev. William R. Jongs, at tenton, | All Penns Valley is praying for nicely ver, who recently underwent ajand from here went to Itoona, where | warm ‘weather. There is uncompleted | major operation. Her condition for a Rev. Victor Jones is located. a mile of concrete pavement over Old | time was very serious, but she is re Nittany. ported to be Improving. : a . : The family of Rev. Fred W. Barry, Mrs. W. A (Odenkirk, of Ce ntre j ROreRant. Jeger) er Ne his pi at Nieman S Depa rtment Store at Highspire, has been ill with scariet | Hal, and Mrs Charles A. Krape, on | have left Millheim. Mr, ind Mya fever, Several of the children ' first | Tuesday, went to Puardoe, Mercer | Kgs! sir and daughter, Miss Midred, they had been at the home! er Sunday. and Many Other Opportunities ' { A. Kessler the Miliheim clothing contracted the disease, and now Mrs ounty, to visit Mra. George Crawford, | at Salisbury, N. C., where they ex Barry is suffering from it. | a 3 ne of yie Jatter SR o he os Jo Penain perme ntl pi G R EAT SA Vi NGS 11 | R UOL J T TI i E STO R E The McCracken farm in the Pino : in dn Cleveland, Ohlo, with Grove Mills district was bid to blood poisoning i ; au] Mrs, Harry Dietz, Do Not Miss This Opportunity to SAVE—GENEROUSLY—on Every Fall and Winter Need. $10.500 at a publi sale. The piace Miss Beatrice Brown. student in} was not sold but an effort 8 ¥ i ze} Centre Hill H gh school, faut i yy more car loads of ist ii ton SEPP POO POOP OOPEOICIEICOIIPPPOCIEPOIIOIIP PPO PPOOITIIOTIPIIOIPOPIEPIIIIIP FPPC IIOOPIPOIIIPPOIOIOIOOOIS Fd { made to get the high idder Be of Mr. and Mrs. 8S. E. Brown, of {were shipped from Centre higher and close the deal "3 ) the Potters Milis~ distri hh growers were ' ap aid fro } ’ rece * ys : ES Bin lot th ¢ in the right forearm. Shel, ov. dn in ) Let 4, This Idea Travel Home— Misses Ellen BurkholMler &nd. + \ tl By en et alu: 1SSES eW [8556s ys f . ars ord v jf ABRSINLOY MN Gong tne no * at the Tw : .. i . Geary, \the former \a sophomore and jd ii fol theoush & La the first shipments gave aT Nieman’s Department Store Is the Iatter a freshman at Penn Stal . aah ald Fuss a Ay ew og ; ‘igh Iho nes 1 ’ % ¥ We have a BIGGER, FINER, MOR} z ' . 60 cont were at their respective homes OV ! "hile on a visit . : Sunday. They are looking forward garet Runklé *C€ 8° rather lndennite a wonderful Deon State day 1k Xt). hn. H Saturday. Foremost In Fashion” and Foremost Runkle came ill and since for nu period i + 5 sas : . 43 In Value. The very Styles the Misses BE. Sharer, of 1 I,ifour or five week SC oh th i : : bed for tHX greater t of the! Shull home in ainen and Juniors are asking for at very Sharer tills a farm of 65 acre Sing Her Sdn . a fa , re AF. . ts ~ en : : a ed moderate priecs. They come In Crepe a caller at a S - finds ¢ Georgette, Sat ns, Velvet Brocade and Twill COMPHREHENSIVI STO RK THE LARGEL WOMEN. PPO EPEC EOL OOEPPTEEOEL EPP EPPECPOP PPP OOS PEPE ET CPE EP OOPGITOITIPOPI IPE SPOS IEP PIPPI --And We Havent Pezun to Say a Word About Our UNDREDS OF BEAUTIFUL SUITS Gast Iron Wanted... Misses’ and Junior Misses’ y drop us a postal card and we will’ L TRE Fur- Trimmed Coats Laureiton Foundry Co. Inc., LAURELTON, PA. Centre Reporter, $1.50 a year them doubly AT SPECIAL PRICES for “it WEEK-END WEP LELPEEPEPOPEOCEET EEE FOEICOPIPOEPOIPOELEPOLIPOIP 1.1 CTICAY ISIT THE BIG PRA IONS — AT THE— BLBEPE PPEGBOPOE POOLE PEEOLEDPEPEEEOLPPPOPLEPEPELLEEEE BPE EEE PEPE E PEEP PEEP EPRD, CENTRE, HALL STOR} ———— A. THESE PRICES GOOD THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY _ FEULIC BALE REvIStEy,. if Lidididdh d f f S hdd de a 01% puTem CLEANSER 25¢ G . ue FE Co . “When My Ship 8 Cans Hal! to look over Cent coun LUX~For Fine Launderin .s fag TT Y : C I Hy xz in Cambria county in t : : Smal xe. lle; Large Package 28¢ i . » EME ‘ A at 1 omes n Vint ire Everything business ne normal conditions. Tongan : A, ' . rush Va road, by | man is an expression often used to imply the ports his father, John Krumbis +3 = kN rms stock and pentd: Blac. : : . . as being unable, for the past fer Special . Special olfer- farm of. Th-acrdnei hE meaning that probably in old age one will years. to look ‘after the undertaking TE ey B a tn ive » POR ia ifh indenand yea ) in 5 CARES OCTAUGN SOAP : aot be able to live the rest of his life independ- business owing to rheumatism, a - s ’ 7 that he (the junior Mr. Krumbine . GNLY MARH 27th, 192 10 A - uy ently. Ee g i i miles south Centre Hall, A CAMPBELL'S BAKED BEANS 25 will se Horses. cattle, hogs, full lin You won't have to worry about your 3 i arm implements I. F. Mayes, auct a 2. . . . : . admire the two : vel : 8 Cans for C ih : ~ r ship eoming in if you have a steadily grow- creation. The left side of the cos | BEECHNUT SPAGHSTTI—IN DE- » 1 5 NEV/ ADVERTISEMENTS, ing interest account with this bank. tume, including the = in 3 he gleev LICIOS TOMATO SAYVCE FOR SALE-—Property at Tusseyvill « * ~ te ; . . a Babe sou i : i . Ey 3 Per Cent interest paid on Savings Ac- trimmed at™he tof ni bia Duta} FON 5, tons, and has a white cuff. A strij FANCY AMERICAN BEAUTY SYRUP barn, garage. etc. frul j counts, white sat rine around the yi A Syrup of excellent quality -Just 35 trees, Ney the frock own the right side and the thing for hot cakes a Ih, Can C in pla ern he bE FANCY AMERICAN BEAUTY SYRUP 65c borders FANCY TABLE SYRUP—Rich and yA De, Ne ‘ Fare . Gallon Kc "OR : “ord ring car, 152 DAYTON'S 8 RB PANCAKE FLO Rr 20c¢ ot ane. re. H. W. Potter THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK e Spring Mills plan GUNS! GUNSIATwo handred (200) Hen stating that the DAYTON'S N R BUCKWHEAT 8 New and second-hand Shotguns, Rifles SPRING MILLS, PA. had i ed 0. fhe FLOUR . . Sack 2 i rd Revolvers, Big Bargains: bay. SKOVer housand Frigid ice . “trade or sell. Do you want to swap! ream cabinets with al A . . Hop In the flivver and bring your gun. tors Corp. a Delco-Light subsidiary. C C g l==BELL, “The Gunman” 427 Logan total of over $2.000.000 ig involved gars Igars iS, Lewistown, Pa. ofs* this and one other order. : The two Best Se Cigars on the Market ! _ . as been doing #20 ¥ £ After a bit we SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR REANT he (Gene A ring'neck cock pheasant, wer | ‘DAILY SALE’ and ‘KING EDWARD i po— — - = — gince being liberated by forester W. F.| : - 1 \ McKinney, at the State House, in the | Eh 1 serves Price. poy Boy. of 50 $2.25 I Seven Mountain®e has been leltering | about the place and at times was re CRAIG'S FANCY BR A CHERRIES : i! garded as a nuisance, especially when | “hou ’ ‘ «vs large Can 30c¢ he was in the race with the White Leghorn roostersg-—the roosters always HOUSEWIFE'S FANCY (CORN...... jeading, Only recently the cock pheas Can C ant took jie evening men! with McKinney fowls, but in peace, an , HOUSEWIFE'S FANCY PEAS ....... this a LE. 3 ¥ wi } ti Can GQ nd in. killing a tame | Specials for This Week=End Game. wardens have. knowledge: SH FANCY BULK DATES - -. 2ibs. 28¢ ! ? Unusnslly Low in Price: Rich In Food Value. Buy for the Entire the fllegw Killing of a numbe of deer | . in the Seven Mountains amd adjacent ; . . s Table i . hE a A le To 8 Family. A Daluty Article for the Tabl 1 Kohler &: Cable Straight ¥ 1h pA ——————— Clie eyide fog definite no igh . : Fahl : ORIOLE BLEND COFFEE Fresh Roasted Daily i Pi lik : f FANE, promécut-onh, A d08 WAS ee Our sales on this Coffee are Mmereasing dafly—~proving eomelus- iano, like new, « Or twor weeks ago In the Colyer district | ‘ after it was unfit fon food. In Georg: | ively that i Is n coffee of unusual merit, Join the others and ase Tn “t i bik ni . . this Coffee, This Coffee In equal to the advertised brands, both in Valley, tin climes.” there "ha A Hobart M. Cable P ar etcral ao an : Thursday | flavor and aroma, which sell for a price 10e higher than our OR- 0 art . Labie : : re Bead OLE COFFEE, ! night a twoprong buck was kijed | . 9% { near Herbert Gobble's, The shot ‘was | ORIOLE COFFEE ®. ibe Ih Party owes $287. Will sell to anyone heard, and almost Immediately ao ca desiring to balance off. ORIGINAL rushed by the Gobble home. This led | to the discovery of the dead deer. ASK our Store Managers for Special Prices on PRICE WAS $600. {Trough W. I. McKinney the founty Foodstuffs for your Hunting Camp Orders. Write to Home Office. me warden was notified, who took €he carcass to the Centre County Hos- We can Save You Some Money. pital while it was in first clase cond! | y Jil |} SPANGLER MUSIC HOUSE, 7 tion. .