A LOCAL ANP PERSONAL. Local banks will be closed all day and evening on Saturday, July 4th. Prof. IL. Pittsburgh cation, from Vi 0. Packer is home for the summer school Mrs. Nettie Campbell, of Linden Hall, last week for a day visited Mrs. An na Hemphill and Mrs. D. A. Boozer, in Centre Hall. Petters of on the Breon LE de administration tate of the late John H. published by the administrator, H. Ebright, cashier of the First National bank. The exterior of the mansion on Rhoneymede, owned by Mrs. W. C. Dunlap. of Reading, is being painted by John M. Coldren and gistants, D. K. Keller, Valley bank, Church street Long, of Farmers work. Mrs. Harry McClenahan arrangements to enter the Memorial hospital, Danville, near future for treatment stones, ha home (Rev) re asn- the Penns home George doing cashier of having repainted, Mills, on W Lire is his is making Geisinger in the for gail 8 Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Heisler, daughter Luella and Philip. Mr. and Mea Hiram Peters, all from Dallastown, York were week end the Lautheran son county, guests over the at parsonage. Mrs, Waife, by her children, of Altoona, is the of J. B. Miss Fortn accompanied the | s.eiel | Rebecca S. at Fortney and Tusseyy home Annie ‘ i re she will rex for a Ww nths. from a wag tones the man was obliged t himself that distance, hit horse and NOCORNG IY open a gute drive home. On the w was to leave the wagon tv One night last week Robert I. Smith and family wire rudely awakened from their slumbers and were more ot less nonplussed to find nothing in the house and ng apparent for shaking of the house. ening the door to the was punched in the face appl Himba that had the door. The limbs large apple that had f: striking the but ¢id except that aceompliiched by wrong Upon My. by Lj Smit! lot of against part rear, a rested were tree house no damage the Reporte f Pleasant calle fice last 4 B. Missouri, Mary FE Roseman, of Mr. an! Mrs. Bhoads left home in the west the 17th HH to Pennsylvania direct by auto by way of Illinois. Ohio and West Virginia. They expect to spend a few weeks with relatives in this It im Mrs Rhoads’ first visit here xince she was 17 years of age. and she paratively few changes, the East changes little as ed with the West. She lo a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. 8. J. Shirk, deceased While In Centre Hall they visited I D. Brisbin, an uncle of Mrs. Rhoads, and Mra. H. . Shirk. Upon thelr turn home they expect to go way ¥ Cleveland where they will visit Mra, + W. Ruble, and mop off ‘nt various points, taking more time on the trip home than when coming eastward, re at the Thursday Rhoads, iternoon “Jack” former's =sOn and the of Beymour, aunt, Mure, Tussey vii their on uit, « wection, nites Conn declaring tnat fETEN ye by LOCAL AND PERSONAL. be held Centre Children's day services will in the Evangelical church, Hall, on Sunday evening. L., Ray Morgan, of spending a part of his Centre Hall with Mr. and Smith, is in WwW. Homestead, vacation Mrs, 8. is pur: Beezer, | Searson, the thresherman, driving a Studebaker-SBix sedan, chased a short ago from the Bellefonte A new driven by ble cutter, A. Homan George time dealer is the mar | the W, | agency. | sedan Strohmeier, Chevrolet H G. purchased being through Members of Sunset club and invited | ghthered at the club | evening and spent the enjoyment. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. to Lutzville the latter week and spent a and Mrs. R. R. guests house | Tuesday social time | in Spayd part days motored of with Rev dant few Jones, The Ladies’ Ald society of the Meth- | odist church at have i ranged to hold a the of August, at Potters Mrs. John B. Ruble to visit her daughter, Ruble, employed as a Pennsylvanfa Railroad Sprucetown ar festival on fret { Mills, was in Altoona | Miss Catharine nurse by the| company. the | morning The engine and two coaches west-bwound train Wednesday at a point Paddy on were derailed in the moun tains west Mountain tunne of Ww Ashville Dr. f of George Krumi through Centre trip State auto thro f the Mr. and Mrs. John H., Knarr. a nied 4 heir two young t Me oF eHort MO tise} fas ue found varioas High enact laid vay department, down by the State the result the automobile dd; of of laws hy last legislature be ments will well for fvers 0 acquaint themselves with thicee new regulatios, which are intended to both the general publie, priftect auto . drivers and the For about three weeks Samuel Shoop | has been confined to his home and tor | greater part of the time to bed. | While his condition now is somewhat | improved, family like Mr, his the suffering it is what not to seo circum» under Shoop is from | in appearance to €yy- sipelas, which le most pronounced on is face. i Memorial to Campus Love. More than half a century ago a young co-ed and a young bachelor graduate at Indiana university In Bloomington discugsed matrimony dur on the eampus, during which time the young co-ed took two small maple saplings, twisted them to- gether and left them. She remembered the occurrence long after she had mar- ried another, told her son of it and he went to Bloomington, hunted over the campus, found thé saplings still en- twined, grown Into a great solid tree trunk, but with the spiral lines show. ing plainly they had been lashed to- gether long ago and had become one, ried away a picture of the tree.—Ollo State Journal. FOR rubber tire buggy, single Spring SALE carriage harness, Mills, Pa. Horse, and Mrs. Cow, double and M. pole, Ww. NEVER BE WITHOUT IT for # immediately eases severe, colicky pains and cramps in stomach and bowels, deadly nausea and weak- ening diarrhoea, For children and grown-up use CHAMBERLAIN’S COLIC and DIARRHOEA REMEDY Keep it always in your home. head Get It? The appearance of your letter head may mean success or failure. Do yourself justice in the quality of your business messenger. We do not advocate extrave. gance. We recommend the use of a very moderate priced standard paper — "AAR RNY, W B89 “ ~ which has won recognition for its quality and the service it gives. We are prepared to furnish that paper and to print you a letterhead that is a dig- nified representative. CENTRE HALL, PA. RR apparel. Avail assortment of i MILLHEIM SPECIALS on All Summer Apparel We Invite You te Inspect Our Entire Line Biographical Lore nNegiecuew. A book has been published contain- ing the reminiscences of nearly every. body who knew Robert I. Stevenson very well, Such a work about Theo dore Roosevelt would fill a bookcase. We should like, to see the personal recollections of all the friends and ac who knew OO. Henry Texas, where his first literary work wns done, This is a fleld of his en- deavor which has been singularly over. looked There are other bright erature of whose personality able made before they have receded too into fe r ong. Note how sid ation about Edgar Allan lished and the last hat pertain to ‘alt Whit. att ontributions quaintances in lights In lit. a read. foht gO% 0 and instructive record m he far the past—Willilam Dean Howells shred of Poe is gously every g = felors passing before Wh alive is the time wal of heginni le the change 7 WE Re EHR nds real West, 85 080) (0) aft sper tee of of t hete of the throug i the Assoc] Pie story of the inte the whd ¢ Tex Austin real West during lifetime, duys of * action than producer fenis doggers, champious uli, sud bronchos OO ANI Fo SA PRI HO nine gave gttomobile, with parties of friend Lake Michigan is to hecome the the of Commerce on i efforts of domestic and foreig on will be packed more is the privilege of many to witness in » cowhoy contests, wil Cowboys, cowgirls and bull and longhorn steers which have scorned this year for cowboy contests, the promise of their nwners, wer into their greatest strength, wil The stadium iteelf is the world's horses, called the worst on the They can’t be ridden, Is “ defy the wits of the “bultdogrers. wonder work of architecture. Its mas persons got ready the summer's plans and A MOTOR that runs iient motor a motor that and . ’ 5 3 c 5 Yes, that's a de SCrip- oa reconcile 8:11 Phone Jaa GRAIN MARKET. {Corrected Weekly by Bradford & Ce.) Wheat Corn {wits TRYS .iiniiinar Baled Hay 13.5 . Eee 8.00 Purina Chick Startena sass as 3075 Baby Chick Chow. . 4.00 Shelled Corn and Oats Chop......2.75 White Middings £2.50 | Used successfully | Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con- [sists of an Ointment | Relieves by { Internal Medicine, a Tonic, whic through the | faces, thus reducing the inflammation. Bold by all druggists. F. J, Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. in the treatment of | MAN | farm buyers this section. Write Smith adelphia, Pa. » i 2t wd water ru? rm, will be $2200, A eal informator FRANCIS ugh the f{ K male at furthes LEE Esl on Miffiinburg ad- i Pa. GOOD JOBS SMILES | SAID LITTLE JANE GRADY T™O' IT MURTY TIT TO KILL se HALF AN ANTI -PAIN ll”