TH to his 1 Ralph ales Long w Bibby | My ar port, at Braucht’ Danell L€] at Rev, } ed th Haney's Tuesday Mrs party Henr present ett Gienn Isabelle Ts er ——— - {tives and friends in and near Millheim. “ { ——— sass Pauline Kessler is visiting URSDAY, MAY 14, 1925 Me and - IN. C | PD. J. Nieman during the week and daughter, Mr. [ Zucker, at Sharon. G. Franklin Sthver: a university. with his SPRING MILLS Royer has built a esidence., ~ Shook and their il enlarge louse, Wd Mra, Dean Braucht, tended the funeral 8 grandmother, Mrs, Monday Slegal has several days his son-in-law Mrs. Abram #pent with and new porch requirements, an adequate merchandise : Cement Fertilizers Fencing Roofing Imp. Plows & Repairs Dairy Feed Harrows ‘Meat Scraps Cultivators COAL of All Sizes. Andrew Hote residences. C. P. the the | will to . sophomore at over Mr, porch at Susquehanna Wilts an Sunday visitor Mrs, L. E. Stover, Mrs, Paul C. sons, of Red with Mrs. Richley@ Jersey | Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Musser. : Mr. and Mrs, Harry BE Sun wanton, visitors with Mr. ‘aged father, Nathaniel faney amd Wm. Haney attend: | Mr. and “Mrs. Albert Wilson and Mr. of Mrs. Stover, Mrs, Barnes and two children, of daughter, at Hamsport, were with parents, Chick Starter Growing Mash of Coal of and Mrs. | Mr. Martin | two Richley and motor and Lion, were on § | visitors parents, gone to Lo Boob's y work. Boob, of X . ¢ . Meyers and family spent were i 3 Boalsbwarg Boob, Nav i funeral HEY. 1 and Miltheim, on] Wit motor guests friends, Mra J. V week : | Mil im H. 8. Braucht had a birthday w her little granddaughter, Saturday Miriam and Marta Long, Al Musser, and Richard Han- son Mira Evan- Kleffel, with of their Rev, and Millhelm . and visited last ’ . Thoge i. on evening. Thos daughter-in-law. Kleffel it the Jd ' DATSONNEe, Ohl. “I Mrs Wa fad Misa Edna Hoste MILLHEIM. burs: are i Mensch DISE and have it paving the road to satisfaction. were Lois Shook mon and gelleal lace Bartges of this place, man, of Aarons attendance this week at WM. McCLENAHAN, PROP. and family, of Mil- the P 8S. of A, Btate convention at - » sitors Sumday with reia- What are the Protestant Churches Coming to’ ARE YOU A PROTESTANT CHURCH MEM BER 7 Protestantism is fast slipping from the rocky heights of true Bible faith? Do you know that scores of theological seminaries, where your future ministers are being trained, have ruled out an infallible Bible ; that thousands of ministers are preaching a man-made gospei ; and that literally hundreds of thousands of church members are being swept along by this ever-rising tide of ‘‘modernism.’’ Are you aware of the fact that American Do you know that this country today is thickly dotted with churches that are mere shells of their former selves? Do you know that a general collapse of America Protestantism was actually threatening some time ago ; that a mighty counter-movement has started : and that we are IN THE GREAT CRISIS RIGHT NOW ? We want to reach EVERYBODY that calls himself a church member —also those who do not read a church paper, and they are legion. Hence this general announcement in your secular Men and women, are vou in favor of retaining the Bible that your fathers believed in and that your mothers trusted in, that was their hope and stay in times of grief and sorrow, that gave them cheering visions of a heavenly rest— the rest that your liberals do not believe in because it belongs to the supernatural’ and, therefore, ‘‘unknowable””? Will you join us in saying “Whatever you do, or don’t do, but HANDS OFF THE BIBLE?” Will you help us save the Bible for America ? Will you join in the fight for its integrity? Will you, too, deny modern scholarship the right to rob us of the only sure foundation upon which our feet can stand. in these shifting sands of time ? paper. Then you are interested in the news that we are now able to convey to you—the greatest piece of news heralded for a long time. Itis, THAT A NEW REFORMATION IS COMING ! There are rumblings everywhere of the ap- proaching battle —the battle between faith and unbelief, between true religion and false science, between FUNDA. MENTALISM and LIBERALISM. And there is yet more news. It is this—that a GREAT NATIONAL MAGA. ZINE is now being published, for all the Protestant denominations, edited by the great leaders of conservative Protestantism, which is here to keep its readers promptly informed of every new development in the ‘‘new Reform. ation’’ movethent, and which is blazing the way to a ‘‘new Protestantism’ in America ! The magazine is bigger than any denomination ; it has nothing to do with this seet or that. It is inter-denominational. It is here to fight, on a huge, nation-wide scale, for the sanctity of the Bible! It is here to place the Bible where our fathers placed it —far above all the thoughts, and philosophies, and imaginations, of mere men! And it is here to adore a DIVINE CHRIST in that DIVINELY INSPIRED BIBLE! That is the only Christ men and women want for their Saviour in therhour of death ; that is the only Bible they would care to rely on when the chilly waves begin to strike their feet, weary of travel. TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING'ON IN THESE MOMENTOUS TIMES, READ The New REFORMATION A Monthly Magazine for All the Churches, Representing the Nation-Wide Movement against Modernism and for the Positive Rec- ognition of the Sanctity of the Scriptures. CLOVER MONSMA, editor-in-chief: WILLIAM JENNINGS RYAN, former 1, 8S, Secreiary DUBOSNE, Bishop Methodist Eplecopal Churels, South; LEANDER 8S. KEYSER. Professor CLARENCE EDWARD MACARTNEY, Moderator Presbyterian Chareh. U, 8 A MARK A. MATTHEWS, Minister of largesi Presbyterian church in the World, Seattle, Wash.; GEORGE M'- CREADY PRICE, expert Geologist, of England: L. R., SCARBOROUGH, Pr ‘dont Southwestern Baptist Sem! nary: JOHN ROACH STRATON. Minister Cavalry Baptist Chureb, New York; GEORGE WHEATON TAFT. President Northern Baptist Seminary, Chicago; MARTIN LUTHER THOMAS, Minister First Presbyterian Church, San Pedro, Cal—and numerous contributors of note. EDITORS: of Sates Lutheran JOHN HORACE M, Divinity School; It is uniike anything you have ever ses i. It i= bold, but not It i= powerful in ts true, deep, clear faith, but not bigoted It progressive, radical. IS consers This is not a church It is fearless. hut not Vative, and yet sanely paper! rude, Une of the paper's greatest features is the Practica; Comment on the Sunday School lessons by the editor