A Sweet Breath at all times or smokin Wrigley’ the mout and sweetens the breath, Nerves are soothed, throat is refreshed and digestion aided So easy to carry the little packet! S - after every meal J.J) | COFFEE Te strBmeecR tL id Ren. MurnpocH & Co. Tstabhished B53 CHICAGO + BOSTON « PUTTS BURGH -MIW YORN Clip this ad NOW EUROPE and Tourist Specials EntireThird Cabin quarterson splendid ships rererved exclu- sively for students, teachers, business and professional men and women, theirfamilies,and similar tourists. Neat, comfortable state- rooms. Good table and ser. vice. Broad decks for games and lounging. Commodious, well-appointed public rooms. Over 25 sailings from New York, Boston and Montreal. Special All-Expense Inclusive Tours — from New York, 24 days, $215up—from Montreal, 36 days, $330. For booklets and helpful information apply to 308 N, Charies 5t., Baltwmore, or any authorized steawsh:p cgent WHITE STAR LINE maTIONAL MAJESTIC ovid’'s Largest BAKING oR ala out RIGHT aL STE C0 D s Soap to Cleanse i/ Ointment to Heal J Absolutely Nothing Better OF HOREHOUND AND TAR lieves colds, © throat and bronchial trout: ina oid fash safe, quick, hom » way. J0e at all draggiste. mm frp Se W. N. U, BALTIMORE, NO. 12.1928 ’ oe Something to La SY KNOW YOUR TALENT HE first requisite in the life of the youthful, is to know his or her natural talent so that it.may be ln- telligently developed and turned to profitable account. - Find the hole in which your peg fits without wabbling and there, Do not from pillar to post Ino quest of another, and you will enjoy more of what makes life valuable, glad a8 the years swing by that you have held firmly to your original intention, Most of the failures in this work-a- day world are due to Inefliciency, caused generally by shifting from one station to another and the woeful lack of fixed effort in the pursuit of a| definite course. You never can find the port you hope to reach If you persist In salling your keep It move ship without compass and rudder. The tides and the winds will your precious craft into the open jaws of destruction or hurl it high and dry on the rocks from which there is no likelihood of escape {OSS scowling talent for painting, produce of themes nnd attractive colors; feft In the Is and the hammer and re y have a that ful if your hand is you pictures use of too clasp the saw golve that no one shall excel you. ’ meh | By DOUGLAS MALLOCH YOU will Will live It conquer life, if you as you long to do, only on the wan on the plan, who fall, lives are have seen that those are we hearts empty, stale, Failed not bed The thing thes sought found It hot thoug ause life never brought wished for, thing they was not what they ht. won—but when they seized the prize there before thelr eves: It was a tinsel thing, not worth worthless things, these : I found, were when that opulence had come, worth one-half the sum 1 for ev'ry ctumb, not pal they who this their pray'r had made Iabor at their trade, things they l@ed to make, | for the labor's rake, to the happy. merely ease overtake : were these content, | way their fortunes Because they did not walt na now: o'er the plow, RONG we is wrong. along! around us The busy 7 hums a Oh, he w For there ’ : ior JOY : $ 1 is iter all A well done task, a well made thing These are the joys to make us sing wreath is cften late, fortune fiekle as our fate But for our joy we need not walt (E 1926, McClure Newspaper Syndicate) A) - —— Your Last Name Think About LEE in and envying around lot ing your Idieness, the prosperous hilltops. talents, there Is but medium through which you ean achieve work, holding steadfastly to your course and refusing to yield to discouragement, There Is In every person's life cerucinl moment of choosing a manent vocation, and when that overcome, there remains nothing to do but to drive straight abead, de- termined to win an honorable destina- tion, To the men and women who predisposed loafing, given to ping by the wayside to gather wild flowers when they should be tramping resolutely upon the highway, this gcearcely forms an agreeable subject for meditation. one is else are {0 tut these, guessed, hidden and been the suc fickle hn ve napkin ranks of their own who they in an are thelr talent crowded easful, the of rom because i i TER, ——————— CENTRE HALL, PA. he Young Lady Across the Way ol . The young lady ross the the a ship He was Invented in distress has been the F. O. B Clure Newng way since wireless many saved al dicate.) sending (Eby M out SUES PyRr NEAR Tacs Cripveu ™n thie TAFFY of Sets To tg ia TS & L TUE Contectioners f character and sition depend in 8 Ereat hat is eaten at the table SEASONABLE DISHES Asyur of For the meat dish the following may be found a little out of the Tenderloin Cutlets. Chop fine one pound of beef tender. half a pound of veal and one- rubbed to a cream tablespoonfuls of orange with salt and pepper Press the ment into eight cutlet shapes, saute In but- ter. or bacon fat., Cook six or eight minutes, Serve with seasoned asparagus. with two juice. Reason olive oll Swedish Stew, Put into an earthen dish two and IS IT SILLIMAN? HE Silliman family in the United | States was founded by Daniel Sii- | man who came from Holland. The tra. | dition Is, however, that the family originated In Italy and there is enough | in the sound of the name to bear out | this tradition. One of Daniel Sil | man's descendants was Gold Selleck | Silliman, a brigadier general in the | Revolution and his son was Benjamin | Silliman, born in 1779, who was a well known American chemist, He founded | the American Journal of Science and art, His son Benjamin Silliman, born In 1816, was a chemist and physicist also well knawn, i Strange and Strang-—-Thege names | fre sometimes merely different forms | of the same surname, but there Is rea- son to belleve that Strange sometimes has a different origin, There is a sur name Lestrange, originally Lestrange, nud Strange is sometimes derived from this, with the meaning of stranger or foreigner, However, Strang usually is from Strong, Strang being the peculiar north of England wny of pronouncing tht adjective. In this case It is mere. Iy a descriptive.gurname, Sir Robert Strange, an eminent line engraver who was born in Orkney, in 1721, was a member of u distinguished Scotch family whose name {8 some times spelled Strang or Strange. Thibaut—As a surname this Is de rived from the first name that in France has the forms Theudobald, Thiebault, Thiebaud and Tibaut, and In England Theodebald and Theobald. (@ by MeClure Newspaper Syndicate.) pleces, a large carrot sliced of pearl taploca, two tablespoonfuls of bread crumbs, tablespoonful of vine- gar, one-eighth of a grated nutmeg and: salt and pepper to taste. Cover tightly after adding a little water and let cook five or six hours Ik a moderate oven, Celery Relish, Mix rich cream cheese with season. ings of salt, a dash of cayenne and color a delicate green. Fill the ecen- ters of the stalks of tender celery with the cheese, Arrange around a mound of salted browned walnuts, the thick ends to the center, leaving the leaves on the stalks, Junket With Banana Puree, Press the pulp of two bananas through a vegetable press or ricer, add two teaspoonfuls of sugar and one fourth cupful of water, let simmer un til well heated, then add a tablespoon: ful of lemon Juice and half a teaspoon ful of granulated gelatin soaked In cold water and dissolved in hot water, mix well and pour into the bottom of custard cups. When firm, heat one quart of milk to blood heat, add one junket tablet crushed and dissolved in a tablespoonful of water, one teaspoon. ful of vanilla; mix and pour over the banana mixture In the cups. Serve when chilled with whipped cream. (@) 1925, Western Newspaper Union.) semis atten It takes a good” many shovelfuls of earth to bury the truth, . ) “een fol ’ h |) we Pues T Ones tee The Appleton Family Me. Lysander John Appleton Mrs. Lysander Joba Appleton Mise Daysrr Marme Appleton Master Ohguncey Devers Appleton the part of Lysander John ton to induce his wife to buy an oid hen and stew it down, and that this is the cause of her objection: There Is no French name ssi Xm Lysander John Appleton sure that his wife has forgiven him for an offense until apple dumplings ap pear, She may say she forgives him: she may even refrain from saying mean things about his kin, but he is and complete until the apple dumplings appear, na Sut Daysey Mayme Appleton claims to be such a good judge of cooking that she ean go by any house and tell by the whiffs from the kitchen what Is on the stove, how long it has been on, and If the cook Is leaving It on too long. i il _ When Chauncey Devers Appleton was three years old he stopped kissing and hugging his father when he want. ed a favor in return, making the dis covery by himself that it wasn’t the manly thing to do, but Daysey Mayme still keeps up the practice, and she Is 80 old she hag worn out three pianos (8 by George Sauthew Adame) Kobe college, the first Christian school for girls in the western half of Japan, is to celebrate the fiftieth an niversary of its founding nest Oe tober, The Quality Leader of the Low-Priced Field From the beginning the Star Car has established a newer, higher standard of engineering in the low priced field, being the first to include the following quality features: 1. Forced Feed Motor Lu- b. brication 2. Silent Chain Front-end 6. Drive 8. Single-plate Dry-dise Clutch 4. Semi - elliptic Removable Valve front and rear Tappet Guides 9. All Main Units Separately Removable Worm and Gear Type Steering Gear Vacuum Fuel Feed with Tank at Rear Durant Tubular bone 7 Back- Springs, B&. and Prices, { 0. b. Lansing, Mich. Roadster $5 Coupe $715 Four-door Sedan $820 Commercial Chassis $443 40 Touring $540 Two-door Sedan $750 DURANT 'MOTORS - INC « Broadway at York 57th New Y« Dealers and Service Stations Throughens the United States and Canadas Plants: Elizabech, N. J Lansing, Mick » Toronto, Ont Street, i in the village has its social alesome offering justification for |: theories Own Your Own Garage When you come home in the car late on a cold winter night you appreciate the convenience of your own garage. Your car is safer in a private garage, provid- ing it is fireproof. Comfort and safety can both be yours by building one with con- crete. And it will not be expen- sive, for Portland Cement is the cheapest manufactured com- modity. Your building material dealer can furnish you with good ideas for garages built of con- crete made with Atlas Portland Cement. F YOU do not keep clean internally your looks and health are undermined together. A clogged intestine breeds poi- sons that reach every part of the body. These poisons ruin the complexion and undermine health. Constipation brings on such ailments as headaches, bilious at tacks and insomnia, each of which saps your health and vitality. Avoid Laxatives—say Doctors Laxatives and cathartics do not overcome constipation, says a noted authority, but by their continued use tend only to ag- gravate the condition. Medical science has found at last in lubrication a means of overcoming con stipation. The gentle lubricant, Nujol, pen- etrates and softens the hard food waste and thus hastens its passage through and out of the body. Nujol is not a medicine or laxative and cannot gripe. Like pure water, it is harmless. Take Nujol regularly and adopt this habit of internal cleanliness. For sale by all druggists. Nujol REG us. , OFF,