The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 26, 1925, Image 1

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¥ —— — AN of Old Fisher Home Outbulldings
Peace and Not to Republican G® gne-Halt Cent Postage Stamp Inno- Increase of Hunter's License to $2.25 Bishop MeDowell Presiding Officer—
nius for Eeonomy.~Operating Exe vatlon—No Parcel Post Under » Would Yield $1,000,000 for Pur-| L. A. Miller,
penses. of Government” Have Not | Ounces~Postage on Sealed Let
Economies Due to Restoration | a S—r——
Consumed. by Fire Sunday Night!
Lewistown, Seere- | Origin Unknown,
chase of Forest Lands, tary—Consldering Union With | | FROM ALL PARTS.
Decreased. ters Unchanged, E. Chureh South.
Sennt nl n's sth itute hill
With a few exceptions, after Apt t1 £85.00.00 forestry bond issue | The Central Penn
resident's office must get | 15th the postage rate on all « wotically has | e of the Method
were intro- | shureh opened
very thrifty Adminkstra
an eraser because the | ail wili be higher. The one ite sessile
and there i8 nol io hold is the sealed letter i on and given | berghurg Wednesd Ly
‘hey | with Bishop MeDowell presiding
although many t
cents {or one ounce or frig
demand expung- | or Another is the one-cent
conference for five ministers
more red tape be- postage on books, catalogs
that during the vear--The [le
and he tings bulbs. roots.
isenmdally [| Heese thie Hey i
weighing up to nk in ng Bt | which 21 {1.0 y he set aside r ithe Rey
because Thomas
st less aunced, the rate nds and
Madden sheds a good | to he one cent
nation’s balance | or fraction thereof
have reached Private mailing
in appropia cards
have always | creased from
tions of ex-i for
Republican i
——— ly
— —
Big Appr sprintion for
1 pub-4
| ein
Miss Rishel Awarded Scholarship.
Helen Rist } }
Plano for Rirthday Present.
| 96.080 used to g ents : 7 \ ‘ ' en alt bs
1. he n a fe fou ¢ ‘ iH ' d A ¥
£175,000 Evangelical Church
wo © a buil
the Grace Lutheran | table
the erection | 3
1 ted
Nps ed |
Sunday MIUK Train,
much talked of Nundas
ver the Lewisburg and Ts
f branch made ite initial rin Kuo
p §
V3 fue 3 $ ' ® hi “1 The train came on to Riding Springs
$70.000. Thel . b + Li . . nite. rab
where ft did ite firs work ea ving
IN Wi ie
there about 6:30 fiftren minutes py —
items do | '° 4 letter or pa vhether i ¥ A nn ” n after its smohediuile time Going east PUTTING Saw mt 5T T0
relay | nt insured or registered rene nis | Heol PORT it Miriam Ho- train stopped at Coburn Miff
ackBitional je na : ' ’ Henry Hi
nor the taking up milk at each of ti
Mone % Oral n 5 : Fae i if » : ! ’ P #1 , H an M tter
3 O60
The Altoona Speedway, 10 06
train runs on to SBunburs | State Forest School Chemists Show
Possibilities in Refuse Long
Thought Useless,
are will be picked up 1
might andik tradn wh
Preshyterian Orphanage at Lewishurg. | leaves Sunbury at about 10 P. M
Plans to wth eh i Presbyterian | DVINE in New York City between
IRI ire were dis and 5:00 o'clock In the mors 1g
: IR y dis
tomobile world 40.00 epresentatives | . i x "N :
sf i » $s i» § i. oh +3 § » ¢ : hx n , ] A i . ts 1 4 % was
ing machines "0.00 ; ) he Pres i Carle NOT Phone Companies to Merge . * / rh uti i ‘ i A
RO 00 > § « Eth eieyit A n :
championship Wwkawanna Lahigh
: ! z i i A 1 on 3 ; Miye nine
Notices were sent out to =tavkhold ¥ 2 aul “ i 5
1 § 3 ’ 4 § ¢ :
toona speed. 1800.0 don re Fiarrison of |
> ” ! : | PIs removed Iw
ers of the Penn State Telephone com jth an: ; bs : Ka 11
ceenitle gave a farm of 9
; re the vorthumert » i
Alms to Annul Oleo Law, i A ~ imerfand Pres
ied oars tia vod : t Wir » wae Burned
to safeguard pany. with headquarters In Lancaster { v his Mast 71 < . ‘ ‘
mounts around } tides 8 é : ha oid as insurance § the sum o
{ {that a spol] meeting would be called $ i nia SERRE a s » ) 1
Oyen 14 # yet been definite § | hundred rs ¥ the aid of
ee to 140 An effort to destroy the Penns 4 | to pass upon the proposition from | ges Vion ud bstance that .
i ! : 3 fi 4
wl of an institution | thm . Burnham at wistown fire compa
IW regulating sale of oleomas ss the Bell Telephone Company which ris ned or Je to rot
> : the greunds, but a "a » ni th tu NR L e ®mived from
arine, which has been in force since : Pp ’ 4 contemplates the unification of thea 4 GITOUR “ « 3 " §
Oy 5 ers ft resbhivterian oh i 3 ’
1961, is being made a bl present | . highly 3 The! telephone within h year. The date of
©“ ost TIRNEY EVO ) \ 4
HE the meeting was fixed for Wednesday
Under the plan 12.000 Penn State
terrific | oq the House, declares Jame ' 3 in i wel. form
" ¥ % 4 § ¢ + ¢ “ aiong the stile road
speed on the oi ast board track Foust, directo: of the Bureau of Fox ¢ 1 ras
“x 1 £14 : » Wes oof AWishurg 5 » 4
with Tommy iton Bennie Hill and . : a es wt F y rg subscribers and about 55.000 Yell sul
¢ i i nH
bili would permit the ile of ‘
Heodeville Luthesrs
in a statement a few das wi } “ pastor. Res
Harry Hartz enking all records up imorfbers in ten counties will be able! des 0 ¥ ding the
i 4 HW TL us § who wif locate thers
oleomargarine i Parent-Teachers' Meeting, | to communicate with each other. The : ¢
hast 5 1 YE thei Nvestiga some repairs on the vas
to 1356 miles an hour. that offirdals of
the bowl at Altoona have « illed in tions y In 8 tid : « ikidorabile
Xperts of th untry to i in pr . i jos: Che 3 i n° | numises
" i t dr — a 8 pre tury the State has spent thousands | rent-Teachers Association of @gne Vas h rs Lancaster, Northum- | numbe
te 2 the riverg, . , inn Und \ in 7 is . 1 jet acts
ting ’ w of dollara In testing out every phase be = A . a Tn » Lycoming, Lebanor { si product
+14 00 - 2 Ih in § 22 0% . $ 2 " Tu i alr, Centre and CHnton. h
A huge steel band js being placed | of the law, especially the color clase | ing at 7:30 o'clock, at the High school & 3 i i { } hag 3 :
against the mammoth timber supports! said Mr. Foust in his statement if} . y Wo ————— A A ————. swelling tannin 1 {Was marvied to Miss Bisie Boal of
. building An Eng ih play will w . 3 i 4 $f : 11 rails ‘ wes
the proposed bill should now become a : Ww Keystone Power Corporation. Hhowe, ary ' " ellmeid, ool this p i
wel } he ET ar
law. colored margarine will be sold in | T*Ndered by the freshman = clais :
During the pat quarter of a Yi There will be a meeting of the Pa proposed merger affects these Coun SIA ire completed, Hie formes
aca prix i BE 2 charg 11 Thompeontown
trols Sain 44 . TA $y
i Centre Hall community, Folday even X Hey Auman $& a son of Thomas A
a Auman, of Reberaburg, who laet week
at the outer rim of the hig saucer
With double strength at the ends of
the turns, where the cams after dash
ing around the
Paes den itd Mos, Auman are
» i wid oeton methy A dollar Ai s a THI ¢
y « “. The Board of Directors of Keystone | 710! 4 te, methyl ac |; beraburg he present time
Pennsylvania to the consuming pub | *hall have a speaker from - State Co
aledam rood ate chilvmihydrate
: Fower Corporation has declared quar:
extremely banked | lic and in festauranty, hotels and oth- | lege. A profitable hour for all Let
turns, sawing for he strajght-away i terly dividend of one and three
8, #sWing ”" ne Faght-aways. | or eating places, being colored to AP tus have a banner attendance - Pres wart 1% y " y
Almost every bad crash of the disas pear as Hutter . quarters ( per ot.) per cent. cov
trous 1924 wenson came at these ¥ dent ering the quarter ending Mar, 31st.| Dr. B. A. Ziegler, Directo: of the
“The bill eliminates re tallers. hotels aes -
points, Bd ‘Tout tu 1 _——————————————————— 1925, payable on the 7 per cent. Pre- State Forest School, a native
a LAL : ¥ * we » VE « 5 " 3 4 > * &
, au thie from the lense feat Mra Lucy Henney leaves today | ferred Capital Stock of the Company | Valley and the husband
ure o 16 Present law. It likewise | 4 hursdny) for Philadelphia for the
permits a retallér to sell any quanti
. purpose of purchasing her spring mil:
ty of oleomargarine while the present
and isopropy; aleoho 2 these prods John Wagner, who was one
His are now on exhibition 11 the t ministers offficio®fing in the in
State Forest Scho at Mont Alto stallntion of Res 8 Po Greenhde as
pastor of the lantheran church here,
of Brush | has an unique record as a minister,
of Rebecca] He begun hin pin'stry in Hazelton.
on April Ist, 1925, to stockholders | Mover, formerly a school teacher in forming a congregation of fifteen
of record at the lose of business on [Centre Hall, says that ae a resit of members. These he served continu
lw restricts sales to ten pounds for iinery ot, Xhie govsly. will he a a Murch 20th, 1925, Chemical experiments "it may be pos: | ously over 4 period of fifty years, the
ANY ‘one person play on the opening My, Aprii-3 an C.F. KALP, sible to develop methods of putting | membership in the meantime having
3. and thereafter. . Mrs. . Henney: has Assistant Treasurer. [10 practical commercial use the enol increased to eight hundred At the
rteering wheel over again. The keen- 5 "The bill wil) he apposed by the | had large experience in selecting uyles ——————— move quantities of swdust waste | close of his active ministry’ his oon
ext skill and strength is necded 10 tat Department of Agriculture, { sulted to her trade and never falls to On Saturday evening al Ti80 there that d« annpally Jom We are Just en. gregation presented Wim with a Purse
4 { y Pennaylvania, State Grange, all pure: | have in her line just.the head dress 3 s tering an ora of more Intensive uli | of $2500--450 for every yoar of serv
rontrol the hurthus machine, with butter interests and the public, which | becoming to the customer, whether | WS be a museca recital in the Pres sation of Al forest products. Too | lee—anad provided an additional $50
ro il i ag In. Strongly apposed any form of | Young. middie aged. or elderyy, Chile by saniay chureh by the pupils of Mrs, much wood substance Is now being | for each Year of his lite. He 8 now
* Qenti § he bulwark Thi fraud in food products” dren are also provided for. 2H | Kirkpatrick, An offering will be re wasted. Hach year the work of the pastor emeritus By the way, Rev,
aan aggnat ey gn s His The change in the Heense feature H————— A A —————— ceived for the benefit of the Young organic chemiet in playing a more ime | Wagner will officiate at the installa:
0 : i and “d€lalone would reduce State revenue Mise Flora Love, of Bellefonte, via: | Cire Mission Bam which has recent- [portant role in forest conservation | thon of the new minister in charge
swing, caused the death of the val-| from oleamargirine Hoenses by $300, fted friends in town on Tuesday ; problems.” at R
orous Joe Beyer last fall, 000 a year, the bureau estimates. tex ends in town on PEAY. iy been organized. alems. ebersburg.
The tremendou momentous force of
the cars as they wind out of the
turns has been analyzed with slow mo:
tion pictures, showing the wheels
veering almost on to the side walls
of the tires as the driver throws the