RUSSET, KING OF SPUDS. WHAT WE EAT AND WHERE WE GET 1T.| Fizures Interesting Alike to Pro- | ite Potato, ducer and Consumer, { ‘he Russet pota Po Ivan'n Yer q tment of | ed "King of of Mark-] Housewls hich re { five eading vegetuh j cour ! i 1! ’ ! stributed | at rm ind communit I "Th vo rest ri tir} the Altoona, | Thursda nig it he n | Vocational on te i { the unanim ———— i —— LOCAL AND PERSONAL Eungard and ss Emma Watts, te I and a niece f Dean Watts he results of the 4 SPRING MILLS P number of np have also made their ANC tnong the school children Ralph Shook had a severe atts i tonsils, Hut ie recovering slow Charles artges was a» recent visi- the € (| Bartges home Rowk Y and family. of Altoona, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Ada Finkle, on Sunday. Mr. Eardly, of Lewisburg, has been elected cashier 6f the bank to take nan. at Spr the place of Myr Gould, who goes to 8 employed by the Am HNtate College, phone and Teleg: th com Walter Wolfe returned from a visit pany, in ¥ittshburgh, ho has | to Clearfield county been gradually advanch His latest | Mrs 1 step forward was noted | the Teie | Millheim with her sister, Mrs Adam ng from traffic in Bartges, Spector, division uperintendent, trai phone News as be The Breyer e cream company of force | Philadelphia and New York have pur- chased the Penn Milk Co's property The Lewisburg J wrnal states that | nd business and expect to retain the the Sunday schools of thit place con- | Mot of the help, They are doing a tinued the pleasing innovation of re | Mee business, cent years to have the mid-winter TT te ieuuitesuesapsits term of High school work punctuated Say It With Flowers, by an Interesting res it. in the form We can please you. Phone h3 of a Vocation Supper. given the two | ewisburg, to Martin's Greenhouses, HPPer classes, All other vocations | We Are growers: established 1884. fire in some way presonied to the boys Funera) work a specialty, andy and girls of the High ¢ hool, and the a — ——————— churches do not and Jo¥ Coming. through canyons the mountains re | tei the oot vy! te Those whe IVE Tolloy high and covered with snow all the year ‘round Especially rive in Vancouver, B C.. they should | elution i \ 4 “ 0 t ’ By take the ferry boat to North Vaneous boards of five hen 4 { Ba SH ke § % i fun 1 {rv he has er, walk 7 miles north by road and | Direltt rs soc in Lion h cout decided i. Single blessedness is the come back along the log' flume tojand for 5 sion { the Biate i Hien 1 Prmanent happing ni a, ble bridge over 175 feet from the bo'- | training | $ reimg and offervescent oom tom of the canyon-—a grand scene : Petitions from 20 or ro : J ‘ vith music which will be the next take auto and drive 26 miles west of | of a district would RET or Fa attmotion at the Moose Temple The- Vancouver along the English Bay to | boards to prov moilities for exten Tats Bedlefonte, Wednesday night, the salmon fisheries where tons "of | sion education for ¥ oy 1 “h 4th. This will tw the first time salmon are caught, cleaned and can { by Sen tor Barr, \ilegheny, A 9d t Mutt and Jeff have been shown ned. A good place for bathing in Eng Pokit of $5 fo ™i Wipiis etiwiled wonid | § the flesh hereabouts and the event Meh Bay in Vancouver, be required and Hq would be ret irned | ta awnited with cansilerable Interest The writer has” bhserved the above | 10 Parents of pupils attending 33 BEE Fun of the rampant, infeftious brand personally and a great many other | COM of the term, Stenographers would Urpriser, fentires and the unconven- points of Interest thronghout Canada be provided for county superintendents y, nal In stage entertalnment ie prom and the United States. through another Bill by Senatow Barr. lived a fact that should augur a pros The above article may be too long to hl with merit miming to Protect | perous hnd enjoyable wag wement for lone. school chiMren, presented by Be RALOF | (hig pair of inimitable mirth PROYHR- publish, so will « A. W. SHADOW. Betts of this district, would pray fd The offering is in two Acts and M6 Wentworth Ave. for all doors on school butidings to five. scenes with music hy Leo Ed constructed to open outward, Wits ————— A hil} by Renator Gelder, of Sus. aif — § § ivigl fre fie y Indianapolis, Ind. Feb, 16, 1025 Jusisaund, 0 deg us rier) _ Junior Highs to Give Play. Editor Centre Reporter: nor children to be made to the dea ri The Junior class of Centre Hall Please find enclosed check for year ment. | High school will present a play in the 1925. It is always A" great delight 10 | Amendments to the High school Orange hall entitled “Engaged by receive and read the “Reporter” md | classifications are provided by a bid Woednesday™ on Friday evening, March TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS. HAPPENINGS OF LOCAL INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS. stopped heim been heuma slowly iime {io ihling act of the inmsge for road pur Poke s bs t Higtmway Depart ment has accepted the bids for buiki ng the roads in Centre County as printed in these colurins two weeks AaR0. This bhrings the construction WOrk ome step nearer The contract price for the 11.378 feet of o Cele pavement over Nittany Mountain is $121.658.80, and wus et to Reitz Brothers, Sunbury (ne of the mem. bers of this firm, some years ago, was one of the freight crew on the local branch v Miss Catharine le xner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Edward Givixner, of Centre Hall. de very hopeful of being able to ‘walk again, her mb hg ving almost healed, «About eighteen month ago. one of her lower limbs became sore above the knee, and Inter became tubercular, affecting the bone. Ev. erything possible was done for her, hut 0 no treatment did the afMiction vied until a Lewistown surgeon opened the flesh to the bone removed a portion of the bone and soppliod 5 silver plate, The lHmb was then Put into a plaster am and’ Inter a brace was used to hold it rigid. Ag this time thé” wound, ¥ try side. Perhaps #t ix because I lived | the classification to depend on the mission, adults; 25¢; ehildren, 15c. most completely healed, which as stat: A A UG HI Os years. Ho. then, 1 wily wish contin] by Senator Bnyder, of Badr, provides | the young lady, now eighteenth greetings to old friends, for farm and domestic sérvice dn MINK of spring. May March take up Braucht, of Spring Mills, hae had the OE a a A