»~ WEAK, RUN-DOWN NERVOUS, DIZZY Mrs. Lee Suffered From All These Troubles, but Lydia E. Pinkbam’s Vegetable Com- pound Made Her Well Terre Haute, Indiana. — *‘I was weak and run-down and in such a nervous con- dition that I could hardly do my work. I was tired all the time and dizzy, had no appetite and could not sleep. I tried different medicines for a year but they did not help me, Then my husband saw the ad. for Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound in , the newspapers and had me takeit. I regained my strength end never felt better in my life. * It com- pletely restored me to health. I had Ea no suffering when. my baby y was born and he is very strong and healthy. 1 know that the Vegetable Compound is the best medicine a woman can take before and after childbirth for health and strength. [would be willing to answer letters from women asking about the Vegetable Compound.’’ — Mrs. Ww. J. Fer, Route E, Box 648, Terre Haute, Indiana. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- und is a dependable medicine for all ese troubles. For sale by druggists everywhere. Banish Pimples By Using uticura Hypnotic Operation An operation to remove a vari vein was performed at the Dorpat Und versity hospital, Berlin, after the pa tient had been hypnotized. He [felt neither pain nor Professor Wannach performed the operation, which is said be the first of Kind where hypnotic sleep instead an anesthetic wa CORE shock to its of used. DEMAND “BAYER” ASPIRIN Has Been Proved Safe by Millions. Warning! ‘Bayer” on package or on tablets you are not getting Aspirin proved safe by millions prescribed by physicians for 23 Say “Bayer” when you buy [mitations may prove dangerous. years, The Cause What ing 1 ‘ Bannan ure ou erving for, litite boy ? Little me ! Woman-—\Vhnat for? Little toy —C-cause mamma whipped did she whip you oy —C-cause T was c-eryvin’ Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS R54 AND 75¢ PACKAGES EVERYWHERE NEW EADIO TUBES $1.50 EACH Fype 201A-190-—Cuarantesd Sent prepald or Lt. OO € MN 3 RADIO LABORA TOPIES, Box 1276. NEW HAVEN. CONN WiLL YOU INVEST $20 UP to 60 or lars of {ast growing mpany ? Wrigley's » * BILL jon $1.06 for sample, ete ain us and get doliar back, Agents wanted i SCHOENBORN, 47 Rose St, Newark. N. J FOR SALE-VENDING TROLLED MACHINES, Check Boy, $50. Liberty Bel Vending. Yonkers and Central WOSDERFUL SKIN rejuvenator Goad AND COIN-TON- BEAUTIFIER AND if ectema, burns uta, pimples, blackheads, sores, insect skin tightaner, removes wrinkles réular en closed BOc pe wittle Order today Cutt Lave Co., 247 Columbia Rd, Dorchester, Mass Radio: One tube long-distance receive inet build, geunine bakelite panel, wit teries. tube, aerial, ground wire and head phones $156.50 complete $5 00 deposit with order, balance COD We also mir H-tube sein; prices on request Mr. Hor. neck. Radio Dept. 1519 Jackson, Chicags. Il cab hats insulators Have you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? Take RHEUMACI DF to remove theennse and drive the pelasp? hg the system. BREEUNACTOR ON THE | FOUTS RETRAIN OF THE OUTSIDER At All Druggists Jas. Baily & Son, Wholesale Distributors Baltimore, Md, NEW DRY BILL AGREED UPON sate Prohibition Forces Unite Upon Measure, WATER TREATY SIGNED Ingures Adequate Supply From Dela- ware For Cities Road Reading in Senate, in Three States. Enabling Bill Passes Second of Pinchot Harrisburg, Pa. — Differences pinion between Governor and the Anti-Suloon leagle over of bill and pro- administration visions nn de- ’ sigred to control dis- tilleries in the state were adjusted at a lengthy conference in the executive office As au result of the agreement the general assembly will asked to has been termed the “united dry DbIL" a measure that Is supposed to have the indorsement of all the anti-liquor agencies io the com- monwenlith At the time of its pre- sentation governor purposes ap- Joint session of the to tell the story of law en- forcement In state, While a number of were represented at the governor, Mr Anti-Saloon League, brewerles be pass what the pearing hefore u legislature the organizations meeting with sted only Pinchot and the spokesman Homer represent. the end bill was approval the friction exi be. Iw epi if the ir Pope, site ing this both superintendent, In and a the organization ground with sides gnve putiined that met leaders Provides Systom of Permits, The me sure will provide for and breweries A Sys periodic inspec- and distill the administ rati on flow of illiel al $ same time heer » tion of the the the it the hopes «{ *§ i i eck high-powered state Issue a distillery power to nmenwealth, the will act ae applicants and pass upon all for or licenses introduced by Senator banks in that banks construction and -a HK), passed on ifs senate. the meas hy Senator Daix Pinchot exercised the administra over the sot £50. loan end Were senate in commitiin ighway committees on had 1 the Zz the HW) (HM) inte road i hl appro assed second vhich Is sw winsored wan, of Bucks county, the he that favorahly by vighwass, of which There wit a report the senate opponents of the state ad- the offer which wonid this amount tion contemplate an amendment aliotment limited for for in expenditure ' 'inchot's remaining fice Water Treaty Signed. vy Involving the ulti 500.000 000 In to insure an adequate for New York and other cliles in and 13° mate ox. next wnfer Philadel. New York, Pennsylvania was dawere River Treaty members of the Penne announced. The meeting was held in the Lotus New York, with the commis from Pennsylvania, New Jer. New York taking part Operations of the treaty eliminate future in New Jersey. Dams and other Improvements will permit the regulation of the Delaware's flow, do- ing nway with floods that have caused logs of aroperty. agreement each state will be enabled to get about 1.000.000, 000 gallons of dally from the Delaware for municipal purposes The treaty Is the result of 18 months” work on the part of the eight commissioners appointed by the gov. ernors of the three states following action by their legislatures in 1923 It wag unan‘mously agreed upon and will filed with the secretary of state of each state, accompanied by a report recommending its adoption by the several legisiatures and by con gress A bill repealing the anthracite coal tax will be Introduced in the legisla. ture by Senator Heaton, of Schuyl kill county. This tux has been on the statute books since the session of 1921, It enlls for a levy of one and one halt per cent of the price of coal at the mines. Probably no tax law ever passed erested more gpposition ont. side the state than the anthracite Im- post. In New England the protesting went so fur that some large consume ers hegan to use eonl imported from Wales, The tax wns sttacked In the Including the UU, 8. supreme but it weathered the storm. the supply city. New Jersey by the commission bo ents "uh, nnd flso Is ex. witer considerable Under the wnter he fourt, ’ if ln titi MR. FOX, MR. COON, MR. DOG AND Jimmy SKUNK nnd Mr, was very wis always looking into places nosing about where they thought had no business to be, “Why does. not stay at home, 1 can't see,” suld Mr. Fox as they talked It over one day. “He has plenty to do hunting rats in the barn and watching the house, Now why he should come all the way Into our woods and poke about Is more than I can tell, “lI have a notion, Rucey, that one should teach that inquisitive Dog a lesson. If only bim to poke about in where he would get his nose bitten or scratched, or something, he would stay at home afterward, perhaps, and mind his own affairs” Just they Jimmy Skunk meandering along, and Mr. Fox slapped his sides and began to laugh. “I have R. COON Mr, Dog Fox knew that curious—he and he he some Mr. set place we could some then saw as Mr. Coon could not Mr. Fox ran off alone to see Immy lived, and then he ran to the farm so Mr. Dog could get zht at him and chase him, It all worked out as Mr. Fox planned It untill he let Mr, Dog him, and then Mr. Fox's plun did not | work Just as he had expected, though | he led Mr, Dog stralght to the door- way of Jimmy Skunk’s home, Jimmy was sitting outside in sun, and when Mr. Fox eame bounding along with Mr, Dog at his heels Jimmy was frightened and angry, as well. He didn’t care whether It was Mr. Fox or Mr. Dog who disturbed him. Just to make sure, he punished both as they dashed past by sprinkling them with his smelly fluid, which he carries for protection, Mr, Dog be per had Hp did not go very far. He dropped his tall and ran for home, Mr. up In “I guess he won't call me a fraldy cat any more,” he mused. “I am glad I had sense enough not to try to teach Mr. Dog any lessons, Mrs wouldn't have the with that Coon the tree saw it all Coon let me ionse odor on my It was 8 long time after Coon and Mr, Fox met again anvthing of Mr. Dog around here lute iy *™ inquired Mr. Fox. Mr. Coon replied that he. hadn't since the day he saw him chasing Mr Fox through the woods, i “(iuess be got a { sald Mr. Fox fo run into in cont.” that Mr “Seen that won't care and he lesson “He day,” for Home. t, Races,” he sald Dog to the | 13 is young and I dou! it he one of Jinm and see ve will fine Mr He aw » will lead Skunk. ever ome Let's lives iy's familly where Jimmy i Mr. Dog. nll right for OC and then » you, Mr, Fox repli od Mr “You cnn run faster than I and you know that is a tree nearby 1 might [ am going to run up the there a fraldy unless there get first ous rievbi Bugni free come to " “Oh, Mr. have some fun yOu are Fox “Come with along Prom Cy Mr. Dog.” The Aspleton Family Mr. Lysander Johan Appleton Mrs. Lysander Joba Appleton Miss Daysey Mayme Appleton Master Chauncey Devere Appleton YSANDER JOHN AVPLETON has always had a dim notion ti is what happens every night turns reaching “There comes father,” Mrs. Lysander John will “Now Chauncey De- vere, you are his favorite, 80 you ask him can have a new carpet for the parlor. If he ref ick and scream. Daysey Mas needn't ask him outright for new curtains, you ean tell about the kind women have in their parlors, and how ashamed ask any the to the bankers’ convention to call on you because the parlor cnr tains are so shabby, and if you finally marry a poor man it will be his fault. if he refuses, I wi ut him, and we will all go out together spend the evening, and treat him didn’t belong to the requests, this might ask for a new plano of china” . - > it this when he the corner in home Say if we Nees, me, you uther yOu were to of to Mayme Appleton is “going all to pleces™ she were a plece of fragile china, and had thrown Daysey - * - Mra, Lysander John Appleton and Mayme were preparing for a party. “We will lay covers for ten” Siu baysey Magioe, That night when the dinner wus ready, Lysander John and Chauncey Devere falled to appear. “We thought,” said a message that came by special delivery, “that if you are going to make up beds for ten, we'd better sleep downtown,” - - - The religious instruction that has been pounded the most unceasingly into Chauncey Devere's head is that when the preacher is there for a meal he must bow Lils head as If accustomed 10 un blessing three times a day. (® by George Matthew Adama) Dds | perfume your cost | Dog? wught | { the dirt “toh, 1 (L by RETR le Blanche Sweet RUNNY RAR RAH s na, Oh This handsome “movie” star recent. She is a favorite of clever work, i i A LINE O' CHEER By John Kendrick Bangs. HAL RAR RATAN NH ARRAN A RICH INHERITANCE 8 LINGERE on rose Through Yeats Wold FRABPRIRARRERELRIRREY HRP RN NOR RY RAP w SHERRI MARNE drm OLD FRIENDS WE N Peg's twenty to spend In the city been brought up, she telegraphed of her Port's, train gave nfter years, a couple hours where tlires her at for oldest (riends 1 meet that famous old caterers, fo lees and frappe in from the land of her birth she often sighed. They had all country on thelr receipt on that day, and Ann and Nan and Fan, wondered If Peg's train had been late, dor they had the big to themselves except for a strang younger than they. at “I dare say that Peg in getting about as she suggested Nan. “1 hope she hasn't bad a giddy turn or anything of that sort,” foreboded Nan, who considered herself a dl invalid, who lived In a social whirl, who never walked if she could ride, and whe picked at her food. “Perhaps she changed her said Ann, who was neurasthenlc, no tastes of her own, she could ride, and fa cook book and a diatetics, Just then the exile had so her whose cone in from the of Peg’ they and & message hot waited, place cer ¥ Cars sanhother isn't used as quick to be,” had was treatise stranger from across the room approached them: “Is It are you by any chance-—can this be? “Peg!” they all cried together, and made room for her at the table, Then, when all the conventional questions ha” asked and an swered, Nan began: “My dear, how do you manage to look so—ag0 active? “So blooming?’ put in Fan “And so young?" ended Ann Peg hesitated for a moment she said, “I am and {| blooming and young, as you say, for that reason. My husband walk ten miles in the country Sunday.” “We belleve in the habit of exer cige,” went on Peg. warming to her subject. “When there's skating, we're been active, it's ® by McClure Newspaper Syndicate) a # WEA ARRAN MONARCH pr breakfast better Timbuktu No Longer Difficult of Access mes sning was held to and far an expres There was special attached to Thwbukiu., It be the off paces, sion dism whom once a symbol of There igsing to impossible WHs even uktu people we to the hristian did not guys a contributor Belence Monitor But we Timbuktu; it our doors: is ished: ane ise our ideas rey abont io van mystery must has now been brought inaceessibiiity has there Timbuktu Litroen is Do ionger any about it, has its timetable iny to from Pa Marseilles ara In down the hag Comp: irists ris to Marseilles, to Algiers, across the caterpillar cars, by great Niger eVers up the 103 8 ory . ihn pain n n and Hotels ort have boats, with heen set in Boschee’ 5 S yrup throat and un; infla: n. u heals The keeps delicate mucus membrane of the «Con- SYRUP Far thi and the throat and lungs In a ngested dition, BOSCHEE'S gently and quickly heals reason it has been aver the ight ¢ in a good with ng BO PRA HE E'S EYRUP iL.—Adv. fifty- @ Fears, night's rest, free easy expectoration t » morn You can buy wherever mediel nes are sold He Explains. 10 0 v, why did yom to tirCks sent Why not impres. Louisville Shave With Cuticura Scap No mug, no ation even when shaved twice daily. they ries = « how ilidered and tn as ory done “This look if she Lntry doesn’t We can exercise and not pay the penalty. HAVE YOU THIS HARIT? Metropoiitan me a soft * 2 nation rd the hat of (Le Newspaper Servios ) ) Your Last Name , POPP IS IT ELMER ? HE first came “Lion.” Thomas Hooker. Hartford, Conn. killed by the Indians of Edward Elmer's grandsons, Rev Daniel Elmer, of the three graduates from Yale for the year 1713. He settled in New Jersey in 1727. Horace Elmer, one of his descend wag a raval officer prominent io of the Elmers, Edward this country ia 1031 on as one of the « ongregation He settled where he was in 1676. One fo was one The name was originally Aygimer, members of the baron of the ex in England, John chief 15805 was in family chequer Jane Gray. Applegate—This is really tion of Applegarth, meaning apple or chard. It was the name borne by a parish in Dumfries, Scotland, and was derived as a surname from this place, Bagley—This Is an Irish and Eng lish name, and signified originally one Hving at arising ground. Thus it Is similar to the name Hill or Mount. Noble—This is one of the many snr. names that is derived from an adjec. tive of personal description Un: doubtediy it was applied to one who was of noble appearance rather thes because of nobility of rank. Mulford-—This Is doubtless derived from - Millford, meaning residence near a mill: It Is sometimes spelled Mullford and sometimes with one “1”. The first of the name here was Wil linn Mulford of Kent, England, who settled in Salem, Mass, where he was living in 1047. (@ by MeClure Newspaper Syndicate.) fn corrup- f man is infinite in what Jonson YOUR BAKING comes out RIGHT CIR) DAVIS BAKING POWDER jen don't have a cold afterwards ~take HALE’S HONEY of Horehound and Tar Nothing better than this safe, depends. ble home remedy for healing and sooth. ing throat troubles and clearing up colds. J0e ot ell druggists Use Plies Toothache Drops LEONARD EAR OIL