The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 12, 1925, Image 4

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were mers
——————————— 2 i 02 RA oso — - - pc
CENTRE HALL. PA. Dadiv R. Stover at Point of Death Utahville Man Found In Lonely Shed WINDIN UP THE,
. . — " Due to Four Bullet Wounds In Evidently A Sulelde,
A —
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12 1925 Abdomen While on Duty at San ‘oster McGarvey, World was vei. |
re = Antonio, Texas, PITY, 28 years, missing from the |
SMITH & BAILEY, Froprietors A telegram received by Mi ind home of hs parents, Mr. and Mrs, |
8. WW. SMITH Editor Mrs. Oscar Stover, at State College Hisim MoGarvey, In Irvona ince |
. ( Local Editor and informed them that their son, David iwsdny, was found dead i a shan
EDhW, EB. BAILEY.... | Business Manager Lap . S12
Rhinesmith Stover, was seriously | {) ir G Hope. in the psburg
te ——————— a —— - | wounded by bandits while on duty region, Saturday afternoon
at the Post Office in Centre Hab with the Santa Fe rmdlroad company, The oroner's inquiry revealed that |
as second class mall matter.
TERMS. The terms of subscription to
ts aariey ov $150 6 Jar fa aivaucs, |Pioved fur twenty. or. mere rewrs. in | The esumination Indicated the fatal For the benefit of the people from a distance
Various capacities, wis
twenty conte per lin for thre insertions,| The information received by tele- | no known caus for the deed ll who were not able to take advantage of this great
gram by the parents is not very def Oost ot tantly Rinee returning |
von * 7 SE ite in me rvmecta, 10 appears (om overs tecoryy wa wet | [sale on account of the roads being blockaded,
Mr, Stover received four
with wich company he has shiot through the heart, |
Lecal notices accompanying display ad-| that u : yn : : x
vertisements, five cents per line for each | wounds in the abdomen, and iz now eR LEO vi 4 he vw lak of | l f
insestion; otherwise, eight cents per line] .: ., hospital at San Antonlo, Texas, Since that tin hé has : he | e ave exten é t e a e or ays
mistmum charge, twenty-five cents, where it is presumed the home of h fither at Utahville
Blsplay advertising rates made known |. . coo6 Ar Just reports u pin rs oh ; : " Be was soe . Longer, for the Final Wind-up.
en application. fadled to lovate any of the
= PR fs condition is very serious 2s da thal he was returning) —- ———— ———————
Borough Fire Alarm. Mr. Stover is aged about
In oase of fire in the borough of}... ... und is the eldest of the
Contre Hall, the Bradford & Co. Mill|fumils) When quite a youns mun he €atning entrance through a window | All broken assortments, odds and ends, limi-
whistle will sound: e rallroad company and has since | ana then commited the crime, wen [I t€A quantities, and special assortments that offer
@ns long and twee short blasts when : : ( :
EE EE OE Ban a a a a | um Beciuly » premetbiated, ne Ye the most pronounced values of the entire sale.
fire is south of Reformed church. hughter, aged about twelve
———————————————— a ————— ——— - » - H
It’s going to be a most remarkable SAVING WEEK !
i . i DEATHS. t : ! \ 3 ’
eerste RHOADS —Adam 8, Thoads i MARRIAGE LICENSES. 12 WOMEN'S SUITS, formerly RICES CUT | woMEN'S SILK HOSE. form.
Penns Valley Lutheran Charge. ve of Millheim, but se home was | Ch or Os Osceola Mills 20.00, go at $3.50 TO erly $125, now
(Rev. 8. F. Greenhoe, Pastor) t vk Hall bo iddent while | * H he tush Twp - ——— — - . . .
Tusseyville, 10:30 A. M seated at the table He it A.W State College 10 WOMEN'S COATS. go at $1.00 SHREDS. $5 Palr FELT SLIPPERS
Centre Hall, 2:30 P. M n second . : : :
Spring Mills, 7:30 P. M ohn H. an Rhonds and AIA Rei re 2: CHILDREN'S COATS. form- Ask vour friends
: Iv 27. 1871 . erly $1000. go at \
: ing his age at th of déa — who have attend-
Presbyterian irs. § months: amd nth | Monthly Report of the Centre Connty a
(Rev. J. M. Kirkpatrick, Pastor) : the Oak Han| €OW Testing Assoc. ‘for January. . phi SP ed this great sale, | WOMEN'S SILK PETTICOATS... 9%
a Wam emploved in the fail G AWAY AT
Presbyterian — Lemont, morning :|quarries and had not complained Rs Tester W a4 Stray . ~ | and hear what | EXTRA HEAVY SWEATERS . $L19
Boalsburg, afternoon; Centre Hall, v ail y WOT { all doy i : : i a he : : By " a
evening. . r TorltyE } TE it
Ho . mn Mt
Palr WOMEN'S WALK-OVER they have to sav. | 1 LOT OF MEN'S GOOD SUITS
SHOES, formerly $6.00, now ’ . go 3 $9.95
Methodist Eplseopaj i 3 Burvive = Ing wa ny " : : 69 Pair WOMEN'S High-Grade
(Rev. H _H. Sherman, Pastor) “8 ' 4 Ee a Re . a : : : 15 SHOES, formerly $7.50, now $1.49 | sortment from - ere _
— Siinnoini : nor Breed Milk B.Fat EH : o . 1 Lot RAINCOATS go af #100
the latter being Mrs :. H er | Allen Harte LH. 3 SR PA : this Sale at Great :
Trinity Reformed ind Mrs Shu woth vf I i i 66.4 8 Fax CHILDREN'S SHOES . . ) 5 Pr. GOOD BLANKETS, form-
(Rev. Delas R. Keener, Pastor) heh torment was made : 1 \ site i : 64 $2.75 grade, now $1.29 Big Sav ings. : Je. soap BI : 3 Ro
Centre Hall— rville f ev : 2
9:30 Sunday Scheol : ' 67 Palr MEN'S High-Class Walk- I LOT BOYS SUITS, formerly
Entire special as- | NS FINE OVERCOATS
Formerly $2000. now $0.95
6:45 Organ Recital. ars . “tr . : pe Over SHOES, now s29% | Come Early. $10.50. now £5.95
7:00 Church Services, : ay Ty : : :
x 1 H Wyle and a native A 1 ' HOY 0% 4 ATS, form-
Spring Mills— ’ a : 79 Pair Men's Extra Good Work it BLS OVERCOATS, form
wo Bunday School. . whsou prio $ y ‘ g 3 i if . 0 3 SHOES oe 1.0% Read here. 3 Fi.otl, nov
2:39 Church Services. ome of her sor, J. R. W) . : = .
1 § 4 rp PEAY “ 4 EE ER 4 ROX
Farmers Mills nah “a bon aoa : ZETTLE—YOCUM, MEN'S GOOD WORK SHIRTS. . 58
9:30 Sunday School. AND WOOL HOSE
10:38 Church services » pan ys fo 2 ne ears & : . : 4 ¢ Julla Yocum. MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS {Se AL y BO 3 : ie
— yo and Elizabeth Holloway af - 1 Lot WOMEN’S WHITE WAISTS
Evangelical . srw Prachi . eves t MEN'S CANVAS GLOVES 15e to close out at 69¢
(Rev. J. F. Bingman. Pastor.)
Lemont death I year nonth } TT « ———————— . ~~ . ¢ ~ “ .
Sunder Schoo. 5:30 a.m. A volt und] Sa ee Our Entire Stock of Ladies’ Coats and Suits
Regfar orship at 10:3 onsburg, having moved {rot 5 ‘ ‘ ohnty _ f-_
Linden Has ET tween Reduced to 50c on the Dollar.
Regular worship at 2: . M. me where she died v : Cera ot t= 3
T poy ville— ér hu ail Dr « i her , eit v . ‘ 44 : .
Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. shout twenty years ago: fis . : ~ = ac. ao
Regular worship at 7:30 P. M. tht children (dying in infancy) i. who had on od D J N | EM
F Evandiiial, Surioe Mills . : wrt ley 3 . i oo hs 2 4 : 8 | A : ! ” : . . A NN
(Rev. E. E. Haney, Pastor.) dking pe
Gre Grove. 10:04 A d Toes OF TT Dh and two ‘ . df the 1 Wiha :
ll : —Fras dloway, of Cedarville . “Always Reliable”
Bethesda, 2:30 p
the refreshments
Mrs. W, F, ' 4 118 y “ye
E. Bradford,
where ehe had resided since | and i €)
Nhe wns born in teberahy i : Mr. and Mrs
the funeral of Mrs
Spring Mills. on Mo: t uy . ; : wd M y Te na Lae
pring fills. « fanuary 27. 1841, was the oldest ? he . , $ &% CG zh Ra at dinner
Mra. (Dr) WwW © ark. : Lenil of John and Maria Gramley. and tt | or Vi . he Fis ; bi y “ " ro Be) . i hart and wife and ttle of { A HOME F OR
worh Park, Biltmore, Nort} ‘ari ast suviving member of the famil i . ‘ i o : : wb " Dover. Minn and Mr. an
is visiting her father ap i i Her mother died In 197 and her bro $8. 4 a8 E 3 4 " aret Rossman, of Lock
3 a i ¥ i ¥ 1] Lie ) $3 3 © :
Joal, nn Centre all. thers Oliver and Byron sevors oh ‘ i M Sal Neve who . 5 |
. wa Cyrus Wagner, of J MITE
: ls . z Her husband, Henry eket ’ } : wit : ay Jay 1 :
George Michael wil . ver Bumine with his
in 1922, and surviving
the Jacob Sharer f st of Contre v " 5h } . i ind Mra 8 J. Wagner |
g " \ . four cildren-J. logan, of tadonde \ i oilerman spent sey {
Hall, and will take pince of hig son, Beach, Calif 1. Clyde. ¢ Columbia i oa : y ul 2 nd retorning Paul Dernar, the school teacher at
of rm
Jacob Sharer, Jr., who with his In | brought me with her her daughter. | Waddie, was home over Sunday
wil; HM Ohdo; Mrs, Olver Troxell | . !
re Ivyed 4 ¢ fie ’ § NE ees Vern 1368 wy whi re x + 8
Hi Hve at Spring Mille itd 2 : evera, Mise Blanche Rowe. who 8 working
ville, HI rin! was made a Yeddar | we had Ties + patient in the Cen-
Friends and relatives gathered at! vil . Rev. Dr. MeNary: of the First]? Mitte Hoatyits at Harrisburg, was home for a fow
the Ww. H Redsh home, at Oflshrg, ¥ 4 viewrian hurch of Freeport u ———— days the past week
f 3 ch « Of roeport, i 9 :
Thu sy evening of 1 swank. §s hy . ; a = i ————
ry evening of lat vec in ho |L AVYEATISTNENI. | the Fev. ww. sore wt wel [| opNUINE DODGE aud FORD PARTS
MTS wish a Dirthday siious h . .
refreshments were served. and ev ery, —— ¥S1). Ba E38 nice White Leglors were entertained at the George W, an
; 4 J tice hite Leghorn
one present spent a pleasant evening ROYER ~George Rover ded atti . Ww | Rowe home Saturday evening at sup
hens, Kr fin bite Leghorn cock- y > ge v OVALE ~ nY + 5
“The Oid Homestead” depicts Ameri- [OMe of his son, Frank Royer, near |... raised Mast year: fine for breed pet WILL BE KEPT IN STOCK CONSTANTLY
. = & r py ~ - 3 $ % 3
ca's rurn life as no other drama does Woodward, from dropsy, aged eighty]. : ru of: Harry Dingoes On Sunday evening the teformed
You will have an opportunity to see |?N® Years J months Nearly all bis | one 3 8. 8. and church will hold the foreign
it for the first time at popular prices life was spent in Millheim. where he ee | Mission service, The school is tak
at Moose Temple Theatre, Bellefonte, followed the carpenter trade. MAN WANTED for general farmling a special part: and should help to
Wednesdny night, February 18th His wife, who was Elvina Confer, | Work. Can use single man. or ean make the service more intercsting. |
M A passed to the great beyond November | employ man and wif RP. Camp Mra, Lucy Murray died Thursday | O I HER MAKES OF CARS
Davis, of Lewistown $ g
A wistown, in fn 19 1911 Te - a Pegs dt Yau § vy "
9, . 8 he age of 89 vearas and 91 bell, Centre Hall 6tf rg a
candidtae for sheriff in Mifflin coun dan qd : after an illness of several months due
montha He is survived by one sis : . — —— t al wi i : ) WELCOME
ty. He was formerly elected to that PARM FOR ' SALE.—Farm of 75] ° 24 age. Burin was made Sunday
ter, Mrs, Jane Wallwer, of s Miihein . ,
office by the Republicans and since has tein, aftemoun.
been a P. R. R. police and county de-
and four children: F. P., of Wood |] 2°76 all fine tillable lind excepting
ward; 8. H, of Millmont; Mrs. E. 11 |? Acres of woodland; solid brick house,
Zimmerman and Mrs. 8. R. King, |®4 DPuillings in first-class condition;
Mins Osler, known to her Penn State both of Miltheim. bincksmith shop: Nght in house and Rev. W. W. Moyer will start a oat. . 3
school chums as “Bie.” came to Cerne barn: water if house, enclosed con- | ®chetical class on Saturday evening of Prompt rvice on all Trouble ls.
tre Hal} with her sister, Miss Anne B HENDRICKS \ crete porch. This is Wf net week. All children who are old
, / . D4, ~Mre. Henry Hend . i® is ene of the most stba M
Osler, one of the teachers in the local ricks died at her home In Pittsburgh | ¥e8irable fannie in the whole valley; |*"0Ugh to unite with the church are When your wheel, axle or anything else 18 broken
High, J sivas § 4 a "ol a1 . , ‘ " ’ sas . y
dyn atone reteenne rin for & (ew lof mftening of the ‘brain, aged 5 [located 3% mies west of Cetitre Hail |mbecially unged 14 attend this class so thut you are unable to get in, call us. We
ya before returning to ner home at years, along Brosh Valley road. For further and prepare to unite with the church .
Columbia, Her madden name was Sarah Hoy, | Mormation inquire of the owner, W,|8t the Spring Communion. have the Towing Ambulance.
We had some most delightfu; weath-|™ (oughter of the venerable John 8 [5 Walker, Centre Hall, ft*| Mr and Mme C. W. Corl visited at
. — mses | Bate College Sunday. i the new
er during the latter Part of last and Hoy, of near Madisonhurg, and she - Ne ® He
: 3 (Continubd from previous column) baby at t p y
beginning of this week, yet the month |W" born in Miles township. burn and taken from there to Madi. arly a the unos Na
pred " a £ vo weeks
in not too far spent to make itself dis The husband and father and one | onnisur
; ‘ ®. where funeral services ware
agreeable in the extreme. We are |90ughter, Myrtle, survive held in the Latheran’ church. Burial oW_Mondny, LOCATED ON MAIN STREET
thankful however for the lovely days . The romaine were shipped to Cos Jue made in the Bvangellcal eem- -
we already have had. (Continued on foot of next column) | eters. he The Guntre Reporter, $140 « year.
The grip hine caused much sickness
during the past few weeks,