( | | FIRST NATIONAL B—A—N K CENTRE HALL i takes the | place of just ordinary attention | Where helpful service 3 Per Cent Compound Interest on Savings Deposits C. P. LONG CO. GENERAL MERCHANDISE and... COAL Our Guarantee of Quality and Our Service Go With Everything We Sell MILLS, PA. SPRING When You Need A REAL MACHINE JOB Done or some EXPERT WELDING, bring it to me and I will do it RIGHT! I Am Also Prepared to Do Acetylene Welding at Prices that Are RIGHT Bring your work here. You will be pleased with results W. A. HENNEY CENTRE HALL, PA. (CENTRE HAL ELEVATOR AND COAL YARD Wm. McClenahan, Prop. Dealer in All kinds of Grain, Winter, Spring and Blended Flour, Dairy, Hog and Poultry Feeds, Anthracite, Cannal and Bituminous Coal, Woven and Barb Wire Fencing. Prompt Service and Deliveries Made In or Out eof Town SATISFACTION GUARANTEED QUALITY MERCHANDISE and SATISFACTORY SERVICE Now, Mr. Customer, on this motto we solicit your business Just unloaded our Second Car of-- 556 PER CT. MEAT SCRAPS and 60 PER CT. DIGESTED TANEKAGE ALSO, CAR LARRO FEED CAR SALT, and our Yard Filled With THE BEST OF COAL. CENTRE HALL ROLLER FLOURING MILLS Bradford & Co., Proprietors CENTRE HALL, PA. STROHMEIER’S MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Cemetery Memorials STROHMEIER’S CENTRE HALL, PA. IT'S A REAL GOOD CAR ASK FOR DEMONSTRATION OVER ANY MOUNTAIN IN THIS VICINITY J. 8. BOOZER CENTRE HALL, PA. That it will pay you well to get a RE-TREAD PUT ON YOUR OLD TIRE? (I do real work and GUARANTEE EVERY JOB. GIVE ME A TRIAL S. R. RISHEL Expert Tire Repairing and Retreading BOALSBURG, PA. Compare the Prices WE OFFER FOR CHOICE WHITE EGGS will have the answer Then there's 50 per cent. Beef Scraps for $3.50. per cent. Laying Mash for $3.25 And 17 Kerlin Poultry Farm CENTRE HALL, PA. ‘For Economical Transportation” A Chevrolet THIS SPRING “For Economical | more than a oatch- phrase, | Chevrolet and the first few mies will thoroughly convince you of [its practical economy-—on tires, gas {ana offi. These are the big the upkeep of your car. Homan’s Garage | Complete Line of Accessories; Also Tires. Expert Repalr Work CENTRE HALL, PA. Transportation” is Own a Hi seifflie. AT Af. HOME 1 by retail stores than any There is retail stores than in all other kind of business in more money invested in the banks. Their sales More taxes are paid by any other class. by retail merchants than than in any other trade. You can put the plus business. can be done by Being a and by buying from the This Booster for these towns, ir merchants. They are making this the County. MERCHANTS MUST Can Beat Mail Order Houses at Their Own Game If They Will Do It. ADVERTISING ONY WEAPON Catalogue Concerns of Thousands of Dollars Annually to Create Demand for Their Merchandise, (Copyright, 1517, Western Newspaper Union.) The forest ranger and the farmer have learned that they fight with fire, hope of safety lies In the | By kindling and carefully controlling a fire of their own they force the big- ger fire to burn itself out, finding no | further fuel on which to feed. The merchants of the small cities their fight for existence they must | adopt the tactics of the men of the West. The great mail order houses which threaten to wipe out the retail merchants of the small towns unless steps to remove the menace. The re tail merchants, as a whole, are begin- ning to realize that they must fight fire with fire and that to save them. selves they must build a “back fire.” Advertising Is the weapon which the mail order houses conduct of the small cities and towns, The mail order houses do their advertising through their own catalogues and through certain publications which are known as mall order advertising me- dinms., A big mail onder House spends hundreds of thousands of dollars mere { ly on the preparation and publication ' of its bulky catalogues. Business Built Upon Advertising. The catalogue houses also spend thousands upon thousands of dollars in advertising in the mall order publi- cations which look for their circula- tion to the people of the small towns | and the rural districts. Advertising in | some of these mediums costs as much as from $40 to $85 for a single inch, yet the mall order houses find it profit- able to pay these high rates. Their | busigess is built upon advertising and {if they were denied the use of the mails for thelr advertising for a single month their business would be de stroyed. i i i i at home. the oe al merchants { ind the only weapon with which they | enn beat the mall order houses at thelr This does not mean neces only newspaper advertising, al- { though that is the big gun in the bat- | tery employed by the successful mer- ; chant in his battle for trade. Adver- | tising is a big word and it covers a big | field. There is no longer to be found | the man who does not believe In ad- Every merchant believes in | advertising of some sort. The placing 1 of a display in a show window {8 ad- | vertisi ng. The only difference between that kind of advertising and advertis- | Ing in a newspaper Is that where the | one reaches dozens the other reaches | hundreds. Attractive window displays | are, of an important adjunct of | any retail store. They serve their pur- pose but this purpose is only to attract the attention of those who may be | passing by the store. There are other { forms of advertising, such as personal solicitation, but printed matter must always continue to be the chief reli- ance of merchants in attracting cus tomers to their stores, Advertising Begets Confidence. The buying public has learned that ! the store which takes the people into its confidence through its advertising is the one in which it may expect to | get the best bargains and the most sat- | isfactory treatment. It knows that the { store which advertises consistently and regularly has the best and most up-to- | date stocks because this store sells its goods more rapidly than the one which | does not advertise and, therefore, is not forced to carry over old stock from one season to another, The public knows that the store which advertises can place lower prices on its goods be- j cause it turns over its stock oftener i than the store which does not adver tise and therefore does not have its capital tied up In slow-moving mer- | chandise, The mall order house does not get | its business by merely letting the pub- lic know that it has dry goods or hard- | ware or groceries or Some other com- modiy to sell. It creates a demand for its goods by placing in its catalogue attractive pictures and detailed de scriptions of the articles which it has {to sell. The lure of the mail order catalogue lies in the fact that the merits, or alleged merits, of the mer- chandise offered are placed before the prospective purchaser in the most graphic manner, The local retail mer chant has the same opportunity to do this that the mail order house has and can do it much more effectively than the mall order house can. The retail merchant can talk to the people of his community through his home newspa- per and that Is something which the mail order houses as a rule cannot do, for the local newspapers through a sense of loyalty to their communities and their home merchants will not ac- cept the advertising with which the mail order houses would flood them if they had the opportunity. Own game, | sarily, course, | ! When Your Hens Lay Down on you instead of LAYING FOR YOU it's tough, but we have something that will make them produce. Try dur ‘Symco’ or ‘Pratt’s’ EGG MASH YOU'LL BE SURPRISED HOCKMAN’S FULL LINE PRATT'S REMEDIES, BEEF SCRAP, OYSTER SHELLS CENTRE HALL, PA. “PILGRIM” IS THE REAL GOOD EVAPORATED MILK Put up in Attractive Cans and made right here at home, Ask your grocer for it by name Don't Say Evaporated Milk, Say “PILGRIM” Continental Condensed Milk Co. Preserved and Evaporated Milk SPRING MILLS, PA. 0. T. CORMAN SPRING MILLS, PA. DEALER IN General Merchandise, Poultry, Potatoes, Lard, Fish, Oysters and All Kinds Country Produce Bring me your eggs and poultry and receive highest market price The Saving Habit Is a Good Habit The optimist Is the fellow who pays Inst week's board with next week's wages, This Is the same person who opens a Savings Account with real enthusi- asm, makes regular deposits for a time and then tapers off to the van- ishing point. His Intentions are still good but his resolution Is slipping. Most successful men are optimists who have paved the way with bank deposit slips, First National Bank SPRING MILLS, PA, $350 BUYS A BUICK 1917 b-Passenger Touring Car in Excellent Condition with two Extra Cord Tires IT"S A REAL BARGAIN Come Here and See Expert Repairing ON ALL MAKES OF CARS Hauser’s Garage SPRING MILLS, PA, Real Bargains in Used Cars Come in and our prices today FETTEROLF'S GARAGE CENTRE HALL, PA get Ty, KITCHEN CABINETS NOW, $45.00, All Over Stuffed Leather Rockers, $18 All Other ROCKERS REDUCED. Cotton Combination Mattress... §0.00 Best Vacuum Washer on market, $15.00 RUGS AND HOME-MADE CARPET AT SPECIALS John Smith & Bro. SPRING MILLS, PA. fi AM NOW SELLING-— COAL AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: PUNXSUTAWNEY and LUMP.... ..30e¢ Per Cwt, 87%¢c Per Cwi, oe Per Cwi ..8%¢ Per Cwi CANNEL PEA NUT & STOVE A. M. GROVE Coal, Lime, Stons, Cement, Roofing, Hay, Straw SPRING MILLS, PA. DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES Guaranteed for two years by the manufacturers as well as ourselves All Makes of Batterlos Charged and Repaired, Insyde Tyres==Hlowont Proof an Coffield Pure-Gum Tire Protectors CLYDE A. SMITH CENTRE HALL, PA. PATTERSON’S GOOD GROCERIES AND General Merchandise GOOD GOODS in an ATTRACTIVE CLEAN STORE When you trade here—WE BOTH GAIN PATTERSON'S BOALSBURG, PA. The body ol a woman found strang- led to des along tracks of the Nickle Plate rail at Erie was iden- tified as that of Mrs, Rachel! Levine, wife of Charleg Levine, an Erle tallor. Artisti B. Zillette, driver of an Erle garbage truck arrested as a gus pect, but the pol denied any knowledge of the The body was found in n #8 block of her home indicated that terrific struggle had taken place. Two 's handkerchie fa. one containing a $10 bill picked were the only clews found by police to ald them in tracing n ! Zi lette, Levine told the police, had been attentive to his wife Harrisburg place of ers’ and Pennsylvania in These of Lewis pre sgl} secret the round was ice sald he crime a fleld withis i weenie and the a t : letter “PY. and COON was chosen ns the next Master Paint Axsocint gers ion meeting by the Decorators COTS B. Titzel ent, Felix ary, GG. 8. 8 art treasurer, 8, G. Griffith, ternational ler and and John Mrs, Ce D-months-ol children = Wilkes-Barre burns, of ga Dear occurred whe aelegates, Butger, Morrow. Pittsburgh lla Hashager d i {(locire PROT aby Is d% in Mer v suffering re 11 1 which heat y becca futhe ing fron Throug she was stove at her home Margaret low daughter of Mr Howlett, wa in a was working In house wher scCresn f & plece of « er succeeded In flames, Patrolman Ziegenfuss, of town, near Bethlehen ed at the sight of be a statuary group Main street in that ing of horse, sleigh hile ag marble im developed that George Curzon a Pleasant Hill farmer, had fallen asleep in his pung and his horse, being blind, had halted forthwith, for lack of guldance. For objecting to police interruption of his nap, Curzon, before Burgess Welker, paid a “hotel bill” of $10 and costs By her will filed In the court house at Pottsville, Mrs. Mary Zyzgada left $35 to each of her pallbearers. Mrs Zyzgada weighed 515 pounds. Her coffin was 76 inches long and 34 inches wide and was sq big I- had to be tak: out of a window of the door A widower for less Charles A. Warner, 70 years old, of Washington, was married Miss Charlotte Bellenell, 22 Warner's first wife died November 30 last. War Alken when license that his 8 sever critical co mother of the ted by the Throwing moth the she was 8 O her arpet around her the guishing Heller asx dumfound appeared to in the middle of borough, consist d man, immo Investigation " what an ages en instead than two months to ner told County Register procuring a marriage affection for yourg wife 8 love at first sight and Mrs 1 P. Pardee members of the First Hazleton, will an his wag case of Mr nent ian church, funds for addition to school bullding A Lehigh Traction ear was derafled near Jeannesville by {ce on the rails but 15 passengers escaped injury. The death of a pet dog was respon for Representative William L Morrison, of Erie, leaving Harrisburg hurriedly for his home State High way Commissioner Paul IX. Wright In formed Morrison by telephone of his The dog was an Irish spaniel Representative Morrison, whe held a commission as captain during the war, brought home from Ireland Doge are destroying considerable game In the woods surreunding Hazle ton, announced officers of Tdeal Game and Gun Club, as a result of observationg made In the feeding of rabbits and birds. They =ald that with the ground covered with snow it was easy for dogs to tracks rab bits, thousands of which have heen im ported into that gection from Kansas and Maine. promi Preshyter. supply the the Sunday gihle loss which the - Wa F. V. GOODHART FUNERAL DIRECTOR FURNITURE CARPETS RUGS, &c. CENTRE HALL, PA. Bell Phone 37R2