The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 12, 1925, Image 1

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——ca—— - - — —
NO DRASTIC CHANGES SUPREME COURTS RULING | “The Old Homestead” Coming. y/ DEATHS. or Ee oe Ray |
IN TAX LEGISLATION MAY HAVE WIDE EFFECT. Denman Thompson's quaint stor Smissuniion ‘he lowest bid received r the ‘TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS.
Brome of rural MWfe In the New Hampshire GARIS.—Mr8, Sarah A., wi | struct f
ion 0
3 z + | Reuben a away } i
% 2l¢ : ” wu » ste - yn aid i % y . th ry Ri pir ers
Tax Commission Makes Few Recom-| School and State Retirement Laws, | fields and valleys,"The Old Homestead vement through Boggs
ts booked at the Moose Temple The: | ioe ih of 11:38 GCl0ck, M0 UL | Worth tewnships and Unionville ‘bo aliasing A a
atre, BeHefonte, on Wednesday night, she was stricken with typhoid fey | gh, was he M
! 83.502 feet os
Gar <
mendations. After Months of In- and Mothers? Assistance Provision |
vestigation, May Be Affected by Deelsion on
Old Age Pension Law, February 18. "The Old Homestead” and at the
19 cor
The ow 3 ations p ¥ at: » 1 ¢ \
The recommendations of the Stale tells a simple story, which bases itg| Wald
{f the Supreme Court In The Tully
appeal upon a real heart interest, and :
seersndtion ts 16 DORE ¢ ’ declaring the Old Age Assistance act Armiving Sun
inequalities in the present tax system, upon its types of real characters re it the Ha
ognized as portraits of the good, | morning,
Tax Commission for the elimmation of The action ©
filed with the Legislature by the com- | unconstituti | may lead to effects far
mission, provide for the abolishment | reaching and undreamed of until now. staunch-hearted people of New Eng- | held from the
or reduction of three current taxes, Some time ago the court of Dauphin land, Miller and Lewis, the produc Pleasant Gap
The three phases of the tax reduc- | county held that the act wax in viola ers, have given the play a splendid Interment at.
tion. presented by Franklin 8 Ed-| ton of the constitution of Pennsylva- oroduction.” showing: the tyvical scenes ang ann
monds, chairman of the commission, | nia, and this decision was upheld when familiar to those who recall the play Mre Gas
are: the ease was carried to the supreme back din the edghties, the barn vard of Miss Sarah
1. Discontinuance of the four-mill | court. ' Uncle Josh with the well and “the and Mra. Joh 1 Boh Livin Crippled Auto Drivers
——————— A] TT IAA
“ 1 . f « io : a OF = Legal authorities are now looking up . Plea sant ft i Te 3
tax on loans of ounties, «ities, bor | old oaken bucket.” the fashionahie 4 ¢ ; ped
her i
WP) rezardiess
oughs. townships and schoop districts. three laws which have been in opera home of Henry Hapkins on Fifth Ax
2 Reduction in bonus on corporate | ion for years, and which may meet enue, Grace Church, New York Clty
irters of : ne-third to one the sume fate If they are ever carried and back home In the kitchen of ths
Supreme A rr ese laws | ola homestead in West Swanzey. N and broths
i. Discontinuance f inheritance : Firs. the public Soin Enpa H. The famous farm hands quartetts : ed Si
tax on personal IS v of non-re wid the cholr from Grace church stil
ident decendents remaine the big musical features
Admitting, present production
work pre-war prices: Entire firs
uarived balcony, $1.10. 83% and 5L0c.
* regarding an ads Third, the mothers’
. : . ssimbumatie—
taxation for Penn-|has a CoRsaAnLY An Evening at Stoner's. it her hon nn Bonlst Th y Farmers Sell Wheat at $2.05.
f the commiss] applicants for very pleasant evening was spent
Aa onta wt : f The const . '
wlequate system { al the home of David T. Stoner, Centre
dreviand 1: 5 the supreme : Ts
vised to aati Hall Those present were Mra Harry
pubic. without some : oy , skid a McOlellan, granddaughter Martha, May
genernl taxes} tf “, HeCH Provides Me elt
an. Eugene Melellan,
| McClellan, Mr. and Mrs, Wi
toer and daughters Edna
working out
Tames Runkle. Mrs
| childres Mary and Fred, M
The Gore Way.
$121 ¢ Fire at Marsh Creek.
n Poorm
eM A
Foose vait Mn
rigri nated
could be
wl the family
helr home Was
Fortunately the
sidings including the barn ot
B | were sa vend Mr. and Mra Poorma
Fe XH 7 ! Y i 0! ther 5 ¥
f and nine children were f
forced to seek |
mtemplates the abolition | MOAN | shelter from the cold at the home of |
present forms of business how ja nearby neighbor. There was no in
except the franchise bonus y ah 8 Hw : "| surance on the property
incorporation, including capital Mre. W —————— i —
Stock, corporate loans. gross receipts, Fell Under Dinkey: Dead. wan
mercantile licenses. anthracite coal and | HIGH SHOOL PROJECTS William 6G. Newman, aged twenty
his ite . cry y . 5 ¥ tLINSH. 3 L011 . as NO
substitutes a uniform rate upon the IN ENGLISH.| years. was instantly killed Tues- | 94¥8 short
A irons re
4 3 3 vighty five
day night of ast week when he tell] © eh five
corporation association, | Former Centre Hall Student Makes! from a “dinky” engine in the Chem
limited partnership or individual, based Reeord In MiMinburg High, cod Lime quarries. near tlellefonte, | MrVived by thy
upon the average net profits of the
of business, whether com-
in Aarons#hurg
Aaronsharg Cha
fonte. amd harm
gine, ¥ 4 Wi Sunbury, ! Here's
Among the honor roll Anni landing under Be wheels of the en
previous three year period Under this t 2 f +3 3
he senior cias= of th gvivania
1 " ‘hose " : ose home she :
plan businesses whose aggregate an- Newman was a brakeman and was" hose home she ceptions ry raLly wu t miikinigh s
nual rece oy . . ( 0 and tw sisters % vis > mkinight, af
uA. Teeeipts Go nal exceed ~ 310,000 Snyder, dnughter of Mrs Snyder. | 8t the tne engaged in pulling a string habitar ol entre Hall : 1 Hmme hin
VO w exempt an all oo. ’ ' 3 t Hit tm Ohio "Homa a f Vie suminer BOUSe
would be exempt, and all ‘concerns The vouni ijady got her of cars from the quarry. He reached H.. of Rittman ED hat Altoona Booster] .,
4 ; : down from the engi t ek up | Bellefonte Aaror " arrisbu <Q 3 y ' \ {
training if the schools in ir0 Eine 0 Di uy aj M Ret o Rito v wil wtng their regular quant Woodward. took fire and
an exemption of the firs { ¢ 4 : , a : Mra ebecca Murra vf r Pitt ssid \ . set ro :
xem n o 16 iret $1000 oof Under the caption of High School | Piece of chain that was dragging, but | y y Ta wily Dollar Day makes shrewd house: ' ) DT
! 3 pT : / ’ burg, and Mme 8S 3 "Am hte 3 . : ne man ine
Projects in English” in the Mifflinburg lost his hold and fell under the train i ’ " i " ’ ves and husbhande plan dave ahead nl vr teat
Th 7 1 ’ oe 10 i x . Millhei i 4 ! A rood
The Wood plan proposes to abolish Telegraph, on the subect “Henefits He was dragged about fifteen feet am vy he in Altoona for these greatest of
f 5 13
d The remaineg were shipped to ' ] : ae HES
Conferred Upon Our Coromunity by hefore the engine could be stopped and | : nerchandising events,
burg and funeral services 1 i ; insurance on
Next Wednesday, February 185 ings. The lo f contents
school is found the nam
. yo Willian HE
subject to the tax would be allowed 5
the present four-mill tax on personal
property, to abolish the poll tax and : . “" § fy 1s “en
f } Our New High School Building. Mus it was necessary to jack up the ir . ;
amt Wednesday morning, conducted
all occupation and school capitation b
] Snyder wrote as follows ky” before he could be released. His
taxes, and in lieu thereof to enact a “Worthy citizens of 'Mifflinburz. You skull
tev. F. H Dest ; In Altoona Booster Stores, $500,
: 3 of 1% Tis ~ SY 513 t
was crushed and his left leg|™ tuhenspeck. Interment
| was made in the Asronsburg Luther Every Booster Dollar Day grows and At a Father & Son dinner held in the
gave to the community, In the form | Proken ; : £0 cv
earned than for unearned income
"of a new high school building, a greag The
. Ww ' ” hades 1s | June, ie jeaves # wife, his parents,
antes of the 7ederal - income” Hx. Fo. FeserYoie of Kaw ledge, from which all sir . a os la y Y his ie tid HESS. Mrs. Emeline Wagner Hess, vantage of them and of the real bar- l pated. An elaborate program was ex
turns and the taxpayer through a con oe 3 _ Be as fia: ty. | twelve brothers: and sisters: widow of the late Michael Hess died gains tht are so be had at this pop-|ecuted the Sunday school orchestra
stitutional amenthnent to be - allowed e auditorium makes Ix He oy in BeNefonte, at the home of Mra | War price ONE DOLIAAR. furnishing mos€ of the music. The
coum courses, MHterary programs, de — —— _ Harvey Schaeffer. a daughter. Funer And the Dollar Price is not alone | pastor, Rev. B. F. Bidher, spoke on
the same exemptions from the state Ww
Jewels MiRiners Furniture Dealers ‘Why Boye Leave Sunday School™
tax on net income at a lower rate for
rv grows, and gets bigger and bigger in| Luthes © dryly + it
A an cemete ran church dinin ron. Muncy,
young man was married in metery - y ® .
the taxes to be computed upon dupli — the number of peopie who take ad:ione hundred men and boys partici-
Harrison Walker, Esq., burgess
Bellefonte borough. attended the al services were held Thursday after
’ y * Shoe Stores, an Men's Outfitters, sr tH ‘ y vit] y cited
sessions of the convention held by noon of inst week by Rev. J. FF. Hark oe ore and fens utfitt Among the young people who recited
while featuring thousands of Dollar | and sang was Miss Frances Bieber
tema, also make special prices on
J - bates, social entertainment and educa
income tax as are provided by the fed . . of
: tional amusement. The gyvmmasium
eral law. If these changes are made,
. affords pure. clean amusements where
the plan provides that one-third of
burgesses, councilmen and solicitors ing, assisted by Rev, J W. Wagner
the personal Income tax collected by
the town folks can gather and take i Interment was made at DBoalsburg. Prof. W. O. Heckins resumed his
a good, hearty laugh. Our old school throughout the state. The convention - . : vEurg tigher wriced: goods that. ‘will wake : i man resumed Jus
was well described by the words of | Was held In Harrisburg in the Penn- a wis 4 nughter Mf, dotn and your visit really worth while Sutiss. in the Nigh echot] Monday
J. Q. Adams ‘We were all right, but | Harris hotel. Burgess Walker has Sarah Weiser Waquer, and waa, bows Extry mlewpeople have been secured | ors: Sek the Hwadle of ins
the house In which we jived was worn | Pn attending these conventions reg fn Gregg townsbip. The family later sg :
out.’ ularly and thinks they are of great im moved to Fulifvapit, lewnatip and then in the mornin before the real vals
“Phe future generations will net | portance fn their add to properly mows to Roopsburg. Mr. and Mere. Hess be don er HT lert, the county medical inspector, put
have to tarry at the crossroads for ern the smaller municipalities within an (arming on the Heas farm above © ity Re Bu : Fifto Their o KX. on in state - health Ms,
y the state. Boalshurg, where they lived until ommunity Rest Boom on Fifteenth | Hodoman also somplied with the pee
ss —r———— 1901, when théy moved to Bellefonte. street, in Christ Reformed church. jenutions required by the health of:
Her surviving children are Newton |"™® created for your comfort. Noth-|ficials.
BE. Heme, of State College: Ira anda]in®€ for sale, just a place to relax af] Andrew Immil. well known in Brush
John, of Altoona: Mrs. Hall Bottorf,|1®F @ tiresome journey through the land Penns Valleys, was = recent call
of State College, and Mrs. Harvey | M1OTe8 er. He has been In the county smong
Schaeffer, of Bellefonte. She was the Tell your neighbors you expect to] friends for several weeks, but is about
last of the Wagner family but in od-|%° and have them come with you.|to return to Fuirview, Erle county,
the great throng who are looking over This reward gamed and college doors After the freeze last week the State | aiion to her children leaves eixteen | F000 ‘places to eat and the movies | where he bas lived for many years
Fiorida, and will stop at Key West, are open to you, highways in many places were hard grand children. and five great grand- have the best first-run filme In Cen | He will make sale of add tonal prop-
Miami, and other points. Mr. Musser "Education ls the spice of life and |io travel over. The snow had net all | shidven. tral Pennsylvanit—8ee ‘ the Strand. erty there and then return to Penns
is employed in the P. R. R. freight of: the hope of the world, been ploughed to the wideand when the! gagwe and John Hess, of Altoohn: Next Wodnesdny., BUT, be sure] Valley where he wil] establish a per:
fice In Sunbury and will he accom: |. “Our new high ah on building 1s | thaw came, deep gooves in the siush Samuel and John, of State College: |YOV buy in Booster stores, aav. ft manent home. Mr. Immil is in his
panied to the south by ‘a friend from the glory of the day's work whether | were made which when frozen made Edgar and Robert, of Boalsburg, six bs A h Sro—— eighty first year, but ka mighty good
that city. with hand or brain'" travel dangerous, grandsons. officiated as pall t » The Centre Reporter, $1.50 a year | timber st that
the state should be returned to the
counties to replace the personal prop-
erty tax, one-third should go to the
school districts and the other third
should be retained by the state. The
week he hag been out of the house, af.
wy wt 5 rice, #0 early a
for your better. servi come early ter the local physician, and Dr. Ses.
permanent tax on motor foels would
be increased under thie plan from one
to two cents a gallon and there would
be an increase In license fees for
heavy trucks, The plan-is presented
the sign boards of one road are so at-
tractively gminted and decorated that
the erudely cnrved and weather beat The Junior class of the Centre Hall
merely to sound out sentiment en ones, leading to an uneducational | High school will present a play In the
’ Bn. Me will be passed unsecn, Grange hall, Friday, March 13th, en
PP. Byron Musser, son of Mr. and “An Meal hgh school education ta] titled, “Engaged by Wednesday.”
Mrs. PH. Musser, of Millhelm, joined] "OW. the reward for squivalent wurk. we cst