The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 04, 1924, Image 7

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Sweet Pickles
Sweet Relish
Peanut Butter
Grape Juice
Fruit Salad
Chili Sauce Pineapple
Preserves Cling Peaches
Mace Meat Sliced Peaches
onnaise Dressing Apricots
1000 Island Dressing Pears
Uncalled-for Worry
We should enjoy more peace if we
dnd deeds of other men, which apper-
tain not to our charge.—Jeremy Tay-
Red ;
Never Saw White Man
A fresh-water lake, 30 miles In cin
cumference, near which live hundreds
of blacks who never had seen a white
man before, was found In Australis
last summer.
Good Rule for Life
Write it on your heart that every
day Is the best day In the year. No
man has learned anything rightly until
Gems on Old Sandals
The sandals worn by the rich In
ancient Rome were most elaborately
embroidered and set with precious
Colds Headache
Pain Toothache
“Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets
ttles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
sn nA
© Tama
Btroudsburg, — Announcement was
made ef the sale of the East Strouds-
burg Morning Press to the Monroe
Publishing Company, which Issues
the Stroudsburg Record and Times-
at the plant of the Superior Pipe Com-
pany, Willlam McClarin 50 years old,
Is alleged to have confessed to police
that he set fire to the oll house of
the company's property.
mitted to jall for court trial. Me-
Clarin ig the second person arrested
here In a month who has confessed to
Blandburg. — Burglars
money, stamps and registered mall.
Bloomsburg. —The Clark home
Market street has been sold
Honayawas Tribe of Red Men
Hazleton Nellie Cicotola,
aged 4,
received when her ignited
from a bonfire,
68 years old, a widow, was
dled before a
church, and
could be obtained. leaves
C. Kantner,
Locust Gap.—Mrs. Bridget Tracey,
on her face while attending Institute
in Sunbury, two weeks ago.
system, causing her death.
Mt. Carmel.
signed as assistant
on a farm near Bloomshurg.
Pittsburgh.-—Said to be wanted In
Pottsville on a forgery charge, Owen
Boyle, of Covedale, was arrested here.
vin, of Catawissa, observed their 61st
wedding anniversary with a dinner
for relatives, and left later by auto-
mobile for Drexel Hill, where they
spent some time with thelr grandson,
Harold Ervin,
outbreak of a peculiar malady In
rural districts east of the city,
thought to have been a form of
the dread pneumonie plague, 4
ed to be a eo
resulting from
Dr. A. H
expert, and
tion of measles and bronchitis
diagnosis was made
Smink, Shamokin,
Dr. Joseph K. Fisher,
land county coroner
picked at Cressona,
matoer also are bein
of these were left
tipe strawherries were
Fully ripe
£ picked,
green in the
The weather is
but also the
November in
ripened them.
only the driest
during any
of this region following
ditions In October
since the drought began the effect on
streams supplying
ible, water running
volrs having decreased
past few days
Philadelphia. —A cap ex-
ploded while O-year-old Joseph Malon
ey, of Bon Air, was playing with it in
the back yard of his home, and blew
off four fingers of his right hand. He
was taken to the Misericordia Hos-
pital, this city, for treatment. It is
believed he found the cap in the back
Pottsville. — Willlam Dewitt, 17.
year-old high school boy, of Port Car
bon, who was sequitted here
he history
similar con
reservoirs is
into the
Carbon. He has been in fail
a reception is
District Attorney
at ease again
arranged for him.
lieve they may
of the law,
Mahanoy Clity.—To travel
the experience of Mary Whitenaitls,
tion of one daughter and the silver
anniversary of another. At the home
of Mrs. Helen Idaikitis, aged 70, of
Newark, will be held the golden wed.
ding anniversary, with the sliver an.
niversary of her sister, Mrs. J. M
Karllick, aged 44 years.
Lancaster. Strong coffee cures hie.
coughs, according to Mrs. J. F. Groff,
who says Its an old-time remedy.
Several days ago Mrs, Groff's son was
attacked by the mandy, and she
turned to an old book which recom.
mended the coffee treatment. The
coffee must be very strong, and may
be taken with op without cream and
sugar. she says,
Weatherly. Council plans to float
n £15,000 bond issue to buy new fire
Pottaville~—~The two Evangelical
congregations decided to unite and
build one big temple In the central
part of the city.
Pottsville.~The Pottsville Construe.
tlon Company won the race it has
been hiwing with Jack Frost and laid
its last long stretches of concrete
Johnstown Federal prohibition of.
ficers seled 125 barrels of beep which
they sald were shipped from Wilkes.
Dainty Things to
(Give as Presents
The requirements of mah-jongg are
by this tablet-and pencil set, in
whick the tablet Is covered with black
olicloth, with adornment of paint”
and lettering in vivid colors.
white with a band in
black and tiny flowers—to match the
tablet. Long ribbons attached provide
Funny Sprites for Tree
A funny sprite for the Christmas
tree—looks as If he were dressed In a
chrysanthemum, He stands
over a little
| EWeet secret.
his head of
crepe paper
and outstanding skirt. He
gest grotesque and
figures—to be made In the same w ay.
painted cardboard
provides his
Home-Made Toys
old Santa out by making
home Of stocking legs or other elastic
fabrics. Patterns can be bought for
for all sorts of
Gift for the Baby
When Mister Baby takes his place
at the table a bib of seme kind be-
comes a necessity. Here Is one that
will please him. It may be made of
unbleached cotton, white olleloth or
linen, cut in the semblance of a rabbit.
Ollcloth may be painted, but usually
cotton floss Is used to outline the fen-
tures and the edges of the figure.
Silver Headbands
The most fashionable of pretty head.
bands, for evening wear, are those
made of narrow silver ribbons, adorned
with rosettes or tiny roses of the
If You Need a Medicine
You Should Have the Best--
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root
Have you ever stopped to reason why
it is that so many products that are ex-
tensively advertised all at once drop out
of sight and are soon forgotten? The
reason is plain—the article did not fulfill
the promises of the manufacturer, This
applies more particularly to a medicine.
A medicinal preparation that has res!
curative value almost sells itself, as like
an endless chain system the remedy is
recommended by those who have been
benefited to those who are in need of it.
A prominent druggist says, “Take for]
example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, al
preparation I have sold for many years
and never hesitate to recommend, for .in
almost every case it shows excellent re
sults, as many of my customers testify.
No other kidney remedy bas so large a
According to sworn statements and |
verified testimony of thousands who have |
used the preparation, the success of Dr. |
Kilmer's Swamp-Root is due to the fact, |
#o many people claim, that it fulfills almost |
every wish in overcoming kidney, liver
and bladder ailments, corrects uripary
troubles and neutralizes the uric acid |
which causes rheumatism, i
You may receive a sample bottle of |
Bwamp-Root by parcel post. Address Dr |
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and |
enclose ten cents; also mention this paper. |
Large and medium size bottles for sale
at all drug stores. —Advertisement.
Snow an Effective
Substitute for Ice
In some foreign countries, where |
natural difficulties have stimulated |
human inventiveness, it is quite usual |
for snow to be collected during the
coldest part of the winter and buried |
well-pressed down In specially dug |
pits. So Intensely cold do these
blocks of compressed snow become un-
der this treatment that after a few
ice, which keep almost indefinitely and
can be dug up when required, says the
Detroit News,
Especiully In very hot countries
these pits are frequently situated
mountains. Macedonia is one of the
countries which adopted this method
of Insuring an adequate supply of Ice
during the summer. It is a remark.
in this way at
winter will last right up to the
of a summer consisting of
months of almost unbearable heat.
Cuticura Soap for the Complexion,
Nothitg better
dally and Ointment
Cuticura Taleum,
Bonus for Babies
Greater Berlin, which is be
nortoal, the
that every new baby
of three gold
the municipality.
account will be
the bank
interest, money may be
withdrawn only
the child reaches the age of 14
Bore eves, bloodshot eyes watery eres
sticky eyes, all healed promptiy with nightly
applications of Roman Eye Balsam Ady,
The Mexican population of los An
geles Is said to be the largest of any
city In the world except the City of
Stop that Congh!
Charleston, West. Va.-—"{ had @»
bronchial cough, my bronchial tubes
being weak, be-
came sore and
inflamed, my
throat and chest
hurt me, but af
ter taking a jew
bottles of Dr.
Pierce's Golden
Medical Discove
ery the cough
* stopped, and 1
was not annoyed
by any more dis-
7 tress in my
throat. There are no medicines that
can equal Dr. Pierce's for the ail-
ments for which they are recom
mended.”"—Mrs. Dan Duff, 240%
Crescent Road. Al dealers.
Send 10c to Dr. Pierce's Invalids’
Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial pkg.
tablets Write for free advice
or Bronchitis
No matter how long you have suf-
fered from Asthma or Bronchitis, a
tpeedy rellef from your sufferings is
now offered you in CAMPHOROLE
whose wonderful effects are realized
at the very first trial
It quickly reaches the sore spot with
& gentle tingle, Difficult breathing is
relieved as the choked up air passages
and lungs are pehietrated by the pow-
erful healing vapors which reach the
of the disease with each
Then yow'll know why mil-
lions use CAMPHOROLE, when once
chest colds, weak lungs,
throat and Cstarrhal troubles
gists are suthorized to sell
size on 10-day trial-—try It.
the 32
357) Substitutes
Dr. Brigadell's Camphorole, Atlantic City, N. J.
Where There's Health
There’s a Way!
ASI and will cannot win
through to victory in life
unless there is also
health, And lack of energy in
eight cases out of ten is caused
by Anemia—blood starvation.
The test above is a guide to
blood condition. Press the flesh
between hand and thumb firmlys
unless the blood comes i
back, Anemia is indicated.
For thirty-two years thou
sands of physicians have seen
their patients regain health and
energy by the use of Gude's
Pepto-Mangan. It rebuilds the
latent power in run down bodies:
by supplying the blood with the:
and manganese it lacks.
Your druggist hes Gude's
Pepto-Mangan in liquid or tab |
let form.
Tonic and Blood Frricher
HOME SEWERS—We furnish free mate
rinis. market work Dime Brings partices
lars. Gift Shop, 525 Logan, Sewth Bend, Ind
serious results,
Nujol is used
in leading hospitals and
habit of internal
all druggists.
cleanliness. For sale by