r Weak and Miserable? Are you dull, ered with a badrback? De yo lack ambitiony fuffer heidaches and . nesssfeel ‘fll’ worniout!’? Likely your kidnays aré to blame,’ .Lameness, sharp, Sabbiog yains, backache and annoying arinary’ digorders are all symptoms o weakened kidneys. ’t. wait for more serious trouble. Get back ons health and keep it! Use Doon’s Hs, a stimulant diuretic’ to the kidneys. Thousands. of folks their merit. Ask your neighbor! Virginia Case gf. 1 44 Mrs. John Melton, Twenty Rich- Va., { aay 8: d “There was a dull pain In my back and when I did any bending sharp pains took me across my kidneys I was lame, tired and worn Head- Naches dizzy spells fro- Elquent and my kide IY neys acted Irregue larly. Doan's Pills rid me of the trouble” DOAN’S"&’ 60c STIMULANT DIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS Foater-Milburm Co,, Mfg. Chem., Buffalo, N. Y. Reautiful HAIR Constantine's Persian Healing Pine Tar Soap removes dandruff. Lessons tendency to baldness. Gives new vigor to hair and scalp. Makes hair soft and beautifu! A 40-year success, At all druggists Constantine’s Persian Healing PINE TAR SOAP SERENE Cyclone Pulls Freight An Arkansas cyclone turned a cullar stunt at Fayetteville when sucked six freight cars out of a idly moving freight train and them up in a promiscuous heap the side of the right of way. force of the wind tore them quickly and cleanly that the part of the train was not and no wreck occurred, How’s Your Blood? West. Va.—"Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has no ual as a build tonic and blood meds cine I w run n health way. gt pe it other Huntington, ef as in in every was weak and nerve suffered loss of appetite, my blood was thin and mn a poverished con- dition. My 11s and lungs were sore and and I had a chronic cough which broke my rest at night. But Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- ery took away all soreness, my cough left me and | gained back my general health and strength.” —M\rs Katherine Keeler, 8 A St. All deal- ers. Tablet or liquid form. Pills Sweeten low us INFLAMED EYES Use Dr. Thompson's Eyewater, $Y Bat your dra gist sor {ig River. Tr y.N. ¥. Booklet Fun! Fun! Puzzles, Jokes M ratus, Necklace with rhinestone itned box $1.79 graduated Pearl safely clasp, In mating on receipt f nl STURGES CORP. GET A COPY Wealth" king form 00 prepaid Agents, write spehouse of knowledge, m sulas and trade secrets O. ¥. PLATH, Bancroft, lowa a ot ¥- ————— Christmas Cards—Two alo match, conta and $1 p 30 Gerard, N. E., ig 16 and §0e repaid Agts wid Why Drug Yourself with stimulants and poisons when not tesling at par? Our Body Tonic Herb Tablets sljeanse and enrich blobd, restore vital- ity. Herb catalogue and sample 10¢. SOUTHERN HERB HOUSE 1700 11th Ave. South Birmingham, Ala. FROBAC SILKS SILK FROM LOOM TO WEARER 3 for two yard agents’ sample. any color, one sample only to or Money refunded If unsatisfac- tory Reference-National Bank of America, Paterson, N. J FROBAC SILK CO., Bex 1645. Paterson, 4 AGENTS WANTED. AS gth N. PAINT YOUR CAR with brilliant and du- rable Young's Autoblack Quart can $1.25 postpaid Send today to Young Paint Spe ciaity: Co... P. O. Pox 1084, 85: Louis, Mo Agenta—Sell Kirk's Foot Relief, Guaranteed. Build steady, profitadie business, Everybody prospect 1009 profit. Send 25¢ for sample. Clarkirk, Ambank Bldg. Kansas City, Moe, —— Wianted—Farmer Representative for Winter Work in home town No investment Pay weekly. Add. F. J. Rippin, Manchester, Conn. "FOR OVER 200 YEARS haariem oil has been a 1d- wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, : G HAARLEM AL CAPSULES ] correct internal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist on the original genuine GoLp MubaL. LIKE BROWN LEAVLS HOSE high resolves which we made only yesterday are today scurrying hither and thither, lke blown leaves in a romping November gale. ’ Twenty-four hours ngo we were very serious: this morning, in anticipation of a day's pleasure, we are decidedly frivolous, We do not care to spoil the day with sober thoughts, We are young and the years lie be- fore us. We can “settle down" to the steady motion of the treadmill when we find we have to do it, but not pow, . while the horizon is unsullied by a cloud and all the wine of pleasure. lashing by from the mother-tree and torn thelr frost of the boughs gales, er-breast or beneath the roof- tree of our father, Some sleep day we must face the cold winter alone, possibly n no condition adapt ourselves to the change; rudely awakened, perhaps, to find the storms beating about us, and driving at will like leaves, to be trodden under merciless whipping ered us with foot. Through the Glad Eyes of a Woman By Jane Doe Lk dd r WHAT EVERY WOMAN LOVES HE loves to be told once in a while that the older she gets the prettier Bets. * * . She lkes to realize that her efforts nake cone dollar do the work of * » * She adores being called “baby” even when she or She also adores helng to bossed ocen- and ordered do (For imstance, making her hushand ar.) She loves to be told she Is getting wibby, and that her husband is get- ng fed up with the sight of her best hat and would like to see in an- other. her * . . She likes to be told that none of her photos do her justice. - . - Khe adores having ! he com- mences a conversation. She loves to know he carries her and has a lock that loves its fellow men, Will drive away the clouds of gloom and coax the sun again. It's full of worth and goodness, with manly kindness blent it's worth a million dollars and doesn’t coat a cent. NICE THINGS TO SERVE too, it HEN something out of the ordinary Is wanted for an occa- sion a salad dressing which Is most dainty and attractive, too, is— Normandy Salad Dressing. Mash a small-sized cream cheese, adding during the process two table spoonfuls of cream to soften and one tablespoonful of lemon juice. Beat until thin, add salt, white pepper and paprika to taste; add enough currant jelly to make it a decidedly red tint. in three-quarters of whipped cream. combination. a cupful Serve with any frait Tuna Fish and Shrimp Salad. Take a can of tuna and enough shrimps to add color to the salad, shred the fish and cut the shrimps into small pleces, adding chopped green pepper, and diced celery. Serve In fish shells and garnish with cress or parsley, using any good dressing at hand. Peach Salad. Seald, peel and chill peaches, using a whole one for ench plate; cut them into quarters and remove the stones Arrange cups of lettuce with the peaches in the cups, as erect as pos fible,, Hilve white grapes, remove the needs, add halved fresh strawber So now, while we are young, let us store our minds with useful knowledge and strengthen our bodies by taking good care of them, Let us look upon the heaps and clus- ters of the blown leaves of humanity in the parks of the great cities, along the wharves, In the drab alleys, being swept along by the passing winds, knowing not where they are going or what shall be their end. Notice their rags and woebegone faces, In the springtime they were clinging to thelr mother-breast and sleeping until late In the moraing beneath the roof-tree of thelr father, Now they are alone, The rigor of winter is too much for them to endure, They shiver and stabbing cold, They are untrained, unskilled : thelr minds are empty; the passing throngs them, leaving them alone with own bitter reflections-~blown 0000 00000590805000000404 { THINK WHAT $ YOU ARE @ By DOUGLAS MALLOCH POBPEILEVEREb OPPO rePPOVee what you Tae wenry, Your task how small, your task how great, However dark the day or dreary, Think what you are—the world must walt Until the thing you have begun Is bravely dreamed and rightly. done. are! However Think what you are. However lonely, However much yourself you doubt, Some task is yours, your problem only, For you to take, and work It out, Each day the world's few labors start, And In that world you have a part, Think what You were the nearest To take the task that now Is yours To work the hardest, see * ie clearest, To work so well your work endures Your hands today will bless or mar The world around, Think what you are! you are. (® by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) (® by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) P y with: 17 onl Oo easy tutea B Tina's net on, Lo see - FO Grete One ~V~ = Po TETY SI pow, Te FeTeer Ince aon Wow we Wd JR oR | Guesme Baws my Copyright of her halr hidden papers, amongst his pn- vate - She llkes to have a letter from him when he has to be away day homo, every from adores 8 good little ery again somewhere about the shirt-front, and the crocod smelly And she and region him now has ing of his ving wipe away tle with a tobacco hanky. him sOMEe- downtown,” and her and him, She hear times, she lov a likes “Oh, to to let's pow der say ent Hose dress up to go with | that if her husband had the chance he would band. lieate. ) {to be someone else choose to he her second hu ! (OS by McClure Newspaper 570 | ries or maraschino cherries, and to { each cupful of the mixed fruit add a | tablespoontul of blanched almonds, | shredded. Mix with Normandy dress- | ing and place inside the peach quar. | ters. Top with dressing and garnish with ripe berries or cherries Normandy Salad. Take fresh ripe pears, Peel and | core, then fill with the Normandy | salad dressing. Set Into nests of let- | tues, top with dressing and a bit of | sweet red pepper cut into strips. Serve garnished with balls of cream cheese. Cabbage, pineapple and shredded almonds make a most delightful salad | combination, using the Normandy dressing. Shred the cabbage very fine and crisp it in cold water; add diced pineapple-~fresh If pos«ible—and al. monds to taste, with a few stripe of i red pepper for color. This is equally delicious with a mayonnaise dressing. wel. @. 1924, Westerh Sawapnper Union.) mass a Time as Critic What a sense of security in an old book which time has criticized for us! «Lowell, ANSWERED, What's a theat. rical angel, Pa? A man whose money has wings, my son. { co corpnarTriby Fy =- ADOT 9 SoTenn , RSCRED TITY = WO Ors Vndmed § CM suf sweel Polat cue Quions pe of 7 ZA It > a v3 ary ef 32 woth | won » MEN YOU MAY MARRY By E. R. PEYSER Has a man like this proposed to you? Symptoms: Looks studious, has a good clerkship and Is study at night. He is as ticket seller, law per- and Not always ily and have a ing gistent as a gets little time for fussing much on looks presentable. of a clothes but He's awl hall and you tired thinks you little fiat if keep on with your job for a few years He ig methodical and painstaking. IN FACT He is 8 human schedule Prescription for the bride: R Have a correct clock. Re. member the daylight saving and standard time changes things a bit Absorb This: BEING ON TIME LIGHT SAVING. (3 by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) bedroom he can IS NO HHH RR ERE wsnsclf Prcosssmsssinin e Young Lady Across the Way joi *® The young lady across the way says this country has a sound financial pol | fey and every paper dollar in circuln- | tion Is worth Ite weight in gold. (© by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) Millions Use Playgrounds Two million children enjoy public HE HE EE ER REE ERR LE Jenkins Gives ‘Medicine Credit for Recovery. “ranlac knocked out my troubles and gave me such a fine appetite and digestion that I have put on 40 Ibs, of good, solid weight,” declared W. A. Jenkins, popular street rallway con- ductor, 1007 Kirkland St, Memphis, Tenn. “For several years stomach trouble, malaria, nervousness, dizzy spells and sick headaches kept me all out of gear. I couldn't eat right, my sleep Pigeons as Telephones With every outgoing tourist car that invades the little-known parts of of Colorado of homing pigeons. only feasible meuns of tion in an emergency, for there telephone or telegraph service in that part of the country. Canyon now ge These u are communica ® was all broken and It was all 1 could do to keep on the job, “Since taking Tanlae I eat every. thing, sleep good and feel fine all the time, I have found Tanlac Is the very thing for keeping my system toned up and in trim. Tanlae has also re. Hleved my mother of stomach trouble, It's the best ever In the way of a medicine.” Tanlac is for sale by all good drmg- gists, Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Pllis for constipa- tion : and recommended by the manufacturers of Tanlae : made i Lake Replaces Camp i lutte Valley, known mining bottom of a constructed by an electric gery pany at the outlet of the i heen after el ater imp Cal., once now Ke, a ¥ camp in amp, 3 1,.000-acre in work and the » { dam has subi reged what Is old 1 camp site, AS not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe Colds Pain Headache Toothache Cc” Opening for Him Landlady (10 for rooms) ~Might 1 ask is? Gentleman—I"m a doctor of music. Landlady—You're just the want There's a lot of bad this neighborhood Children Especially Prepared for Infa Castoria applicant what you oe music Mother! Fletcher's Neuralgia Neuritis Lumbago Rheumatism Accept only “Bayer” package which contains proven directio Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. ne Calling a Spade a Spade Blinks—What do you cull a ma who of ad- in th f, in Lhe ace an optimist? No: a gays he smiles vers! Jinks quirer. A kind face Is a beautiful face a % 4 oT for “Castoria nts and Children of All Ages ommend it. The kind you have pleasant, harmless substitute and Soothing Syrups. Contains narcotics, Proven directions each package. * nf are Multimillionaire Hobo-—-1 want some powders for in Hobo—Oh, millions! there ig no danger of breaking a leg. ————————— i ——— No Make-Up Required arty tonight, Betty 7 “1 haven't made up my mind" “Oh, don't b that. It's all right as it § wton Transcript. “Coming to the pe other to do 3 {| A political plum seldom drops into | the lap of a man who isnt expecting It. 9 ¢an det- in t | playgrounds of this country, . DAVIS - full