The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 02, 1924, Image 7

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“Don't Do Int”
Try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg-
gh Compound First.
Proved Good Advice
Chicago, Illinois.— *‘ Just a few lines
to let you know what Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable
Compound did for
me. Iwas
going on for three
years, and went to a
doctor and was tak-
Inge a
a week for ev-
month. I used
to lie in bed three or
id * t py You go and
a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham’s V.
t away. Now I have two
elieve me, I recom-
mend the Vegetable Compound to any
woman I know has any kind of female
trouble. It has hel me and a lot of
my friends.”—*‘ Mrs. A. MCANDLESS,
1709 S. Morgan St., Chicago, Ill. For
sale by druggists everywhere.
Flattery Does It
Albert Keller, general manager of
the Ritz-Carlton hotel group, said in
an address to New York waiters:
“A good waiter makes his obstacles
his stepping stones,
“ ‘Walter! thundered a man with a
head as bald as a billiard ball,
“tes sir?
“ ‘Walter;
soup !'
“Why, so there is, sir. I'm very,
very sorry. But don't you think ft
gust have fluttered off your head,
there's a halr In this
Usually the homeller a man is the
more he thinks lovemaking is his
Sure Relief
Sure Relief
Constantine's Persian Healing Pine Tar
Soap neutralizes the destructive effects
of cosmetics. Lathers freely. Makes skin
smooth, clear, firm, elastic. Soothing,
refreshing, healing. At all druggists.
Persian Healing
0 YOu
Is your existence a living hell?
Learn from the free medical work,
“Munyon’s Guide to Health,” how
you can fiod quick relief,
Ask your druggist for
Munyen’s Paw Paw Tonle
Manyon's Nerve Remedy
Munyon's Headache Remedy
Munyen’s Rheumatiam R
Manyen’s Paw Paw Lazative
“There ls Hope. or any other Munyen
Remedy you may need
“There's a
Munyon Pill for
Every HI"
Advice FREE
back without question
it HU BALVE fails in the
treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA,
itching skin diseases. Price
The at druggists, or direct from
A.B Richards Co. Ter
The New Freely-Lathering
Shek ine, Stick
For Tender Faces
pr over, Ae your Gru:
for Write tor FREE SAMPLE.
Northrop & Lyman Co. Inc. Buffalo, N.Y.
Pride Helps to
Improve Cream
Creamery in Northwestern
State Resorts to Novel Way
to Reform Patrons.
(Prepared by the United States De-
partment of Agriculture.)
An interesting example of the use of
»sychology in securing cream of better
quality from patrons was recently ob-
served at a creamery in one of the
jsorthwestern states. Attempts at grad-
mg at the creamery met with but In-
jifferent success, The manager of this
sreamery talked better quality to the
patrons, but with little effect; and even
1 differential dn price of 8 to 4 cents a
pound butterfat In favor of sweet
‘ream delivered at the creamery falled
{0 secure the desired change In qual-
Interest in Scheme,
In the fall of 1928, when the mana-
ger was repainting and repairing the
sreamery, he decided to paint one of
the three cream vats a dark red, with
the other two vats a spotless white.
Naturally such a color scheme aroused
the patrons’ interest. Upon Inquiry
they were told that the red vat was to
ye used for the sour, poor cream, They
were also Informed what particular
satrons brought In the cream that was
found out that his cream was being
slaced In the dark-red vat and that It
was of poor quality, this knowledge
acted as a spur and an incentive to try
Improvement Soon Seen,
routes being operated to bring in the
greater number of the patrons’ cream.
the manager carried ont the ldea of
sted cans were being used by route
operdtors, 80 when these cans were re-
painted one can on each route was
painted a bright yellow and taken on
he route each day. Naturally, this
san of outstanding color caused com-
ment and inquiry, especially on the
part of the women folks, while the
hauler was welghing and sampling
ream. As a result of
women, who generally attended to the
sream, set about to Improve the qual-
ity, and often within a week cream
that formerly had arrived at
sreamery sour and In poor condition
began to arrive sweet and In gdod con-
dition. Within two
of all cream received at the creamery
when the system
40 per
Was sweet,
was Inaugurated
*ent had been so.
Sweet Clover Seeded in
Fall With Winter Wheat
clover can be seeded with
winter wheat this fall without
chance that the legume will
out the grain or interfere with
and where hulled seed is used, some
secured by
before the first severe fall frost comes,
mature later than do the plants from
seed sown the following spring, but
ten days’ difference would only bring
the harvest of sweet clover at a
is no disadvantage to the plan.
If the suminer season Is very
seeding Is less advisable
plan would be
in the early spring when
ject to
Late fall seedings are
heavy Injury on wet
clover Is perhaps not so great,
Substantial Structure
Best to Preserve Corn
little what Kind of
a silo Is erected. So long as it Is an
air-tight and substantial structure, it
will preserve .the corn crop without
any loss nor trouble. However, from
the economic standpoint, embracing
such features as permanence, safety,
fireproof features, and resistance to
the wind and weather, some kind of
masonry silo is to be preferred, for
it will not rot, it will not blow down
and it Is permanent,
It matters but
be desired to move a silo from one
site to another, the man with the ma-
sonry silo is at a decided disadvan-
tage, for once such a structure Is
erected, It must stay there. A wood
stave silo Is to be preferred In case it
may ever he moved. It may also blend
more effectively with the other build:
Ings than a masonry silo would under
certain conditions, and It might coin-
cide much better with the condition
of the purse at this time.
Early Fall Plowing Best
Plowing stubble or sod land for
wheat soon after harvest, or as soon
As some green matter is up, Is a rec-
ognized and safe practice season af-
ter season. In some tests, an actual
difference of five bushels to the acre
have been shown, In favor of early
fall plowing. It opens the soll for
moisture during the fall and winter,
kills weeds, makes green manure of
the sod, makes a firmer and better
geedbet]l, and makes less work In the
early spring, when planting season ls
on. It Is also best when lime Is to be
applied for the next wheat crop to
glow early ia the fall
Profits in Spinach
Made by Fertilizing
Sweet Soil Is Necessary to
Secure Best Results.
Fall spinach, when properly fertil-
ized, has proved itself a profitable crop
on many vegetable farms because |t
grows well on all but the very light
and the very heavy solls, reports H. F.
Huber, assistant In vegetable garden-
ing at the state experiment station In
New Brunswick, +
For best results a sweet soil {8 nec-
essary. Unless the land has been limed
recently, one ton of hydrated lime per
acre will usually be required. Organle
matter is also essential, Hence, soil
that has been manured or cover-
cropped for several years Is desirable
for spinach, An application of manure
plowed under just before planting will
able form, One thousand
pounds of a high grade
should be applied just previous
planting. In addition, a top dressing
ful in encouraging a rapld growth.
The seed for the fall crop
sown in 12-inch rows.
or Savoy is the variety
| versally used at this season
| year. Where there
| from yellows or
| be
mosaic the
sistant Savoy should bs plunted.
| Iowa Makes Big Strides
Twenty-five countles In lowa, depart.
herculosis eradication under the
plan, and more cattle are tested
that state monthly than in any other
state. Moreover, Winnebago county.
Iowa, which is the first county to com:
| pleté aren work, Is now on the list of
| modified accredited counties. This
| designation means that bovine tuber
| culosis in the county has been. re
duced, by testing and the removal of
the reactors, to less than one-half of
1 per cenl
A number of packers are paying n
premium of 10 cents per hundred
welght for hogs originating in
fled accredited areas. The first
load of hogs In lowa to recelve
bago county and topped the
the premium, which
for the
amounted to $17.67
In the premium
the president of the packing
which purchased them stated, “I
for the
paying hogs
them. They are worth more.
Proper Time to Harvest
Sweet Clover Seed Crop
of turned dark
the seed pods have
| 1t 1s rather tough, In order to mini
| mize shattering of the seed,
visable haul It
tomed racks on account of the shatter
oped that
also to
machine has yet been deeel
grain binder will probably do
work than other machines,
of the clover is to be handled, It wiil
pay to equip the binder with pans te
eateh the shattered seed.
Unless the clover
sweet onan
ting, stacking is advisable,
with the minimum amount of handling,
shatter. A clover huller
| rator, with some adjustments,
thresh the crop.
More milk at less cost by tie silo
need It.
{| Good purebred rams get the
growthy lambs that sell on early mar
| ket at handsome profits,
* . -
It is excellent practice to put away.
under shelter, all farm machinery im-
mediately after using It,
» - .
The farm problem is not a matter
of prices, but rather the spread be
tween prices and production costs.
- . .
Feeding cows of any breed so that
they can exist is one thing, but feed:
ing them to produce milk Is entirely
another thing.
. * =»
The planting of better adapted
crops and the adoption of modern
farming methods is the most certain
mark of progressiveness,
. * »
Trucks are O, K,, but when a farm.
er lets his horses or mules stand idle
and uses his truck for short hauls, he
is burning the candle at both ends.
. & »
This Is the time of the year for hill
selection of potato plants for seed
Healthy, vigorous hills should be
staked, so that they may be found
easily when digging time comes. Se-
lect enough good hills te plant a
seed plot of one or tWo GCres next sea
son, ‘
Italian Aqueduct
Longest in World
The Apulian aqueduct building In
ftaly will be, when completed, the
longest In the world, though not of
the greatest capacity, Several of the
provinces which form the regions
known as Apulia and Basilicata have
suffered through the ages from lack
of water; and thelr geographical posi-
tion and geological formation are such
that the only remedy lay In bringing
water to them from the western side
of the Apennines.
A liw providing for the construction
of the aqueduct was enacted in 1902;
and the work was begun in 1005 ne-
cording to plans prepared by Italian
engineers, The undertaking entalled
the bullding of a main aqueduct about
140 miles long, of which over sixty
miles had to he earried through the
Apennines In tunnels. From the main
aqueduct spreads a network of sub-
of one thousand miles. This will carry
water to five provinces and supply the
needs of two and one-half million
people.—Compressed Alr Magazine,
Many Religions at College
Twenty-five religious denominations
are represented among the students of
the Pennsylvania State college. Of
more than 3,000 students who. stated
religious preferences recently
about one-fourth were Preshyterians,
one-fifth Methodists, one-eighth Luth-
erans and one-tenth Roman Catholles,
says School Life, Other sects repre-
sented are: Reformed, Protestant Epls-
copal, Baptist, Hebrew, Evangelical,
United Presbyterian, United Brethren,
Society of Friends, Church of Christ,
Congregational. Dunkard, Christian
Science, Moravian, Unitarian, Mennon-
ite, Universalist, Greek Catholie, Dis.
ciple, Schwenkfelder and United Zion
“] would not run a
arch Coffee.
G. B. Clark
representative each.
He took his ticket leisurely at the
booking office of a suburban rallway |
station, but, on hearing the train ap |
proaching, made more than |
speed to the platform. He was going |
well until, nearly at the top of the
steps leading to platform. some |
thing or other caused his foot to slip,
His silk hat had wabbled his
his bag and umbrella betook
Chicago «
comfort in
wear bathing
bula, Ohio, who were the
through Westfield attired In one
bathing suits. The giris are
left, but manfully regained |to Maine. When these modern
these possessions in a grasp-all sort of | malds pass a swimming
fashion while on his knees | they stop thelr automobile,
Then he looked up at the official at | take a swim, get aboard again, an
the gate and inquired: “Is this the way | OR thelr way. —Boston Globe,
to go to the train?” | —
“Yes, sir" unsympathetic |
reply, “you can come that way If you |
wish, but it looks had ™
wns the
A novel point at
| raised In an eastern divorce case,
first the
the hushand
inw has just
————— { couple
Maternal love! thon word that sums | hut
all bliss.-—Pollok,
met over teleg
now alleges
a wrong number. —Chleago News
OU who know what it means to pay
big shoe bills — here is welcome news.
USKIDE soles save your shoes and save
you money.
USKIDE—the wonder sole for
wear. Wears twice as long as
best leather —often longer
A scientific shoe-soling material origi.
nated and perfected by the world’s largest
rubber manufacturer.
USKIDE is healthful — protects you
against wet, clammy feet. Absolutely wa-
USKIDE is comfortable and safe — will
not slip on smooth, hard surfaces. Farmers,
policemen, postmen, factory or construc-
tion workers—all you hard workers and
walkers, USKIDE is the sole for you.
Have your shoe repairman put USKIDE
Soles on your shoes today.
And insist on having USKIDE Soles on
the next new shoes you buy. Many shoe
manufacturers who want to give you the
greatest money's worth possible are using
Genuine USKIDE has the name USKIDE
on the sole. Others can imitate the color
but they can’t duplicate
the wear.
Pork and Beans
Peanut Butter
Prepared Mustard 8
Gr Jules B
Fruit Balad
Cling Peaches
Eliced Penches
Pittsburgh « New York
| Together they
“Now, what
| mused,
plece | ly suggested,
mer- | frown,
place | “Oh.
out, |
iy wish me?
ime! This is sudden!”
been ———
The Which?
got | is? “To
for a Better Heel to Walk Onl
A fit companion for USKIDE
isthe “U.8." Heel.
Made of the new Sprayed
to Cut Your