HOW THIS WOMAN "GOT STRENGTH Put Up 300 Quarts Fruit, 500 Chivers Jeils and Took Care of Four Children Norwalk, Iowa.—*‘ I have been mean= Ing for some time to write and tell you Ti how much fa our medicine one had had any one to care for my children. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound and used Lydia E. Pinkham’s San- ative Wash, and found that so pealing. 1 am not entirely well yet for I was bad shape when [ started your medicine, but 1 am so much better thatl am not afraid to recommend it, and I think if I keep on taking it, it will cure me. have done my work all alone this sum- mer, caring for four children, and I canned 300 quarts of fruit and made 500 glasses © ae so you see I must be better. I feel pretty good all the time and I am glad to tell others about the medicine.’’— Mrs. C. J. WENNER- MARK, Box 141, Norwalk, Iowa. Women can depend upon Lydia E. Pinkham?'s Vegetable Compound to re- lieve them from female troubles, For sale by druggists everywhere, is all you need Kaep your complexion free of blemishes, your skin clear, soft, smooth and white, your hair vilky and glistening, your entire body refreshed, by using ne Soap for TOILET BATH Sulphur Soap Containe 33349, Pure Sulphur. At draggists. Rohland's Styptic Cotten, 25¢ Confidences Muriel—*Don't you like a man who always flatters you?" Madge—"No; but I hate one who never does” A man is alowed to have his own way when he wants to hide his light under a bushel, It's hard to one's work when every day brings morning lameness, throbbing backache, and a dull, tired feeling. If you suffer thus, why not find the cause? Likely it's your kid- neys. Headaches, dizziness and kidney irregularities may give further proof that your kidneys need help. Don't risk neglect! Use Doan’s Pills—a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys. Thou- sands have been helped by Doan’s They should help you. Ask your neighbor! A Virginia Case Albert 8. Pattison, prop. of plumbing establishment, cor. Sixth and Liberty Streets, Wytheville, Va. says: “I had dull pains through the muscles of my back and mornings my back was stiff and lame. My kid- neys didn't act asg should, so 1 p to try Doan's Pills. A couple lieved me in every way.” DOAN’S "&c® STIMULANT DIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS Foster-Milburn Co. Mig. Chem., Buffalo, N. Y. d Oo boxes re- My Picture on Every Package P.D.Q. P. DQ. a chemical (not an insect powder) that will ac- tually rid a house of Bed Bugs, Roaches, Fleas and Ants with its proper use-impossi- ble for them to exist as it kills their eggs as well and thereby stops future generations. A Be package makes a quart, Free—a patent spot in every package, to get them in the ard-to-get-at places, Special Hospital- size, 2.50, makes § gallons, Your druggist has It or can get it for you. Mailed prepaid upon receipt of price by the Ow! Chemical Works, Terre Haute, Ind. Money back without guestion If HUNT'S SALVE falls in the treatment of ITCH, BOZEMA, RINGWORM TETTER orothar itehing skin diseases, Price The at rRagiats. of direcs from A.B Richards Ca. Sherman Ten Agente~Where to Buy 250000 Articles wholesale, Most complete directory published. Everything rock