CENTRE REPORTER. RRA SR pr THURSDAY, AUGUST 7. 1924 CR A SPRING MILLS Mr. and Mrs. John Swarm and daughter Chua, of Williamsport, spent a few days with friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Myers and two ARLE en — Mra. Florence New Yori City, attended the funeral of her bros ther, William Krape, Dr, and Mra, H. 8. Coalport over Sunday son Dean, and family, Wiliam Corman and family of burgh, visiting at the home, Quite a the funeral Centre Hall, lest Gordon Rearick, of Braucht to visit were to their Pitts- are Neese attended at number of people of Mra Dr. Allison, on Wednesday. and family. of the Horner Gordon, Laitzell Sunday Kverett, John home, Mrs James are visiting the parents of Mr, and Mrs party of friends THe P. OO. B. of A. making and festival with a Visilors, nre picnic were members tions for their August 3. prefer on REBERSBURGSG, Prof. Edwin of Selinsgrove, are Mrs. McClellan when was thrown {I the door of which Cyrus Moyer, who farm near visitor at Edwin Weéaver ham, visited over 3 Mr. Weaver's mothe Samuel Hubler heim, were visitors in town Sunday. Prof, E. 8. i 1 Bloomfield, N. J., vacation at this place James Miller bury, motored on Sunday and family, rejatives, Brungart visiting spradnaxi ner farm an une open she om auto Trew is employed on a way hers Burn Selinsgrove, was a the Cummings home, and family, of Sunday at the home Of and wife, of Stover and and spent he Miller's Mr. and Mrs. Leitzel, of Thursday at Samuel Moy Mr. and Mrs. Charles ron, Ohio, motored the Stover ha day at parents, Mrs. Frank Aaronshurg tne are visitors at Scott in his home one day } Mr. Willlams, was awarded the the one-room school place, commenced work ing. He also has moxdel the interios which heretofor rooms and which five-room house building sp Af fr MA Fire . on at Watsontown, Thursday Supposed to h A fire week, destroyed Witsontows the Wat diary nature, plants in owned by ducts company Jones Foundry ———— pp — tp The edge of the streets through repaired heavy oil. The wi further breaking been MILLHEIM, (From the Journal) Mr. and Mrs Charles i ¢hildren, of Canton, 4), motor guests of Mp. Garrett's parents, Mi Mrs. G. PP. Garret, at Reborshurg, Mr. and Mrs. David Kuhn and chil jdren, of Dewarf, ‘were {| Mrs Kuhn's parents, MF and {B, Knarr, during the week. Miss Mary Gutelius ther Community chat ftendent, spent Friday and Saturday i Miss Cutelius’ enroute to Hinsdale, N. Y jarine ten day vacation on the ci WEL to Niagan i ‘ ind Mrs, Harry Shires Phitladeliphin, mother, Mis Clarret ind ire and Tugun superin parents’ hom Miss C Giutelius accompanied them fog ing un i Mr ison, of Shires’ Shires is hh sales the N tive for company, with United. States ns | weeks Fla. and townsman, who Is south.” { Mrs, and tand ago he had a Li praspering Kathryn her sister, gentleman ladelphia, wer Mrs, Leah and their This was the place for Mr, Minnick with the I requmer, PBreon. much pleased the people toward i he means to spend vacation in } ViLiiey Announcing Opening A COMPLETE Machine Shop he New Machinery for Doing All Kinds Machine Work. ACETYLENE WELDING A Specialty The natalaton of the Best Acetylene Welding outfit places us in posi. tion to handle any repair job. A piece of work undertaken here is carried to a satisfactory finish. There is no need to ‘fi ish up’’ elsewhere W00D WORK, WAGON WORK Lawn Mowers Sharpened W. A. HENNEY CENTRE HALL, PA. ~ Just a Real Good Car Car. Bell Phone 3402 i i } An twenty nets, In § NERA HNL RL JE Ea eR . oe “ d ¥ a ANNOUNCEMENT, been worough, above has we will, | the Ff per our. custinm, Iofors testamentary on of August allow discount except Kirge stack month having cont on all cash (ed, all persons knowing themselves furniture, ed ¥ Bitchen ib A {to select from fir CAMPBELL, Millheim, Pa imedinte payment, havin the suthenticated for settlement, FRANK M. FISHER, Exec. Centre Hall, Pa. and those i claims against game 8, M. tduly EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, 0533 MARY FISHEL, he estate of C. DENTIST of HARRISBURG IN CENTRE HALL (CENTRE HALL HOTEL) “4 1 1 insurance and Real Estate i Want to Buy or Sell? 3 SEE US FIRST Pr. M. i Chas. D. Bartholomew in All Branches. CENTRE HALL, PA, Jo TURMTMITIES DAITRIROOL JOA CMT JL | i. TITTY r YI e TITY ITY YTYTY - > “HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF” should we be We need why oveasionalls., being so, That hard times” surprised If not fo clue, winds fo face The die we ome anyibing hard ex peed the awn, lantern. » house and Have a finaneial financial storm -» financial eof, and a figancial biseult In our Jun won't Iu bot he Pe d by “hard L SAVINGS ACCOUNT for “hard times” in whith sou deposit regularly Is the pan. een We pay 3 per cent, Compound Interest, You'll be you surprised how can save a comfortable sum, The irst National Bank Centre Hall, Pa. t DAY THURSDAY SEASHORE EXCURSION August21 Asbury Park bh OCEAN GROVE CAMP MEETING $13.02 from Centre Hall Proportlonate viher HOI AD TRIV fares from nearhy points, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SYSTEM The Standard Ralboad of the World FOI THE SI Deni] JUS] NII T IT DI SI DL a | HIGH GRADE BUILDING MAT AND MILL WORK GET OUR PRICES Before You Buy BOTH PHONES Commercial 213-X RIAL A A A SN A 3 Fd Si —LEOLA HOG FEEDERS Start your Pigs on a LEOLA FEEDER, the most sanitary, eco- nomical, labor saving method of producing pork. Made in three sizes — 2 Ft., 1 Compartment, $15.00, 4 Ft., 2 Compartment, $25.60. 6 Ft., 3 Compartment, $35.00, freight station, 30 days free trial. Delivered to your nearest ORDER NOW. Satisfied customers our reference. W. F. RISHEL Distributing Agent CENTRE HALL, PA, REO, NAS OVERLAND REO SPEED WAGON FORD SERVICE STATION for 17 Years THE OLDEST FORD SERVICE STATION IN CENTRE COUNTY Only GUARANTEED FORD Parts Used. PRICES RIGHT. FULL LINE OF ACCESSORIES AUTO LAMP KITS —MIRRORS—STOP LIGHTS-STEP PLATES ~ETC, We have the goods, Our Prices Are Low, Why Net Come Iu and See Us. You need some of these Accessories NOW. FOR SALE-CHEAP. REO Speed Wagon--1; Ton capacity, in fine shape, FORD Touring Car at a Bargain, OVERLAND Touring Car with now Cord Tires, OILS for all Cars, and Tractor Oils. Have Your Car Drained and New Oil put in. We do that for you. ALEMITE GREASING SYSTEMS andGREASE—~The BEST Lubri- cating System In use today. Save Your Car—It Pays! Breon’s Garage BREON & WEAVER MILLHEIM Building SEE . Cresson Lumber Co. STATE COLLEGE, PA. J. G. MARKS, Sec. and Treas,