J CENTRE BEPORTER. . CENTRE BALL; PENNA, _ THURSDAY, AUGU ST 7 — & BAILEY, Proprivions, B. W. SMITH .....coonevsrssrssesns Bdlfor 954, Notersd at the Post Office in Centre ‘Hab as second class mall matter, the Reporter are $1.50 a year, In advance. twenty cents per line for three insertions, insertion, Local notices accompanying display ad- vertisements, five cents per line for each fnsertion; otherwise, eight cents per line; minimum charge, twenty-five cents. Display advertising rates made known on applleation. 1 Borough Fire r— In case of fire in the borough Centre Hall, the Bradford & Co. whistle will sound: One long and two short blasts when fire is north of Reformed church; One long and five short blasts when fire is south of Reformed church. CHURCH APPOINTMENTS. | St. Luke's Svangellea) Lutheran (Rev. M. C. Drumm, Pastor) Centre Hall, 10: A. M. atio n service of 30 Confirm- Valley, 2:30 Sunshine, Farmers Mills, 7 for Sunshine. Centre Hall Prayer meeting, Wed, 7:30 p. m. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Catechise, Saturday, 7:30 p. Georges P. M.—Setting Traps for ' 30-—Re ting TO aps m. Spring Mills Thurs, 7. 9:30 a, m. Prayer Meeting, Sunday School, Trinity Reformed (Rev. Delas R. NO PREACHING Keener, Pastor) SERVICE. Methodist Eplseopa H .H. Pastor) Sprucetown, 10:30 M.; Mills, 2:30 M.; Hall, 7: MM. (Rev. Sherman, A. Spring P. Centre 30 P Jd Evangelieal (Rev. F. Egg Hil— Sunday School at 9:30 A, M. 10: 30 A. M. J. Bingman, Pastor.) 5 tegular worship at Tusseyville— at 1:30 P. 30 P. M. M. Sunday School tegular worship at 2 Centre Hall— Sunday School A. M. 30 P. M. at 9:30 tegular worship at 7 — AARONSBURG REFOEMED Charge (Rev. John 8 Hollenbach, pastor.) St Paul-8. 8 at 2:30; ch ti0:30 uren serv- jce a Coburn—S at 3:00 -8 - at Aaronsburg service at 7 Do not with your endure a after Monthly Report the Association of Cow Testing. Cow ten fat of the July: the COwWR butter Following Testing highest for the {Note owner, when pounds Thomas 1625-—4.5~ Peck Bros 5.1—50.6. Peck Bros. 4.4507. Thos, Beaver we. 850.1, Thos. Beaver 50, Thos 3142.9, Geo. F. Rogers we {GL Foe) D4 2 6. A. C. Hartle & Bro wo} 262--3.4---42.3. Fern Dunkle-«( 983—4.3--41.8, Valentine Gamber—Q. wr] 4g ———— A ————— Summer Resort for Woodward, Willard and Wesley Hosterman and Edgar F. Stover, accompuinied by their families, all of Buffalo, New York, vis- ited their old home at Woodward, The trip combines business with pleasure as they contemplate rebuilding the old Woodward mily dam, back up the wa- ters of Pine Creek wtih the ultimate result of making a summer resort as it would afford a most delightful place for boating and fishing while the wa ter power would suply electricity not only for their own uses but for the town of Woodward The three gentlemen are successful business men. and as the old home town has lost none of its attractive- nes they feeq that the venture might not only prove a profitable invest. ment to them but result in great ben- efit to the quaint old town where they wete born and spent their “early days” Et fH MARRIAGE LICENSES, Paul A. Smith... . Warriors Mark Elizabeth Beck............Port Matilda Frank Brumbaugh ........Philipshurg Violet Johnson ............Philipshurg Dorsey W. Koons. ........... Bellefonte Ruth Stickler ..............Bdlefonte John David Burger........Philipsburg Kathryn Bmith ...............Lebanon is report for producing in month: First is then given the name of brood of cow, hs. milk, butterfat). 41. VEur Re and LL fresh, of Beaver §2.4. wl} percent fat, HosT—=July 2~ H.~ £3 3. Gi. Beaver-—(} h1612 43. Hho March 29 RR, HH. ~d=June 1 H.~4—March 21-- H.~7-June 20 DEATHS, gy } N G OSMAN. .~~A telegram from the su- perintendent of the State Hospital, at Danville, received here Tuesday morn- ing, announced that Alfred Osman, an inmate of the institution, had died there Monday afternoon. The deceas- ed was born and reared in the vicinity of Centre Hall, and was the son of the late Uriah DD. Osman. He was a bricklayer by trade and engaged at that work in various cities through the east and west. Before entering the State hospita; he had spent consider: able time about Centre Hall and had i become unable to work, and finally melancholy. Ht was never married. There survives him his only sister, Amelia, wife of Horace Zerby, Balt | Lake City, Utah. and a half-brother, {7r. Milton Osman, of the same The body was shipped to Hall, where interment was made, dertaker Goodhart took body, previously arrapged the half-brother named place. Centre Un- the by care of for as SHEESLEY. Jackson A. Sheesley peacefully int, the great be- his home at Woodward, Mr, was In feeble for He was aged 10 6 days. His but he ds as follows: Mpa, Jersey Share; Mrs. Wm of Loganton; Mrs, Wm, Halnes and Clayton, of Woodward; George. Reuben, Edward and of Union county, grandchildren and grandchildren. i held from the Wm. Haines, at Woodward, | afternoon and continued in | lower Evangelical Inter: in the Woodward come | services by Rev. C passed fyvond at Sheesley ROME condition 81 wife survived time. months and June 21 last, ten children, Overdort, Miller, John. Adam, Harry, all thirty-six of Funeral of Years, died on hy {Isaac of besides a num- her great services were home on Friday the ment tery, church. Union B. Snyder. ———— A —————— Deaths In Centre County, Hinton Wyland, formerly died in Detroit, Isaac Bel Years, John Bellef Saul lefonte, aged Henry inte, Knarr, Rider, aged 62 years, near Beech Creek. aged 4 Years, The Seven Sehool Cold Spring Mountains, was afternoon to W the Sun SUT were for $74.00 and the ders 1 Sold. shoo] House house sold at pu F. Brad get Clu urday represent ing ry land sale Sat ard. whose or EL unds it Hding and soid fie~ | y, the former $25.00. T Sea atter he only b were Done il Gettig, of Bellefon ind It was Mr. Gettig’ ITE #8 purpase he be the owner to convert building into cottage, The school house in q bulls bout 1 by J pet iar Deck wis in { land, one