The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 12, 1924, Image 6

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Entirely Restored to Health
by Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound
M Texas. ~ *‘1 have taken Lydia
E binkham's Vegetable Compound to
pes build me up as I was
fia I all run-do ner-
Hh £50 vous andsick.1 ached
{MEH and hurt all over so
1 al that Iwas often com-
Eas 5. Wa pelled to go to bed,
and I to have
most of my work
done. No medicine
bors who was taking
! & Ithe Vegetable Com-
- isted on me
a bottle of it. The medicine
helped me from the first, and the best
of all is that I can even sew again with-
out that awful, nervous feeling I was
used to having. And I used to take cry-
ing spells, with such a blue feeling that
I cannot explain. Now all that has left
me. I feel so cheerful, and I have
ined in wei it, Sleep well and eat
Pe Oh! f h I had words to ex-
press what this medicine has done for
me! I am a housekeeper and do every-
thing from the sewing to the washing
now and it doesn’t hurt me. You ma
use my letter in any \vay you wish,
will be glad to help any vuffering woman
to the road of health and happiness.’'—
Mrs. B. F. BRANNON, 404 Travis Ave.,
VMawt Texas.
Clear Your
with This
Old Reliable
For pimples, black-heads, freckles, blotches,
and tan as well as for more serious face, scalp
and body eruptions, hives, eczema, etc., use
this scientific compound of sulphur. Asa lo-
tion, it soothes and heals ; taken internally—
a few drops in a glass of water—it gets atthe
root of the trouble and purifies the blood.
Physicians agree that sulphur is one of the
most effective blood purifiers known. Re-
member, a exion lsa’t skin deep
~it’s health deep.
Be sure to ask for HANCOCK SULPHUR
COMPOUND. It has been used with satis
factory results over 25 years.
60c¢ and $1.20 the bottle
at your druggist’s. If he can’t supply
send his name and the price In stamps and
we will send you a bottle direct,
Baltimore, Md.
Hancock Sulphur Compound Oins. @
ment 0c and Goc— wie with ©
the Ligwid Compound
Your case is not beyond hope. Let
Munyon's Remedias bring you back
to health. Write now for “Munyon's
Guide to Health''—a FREE medical
work. Munyon's, Scranton, Pa.
These wonderful remedies sold in
gay first-class drug store:
Munyen's Paw Paw Tonic
Muanyon & Nerve Remed
Munyon's Rheumatism Remeity
Manyen's Pie Outment
Manyon’s Blood Remedy
Munyen's Bladder Remedy
Munraa’s Ride Remedy
anyen 3 ay Fever om» Ke e"*
Remedy or any other There is H
Munyon Remedy you
may pesd
“There's a
Munyon Pill For
Every 111
Doctor's Advice FREE
Muoyen's, Scranton, Pa.
Use Cuticura Soap
And Ointment
To Heal Sore Hands
3 Time to Quit
club and
there 7
“Yes,” replied an attendant,
“Playing poker?”
“Is he ahead of the game?”
“About two hundred, I think.”
“Tell him to come right home.”
The Awful Truth
Glee Clubber--What 1 want to know
is, am I a bass or a baritone?
Conch--No, yon are not !-—Yale Ree
asked: “Is my husband
DhPdPdd de
WW HETHER in the qulet of the
home or In the whirl of the nolsy
world, the bestinl part of you Is ever
striving to pull you down to his level.
His unalterable purpose in to over-
come and disgrace man, the exalted
of creation, made in the lmage of his
creator, “to have dominion over every
living thing that moveth upon the
So when this beast begins to purr
and rub against you to be petted and
stroked upon its glossy back, withhold
your hand, summon your guardian an-
environs are sweet and clean.
It Is not possible to outwit and ont-
maneuver the despicable, Invisible
thing unless you do.
He is an adept creature capable of
changing his spots at will, ard simu-
lating all human emotions—pride,
humility, sympathy, hate, pity, plety
and affection, any one of which he can
arouse when he suspects that you are
in a mood to yield to his wishes,
So Intimate 1s he with your thoughts,
desires, passions, strength and wenak-
ness that he knows when to purr. He
has the daring of a lion and the hu
mility of a saint.
He commends himself to the peoples
of the earth with the most Insinusting
play to his skill and cunning
Where Shall We
Fly the Flag?
HERE shall
The ranks of marching men?
Ah, yes, because that flag they love,
Would Jk e again
But not alone the soldier lad
The flag should proudly bear;
Let yne parade the land he made
Uniess the flag is there.
we fly the
to sav
Where shall we fly the flag?-—upon
Our ships that go to sea,
Whose flaming guns will
For ali humanity?
Fast, West, and evrywhere—
In av ry port of ev'ry sort
Let men behold it there.
Where shall we fly the flag?—display
The standard of our sires?
Above the judge's brow of gray,
Up our gilded spires,
Yea, over ev'ry altar rail
And ev'ry judge's chalr-
d no court nor creed
wa not want it there
we nee
That d«
the flag?-—that all
or small,
we fly
« shall
flag may to
y enllege, great
ad ev'ry schoo
ar ¢ ry teacher's deak
will bloom
fren in his «
ir buds
no treason
fly the flagT—that you
our duty
1 and land?
the highest wage.
ill we
e and Go
catest wealth
mortals anywhe
in and busy mill.
it thare
for Tortilla }¥
Oh, let us fly
treasures we possess,
liberties, luxuriea?
What hetter place, ah, yes
we fly the
Our loyalty to wear Te
re‘er wa roam when
let us find it
Oh. there
May understand and see;
all who toll, or trade, or teach,
Whoever we may be?
Schools, churches, ev rywhere
Oh. let as fiy It there!
(® by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.)
e Young Lady
Across the Way
The young lady across the way says
it's mighty nice, of course, to own
your own home, but It's cheaper to
ront and not have the taxes cost you
(© by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.)
be alone, when
ward toward
wrenches you
would step
that In falling there is nothing
delicious sensations of pleasure devold
of every semblance of fear or degreds
He makes n good Joh of It unless hy
your superior will you shake bim off
The bank clerk looking covetonsly
upon stacks of money is helng marred
of his victim, The youog
Is always in danger when listening to
Ing sympathy.
“My henst”
stronger than I. for
when | eannot shake
has been the bane of
the cause of my sorrows and failures.
Beware he ruin you!" Hearing
this, the brnte chuckled, and curled
up for a nap,
(® by MoClure Newspaper Byndicate. )
the old
sald man, “is
are times
Reflections of a
Bachelor Girl
a Man Up When He Is Feeling
ly an accepted “fact” tut, after all,
FACTS nre the only things which a
man values, respects—and clings to,
Has Anyone Laughed
At You
You punt?
Never you mind, you get a
laugh, don't you? They may
laugh at you, but they do a lot
of laughing with you, too. There
are some awfully wvapld puns,
yet some of the wittiest people
in the world hmve made puns,
and a great bulk of the jokes
that people pay for seeing in the
“movies” are puns, some good
nnd some bad. [I remember a
“movie” where the puns In the
titles made the “movie” a suc
cess. So let the heathea laugh
at you. because they wlll have a
laugh with you for entertaining
them—Iif you don't do It to ex-
Your get-away here ls:
Your puns are so clever that
people who pun admit that you
are a wit!
(@ by McClure Newspaper Syndicates.)
int twenty ns a mystery; at thirty as n
| danger at forty ns a divine dispensa-
tion; and at fifty. as a rejuvenator.
| The first sign of
i a predilection for
older and fatter a
more violently he takes It
ndvancing age
the "“toddle”;
dancing man,
it yvourself—and a “curse” If you are
{ married to It Jecnuse, then,
never know whethér you are going te
have bouquets, kisses, or the
thrown at you
HE )
i { {
CLOSE doors and win.
dows, then place a small
quantity of Bee Brand
Insect Powder on a piece
of paper. Blow upward—
the tiny particles of powder
float about the room and kill
these annoying household
pests. Some prefer toburn
the powder. It is also effect-
ive. The cost of using Bee
Brand Insect Powder is
amazingly low.
Insect Powder is one of the
In red sifting-top cans—
atyour grocer or druggist.
Household sizes, 15¢ and
35¢c. Other sizes, 70c and
Large Pump Gun—75¢
discovers that a kiss cnn be just
| satisfying and thritilng in a
Flivver as In a 1924 Twin-slx,
! —
{ Never try to hreak the heart
: man of forty-seven For 'f the
of the moment falls him,
{ his philosophy
of n
his wok. his golf, his
tohaceco, his clubs, his hooks——aund an
other woman—to console him
(Copyright by Helen Rowland)
Prin BALLARD, Stef Tar
Russemrs OUT OF THAT WinDews
Ae van wi Figvan woltms ww A BTN ,
peo THE BOTTLE 3 im wis Pan™ Poca?
aro Toi Cofix AAS Come oul of fe MTnd
It | should be asked to name the
of man
sociated ambition, enthusiasm and self.
F YOUR family are foad of all kinds
of shell fish they will enjoy:
Crab Meat and Red Peppers.
Remove the yolks of four hard.
cooked eggs, mash snd add two table
spoonfuls of fine hread crumbs; chop
the whites of the eggs fine and add a
tablespoonful and a half of chopped
red pepper. Put into a saucepan four
tablespoonfuls of butter; when melt.
ed, add the egg mixture and cook un
til smooth, addiag, a little at a time, »
cupful of cream. Now add a eupful of
crab meat, season highly and serve on
circles of toast, well-buttered,
Sweet Potatoes With Apples.
Pat one cupful of boiled sweet po
tatoes cut in thin slices in a hottered
baking dish. Cover with three-fourths
of a cupful of sliced apples, sprinkle
with one-fourth cupful of hrown
sugnr, dot with twa tablesponnfuls of
butter, nnd sprinkle with onahalf fea:
spoonful of salt: repeat. Bake Io a
moderate oven one hour,
Chicken Jelly.
Cut up an large chickea Into small
pleces, Pound each piece on a board
nntll the flesh and bone is wells
mashed. Put the chicken Into a kettle:
add a tablespoonful of eit and =»
quart of water. Simmer for several
into a mold, Serve on lettuce
mayocanaise dressing.
Different Dried Beef,
Put three tablespoonfuls of bacot
fat into a frying pan, add one-hall
pound of dried beef, cut Into smal
pieces with the shears. Frizzle for
three minutes, then place on a ho!
platter, Cut three bananas crosswise
and ta quarters lengthwise: let then
cook in the frying pan long enough
become thoroughly hot. Arrangs
around the beef and serve piping hot
Head Lettuce. Roquefort Dressing.
Arrange the tender leaves of heat
lettuce In an bowl: sprinkle with flaely
minced roquefort cheese: add ¢
French dressing which has heen high
ly seasoned with cayenne and a dash
of onion juice. Serve at once, The
cheese may be stirred into the dress
ing aad passed in an bowl If desired,
Corn Salad.—Cut corn from twelve
ears, chop one head of firm cabbage,
sprinkle the cabbage with salt and let
stand three hours. Drain off the wa
ter from the cabbdge and add the
corn, one cupful of sugar, two table
spoonfuls of salt, one-half cupful of
ground mustard, four small red pep
pers chopped fine, two quarts of vine
gar. Cook all together until tender.
“an and seal while hot.
Newie May wert.
A, 1924, Western Newspaper Union y
End of National Debt
Necreturies of the
nited States and of Colombia living in
debts of thelr
r the citizens
will have he densant of
g£ off the nati
itries withont
! to dig up a cent
i Banco Mercantil
cessor Is reads
| $5.574.523.
is, provided the
gota or 8 Sue
to come geross with the
i that will theoreti
{| cally be due to
i Colombia under the terms of a deposit
{ of 810 recently made in that bank bj
{ Henry G. Granger of Bogota to en
i courage the spirit of thrift. The con.
| tzact between the bank and the depos
i Itor calls for the payment of
| Interest at the prevailing rate for 1.000
{ years, when the total Is to be spilt
{ fifty -fifty between the
{ and Colombia.
Proud of Tame Muskrat
are Del
f the
or aed vead at
Ne r'veevived a
in Wa.
It's nar
Who Would Think It?
A £1 bill
a United
How ana
Arkanssw Thomas Cat,
Insts about six nonths,
States statement.
thot Poe
fo Ao
do they
A Xx x
most effective insecticides,
Bee Brand is the most ef-
fective Powder.
Bee Brand Insect Powder
kills Flies, Fleas, Mosqui-
toes, Ants, Roaches, Water
Bugs, Bed Bugs, Moths,
Lice on Fowl, Weevil—and
many other house and gar.
den insects.
Non-poisonous — harmless
to mankind, domestic ani-
mals and plants. Does not spot or
stain-100 % pure~no adulteration,
If your dealer cant sup-
ply you, send 35¢ for
large household size,
Give dealer's name, Get
our free booklet, “It kills
them", a guide for killing
bouse or garden insects,
A Doubtful Compliment
Children often pur
which they chanc
understand the
pose of remarks
to overhear, especially If
literal mean
ing of the words may not be grasped
Mit daughter of
C. A. Jewett, for after he had offeres
thanks at dinner one evening recently
Martha unfolded her gmall hands, and
up to
much of admiration and affection as »
mother with about as
something nice of
to say
made this rather
“Mother, isn't daddy a per
fect little devil ?™
comment :
A Similarity
gir, I was reading last night
fell over there Europe,
a elier,
y'rs, that held his ha
of a lamp until it was |
inted Tobe Sagg of Sand;
did flinch nor change
8 burning
“That's just
vife gives 1
gistrat oe Nt :
x oY rovy wart]
wisdom conld
Solomon with
i ' :
the door when she is
what are they worth to you! This is a
for at age 31 the average American
begins to slip. After 40 his earning
power drops off rapidly. These ap-
palling facts are shown by the United
tates Life Tables, 1920.
Age 31! The age at which men and
women should be entering their period
of greatest usefulness and happiness!
The beginning of the sup “prime
of life.”
Not the prime of life. The age of
decay! t causes contribute to
this fearful condition?
Unwise eating. Sleeplessness. The
loading of the body with drug stimu:
lants, which appear to give added
energy, but actually borrow this
energy from the body's own reserve,
Every school child is taught to
avoid stimulants. Most mothers en-
force the mo-coffee rule for children.
Then comes maturity-—and the squan-
dering of the reserve strength which
the body has stored up. Figures show
that the average American is able to
stand the just 13 years. Then,
with half his life yet before him, he
hits the down grade.
Medical literature classifies eaffein
as a poison, Like strychain, it is
sometimes by doctors given in cases of
heart failure, The average cup of cof.
fee contains the usual dose of caffein
administered in these cases,
Coffee contributes no nourishment to
the body. Its only virtues, as a bever
age, are its warmth and flavor, A hot,
afiptising, drugiens drink is a benefit
People in 2,000,000 American homes
and fragrance of roasted whole wheat
and bran——flavor which people in
2,000,000 homes like better than any
Try Postum for thirty days—you
can’t expect to rid yourself of the
effect of a habit of years in a day or
two. Know that yeu are enjoying a
drink which contributes, rather than
robs, reserve strength. We will give
Julies full week's supply of
ostum to start you om r thirty
day test, ow
Ask for either Postum Cereal (thg
kind you boil) or Instant Postum, the
easiest drink in the world to prepare.
Either kind costs less than most other
hot drinks. With your week's free
supply, we will have Carrie Blanchard
~mnationally famous for the goodness
of her Postum--send you Ber own
After 31, what? Take one
in the right direction, by Re ng
your first week's supply of
Poston Cannas Co. Ine. Battle Cronk, Mich.
want to make a thirty day test of
Plosse se without
one Seeks Snsly oF Sala
Trsrane Posrow ew AD Check which
Posrom Cearan . + + D pou prefer