= THE CENTRE REPORTER. f— THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1024 eh tin MILLHEIM. (From the Journal.) Miss Alice J. Snyder, a student nurse at Phila delphia, is spending her mid-year vaca and Mrs. 2 at Preston Retreat hospital tion Cc. B. return nurse, Mr. sons withh her parents, Rev, Snyder. Miss Snyder, to study upon goes on as a senior and Mrs. P. C. and Mr. tichley and two ond O. Mus- Lion, were and Mrs, of Red and Mrs. P. H. days. Mr. and Mrs, of Bellefonte, Sunday at the former's parental home. Mr. Smith young motored Millheim visit with the former's and Mrs. M. H. Smith ser and children, guests of Mr, for several Dale 8S. Musser, also spent and Mrs. J. Calvin of Harrisburg, to Mr. the drove to Bellefonte and Mr. and Mrs. “Bud” Soa Saturday parents, Smith. Sunday younger family spent a few hours with Eckenroth. fifteen years has lived in New York city, spent Calvin Eby, wh, for the past week with his N. WwW morning days the parents, Mr, Woodward. started for Chicago, off John, a prominent banker and business several peust at he intending to stop and Mrs, Eby. Wednesday at Portage to visit his brother, man at that place. er ————————— GEORGES VALLEY Ira Lingle employed and State Col Lingle, Aukerman Ray are at 3 or eae, Mrs, Sara two girls. Mills. t his place and Potters spent Sunday with friends at Mr. and Mrs Fetterolf near Centre Hall Sunday Mrs. FF. M. Ackerman The many ble to be Frank Ennist and Esther, of George “pent with Mrs. J. W. Gob- i 11 she is able friends of to know orladd BiG thout re that again. The Decker school closed on Friday Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Barge ronsburg on Saturday Hennigh ds Mr. as much were building Hennlgh profit, or 'n house, is hicken business as there farming. ——— AI AM A A A———— Estray Notice, Came t, the residence of the under- signed. a about 75 lbs by paving for its keep and this pig weighing Owner may have same proving property, advertisement.—John Ishier, Centre Hall. ———— = —— PUBLIC SALE. SATURDAY, MAY 10, Hall, F Goods at in Centre K. Carter Household At place will be offered house and lot. Se M. same Ur posters. E Smith, auct. . <> THERE IRIN CTE TIRE De Dr. W. B. Horter DENTIST of HARRISBURG IN CENTRE HALL (CENTRE HALL HOTEL TUESDAY OF EACH WEEK HOURS 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. PAINLESS DENTISTRY in All Branches, . JW nm THTIENTIL JIN JS NC JR Ying «00 TURMIITTIOAE JP ONMARIIAIE SAEVIRHRLIONAE JOU JUTTIONT DHINNIRT BOOT INT IRR Taner * oe — Transfers of Real Estate. Archibald ot Parker, Potter —— Josep twp.; $300. in fact, Bellefonte; Allison. al, to tract in A. Corman, Harry Cormun. to Otto F. : $3,000, i Roy atty. tract in 8. Myers, et to O. jer, tract In Ferguson twp.; $370. William W. Shuey to Mrs, { Sauers, fact in College twp.; $300. A. i ux. Sarah Corman to Charles | tract in Miles twp.; $1.800, | opr to Ada N. in Gregg twp.: $2,000, P. to [ tract in Gregg twp.: $2,000, R. Finkle. et al. Condo, tract in Gregg twyp.; { UI. 8. Shaffer, et | Royer, tract in Miles twp.r $1. Long, et ux, | tract i i ©. Long, et ux, Marion Condo, to Marion $5.000, Rufus ux, to Gdenn COURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas the Honorable Henry C. Quigley, Predident Judge of thg Court of Common Pleas of the 49th District, consisting of the County Centre, having issued hig precept, bear- the 7th day of me directed for holding a of Common Pleas, Orphans’ Court. Court of Quarter Sessions the Over and Terminer and General Jal Delivery, in Bellefonte, for the County of Centre and to commence the THIRD MONDAY OF MAY, the 19th day May. A. D. 1924, and to continue as long as busi- ness may NOTICE Coroner, ing date of 1924, Court to of Peace, on being of require, bereby to the Alder- (that respective is given Justices of the Peace, men and also such Constables, thal report they may have business in the then to be parsons districts, Honorable ware in requiring to that proper Court) their in the forenoon of the nquisitions to appertaining bound in 1008, do are prosecute shall be in the Vv, be them as shall Ballefonte, of at sn the the ar of the ye hundred Inde- Inited Stateg of Am- 1 of one R Bellet 14, 1824. FAYLOR, Sheriff. Pa., Sheriff's OM April mite, FEEDS, Starter; Full-O-Pep Full-O-Pep Fine Full-O-Pep Corn; White Diamond ition (24 per Fead Fencing repairs; ull-O-Pep Chick Growing Chick Feed; Feed; Feed; Somtch Boss Dad- Schumaker all kinds; plows. harrows, Asphalt Roofing MoCLENAHAN. Centre Hall, Pa. Wire plow cultivators. eto. ; Also, perial PROGRAM OF PHOTOPLAYS At THE SCENIC and the OPERA HOUSE (BELLEFONTE) At “The Scenie™— THURSDAY. MA) At The Operas House FRIDAY SATURDAY. M AND 10M AND Just a Real Good Car hill : Yet driving a DURANT Won’t you try it? Bell Phone 3 4R2 — A New Millinery. A fine dlaplay of new millinery In| { for the Easter trade. Always the most | | exclusive styles and best quality at the lowest prices possible-—At THE HAT os | — — * s—— : wr Lenore V, Burd, Miltheim, Pa. SHOP, FOR SALE-—Ford roadster, starter; in good running erder, at office of the Centre Reporter, with Apply i SPEC IALS CENTRE HALL MILLHEIM FANCY SOUP BEANS CLEAN MADE MACARONI CLOVERNOOK PURE SHREDDED WHEAT WILBUR DUTCH COCOA BEST QUALITY FANCY CALIF. FANCY CALIF. Y ( SOLAR BRAND BROKEN SLICES HIGH GRADE LARGE MEATY PRUNES EXTRA FANCY DE] ORATED PEACHES FANCY HOME DRIED BEECHNUT SPAGHETTI 29c 25c¢ 25c¢ 10c 14c 30c 25c¢ 23c 32c lic 25c¢ 22c¢ 18c 4 Pounds 3 Packages Large Jar Package 14 Pound Box Pound Large Can Large Can Large Can Pound 2 Pounds Found Pound Can FRESH ROASTED ORIOLE 6 Cakes COFFEE Pound And the one material that makes this possible is products. ), Made in three sizes — ORDER NOW. THE PUBLIC We regard a Bank as a. publie serviee station for the performance There Him its, course, but any service even remotely touching the financial phase In the rendition of our service, whatever the requirements, we keep In the public first, of all possible econvenlences for the public, ne of of public service we regard as within our scope. mind Starting Saturday, May 8 this Bank will be closed In the after noon and open ln the evening from 7109 P. M. The First National Ban Centre Hall, Pa. 8 PER CENT INTEREST ON DEPOSITS, _ —— ———— TIME AND SAVINGS HINKING OF BUYING AN 9 AUTOMOBILE! COME AROUND AND ASK US THIS QUESTION : “What Kind of Service will you give Me if I Buy a Reo?” WE'LL TELL YOU: “The Best in Millheim.” | THEN MAKE US PROVE IT! We've got that much confidence in our BET- TER SERVICE that we are going to more than sell our quota of “1001 REOS in 1924” in Central Pennsylvania, And we want YOU for a Customer. Breon’s Garage MILLHEIM MADE POSSIBLE BY BETTER SERVICE 1001 REOS IN | IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA i —— a is —_— —— Building SEE Cresson Lumber Co. STATE COLLEGE, PA, J. G. MARKS, Sec. and Treas.