THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA. | “Bad Luck” in Swine Raising Is Beaten Durum Wheat Not | in Good Demand | > | Pays POOH OOH $4 30 Days’ Free Trial 12 Months to Pay This is your opportunity to try a SHARPLES Allsteel Cream Sepa- rator — to try the very latest SHARPLES Improved Separator. The terms of the trial are so fair 80 simple—so convenient—that every farmer now operating an old- fashioned machine may try this wonderful new SHARPLES. All you have to do is write and tell us you would like to try out on your farm the > Economical Transportation to Raise Pigs in Clean surroundings. Farmers Are Being Urged to | Meet Needs of Domestic | (Prepared by the United Btates Department of Agriculture) | Thirteen farmers of Henry county, | Hinols, testify that they have beaten | “bad luck” with hogs by raising their | plgs necording to a plan that prevents | Infection roundworing and filth- borne diseases, A printed leaflet, based on letters from farmers indors- Market for Grain. (Prepared by the United Hitates Department of Agriculture.) Because the forelpn demand for durum wheat Is falling off and the do mestic demand Is on the increase, farmers are urged by the United States | Department of Agriculture to modify their durum-wheat production to fit [Ing the Mel ean county of the needs of the domestic market. It | SWine sanitation recently circulated by appears that almost half of the durum , the Henry County Farm bureau, gives | wheat offered on the market during | convincing evidence that it pays to | 19%, 1020, and 1921 contained over | raise pigs in clean surroundings, 10 per cent of wheat of other classes, | This by and was graded as mixed wheat. Firms | United States Department of Agricul | engaged In the milling of durwn wheat | ture, calls for the of Everybody wants an automobile. find it difficult to obtain sufficiens pure | Sows and placing them In disinfect » Everybody can pay for a Chevrolet. durum wheat of high quality. | Peri 3¢ Jarrowing toe. ils Is 1 E bod ford to own a Chevrolet. Certain durum wheats, chief among | PES igh We hf Ww , orn pigs from come very yang which is the Pentad or red durum vari- | Dg In contact with You can buy a Chevrolet just as you buy any other im- ety, have been grown quite extensive- | portant necessity. Not one family in a thousand pays ly, and while ahsorbed on the foreign | Then, by keeping the growing pigs cash in full for a home. They make a substantial down market should be discontinued and re- | ©0 clean pasture protected from ex- | payment, then pay off the mortgage with what they used placed with varieties do posure to hog-lot diseases they are | to pay for rent, plus other savings. mestic milling for macaroni manufac- Be ment, with little _ A Chevrolet can be bought just as you buy a stationary ture. Two varieties of amber durum, Bomical de velopment, ith itle dan. | home. It earns its own way and you ride while you pay. Sie 4.e ahd: Syonad; eh. oR Ba one farmer stated that | It is the best paying investment any family can make of the grayish of macaroni | ut of 215 little pigs he had lost only | because it provides transportation, saves time, and makes bev make. 5, which had been killed by the cat | all outdoors your playground, bringing health and happi- : Choice of Varieties. tie, and that there were virtually no | ness to the whole family. When making a There is a Chevrolet dealer near you. Ask him to show you the different models and explain how easy it is to get, use and pay for the one you want. runts In the herd. . . . sii: Another said that five years ago he | Sareful Songid ration had quit hogs hecause of The Kubanka Is the best-ndapted vari- | Deavy io hr ety for the varying conditions in Buccessiuns Prices f.0.b. Flint, Michigan the durum-wheat sections. It is a : ~ high-yielding msiderably re Superior Roadster - - $490 Superior Sedan “ = -$795 Bl-¥1e : Eo Superior Touring - =~ 495 Superior Commercial Chassis 395 I Superior Utility Coupe - 640 Superior Light Delivery - - 495 | Ky, and Superior 4-Passenger Coupe 725 Utility Express Truck Chassis 550 | tuge of n Fisher Bodies on all Closed Models by system It’s Easy to Pay For a Chevrolet system, as developed the Rn » Entire forged steel construction matic variable at any speed with one finger Rutomatio oiling strong and sturdy 600 Ibs. per hour capacity-—gets ALL the cream. auto. feed turns cleaning brood | to} and one will be shipped to you-—all express charges prepaid. You try it ~use it for a month and if, for any reason, you do not want to keep it, simply return, charges collect. SEND NO MONEY Big Allowance Given for Old Separator We take all the risk—and abide by your decision. Write now for details of the Free Trial Offer, The Sharples Separator Company West Chester, Pa. roundworm infec | tion, suited to make the greatest filgo hig letter color seed of he change should given w hs i i } i iis cholee varieties to be used. | : a a | losses due diseares NOW | | he Is raising hogs the McLean All agree that tempt to raise { ner, i under al i county system at- | not r man- they would whent, of ’ ’ in ¥ 0) 2 hogs In any othe he a E004 m for sistant to rust, of ling qual well liked the principal Ni Nor | a8 a selection from Kubanka of that var manufac Cleanly Spoken as That? oy was home at las r you've got a Jai =, three streets Can you heap Passing Show, Use of Fertilizers Aids Apple Growing in Ohio of high zB new imearoni, the durmim flour. The new ! | recently developed In Chevrolet Motor Company, Detroit, Mich. Division of General Motors Corporation $ 1 ¥ y ’ ¥ 144 } % st A » hsty Ar Hex ont bs inn the mines Mihiy at yout ise, Mr VER } 4 ‘ rogenous fer | tinet pure strain 0 Exi Y. | he Oh | 18 equal or sug . fa | resistance Impossible ities, rink ne found 1010 roductive than Kubanka onized the apple growing industry { : 2 out 1 ps wamb neal wy \Maiden—*1 don't wear of order to grov FOR MEN and WOMEN : 8.20 SHOES AMany at {5.00 and *6.00 ~ Boys at *4.50 6 * 5.00 W. L. Douglas Shoes are sold in 117 of our of excel own stores in the principal cities and ‘= tha by over 5,000 shoe dealers. | \ ghey / | and Wyoming. wh lu 4c yo5t . n liberal quantities important They are high-class and up- 2 Sime BR lcor. It also vives a shod dole 5" a ding this need properly is to-date, made in all the popular styles a LE gy A (AcaroRl manufacture indi d by the t that upon that appeal to men and women who /#/3 r 7 ETS SE motla’ debet th ndlithe i ¥ ust have rust § Counc, i 8 od ‘ariety Promising. want stylish and serviceable shoes hg ; Nodak Varie y Pros ing at reasonable prices. Dw . 1 re A SELDOM have you had the opportu- § nity to buy such wonderful shoe values Corset effect gives Comfort RQ growers ctor Eaodt | a'r ol co : application ammonia fort r= omato ats Pp as you will ind in W.L Douglas shoes and Supports Arch. $7 i purer and has doubled and treble he yield of QUALITY in our retail stores and in good shoe stores Pentad. Acme ends of the brar In order to meet t everywhere. Only by examining them can other rus you appreciate their superior qualities, | with possihle, the tree's ' Feed Value of Mixture Superior to Oats Alone | Many farmers EAN I ml mixture of oats 8 t own separately. They are Origin of Lloyds Oals grown separate ¥ 4 . | ing this because very often tl Lloyds, an association of marine une | ' derwriters, its 1 from a | found oats alone to be an uy coffes the Seventeenth ; TOM and yet they feel that | pinced In farrowing century by Edward Liovd. | an Important place In the rotation | little pigs will start life without pick : —— — | As n result of Investigation about | Ing up worm eggs that cause so much state, the New York college of | loss each If those | agriculture at Tthaea reports that this | | mixture of and peas Is | satisfactory as a nurse crop and gives | {a yield of grain than | | of The feeding value of | this mixture, further, ig much superior | | to oats. Another advantage Is that the i peas In the mixture, being a | will help maintain soil fertility | utilizing nitrogen In the alr i An the workers find to the combination is the slight additional cost of the seed. In making the mixture, a bushel! of oats, a bushel of barley, and a half bushel of Canada fleld peas have pro duced good results. This mixture | should usually be sown at the rate of | about two and one-half bushels to the i acre, although on rich soils one and Paint not one-half to two bushels may be | brightens. enough. . 9 a Grape vines around the home fur nish beauty, shelter and fruit. are substituting a | for NTR Xn YA harley and peas i ciean do- : water expecially Has Woman Bailiff Pennsylvania's first woman balliff is Miss Ruth Van Valkenburg of Wells boro, who has heer appointed to the office in the Tioga County court. washed being the ¥ her udder, is recejve He strong soap suds before recelves ne trong ag i . . onte 3 v house Kept in the anouse, FOR economy and dependable value, PALES HY | the Nodak Sule) oF the ranches at the : wear shoes that have W. L. \_~ | z ing new 4 nt thi . ree of tour ounces for ea price stamped on the soles. EE ——————— Buy them at our stores or of Take Every Precaution in Gun Metal Calf. Combines Write for Hiustrated Catalog, postage free. EN" comfort and service. $7.00 W.L Dow .s 10 Spark St., Brockton, Mass, H farven 2 : ] with alding be GROCERS Monarch Cofies, y disinfected, wee C581 Pickles, Condiments, Fruits, Vege tables and all products of our kitchens Grocers who own and operate ther own stores. We never BOON nn Douglas name and the retail age. Jor 10 ye ars One of our best Bluchers your dealer. Refuse substitutes 2 s to Guard Against Worms ES ue : then d and the 1p, Sweet are sold only by Regular Retail sell to chain stores. re Vogal . tr ws . the A man profits more by sight A play in which the trouble beg 1 of an idiot than the of when the curtain goes up learned. a quicker. the year precautions lessons he ned This is more expensive have not been followed it will onts, barley climax essary to worm the pigs later, hut and less satisfactory preventing The most reliable of all grains of cal worthwhile, much usually higher than an TTS TE ASN oats alone, worms worm remedies consiets of five omel and eight grains of santonin per | i100 pounds of live Keep pigs off feed for 12 to 24 hours and mix these drugs carefully and thoroughly in a thick slop. Use every possible pre | caution to Insure each pig getting an | equal share, A A legume, by weight. + ASS your local dealer to rec- ommend a practical dec- orator. If you are unable to secure one you can do the work yourself, tinting and stenciling your walls to give beautiful results. objection college REID, MURDOCH & CO. Manufacturers and Importem Betablished 1568 CHICAGO ERW YORK PITTSBURGH BOSTON only preserves; it also Instead of Kalsomine or Wall Paper Used on plaster, wall board kages, if you will rom the face of the tage and packing. Tints.” —— ——— 46 acres; gate JUSTIR, Bampie 58 conts Agents wanted cattle, coal, formation and Kentucky ©. F. JAMISO trolley, stone road tke new No WACO, SUMMERVILLE, S.C. Grand Rapids, Michizan f INDIGESTION OR CONSTIPATION | relieved instantly A simple herb remedy; Anyone can make at home Recipe and 24 doses mailed to any sufferer for 25 cents postpaid THE J. H. BISHOP CO. 142 Pennsyvivania Aver ge. BALTIMORE, MD. FARMSSEND FOR MY DESCRIPTIVE price list; It will interest you Rn DD FUNK, ROYERSFORD, PA Phone 368, SELL COMET RUST REMOVER Removes rust from everything. Works ike magic. Write for profitable selling plan. Crane Chemical Co... Sta T. Brooklyn. N XY. VIOLANINTS Sliver G, aluminum D, aluminum A, steel BW, two tuning attachments, $145 WirLsonN, Pr. 443, AMSTERDAM, ~ Y. Eulan-layer Mothproofing—oiof jess, odors less, non-psisonbus. Mothproofs woolens, dra peries, carpets, ug holstory, ete, by saturation, Interstate Chom, Co., 23 B. 26in MM. NY CC LOVELY NECKLACES OF PEARLS AND bonds. Attractive spring styles. Low pricon, Write for free filustrated booklet, Redeckor Brothers, Box 44, Dept. 19, Brooklyn N. Y. wourn TOU LIKE A Yiu ORCHARD IN California? Small cash Yiuent required, Rasy montnly payments, tite K J. WELLS, 186s ast Front Street, BELMA, CALIP. Box of Wheat Is Profitable Co-operative marketing of whent ean he expected to Increase farmers profits by making savings as a result of preventing duplicate freight hauls, securing more economical financing of the marketing processes, preventing gluts of the market on particular days, better knowledge of the needs of the market and producing the quality and quantity needed, and securing to farm- ers all of the advantages of better quality and thus encouraging improved production. These advantages will be secured under efficient management, an adequate volume of business and observance of the other things which are essential for successful co-opera- tive marketing. sw——- Discriminating Use of Legumes Is Profitable The discriminating use of legumes ns alfalfa, sweet clover, red clover, alelke, cowpeas, and goy beans will do more In the next ten yenrs to put ng. Heulture on a profitable plane than nny single thing within the control of the farmers themselves, If the ex. perience of older states and countries may be taken as a guide, Legumes mean more and better live stock, a more productive soil, better quality and better ylelde of grain, loss expense and larger profits; In brief more pros. perity for the farmers, the business med, gud the community. - - . good cultural methods and not substitute for them. » » - Name your farm; then make it he come a good name by selfing only carefully graded products, * * - The Invading army of insects will soon launch their attack. Is your spray rig ready for battle? » » - Whitewash looks good on the out side of poultry houses and pig pens, but on the Inside it does good. - . . If you did nothing all winter, you couldn't do a regular hard day's work now; so don't expect the horse to, either, “. % 0 It takes less time and costs less money to replace the oil In the tractor than it does to put in new bearings and piston rings. .- * » The Colorado potato beetle makes its appearance at the time the plants are coming npr. The plants should be sprayed as soon as the beetles are ob served, - - - If you are farming just for the exer cise and fun of it you will need to plant good seed so ar to have some thing to do at harvest time. If yon are farming to make money, you will need to plant good seed anyway, Will Get Out The Optimist—*"You can't good man down" The Pessimist— not, Even the skeleton in closet has a habit of breaking A Lady of Distinction Is recognized by the delicate, fascinat- ing influence of the perfume she uses A bath with Cuticura Soap and hot ‘Taleunm powder usually means a clear, sweet, healthy skin.—Advertisement. Activity Increased “A medical expert says most men today are more active than thelr an. cestors,” modern man's activity has been ly Increased.” Finds Paper Worth $300,000 What Thomas McCarthy, age fou teen, believed to be a worthless glace of paper that he kicked outside of the Detroit post office, turned out to be a draft for $300,000 on a New York bank. The boy, thinking that the sa sinmped envelope was without vale, placed it in his pocket, where if re mained until next morfng, when hig father discovered it sed returned it to a Detroit bank. Sore eyen, blood shot even wulery vee, sticky ayes, ull healed promptly with vighily applications of Roman Eye Balsam Ady, Only Explanation “Perhaps you can explain, Marte, how it was that 1 saw vou kissing the chauffeur in the kitchen?” “I'm sure 1 don't knew, ma'am, an hole.” Mother! Fletcher's The kind you have pleasant, harmless substitute for Castor Oll, Paregorie, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups. Contains no narcotics. Proven directions are on sach package. Physicians everywhere -