THE CENTRE REPORTER. ISNUED WEEKLY, a eS Se on CENTRE HALL, PENN'A. tices Bm TI cot cls. lr meat ean. THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1924. SMITH & BAILEY, Proprietors, B. WW, SMITH.....ccociovennninensssBdltor EDW. BE BAILEY......Looal Editor and Business Manager, CHURCH APPONTHENTS. —Centre Hall, 10:30; Tusseyville, 2:30; Spring Mills, 7:30. EVANGELICAL —Lemont, M.; Linden Hall, 2:30 P. M.; ville, 7:30 P. M. 10:30 A. Tussey- Centre Hall Reformed Charge, Rev, Pelas R. Keener, pastor: Centre Hall— 7:16 ORGAN RECITAL. 7:30 Church Services, 9:30 Sunday School. Spring Mille— 2:30 Regular Lords Day services. 1:30 Sunday School. Farmers Mills— 10:30 Church services 9:30 Sunday School. Saturday, 2:00, Catechetical lectures. AARONSBURG REFORMED Charge (Rev. John § Hollenbach, pastor.) Salem—S, 8S. 9:30; Regular Services 10:30, Miltheim—S. fces at 7:30. Subject: “Sorrow Turned Into Joy.” at S. 9:30; Regular Serv- Sk LOCAL AND PERSONAL Farce comedy, “Six Sharps and One Flat,” in Grange Arcadia Saturday eve- ning; admission 15 and 25c. of Mr. of the Miss Elsie Rearick. daughter and Mrs. W, O. Rearick, formerly Centre Hall, was elected to teach third grade in the Milroy public schools, The Spyker stone quarry. Hall. was notified a few discontinue the shipment the various furnaces It Fif- teen t, twenty men had been employ- ed. It 8 not known how long the or- ders will be withheld Mrs. W. V. Godshall took advantage of the recent Washington excursion to visit her daughter, Miss Edna Bailey, who is a student in a Methodist school in the National capital preparing her- sedf for missionary work. at Centre days ago to of stones to supplied. Fifty prisoners from the Eastern penitentiary. it Philadelphia, were brought to the Western pen at Rock- view, on Tuesday. They came up over the branch in a separate coach and were all togged up in gray suits and Cis, J. W. Zang, assistant principal of the Hublersburg High school, was in town on Tuesday making arrangements for bringing the play. “Six Sharps and One Flat” to Centre Hall this coming Sat- urday evening. See dsplay ment in another column. advertise- Word has been sent out by the State bureau of fire protection that radios equipped with outside antenna should have lightning arresters installed. This addition will make for the safety of the budidings in case of electric storms An arrester like that used on telephone wires may be used With Slack persistent practice, Tumse! may from later from the pitcher's mound. The first four in- nings he worked at Rebersburg were almost without fault. but like most ali youths of his age he was unable to hold out. With persistence this can be overcome. be heard Persons interested in the upkeep of the Cemetery at Sprucetown are re- quested to forward the funds they de- sire to contribute for that purpose to either George W. McCormick. secre tary, or Frank F. Palmer. treasurer, of the cemetery association. Address. Spring Mills, RD. “arly Monday morning struction of the frame dwelling toyer, the oon- work «of the being erected for J. Elmer in Centre Hall, was begun by F. V. O. Housman, the Millheim con- tractor and bufider. The carpenters assisting him are Messrs. William Swartz, Harry Kreamer, James Zieg- er, Harry Acker and Royl Best. On the return from the home of his daughter, Mma J. Cioyd Brooks. on Sunday evening, John H. ireon come plained of feeling MM, and on going a short distance farther down the sartystown road, he collapsed. having received a paralytic stroke. He wns brought on to town where Dr. Long- well was summoned. Mr. Ireon was conscious much of the time until Tues- day morning, when he rallied and was able t, speak, although his condition continues very serious, The Veteran Employees Association will hold its annual meeting at Ningara Falls. Saturday, May 17th. This as- sociation fs made up of Pennsylvania Railroad employees who have been in the service twenty years and over. Members in Centre Hall who expect to enjoy this trip at the expense of the Pennsy company are Messrs. W. Frank Bradford, station agent: Levi Hartley, section foreman; John Martz. 8. J. Shunk, George Bartley, trackmen, and James H. Smetzier, a retired section foreman. The Reporter, on Monday morning. was pleased t, have a cal; from T. C. Harbeson, State Forester at Milroy, who was here in the interest of the forestry department. Mr. Harbeson will have charge of the nursery work at Rockview, where eight and one-haif acres will be devoted to the growing of forest trees from seed and seedlings. Three acres will be given over to trees grown from seed and the remainder of the plot to weak seedlings from other nurseries that need transplanting be- fore fit to send out to reforest the waste lands. Of course, the work at the nursery will be done by prisoners. and these will be in charge of Matthew Goheen, of Boalsburg. DEATHS, ET TT —— BIG CONVENTION OF EAGLES, KRAPE Ada Jane Krape, wife of Three-Day Session In Willlamsport on Alfred P. Krape, died in the Geisinger | June 16-15—Fully 56,000 Persons Memontdal Hospital, Danville, i'riday | Expected, morning, to which institution she had! he program for the state conven- been taken six months previous. Mrs. tion of the Fraternal Order of Hagles, Krape had never been ill of any con- to be held in Willlamsport on June 146, sequence prior to two days before she 17 and 18, has been announced. entered the hospital, At that thine she The new home of the Willlamsport struck her breast on a table dn stoop- Aerie, No. 970. at the northeast ing apd suffered violent pain as a con- gf Basin and Bast Third streets, will be sequence, Upon examination at the occupled at the time of the convention. | hospital #t was found that cancer had All of the interdor work, except the a deep hold, which the two operations decorating, has been completed and it that followed failed to give relief. 8 expected the decorators will finish The body was shipped here Friday their work within two weeks, The evening and Monday afternoon the fu- | Aerie expects to move into the new | neral was held from the Krape home, home about May 15. | Rev. Delas R. Keener. pastor of the| The convention is expected t, bring teformed church, officiating, and Rev.!at least 5000 people to the city. Prizes J. M. Kirkpatrick, of the Presbyterian gre to 20 to the drill team In church, assisting. Interment was made competitive drill; the Aerie coming the in the family plot at Centre Hall by the longest distance with the largest num- sides of her two daughters, ber of men in dine; the Aerie with the Mrs. Krape was the daughter of greatest of men in ne of George and Sabina (Shellenberg) Durst | march regardless of the distance trav- and was born near Centre Hall. April gled: the tallest the Mne 24, 1863, making her age eight days march; the smallest in the line over sixty-one years. There survive'of march: $50 in the band her her husband and one daughter, | with the mrgest number of men in line Mrs. Harry C. Relish, of Centre Hall: land $60 in cash to the band coming the also a brother. Howard W. Durst, of | longest distance. the same place. There will be a continuous vaudeville Mrs. Krape was a member of the Re-! and cabaret show at the IE formed church from youth, and was aon of kind. industrious woman whose chief uge picture aim was A, her home and those in it. MOWERY.—Mrs. Henrietta Mowery, widow of James Mowery, dled in Pat- ton, on Tuesday. The body will be brought t, Centre Hal and interment made here on Friday. Mrs. Mowery was the daughter of | Green Carter, and was born at State | OWS: Her was 71 years. She | Monday fil for about three weeks from | *f There survive her two . Mowery, Centre Hall, | WH be opened Maude, Huston. { will K. ithe corner best number Eagle In Eagle cash to convention wilt and the all days pension be shown Keeney's theatre | tickets will be given igates and thelr friends. witomobile tours, thiock party on Mulberry from : Third street to East Fourth St Program for Each Day. i to visiting There will street carndvad and sireet +s A. College. and house the opening address H. Mann. addres registration iat reception At 8 State Aerie age ’ 0 delegates iuh had been pneumonia, chiidren—John and a daughter, Texas, Frederick tre Hall, is a brother, ber of the Carter family —- Willard Roy Mrs, Chas, H. Lucas Joseph's Hospital, Jo Ii 4 mo. and 11 days measles, clock in the evening The be made by Conrad n on in ~ subject and ¢ Of the city. Carter, of Cen-| Eagledom welcome mem- surviving wtfon of Hugh Gi weloome, present May to address of of the only the key oe ore: Vv re- Walter No, 827. i ply | Slattery SON oO Allegheny Aerie. LUCAS Mr. St. Lucas state president Special an Hw and ed be provided on St A ere 18 © ate aged 12 He had from An night. ag rear 28 years, n afternoon the and was recov- mits de- | when ov them aperation ering perdi ning Wi Inesdn | Aerie, tage vadoped., Saturday spond, and Monday m in the cemetery at Van He in only was performesd | but failed to re- 15 he at n «d to titon Centre, he passed Hs WwW Evers of the U, to mourn David away rest (Eames Rev. f ning orming was la and sport contests there will be a ball at the Knights feof Columbus finn leaves ' Et 3 . . {tion headquarters with brother, a host |... ng of friends. mm ——— = A SARS No Graduating Exercises This Yea S——————— A] oT ——— BOALSBURG, r. 5 ry Reformed Sunday sect » i will cies of the Hall High happens that wis the tfme the manner There be no graduating CX firey week with Visi senior ¢ - tise schock the senior cla wins gmdua addition + Clases he the course year to last year's “graduates” another year, and gr were deemed unnece Memoria) Serviees, Services at will be P. MM. The Wilkam E the famous War Rev the fe the Sprucetown cemetery Day speaker will held on Memo nt proncipal Mon 28th Division H. H Shern Methodist church, Lieutenant of the Worl tRomery Mn. pastor will also speak ———— ———— Exhibit Building Burned. One of the Par} ® tM exiuibit bulidnms TUSSEY VILLE Grange wns destroved Haven Friday Rivest to Lawk BF mdorexd to nya returned He an business trip Mr. and Mrs r of Woolrik server In the |*® antiquated car about tw, o'dock Tuesday night £ Li building was stored an anG 2 ¥ thts tiles camp h this place equipments, the | “7 The | was oused and some . friends Price prom- with from pitter bel association rigin of and " the first joss of the kind experienced : 3 row HnEnown y burgh on Saturday hiss the A. & FP nearer home ise of employ it in chain ——— A ———— Jacobs—FPhillips, where Miss Violet Ww. Jacobs tend at the hom Phillips, both of | took place Monday morn- { baby bungalow home of the |esduy the Western Penitentiary Mr Mrs C College, called er's sister, Saturday. store some Palmer spent the week 4 The mary of Leslie and Miss Margaret Centre Hall, ing at the chaplain of at Rockview age at Pot 10-3b last Wed- of her parents tern Mills helping her which onre for brother arrived and W. Swartz. of State it the home of the form- a, Mrs. David Fortney, last Local Minlsterium Meets, The minksterium met at the leformed parsonage on Monday wit the following Revs, present: Jingman. Drumm. Haney, Keener, Kirkpatrick and Sherman. This was the first c ministerium attended by Rev. Sherman It was decided to have Community Daily Vacation Bile Schools at Centre Cs Hall and Spring Mills have Ci a term of 10 teaching days. 1 a — MARRIAGE LICENSES, Samuel H. Albright... Bellefonte Edna K. Bartley . . Hublersburg Emery ©. Midred G. W. Leslie Margaret EH ———— NOTICE! have just tooald unioaded the following Wire—an Ci Lehigh of Rand of Lumber, consisting No. 1 Flooring: No , ed heights, Portland Cement. ir as fol 2 Flooring schools to WH: Roofer ing and Surfaced Boards innzed y 28-gauge Corrugated aly Car Iron—all lengths. Car of Salt + . Bellefonte . Bellefonte Centre Hall Centre Hall Holderman Tierney Mae. Loaders. Car of Machinery, as follows: sey-Harris Binders Mowers, lakes and Tedders Jacobs Gi. Phillips. . Minmich coves JEBlysburg Spreaders—these are the late Jell............ West Leesport jed—come in and lok them over; they ne | Nack Hawk Reformed Missionary Convention. | Cor Potato Dir The twenty-third annual convention ! d i of the Woman's Missionary Society of 5° John Rakes. Corn the West Susquehanna Classis of the | Planters and Gang Albright Reformed church met at MeClure, Sny- | Quitivators: Syracuse Walking lows; der county, Wednesday and Thursday And lastly, we wish to call your at. of Inst week. The delegates from Cen- . { tention ne 3 y tre Hall who attended were Mrs, C1 3 id ots Anthracite Coal we W. Boozer and Mrs. W. F. Bradford Dave new. Come in and look it over, Mra. F. M. Fisher. representing the YOu can readily make a decision when Girls Missionary Gulld, was also pres | you see it. Now is the time t, buy ent; also, Mrs. J. B. White, of State ' your coal to get the reduction and get College, pte . The receipts for the year from the n ba ter quality We are at your service at all times various sources totaled 1.867.290, all of | which except $21.12 was expended. The to show you our line, whether you buy sums contributed by societies in Cen- jor not, and assure you that our prices tre county were as follows: Aarons- ii justify your time as being well Charles 8S Mary E. iare a real spreader. n Planters, Farquhar Side Plows; Deere adv, Hall $110.46; Howard. 17; State: Go| "POU ¥ ou shonid make u purchase I ——————_—— a WE a The New York Warld puts it neatly : the politicos status of Harry M. Daug- Coughing herty, who resigned the Attorney Gen- Tires the old, lowers their vital: The chot, why, retains his Governorship un- cough medicine for old and young der another kind of fire, ds that the CHAMBERLAIN'S delegnte-at-targe to (leveland and the C Pennsylvania machine keeps the latter Good for every member of the family wv pd NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, of all kinds; Cultivators; Drills; FOR SALE—16 H. P. TT Traction "heels: Pulleys; Belting, etc—JOHN Engine; 1 CI 30x46 Peertess Threshing HAUGH AND SONS, State College, Pa. Machine with self-feeder and wind Exclusive agents in this territory. tr | WANTED—A housekeeper in fam- stacker; 1 water tank, and an EY 16x18 S— — Hay Press, All are in good working A A. —.—— condition. For sale hy J. H. Durst, Centre Hall, Pa.; Phone 32R11, Olle 1 Insurance an Want to Buy or Sell ? Hy of four; small children; no | rey washing ironing. —Mrs, Max Har-| ———————— - i 5 « Gast Tron Wanted.- | FARQUHAR Older Presses, Saw- | \y.-déop usa postalioard : Kina, ! d : pos ca an we wi mills and attachments, Threshers for (call at once. | steam or gus tractor drive; steam and | Laure | as Tractors; Steam Engines; Bofllers Felton Foundry Go. Inc. IRON AGE Potato Planters, both au- tomatic and two-man types; Sprayers; Diggers, and Garden Tools. —~JOHN HAUGH AND BONS, State College, Pa. Exclusive agents in this terri- tory. ue LADIES WORK AT HOME, pleasant Whole Highest prices paid. For SEE US FIRST easy sewing on your machine, or uly 0 pary time, box ite information address L. In. Jones, Chas. D. Bartholomew CENTRE HALL, Pa, Olney, no or | nis. Lewisburg, oz2pd i | ————— — SOMETHING NEW! Try Corl’s ICE CREAM | Every mix is rigidly tested and made in the most mod- ern way. All orders, both wholesale and retail, will receive prompt attention, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN OUR PARLOR TRADE E.Church St., CENTRE HALL a ——— a — —— Complete Your Spring Needs. Always Reliable MILLHEIM going to try It again. Our Stock of USED CARS Is made ap of— Runabouts, Tourings and One F The Cars have been reconditioned and are all In good running order. THE SALE WILL BEGIN PROMPTLY AT 1 O'CLOCK. few of which are listed below: CHAMPION X SPARK PLUGS CHAMPION X PORCELAINS 3-IN. FABRIC TIRE AND TUBE. 81%-IN. FABRIC TIRE AND TURE 814+IN. GIANT CORD TIRE AND RED TUBE .. . equalled. 82x4 CORD TIRE AND TUBE... 82x4'¢ CORD TIRE AND TUBE day of the sale. This Is an opportunity of a» Iie time for the Used Car Bayer, fresh In your mind. BELLEFONTE, PA. lege, $69.68. Centre Hall, Pa. when it says that “the difference in eralship under fire, and Gifford Pin- ity. best standard family Ohio machine sdlects the former as a OUGH REMEDY at home.” on hand. Last No- OWNERS, a buy on the MAY 17th,