— | Practical Nurse for 16 Years Tells of Recovery Thanks to Tanlac — Recommends it to Patients. “l would never have belleved any medicine on earth could help me like Tanlace did,” is the precise statement of Mrs, Celin Fleming, 1915 Addison 8t., Berkeley, Calif., a practical nurse of sixteen years’ experience. “In 1904 a serious operation weak- ened my system so I never saw a real well day until I took Tarlac three years ago. I nevér seemed to be hun- gry, my stomach was so disordered I could scarcely retain a thing 1 ate, Some men are constantly trying to lower the record for meanness EC | and I lost weight till I was almost ga shadow. I was very anemic, and shat tered nerves and sleepless nights con. tributed even more to my already mis erable state. “Tanlac bullt up my appetite and di gestion wonderfully, and every single ailment went away, Then, with return. ing strength came a 32-pound increase in weight, and from that day three years ago mg health has been splendid, I recommend Tanlae to many of my patients, for it is indeed a remarkable medicine.” Tanlac is for sale by all good drug gists. Over 40 million bottles sold Accept no substitutes, Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills, A Perhaps no man is as blg a coward as his wife imagines he is. HOME HINTS AND DIET By INEZ SEARLES WILLSON & BL te se ed eee ea aie tata si erate ten aa a ea A a Se a a ne a np a ie poop (@. Is \ FLOORS AS A FOUNDATION au, Western News Loon) Floors, are the foundation of their proper place than the walls This, of course, to the wood of the floor, rug or tht Furthermore, floors are on, and there is no Is treading upon the cent In other sign 10t he one {8 consclous of it. they must 1 carpet covers it. that Oc feeling heads flowers, words, shonld 80 assertive that of un organization In the serpent played a part. whose insignis was a large one-toned rug, In the cen ter of which was woven the Insignia The normal reaction stepping on that snake. thing threw whole design, avold one the WAS room us though This Is an exaggerated example, of by WOMEN! DON'T BE IMPOSED UPON Warning! Not All Package Are “Diamond Dyes.” Dyes Diamond Dyes Always nsk if you don't Dyes” on the package it back! Each g Dyes" contains dir for "Diamond Dyes” and gee the name “Diamond refuse {t-—hand I5-cent package of “Dinmond ections go simple nny woman can «dye or tint skirte, dresses, wilste, = coats, draperies. cov veaters, stockh Ig, Rimonos, erings—evervihing Refuse Choose any color at drug store. Being able to swim nrings ut you don't drown. Best Way to Relieve Pain direct outside ] application and woman who hos The ing tog Always Keep a Box on Mand. Brandreth and reli- able America Pills are a pafe laxative, made In for Brooklyn, N.Y.,~*‘1 was working after 1 got married and the young lady who worked next to me asked me if I had any intentions of having a child. I told her I would be the hap pi- est woman on earth if I could become a mother, but I always had terrible eramps, backaches and headaches, She then told me of a women she knows who took Lydia E. Pinkhar’s Vegetable Compound for the same troubles and it helped her greatly. I took about a half bottle and found that the following month I did not suffer ony pain, so 1 kept on taking it. I have a wonderful baby boy six months old and he is as strong and fat as any one cc uid wish a baby to be. 1 still take the Vegetable Com- pou regularly because I have looked ine all the time and felt fine and my mother told me that was the reason. I will be glad to have you publish my testimonial with my name and ad- dress.” — Mrs. Enwarp WERBECK, 1834 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Free From Old Troubla Auburn, Maine, — “I suffered with inward weakness for ten years and § that I never eould have a living child one, But they were mistaken and I had a nice baby boyand now | havefive children. 1 can’t praise your medi. ine enough, My youngest gister has t, too, and praises it.”" — Mra. WisweLL, 43 Mechanics How, Auburn, Maine, These cases are others reported to us. It is well for women to carefully consider such atements and to give Lydia E. Pink- 8 Vegetable Compound a fair It may bring great joy to your 1 vy iid ilar to many trial, I Over 100,000 women have so far replied to our guestion, “Have you received benefit from taking Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound 7" 98 per cent of these replies are “Yes " That means that 98 out of ev.iy 100 women who take this medi: ine for the ailments for which it is ree. had doctored all this long time but never got any One day 1 # my sister and told me of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and | went dnd got me a bottle of it I took two bottles and a half and I was just as free from my old troubles as I could be, I bad only une child : & Sure Relief | a FOR INDIGESTION Sp, io | Take your choice and suit > 1 a : BELLARS h your €.B—or Menthol yon : flavor. A sure relief for coughs, INDIGESTION be ND 4 colds and hoarseness. Put one 23 cE rr in your mouth at bedtime. TRADE Always keep a box on hand. SMITH BROTHERS S.B. COUGH DROPS MENTHOL This goes to prove that a medicine i specialized for certain definite ail- | ments—not a cure-all—can and does do good worl For fifty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been a medicine for women. For sale by druggists everywhere, | assertive If one No. § which is strong { or both, It better ad { yantage in the dining room or lihrary, where the i subdued | sider, floor covering. Observe "He Nensible Day. * ‘ ' he ip. possesses a really fine rug al design, He § in color or In may be used to decoration {8s a Dit detail 0 con a rug Lg room Is to hamper one greatly in the textiies used for hangings and for fur | Biture, | The | nate | rugs add erings Pity The one tral tans lent, as they i walls 3 any olor sch lected more and there (8 less The either a To place such in the liv prosherity of reward or a penalty 1 the choice of colors or design in Two pleasant ways lo relieve a cough, A ih MOTHER :~ Fletcher's Castoria is a pleasant, harmless Substi- tute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Chants 7lele her Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it, soft colors and leterm! /¥3 patterns oriental to thelr because they pe taste, a quiet founda KRER of serving as or or two loned grays Hot water J Sure Relief (= v LL-ANS | wel hist Le ve or ap | 40 good color much to be preferrs 25¢ AND 75¢ PACKAGES, EVERYWHERE 8 more costly rug, flan nt in r || FAVORITES ; | of the farsi * mote la | SOM Cocoa Tea Sweet Pickles Fr. Sweet Relish N i - F%. / . Tis ¢ tenis eo Bs the rae rog Wash off Cuticura Sos — Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin. itm 40 rising ori ls 1 ri ne REDLLY fFmnenr ¢ face Catsup : 4 a 5 Wha tes eo method & ar with Chili Seuce | ! 3 hili Seuc / t or the type o Ve ne select is wonderful what ira Ww > ; Preserves dandruff, tcl Mince Meat for poor complexion if and red, rough hands —Advertisement. Mayonnaise Dressing 1000 Island Dressing ii Pork and Beans i Peanut Butter Prepared Mustard EE NIER the International Crow.Shooting Contest. Du Pont offers $2,500 in merchan- dise prizes. No entrance fees. Destroy the menace to game and crops. Write today for booklets giving full information on the crow. E. 1. DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO. INC Sporting Powder Division WILMINGTON, DEL. theér | stroyed, Know the truth about Cofloem Compare the whole bean “DANDELION BUTTER COLOR” Grape Une. vegetable butter « Fruit Salad Pineapple Cling Peaches Sliced Peaches Apricots Pears 184 4 Chemistry girls avoid #ohool all boy who Is preparing to be a an engineer, general interest, but what ft will her Is more than { Average girl can see, The truth Is that chemistry is n tively subject fons for HO YOArs, Drug during thei u by 1 stores and general of “Dandelion” for instin gtores sell hot Adv, days It is ties a5 cents. joctor, or he may take it for its the better actor it Health and good looks —the reward of internal cleanliness Sometimes than the earthly good Loganberries ever do the Red Raspberries Strawberries A practical cours he more life than many deem ess i In will Cherries hd throughout her { things which A required istry i | Frery ti a meal, she has performed a series of Blackberries Beets she may Red Kidney Beans course in household cher High quality and low price have ¥ made Monarch America's Favor- ite Coffee. Try Monarch today. Your grocer can supply you. REID, MURDOCH & CO. would be of lasting valus Lima Beans y Aspar we the housewife prepares agus Tips experiments A knowl fact will little more The action of soap and o The of the EALTH and good looks go hand in hand. If you do not keep clean internally, your looks Medical science, through knowl- edge of the intestinal tract gained by X-ray observation, has found {i of the enable her to certain of her r wifoct t powder is chemical gloss Beans et Potatoes Sauer Kraut » Spinach Salmon Boston New York these and other agents used in various i chemistry, | Acids are found in all fruits, and we | | use some of thése acide for household | purposes, lemon for removing rust spots, or milk for ink stains. | i Strong alkalies destroy wool. Cheap | | soaps contain free alkall, The house | keeper who knows these two facts | will act accordingly when she washes | the woolens of the household, | Salt and vinegar are used set | colors because they form chemical compounds which render the colors fast There is no. mystery about chem: istry. It does nét require a certain kind of mind to grasp its meaning. It holds a world of interest and is ex. tremely valuable. It is a subject which ig applied in manifold way« in everyday lives. We may find occasion pow and then when we are lad of our ability to speak a foreign tongue, but we have a dally opportunity to be grateful for a knowledge of chemistry, The problem of the housewife is to plan the family meals with a view of including all the food principles so that che may maintain her family in a physically fit condition. Washing soda or soaps, containing free alkalis, will make silks yellow, Undissolved or In strong solution, it should not be used, as It Is Injurious to cll fabrics, especially wool. A niece breakfast dish Is fried sau sage, with rings of nicdly fried apples to circle the platter ns a garnish, Serve with griddle cakes and a cup ot coffee; this will sustain a foirly hard worker until the noon meal. A rich ‘lemon sirup in which chest: nuts are cooked until slightly enndied is another favorite way of preparing this popular put, ' poisons that reach every part of the body. These poisons ruin the complex- ion and undermine health. Constipation brings on such ailments as headaches, bilious at- $i Locks Throushont Lt tacks, and insomnia— each of which sapsyour health and vitality. Soon much more serious conditions follow. e .s Pitsburgh Physicians Favor Lubrication The lubricant,Nujol,penetratesand softens the hard food waste and thus hastens its passage through and out of the body. Thus Nujol brings internal cleanliness. Not a Medicine Nujol is not a lax- ative and cannot gripe. Nujol is used in leading hospitals and is prescribed by physicians through- out the world. nav Milk Reid, Murdoch © Co's food products are sold only by the Regular Retail Grocer who owns and operates his own store. We never QUALITY to In constipation, say intestinal spe- cialists, lies the primary cause of more than three-quarters of all ill- ness including the gravest diseases of life. Laxatives Aggravate Constipation Laxatives and cathartics do not overcome constipation, saysa noted authority, butby theircontinued use tend only to aggravate the condi- tion and often lead to permanent injury. | CHEAPER than 30 years ago One reason concrete is used so generally today in all types of construction from sidewalks to highways, from garages to enormous industrial plants, is the fact that Portland Cement actually costs ices than it did thirty years ago. The Atlas rotary kiln, daily producing as much as the old-time kiln did in one month, was the greatest single factor in assuring this cheapness, And your building material dealer, the only dis tributing channel between Atlas and you, assures distribution economy. He knows building and building materials. He can help you. ATLAS PORTLAND CEMEN! Cleaniimess Demands Mose Then Bathing Don't give dis- ease a start. Adopt this habit of internal cleanliness, Nujol is not a medicine. Like pure water, it is harmless. Take Nujo] as regularly as you brush your teeth or wash your face. For sale by all druggists. Nujol REG. US. PAT, OFF, For Internal Cleanliness as 2 Clodiwork " *