THR CENTRE REPORTER. ———— nnn tn cn AA ain THURSDAY, FEBRU ARY : 21, 1924. ry FARM CALENDAR Timely Reminders from The Pennsylvania State College Legumes for Dalry Calves—The im- portance of the ratich of the dairy c red clover in alf addition alfalfa or has long been recognized. In to supply- ing protein and a liberal supply of cal- meet the heavy demands of calf, little vitamines which cium tg, «the growing these hays when cured with bleaching are very in are necessary the the calf’'s body. rich for proper storage of calcium in Clover Seed—There is much red clever seed on the that not as The Ital proven import- ed the market, Kx- periments State College at Pennsylvania indicate as a rule foreign clover seed is good as home grown seed. lan red clover seed has not hardy in severe winters. The pruning tl orchardist Bracing the Trees winter Apple open has made the job of the apple and peach trees less difficult an usual. This should give the the time to put in a few braces in the weak crotches of the apple trees which may have been neglected last year. Starting who Garden Plants—Gardeners start their cabbage and lettuce ants in hot beds or green house and 1 off in i at once harden them cold frames should plant their seed if they dave not already done so. Tile wheat Dralnage— The spots d i Cro fleld now covere with water will produce if il next The summer the il h whea drainage w “lp loss, Ordering Lime order Don’t expect Now your ig 1 ’ ime for Wadt until the last minute to get in time. Exper at the Pennsylvania State show that of medium form lime tion are more economical fer application at longer in afog— SPRING MILLS John Horner able aiter a short Mrs. is again iliness Chicken pox has visited family Sleds were in demand on morning. Mrs. Robert Finkle has f A letter from Miss Orpha at Delawsnre Ohio, save improving slowly The Reformed Sunday SOC had at the home of an enjoyable time The Reformed conmgre ing Mr. Weaver, their church for gal Aarons electr of expect The Thursday Oo re-paper their chured we town a8 In darkness Friday lamps were night friends Mill me pal Thursday Thing until nNooOTs, ¢ oil on many 1edm x wd mara to fil ————— After More horse-drawn Revenue, T™h 1 "at vehicles ol as well as motor vehicles Suggrestion made tr it the conve the wn sk rond 5H meeting ke: It fees be SUD rviasors id Harrisburg also sted th state, at a he in last wes Was Suge it license based on the tonn the actually hauled rather than Ano on CH pacity motor trucks Ist ther = - gestion was that the for harvest farmer be charg- ed smaller fee the use of his trucks during the and market season than the commercial of user is charged for the use n the trucks a * the year round —————— (Thursday) the connected Tonight sockation Hall titled athleti aR with the f ! will give a play Centre hMgh school en- “The Deacon will that you 15 —————— COAL—ALL KINDS. Chestnut, egg. cannel soft coud your every requirement. Best quality at feasonable prices . Your orders always given prompt attention. Wa McCLENAHAN, Centre Hall, want tO see Admisigion, and 36 cents pea, to meet and t PROGRAM OF PHOTOPLAYS At THE SCENIC and the OPERA HOUSE (BELLEFONTE) — ~At “The Scene” — THURSDAY, FEB. 21— Feed nnd Coul—Just In. = 2 i - en Insurance an Real Estate Want to Buy or Sell ? following ve used in the past we know you wiil BUGARED SHUMACHER FEED: FUL-O-FPEP DRY MASH: FUL-O-PEP GROWING MASH: SCHUMACHER SCRATCH GRAINS, BOSS DAIRY RATION. We Just SEE US FIRST also all fine-grade COAL PUNXSUTAWNEY our prices have unloaded several CAN - and PEA and feed be- Chas. D. Bartholomew CENTRE HALL, Pa, Get re buying elsewhere, WM. McOILLENAHAN, Centre Hall. Pa. on coal FOR SALE—A in good conditfon, 1% horse-power wa- offered teport- Cast Iron Wanted.--..... ly drop us a postal card and we will call ar once Lavrelton Foundry Co. Inc., LAURELTON, PA. motor, is mr sale, office Motor was in use in r until electric motor in- App! y at this office, was Hall’ 8 Catarrh Medicine Those who are in a “run down" condi. oz2pd more than when they are This fact proves that while Ca- is a local disease, it is gre atly in- by constitutional conditions CATARRH MEDICINE is a | and acts through the blood upon | | mucous surfaces of the body. thus ansisting normal conditions, Druggists. Circulars free Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. in good AMES W. SWAZE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE LINDEN HALL CENTRE OO. PA. Desds, Mortgages, Wills, &¢, written apo «a scuted with eare. All legal busines prom ply stiended to. Special attention given 10 se Uing of Estates. M Licenses, Aul-v bile Liconses, and ali other Applic | Blanks rept on hand NAv.on vo All F.J WANTED-2000 porinds of Worth is worth telling—ad- Varies selling Centre Ha Be , ¢lean p| OAs act, 10 try A M,| John D.| stock | et, AA t+ AVES two | A im i m., John FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE. ist ‘ ting « th presen uUnLy ¥ if. bear. wy of January, ding “ Orbhans Be mi fom Pleas or us of and ¢ Terminer fonte, n belles ommence and to MONDAY OF FEBRU Felwuarsy in ng , ARY A. D busi - PUBLIC SALE, Aas en to the Alder. (that respective io gi Pre e, n=tal il os thed the then ONS peer of at forenoon the seks, remand fy 25th nquisitions and to the appertaining to pn 3 Go those who are bound in ross ites the THINKING OF BUYING AN 9 AUTOMOBILE! COME AROUND AND ASK US THIS QUESTION : “What Kind of Service will you give Me if I Buy a Reo?” WE'LL TELL YOU “The Best in Millheim.”’ THEN MAKE US PROVE IT! We've got that much confidence in our BET- TER SERVICE that we are going to more than sell our quota of “1001 REOS in 1924” in Central Pennsylvania, And we want YOU for a Customer. Breon’s Garage MILLHEIM MADE POSSIBLE BY BETTER SERVICE ARRINSt be L or shall in the inty, be then and there unset them as shall be MARTHA BOAL 2.11 hay bed wl ary iY a efonte Jan in the one hundred of the Inde. United States of Am- LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ; Jour of seventh ff the 1 the Vedpr COURT PROCLAMATION, fie 1} Frew Lommon Where TAYLOR Pa R Belief Sheriff ey nte, 4 £1 i F you have not opened this not of the is an an ae- if ad. ‘dntelligently care for ing needs, your bank- count in bank. and you have vantage offer this tion do yet taken Our modern methods, combined with protection which we afford and the business friendship eaxtend- ed patrons dealing here wily sat. iy yom, service we cordial invita. to “0, In seeking a good banking eon neeton you look for safety and ser. vice with ability and willingness to Bank will be closed Washing. ton's Birthday—¥riday, the 22nd. The First National Ba Centre Hall, Pa. We pay 8 per cent. compound Interest on Savings Accounts. 1001 REOS IN 1924 IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA BEFORE Building SEE Cresson Lumber Co. STATE COLLEGE, PA, J. G. MARKS, Sec. and Treas.