The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 17, 1924, Image 7

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at Chevrolet is the
quality car.
t in 1923
any other
our seven
get one an
We must not say that every mistake
Is a foolisH one,
Cuticura Comforts Baby's Skin
When red, rough and itching, by hot
baths of Cuticura Soap and touches of
Cuticura Ointment. Also make use
now and then of that exquisitely scent-
ed dusting powder, Cuticura Talcum,
one of the Indispensable Cuticura
Tollet Trio.—Advertisement.
Such Is Fame.
The house in Portland,
Longfellow was born, had
number of years ago, a
in the poorer part of the city,
mostly inhabited by Irish. A tesch-
er in Portland was giving a les
son on the life of the poet. At the
end of the hour, she began to ques
tion her class. “Where was Longfel-
low born?” she asked. $A small boy
waved his hand vigorously. When the
teacher called on him, his answer did
not seem to astonish the rest of the
class, but it was a cold shock to her.
“In Patsy Magee's bedroom,” he sald.
Me., where
become, a
When a man wil; not listen to the
truth, even from a friend, his cond}
tion is desperate,
A flow of words is no proof of wis
i. A harmless vegetable butter color
used by millions for 50 years, Drug
stores and general stores sell bottles
of “Dandelion” for 35 cents.—Ady.
Malic Acid.
Malle acid is present in generous
{ quantity in apples, pears, red and
| white currants, blackberries and rasp
berries, quinces, pineapple and cher-
ries. Citric acid is found in lemons,
limes, oranges, gooseberries, strawber-
ries and raspberries, and tartaric acid
predominates In grapes, though it ex-
ists in other fruits. Salleylic acid is
sparingly present, probably In the
form of methyl ester, in plums, cher-
ries, currants, grapes and strawber-
ries, raspberries, ete. Borie acid
said to be present jn oranges and lem
isle of Ceylon Crowded,
about the same as that of West Vir
ginia and on it live more people than
there are In Texas,
- - —— -
you awake?
for at least ten
preferred equally
for its delicious
can cause restless
fortable days.
nights or uncom-
Your grocer
two forms:
sells Postum in
Instant Postum
Plant Industry
Shows Progress
Fight on Diseases Made hy
Selection of Highly Re-
sistant Strains.
(Prepared by the United States Department
ef Agriculture.)
The year's work of the bureau of
plant industry described In the report
recently made to the secretary of agri
culture shows much progress in solv-
Ing the problems of plant production,
the control of diseases, the breeding of
improved varieties, the introduction of
promising seeds and plants from for-
elgn countries and the development af
methods for the utilization of perish-
able crops, such as fruits and vegeta-
bles. Much of the work done is of the
kind which bripgs its greatest returns
after there has been time for the com-
mercial development of discoveries.
In combating plant diseases a great
deal of progress has been made
through obtaining highly resistant or
Immune strains by trinl and selection,
In this way strains of wheat have been
pecured which promise to be valuable
in sections where bunt has damaged
this crop. Varieties resistant to fing
gmut are being developed, and this dis-
ease 18 no longer considered the men-
ace It was thought to be a few years
ago. Attempts are being made to
grow strains resistant to hoth flag
smut and rosette, In the study of scab,
a disease which damages both wheat
and corn, it has heen discovered that
wheat seedlings are more resistant
when grown at comparatively low soll
temperatures and that corn seedlings
Is warm. larberry eradication
with a number of states for the control
of black stem rust, and up to the pres
been eradicated, Chemicals are being
In places where digging is not practi-
New Grops Developed.
cured in co-operation with state
periment stations and a number
them are being distributed. The
and stalk rots of corn have been found
to require special soll management for
their control; In proper
fertilization and amendments are all
SOME onses
In addition,
types crop rotation Is needed
Some new forage crops
rieties of common have
developed and new methods are being
country, tried out, increased and
tributed to growers
an limit on the detalls which
the treatment of “tobacco sick™ soils
prevention of a condition
have received® attention, including cul-
tural methods and special varieties to
trinls of cotton classing in the
and breeding to maintain the purity of
Egyptian cotton grown in the Sonth-
Extensive work has been done with
frults and nuts, studies have been
made of the possibilities of growing
binder twine fiber in Porto Rico, the
Virgin islands and the Philippines.
The Improvement of citrus fruits is
now being greatly Increased through
with performance records, a method
developed by the department, and
means have heen found for the control
of stem-end rot of citrus fruits
Through work being carried on In the
Southwest the Infant date Industry is
being greatly stimulated, and there Is
a new Interest In the production of
figs. The fruit and nut industries are
being helped not only through the In-
troduction and development of better
varieties and methods of growing, but
also through studies of handling and
shipping the products. It was shown
that berries produced In the Northwest
can be shipped greater distances sue
cessfully If handled more carefully and
precooled. A series of tests have
shown that nuts of various kinds can
be kept from two to three years if held
at a temperature as low as 32 degrees,
Plant Diseases Combated.
The principal vegetables reported
on were potatoes sweet potatoes and
pees. Improvements have been ob-
tained through the selection of seed
stocks, the development of improved
varieties and In the control of diseases,
In the field of forest trees work has
been carried on with white pine blister
rust, which is now spreading in the
Northwest, and In the East with chest.
nut blight. The Chinese chestnut has
been found quite resistant to the dis.
ease. In addition to these two impor-
tant trees which are menaced, it Is ro.
ported that another valuable tree, the
Douglas fir, is in danger of canker,
which occurs on these trees in Scotland
and which already muy be in this
country. i
Among the many other problems
given attention in the report are wood
conservation, the effects of length of
day on plant responses, soil bacteriol-
ogy, the prevention of alkall injury on
irrigated lands, sources of crude rub-
ber, explorations In many parts of the
world for” new plants and seeds.
Among the promising new fruits given
special mention are Barouni olives,
Fuyu persimmons and several new
avocados, Another new glant is Men.
tha eitrate, of the mint A
Cloth Coverings Good
Against Mild Frosts
Is Conducted to Surface.
(Prepared by the United States Department
of Agriculture.)
Coverings of rather heavy cloth laid
directly over garden truck or other
low-growing plants are effective in pro-
tecting against moderate frosts, the
United States Department of Agricul
ture reports, The heat from the ground
and the plants is thus conserved, and
the losses of heat by radiation from
the plant to the sky are cut off ; more-
over, the alr movement is so slight
near the ground that there is little
tendency for the cold outside alr to be
forced under or through the covering.
The ‘temperature of the surface of
the cloth exposed to the sky Is lowered
by radiation and may fall to a low
point, but as both the cloth itself and
the alr underneath it are very poor
conductors of heat, the temperature of
the covered plants fzlls much more
slowly. The heat that has penetrated
a few Inches into the ground during
the day is slowly conducted to the
surface during the night and aids In
keeping the temperature under the
cover above the freezing point.
It Is evident, therefore, that cover
ings of this kind should be placed
early in the evening when a frost is
expected, before much of the heat ac-
cumulated In the soll during the day
has been lost. Tin cans or other metal
coverings should not be used to protect
plants from frost. Metals are good
conductors of heat and are also good
Therefore the temperature Is likely to
this kind as in the outside air.
Laying Hens in Winter
That green
portance In
feeds are of great im-
the rations for laving
of Idaho poultry farm.
A lack of vitamin
the ration was found
ense resembling roup.
to cause
the liver and kidneys
of twenty-five died In one pen
In an adjoining pen re
Cod liver oll Is an excel
of vitamin A.
this disease
lent source
nish the birds feed containing this Im
vitamin, If maximum results
Alfalfa, peamenl,
high in this vitamin,
dandelion greens,
Besides, chard,
carrots and clover
taining the health of the flock during
Essential Winter Feeds
for Average Hen Flock
Too many pounitrymen rely almost
wholly on grain feeds during the win-
ter. Green food, beef scraps, milk by-
and sparingly. Oyster
prepared grit and charcoal,
ready for the fowls at all times, pro
vide mineral matter. Cabbage, beets,
mangles and sprouted oats make ex.
cellent green foods; hung an inch
higher than the head compels needed
winter exercise. Any fresh vegetables,
even raw potatoes, are a whole lot
For animal food, beef scraps serve
the purpose splendidly. Milk by-prod-
ucts, when low priced, are used with
excellent resolts and probably with
greater returns, comparatively, than
when fed to farm animals,
Vigorous Gobbler Will
Care for Fifteen Hens
If good gobblers are scarce there is
no reason why two neighbors cannot
keep thelr turkey hens on the same
farm until such time as they have been
served by the gobbler. One serviee
from the gobbler is sufficient to fer
tilize all the eggs that will be lald at
a succeeding egg-laying period. How-
ever, when the turkey hens quit lay-
ing another service will be necessary
before the subsequent eggs of the sec
ond laying period are fertile.
A vigorous gobbler will only serve
about fifteen hens,
It would be somewhat less trouble
some to transfer the turkey tom rather
than the turkey hens, After one neigh-
bor is positive that the gobbler has
covered all of the hens on his farm
the tom eould be moved over to the
other neighbor's farm.
Most Effective Ration
to Increase Egg Yield
The most effective ration for feed.
ing hens and pullets as found at the
Ohio experiment station consists of
mash, ground corn 6 parts, bran 8
parts, meat-scrap 6 parts, by weight.
In addition a scratch ration of shelled
or cracked corn is fel so that the
fowls will consume twice ns much of
the grain as mash,
This ration decreased the cost of
feed per dozen eggs more than 20 per
cent ax compared with other rations
and Increased the production per pul
fet more than 50 per cent. The tests
were made to detersiine the amount of
It will, if you play
firesafe, sanitary and
If you are boosting
out any obligation.
using concrete.
your part.
permanent with con-
for similar advantages
Sen Francisco
St. Logis
Vancouver, B.C.
Washingron, D.C.
New York
Poriey Oreg.
Salt Lake Cary
So to Speak.
i “An applied science, 1 believe”
Has Been Proved Safe by Millions.
| Warning! Unless you see the name
| “Bayer” on package or cn tablets you
{are not getting the genuine Bayer
| Aspirin proved safe by millions and
| prescribed by physicians for 28 years
| Say “Bayer” when you buy Aspirin.
i ————————— —
{ If musical
| enough, shortcomings
will be overlooked.
Thousands Keep in Good Health
by taking one or two Brandreth Pills
at bed time,
and purify the blood. —Ady.
than spinsters.
Hall's Catarrh
Medicine; 50
Treatment, both
local and internal, and has been success
ful in the treatment of Catarrh for over
forty years. Sold by«all druggists,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio
All the marvels of Radio
can now be yours at
small expenditure. Enter-
tainment, enlightenment,
education, Veeian stock
reports, all in your own home
for every member of the family
3 enjoy. The remarkable
clear certain results, so simple
a child can install and operate.
Try it in your home on our
10-day free approval plan.
110 N. Liberty St., Baltimore, Md,
The Radio Mart, Inc.
i Radio Set for trial
ship completa
at my home, for which | will deposit with
you the price of $84.50 on delivery. If un.
satisfactory you are to refund my money
my descriptive price jist; #1 will interest
of making 3500 profit? Write for proof of
financial independence, Address MESSINGER,
1012 Chronicle Ride, San Francisco, Calif
|W. N. U, BALTIMORE, NO. 2.1924.
of obligations.
Mother! Fletcher's Castoria bas
been in use for over 30 years as a
pleasant, harmless substitute for
Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops
and Soothing Syrups. Contains no
narcotics, Proven directions are on
ench package. Physicians everywhere
Health and cheerfulness mutually
' beget each other,
ré¢ommend it. The kind you have
always bought bears signature of