qoual, AND PERSONAL. a hter was born to Mr. and Mrs, Willtam MeClintic, at Linden Hall, dur- ing the latter days of 1923. Fresh fish and oysters at stand, the latter part of this week. — Wilbur Bland, Centre Hain. Prof. and Mrs. N. L. Bartges and lit- tle daughter, Harriet, of Avis. were in Centre Hall among friends during the the old holiday geason. . George and Fred Luse, song of Mr. and Mrs. Perry H. Luse, were guests of relatives in Johmstown over Christ. mas. - Harry A. Thompson was nominated for postmaster at Tyrone to Mr. Garman, formerly a resident of Bellefonte. Mrs. Anna Harrison, who is teach- ing school near Portage, spent the hol- day vacation period at her home near Centre Hal Mrs. Elmira Twitmyer, of Gap had the misfortune to fall and In doing s, seriusly injured a hip. She W. 8. Brooks, of Centre succeed Pleasant Is a sister of Hall. John H. tenant oy the Henry Stoner farm near Tusseyvillie, will move onto the Michael Spicher farm. west of Old Fort. in the spring. Miss Agnes Bible has taken the place Homan as clerk in the she Is Mrs. Horner, for thirteen years of Mrs. Ernest Oriole store. For the present making her home with Mr. and William H. Homan. Smith, one of the railroad lay off Robest 1. section from work for a few days last week on men, was obliged to account of some foreign substance hav- ing gotten into one of his eyes. : Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hendrickson, of announce the arri- thei Ulysses, this state, val of an S-pound baby boy. at home on Wednesday of last week. Tne Mrs. A. J. township. er, daughter of Rev, and Horner, formerly of Potter little son, Mills, called at Jarger and Potters IL. Maynard Donalti E.. of near in town st office. Mr. Barger pufGhased farm on ago and is Keeping on with the hope that farming conditions hmprove, were week and this the Durst five he Hves, years titling which the soll will eventually Sanford Snyder. son of Rev. and Mrs 8S. A. for a place with the Potters Mills. He is enguged in shoe store in York as He relates that his patents and family Snyder. of Hellam, was in town few days, making his stopping Wellington family it a large assisiaont man- ager. the remainder of the are well and busy. Snyder LOCAL AND PERSONAL Frank Phillips, the Potters Mills par- age man, is sporting a new Ford coupe. Miss Mary Pingman and Mise Eliza beth Royer, on Wednesday morning, returned to school, the former bright College, Myerstown, and the lat- ter to West Chester Normal, Mr. and Mrs, Dayton Lansberry and two interestingg little childven, Paul- ine and Erne. of Northumberland, spent Christmas with Mrs, rents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1. Smith, in this place, Mrs, Ada M., Finkle daughter, Misg Madiline, of Spring Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Finkle, of Mifflin. during tae Mrs. C. tog Al- Lansbesry's pa- and and entertained Mr. Haudl Potters Mills, is condition. burg, were ' Christmas season by and F. Emery, in Centre John Armstrong, at iim a very serious physical He had been quite itl on several occas two months. and attack fons during the past on ‘Bunday suffered a severe suid to have been due from disensed kidneys. He #& being cared for by his wister, Mrs. F. F. at ‘Potters Mills, Mrs. Edward Foreman and son Hugh Foreman, of Canfield, Ohio, were a- moog friends and relatives for a few days. returning home Wednesday morning, Mrs. Foreman visited he mother. Mrs Mary Goodhart, at the F V. Goodhart who in the are engaged In j town, and carpentering. Mr Palmer, in her home has not been health, The Foremuns farming, but home, best of live in F% mTenaAn s {former trade, is made a side line i i Held Blue Rock Shoot, ! The i Mills Year's day {the first {discontinued on Prior to that time it item of interest in this community league members of the losing Potters old-time New ¥ This was Sportsmen's League of resumed blue shoot since thelr rock hoot 1917 account of when it was the war was an annual and for seven bangueted ag half. years the the expense The score of the shoot follows {the figures representing the number broken out of 25 clay Faust. 19; A. 1. Bubb, 14: CC. 18 E Shaeffer, 15: J. Bitner, 18; D Brooks, 15: T. Wil- mms, 12; F. A, C 23; Wm. Zet- tle, 13; BR. Brungart. 21: W. McKinney 13: P MeKinney. 1 J. Fohringer, 14; C. McKinney, 11 Bressler, 19: TT HsOn Koonsman, 20 F ? FRESH COWS AND SLED FOR SALE have These cows are young and calves by their skile Also, front Fred S1R3 2tp sled, In good shape. J Siaock. Centre Hall; Bell phone FOR gasoline ! gine, & SALE horsepower Worn Hall Upright on Mena - han, Centre FOR SALE Traction gowwl sale cheap. BR. RUPP Pa. tol One 15 h. p. Peerless Engine condition; for Sinte College, BOALSBURG, On account of the quarantine auth- ovized Ly the board of health weeks before Christmas, the children be not gathered {for practice, our Bunday Schools did The treat on several that together awking not have any Christmas services | members were given their [Sunday before Christmas. The Ile- formed B. 8B. guve an offering to the Sunday morning. Officers of the Reformed church were elected on Bunday: elder, A. J. Hazel, deacons N, W. Mever and H. H. Hous- er; trustee. G. E. Meyer. The preached a New Year's sermon. orphans on last pastor A goodly number of our people who working from hom home Zechman, Blanche ner, Fred lshler, Brouse., Gladys Charles Hosterman. red Gingerich, Ethel Gingerich, “are away for the Christmus season: Rowe, John Wm. R, Hazel, Ishier, Mary ard Goheen, here and Who are now living here were: Mr. and Mrs of Williamsport ; Lucas, Mr. and Mrs A. C. Washington, D. C.; Rev. family, of State College; Hamry tay Lucas. Kachem, of Harkins Mr. Grove and Mills Those of our people who were awny Samuel Grove, of Pine from home to spend some time were Mrs 8. C. Mothersbaugh, and John Trenton, N. J, Stover's sons: Mr Rev. and Stover were at and Earl with Mr. Phil- took Christmas with Rev Philips, at Akron, Ohio, p's sister, Boome who from town: Mrs State College Adam Zwdpier; N with J. C. Mey Weber, 8. E with friends Mr. and Mrs. C. W, and children. at with Mr. and Mrs W.. Mever and er. on the Branch; FF. W Weber Weber with Charles Hoss family at Hall Many of Our homes were decomied with ever dinner awny John Corl, Tome family and Anna Linden green and the wis everywhere Ladies Civic present. had a Year's Club New being for The teri supper on even the procecds the publi schools, Ladies Bible class of the He formed 8. 8S The annual Monday evening by having a socal for the en- The way, and refresh - oolebrated thedr opening of their birthday box thre Sunday -school evening was spent in a sociol ments served by the class DE house to the Snyder moved from the Poor man Williams house Monday + ESTRAY Came, to the the undersigned fcembe: IR, 192% a nrge residence Duroc sow. Same can x had advertisement and hy paying for this STEVE MATIS her keep Centre Hall You can’t afford to pay less for a car than the Star Car’s price. If you do, vou do not get a standard-built car, because the Star Car is the low- est price standard-built car in the world. See it-- ride in it--drive it. We'll be glad to make the ar- rangements. FETTEROLF'S GARAGE Bell Phone CENTRE HALL 24M the Money”’ I = S4LE 4 50 to $35.00, now . . . KNIT GOODS Mas SUITS, Si8e $4 3 S040 35 $1510 25 MEN’S ALL-WOOL OVERCOATS . BOYS SUITS-Many Specials Less Than HALF Regular Price Men’s Wool Work Socks, 75 to $1.50--now 50c per pair Men's Best WORK SHIRTS 98c each ¥ STORE -- [Millheim ie *