PENNSYLVANIA STATE ITEMS this place, is belleved to be the oldest man in the state In service In the courts after a term of forty-eight.years, in 1875 he accepted a place as court stenographer and held that post for more than twenty years. Since that time he has been commissioner of divoree, taking testimony at all of the divorces hearings in the county. He never liked manufactured inks, and to this day makes his own. Berries of various kinds, principally poke ber- ries, are used by him, and he never uses anything but a fountain pen, having several of them sizes, which he says rests his hands. State College.—The college was a heavy blue ribbon winner at the In- ternational Chicago. Its championship honor, three neix seconds, one third, four and several minor placings. herd captured firsts, The car- college and collected from breeders In all parts of the state, was placed sec- ond in its class in a close decision, Easton.—Arthur Payne, of Bangor, came to this city to attend criminal court. Hundreds of people had as sembled in the corridgrs, and when Payne reached the courtroom he dis- covered that he had been relieved of his purse, cantaining $150. Connellsville.—Refusing any sthitement and sitting silent dur ing a hearing before Alderman Munk, William Murray was held for court on fifteen separate burglary, Harry L. Shaw, who "kept house” for Murray in a near Connellsville, was held on charges of carrying con- cealed weapons and reeelving goods. Both were arrested when Bal. to make of charges Cave stolen palr in a two-apartment cave, Greensburg. —The second ful attempt to rob the tional’ Bank, at Delmont, taken by burglars who broke building and with the aid of an lene lamp burned and blew the vault door, but, it is believed frightened away, leaving thelr unfinished. Harrishurg.— in eight counties within and ad) to the Japanese beetle zone to up the problems confronting the agri cultural officials in connection the quarantine next held by of Agriculture lits and Hadley, of reau of plant industry. Finaneial gistance of the various counties sought in the beetle and are asked to use Influence getting additional ings are scheduled town, Doylestown, West Chester, Land Pittsburgh. — The {identified negroeg who had been to death were found in a Wilmerding the room bore evidence fight. The officers a negro named Brown with the case Harrisburg. ~The following ments In the bureau were announced by Secretary hor and Industry Meeker: Book, Steelton, holler inspector; Harold J. Hock, Bethlehem; John M. Tezik, Steelton, and H. Arthur Yar- nell, Tyrone, (Clasg C Inspectors. Hazleton. — Harry M. Benjamin, owner of the Benjamin Motor com- pany, a graduate of Lehigh University and prominent member of the Hazle- ton Kiwanis Club, died at the State Hispital after being overcome with gas fumes in his garage. White Haven —State troopers and agents of the forestry department will patrol the woods through this region from now until Christmas to prevent the wanton destruction of trees for holiday use. Every year people cut down thousands of seedilngs for Christmas decorating purposes, thus nullifying the work of the forestry de- partment In trying to restore timber growth, Over 10,000 pine seediings have been set out In the White Haven district within the last six years, Christmas trees have nearly all been cut down except in the more Inacces- sible sections. Harrisburg. — Pennsylvania courts are without authority to grant licenses to brewers, wholesalers and bottlers, ns a result of the passage by the 1023 legislature of the present siate pro. hibition law, Judge Foz, of the Dau- phin county court, held in refusing ap- plications for licenses to five brewers and four bottlers. The 1023 act, “pro. hibiting the sale, bartering or furn- ishing within this commonwealth of intoxicating liquors,” the court's opin- fon sald, "we think rendered the acts which authorized the courts to grant licenses for dealing In intoxicating 1i- quors inconsistent therewith and were thereby repealed, and the courts are without authority now to grant such licenses.” Pittsburgh. Edwin M. Weimer was appointed Justice of the peace for the borough . of Overbrook, Allegheny county. Allentown. —While hunting for deer in the Pocono Mountains, Earl Griese. mer, shot himself in the foot when he UNSUCCPss People’s Na- under: into acety was the iarge were job ace] Wake wit} are being wi bu as i i= season Secretary Director the control, their federal ald. Meet. for Reading, Al Norristown, Media, aster and York they bodies house at sald terrific for connection ectives of a County det searching in are appoint of inspection Blaine M. tree, Wrightsville~~Paul Krupp was shot in n leg by his twin brother, Bernard, while they were hunting rabbits, Ephrata-~Mrs, Jeremiah Kline, 67 Oscar George, where she had been oyed. hit ; ; Altoona.— Ernest Salvucel, manager arrest charged with appropriating to his own use money eatrusted to kim to be forwarded to Italy, Ten iunfor- mations have been lodged against him. The amount Is not definitely known, but will ran into the thousands, it 1s sald. Dr. Louis Lailno, of Portage, is president of the bank. Bethlehem.—Dwr. Nell Corothers, as- sistant director of education of the Guaranty Trust company, New York. has accepted thé position for the re- mainder of the scholastic year as act- ing head of the eho of eco- He will succeed appointed to the public service commission. Columbia. Charles D. Oberdorf, 47 years old, for twenty-five years a mall carrier, fell dead here. Washington.-——Pleading gulity to two serious charges growing out of a crim- inal assault on 17-year-old Ethel May Jamison, Edmund James, a Canons. was taken into court and sentenced to from seven and one half years to sixteen years in the peniten- day night and sent to McDonald, A large growd gathered about the Donald Jall and the prisoner was Pittsburgh. United States Glass company on the Routh Ride escaped uninjured when a fire brick tauk, containing fifty of white hot glass, collapsed. glass spread over the first ran into the basement, setting the factory Harrisburg the Home of Deaf Chi the State Oral Seranton, in the retirement fire Teachers the Traini idren. Philadelphia, Sehool for eligible to wed In empl for |peech and the Deaf, are benefits of the school employes Deputy Attorney in a ision to of the re- sVEiem, General! Brown held Dr. H. H. Baish, tirement board Greenshurg » fst ¥ ae secretary a fug! fae James Horwat, rom ice for a week, now charge a of first degree murder be cause of the death in the Westmore land Hospital of his father-in-law, Yukon, who John Fr 10, of wounds al succumbed leged to inflicted by Hor wat The shooting occurred Novem her 28, Horwat to try and Fren ughter, with him interfere o% a £ 2) 3 & wrod SHOCK, AEG to two revolver have been when went the home of his induce his to return father tried to Inw to ock’'s da When her Horwat fired ©" the body wife, home twice, both of Frenock tntering slars entered the ey & Son jowistow: office of C. Z ’ and stola money OT Hazleton wining vill inated with Connellsville Stockton BEER near he one © electricity The treas: 1 or 0 ge 1 RRR arrest of hoot was fined R100 Mervin F yen and seriousd the Hazleton lester in the odd abd while hunting Iiverpbol —Clarence years old was shot {1 carried in ip poe Herme Gioska, r King M: re. M) Boyd to serve from Western 1% Uniontown victed of attac rtie nurse, is five to ten years in . Lue Altoona, The school board has nu thorized a bond issne of 2250000 for the completion of the Roosevelt high school and for pure sites for new senior and schools, Washingtonboro was severely burned doll she was playing when It came in contact oll light. New Alexandria. — William aged 21 years, was almost instants killed when a loaded shotgun exploded as the young man preparing get out of an automobile, following a few hours hunting. Pittsburgh. Five JEN :0T the hase of Mary Ann when a cellu! with exploded with a enn) wine men, surprised sylvania railroad freight North Braddock, falled to heed command of a policeman to halt, two were wounded, captured. Michael McGuire, of Brad- dock, shot In the spine, is in a critical condition. James Carrigg, also of Braddock, wounded In an arm, will recover, Pittsburgh. John Thomas and James McCoy, Philadelphia negroes, were held for investigation In connec tion with the killing of Morris Skol- sky, a grocer, several days ago. Skol. sky was killed when he resisted two negro robbers, Hazleton —QGeorge Sobek, aged 25 years, of Minersville, dled at the State Hospital here from Injuries sus- tained at Sheppton a week ago, when a gang of drunker men attacked him with stones and clubs. Pittsburgh.—Charles Burton, of this city, a “trusty” In the Greensburg Jall, walked awny and did not return. Freeland. The Knights of Colum- bus have purchased the St. Elmo Ho teit from William M. Dougherty for a home. Pottsville~More than 5000 homes will be accommodated in the collec tion of garbage in this city, Pittsburgh Ike Bodin, of Norman town, died in a hospital here from a stab wound in the chest inflicted In a fight last Sunday, Upper Lehigh--John Mattl, while hunting deer, was shot in the abdo. men when his rifle was discharged as he climbed over a stump, Altoona~~EIl Shaner, aged 74, of Juniata, went to work as a laborer, excavating a cellar, Shortly after he uit work for the jay pe dled of heart the Ae COREE ENE EER ERO YR NET OA EE RSE osm ———————————— Rd il] DARREN is) Honor Former Trainer University of Pennsylvania Varsity club had erected at the south gate leading into Frank- lin fleld a memorial tablet recognition of the services Michael C. Murphy, who was coach of the track teams and trainer of football players from 1806 to 1000, and again from 1905 to 1012, when he died, The tablet records that Murphy was a of many contains e SEX AEEOEEEK in of aXe RC EOE Mike “famous trainer victorious teams” and of his oft-quoted “You can't lick a team be The when Cornell Vo Sevens inion ien erage One savings 4 that won't liekad ” tab let was dedicated played footl ing day wall there Thanksgiy CRAG LE RERGFE IGG H FEW PLAYERS STAND DIAMOND GRIND LONG It is unusual lete to last long. thint he ergy for a reall He w lifetime Oren ¥ great ath irks so wears in a brief pace man comes up to the tinues to star for & half-dozen { & rarity appears and holds his pl for a dozen years, bu any y obser star ath Can continue to shine through and a half yen For instance the major league 12 years 18 are still in the majors these was out of the game for a #0 that only 12 have served continu ously for the period of 12 years, TO one man in forty is able to hold his own for the brief space of 12 years Of the approximately 3% players who were in the major leagues 18 years ngo, only remains. Since that time it is likely that 5.000 men ry out 8 ror tof man t Ye a # dozet re of the 400 piny /Eo, i One tine, us one Which to be the sole survivor of 53% men. fie is go ably for a season or two after that Only four men in the major leagues Adams but he was The other vet. erans of a dozen years In the majors Jake Danbert, Of the whole Jot, Cobb, dean of Eddie Collins Daubert are still good. Robertson Is Choice aud Lawson Robertson, University of Pennsylvania coach, was unanimous Iy recommended by the A. A. U. con- vention in Detroit, as its cholee for bead track coach of the 1024 Olymple . This recommendation will In all probability be accepted by the ex ecutive committee of the American Olynple association, Robertgon was ausintant to Coach Moakley at the las New York eity is the ing center in the world, s - Ad Expert says it takes nehye to be a golf player, Even takes nerve dress lke one. . » . Man o War, the wonder horse 21 events - " * John J. ger of the New York mated at $50,000 a year * * - Giants The DESY prospective opponents of In are Harry Wills, Tom bong, Luis Firpo and Jack Ren - - * The U of Misgouri schools (n up iversity big to take polo as a a » * A tennis player, who recently ap in a North of Eng played & racquet in iand tourna ment, with i + . » A hint from Cincinnati in that of the Heda wi ers of a trade FETE uid enoe managemen 1G enger ly consider ofl for Sa ad » - # three count fo nu Mexico now hs tennis Meron ee bail, nnual American another rec ord entry mark with about 2.200 teams competing According to Conc pois foothall play Hem they are hit hard - - - ers need feet big ennble to their balanc keep Swimming is the leading sport the Hawalian islands, followed by ten golf, polo, foothall, volley-ball and baseball » » * nis, basketball, The Salt with an item Lake vciub to the effect that George fame across * - * Robert Roth of Switzerland, who the ast Olympic games, has become a professional boxer. » » - The interesting from some obscure place where Rube Ben- ton has been sojourning since the sea- son closed that Rube may give up baseball. news ocomed » . . versily personal business interests » - » satisfy their love for outdoor inhabitants in New York city spent close to $10,000,000 during the 1028 season. The chief sports were boxing, baseball and racing. Ad - * To The University of Pennsylvania has 60 eandidates for the boxing teams, They will meet teams from West Point, Penn State, Massachusetts Tech, Colgate and possibly Yale - - - The Galveston club has purchased from the Tulsa club the veteran sec. ond baseman, Charles (Paddy) Bau- mann, with the purpose, it is presumed, of making him manager of the Sand- erabs, L A - The Bloomington club of the Three. I has signed for a trial next spring a St. Louis youngster named Jesse Jack. son, He is the nineteen-year-old brother of Charley Jackson, a star in the Three league several years ago. TT # » The owners of the Milwankee club plan to put on big league training stuff in the spring. President Otto Bor chert's Idea is to pick out a town in Florida and play exhibition games with various major league teams train. ing in that state, . 9» Beoking here and there for a sec ond baseman, the Detroit club has signed fer trial one Charles Gehringer, who mode n notable record with an Independent am at Angola, Ind, the past Ronson, w he ‘Diayed under “Wilson.” & BREE RHONOEREOOE G4 EBA EAAG roseseantanestses. Great Friend of Benz Joe O'Nelll, inate traveling sec- retary of the White Rox, used to room much of the time on the road with Joe Benz, plicher, and dearly loved to put up jokes on the "mentbell hurler” Late one night. O'Neill pound- ed heavily on their door, which was unlocked, by the way. After a long time Benz appeared, rub- bing his eyes sleenils O'Neill was In’ his stocking feet, hix shoes under his arm. didn’t want to dis turb you, them off,” he said carrying “1 go It tool SORES RR SRR Rey RRS | for Hard Hitting, Says Wheat Hitting nerve, depends en ers in the opinion heavy-hitting outfielder of ague club Boks of National le “A player who | can be found well says Whont like Ruth, CC Speaker, Hellmann and Roush, both nervy and confident. Th how in Jaseball’s down REPS, hitters, obb, HRP IPDRIPOROPPE + SY + DEOOHBE to correct the fault. izn't anything the matter with the bat, himself.” English Admit Yankees English polo players admit game as played in America against Americans Is too speedy for them and they are a unit In declaring their own ing in the international matches in 1824 will not be any better than it was in 1923. Americans, they assert, play at twice their speed. “They make every shot” says Lord Cholmondeley, one of the best players in the British isles, “by not touching the pony's mouth. They take thelr man at once instead of waiting for him to hit the ball; and they take the ball if possible before it hits the boards, should It be going om to them, and so xpeed up the game” Kince thelr experience against Amen fean fours, the English poloists believe the Yankee style is the hest and they plan to use it in coming seasons. From now on, they will strive for team play instend of being four individuals chasing the ball, They realize the necessity of having three or more capable reserve players ready to step into the lineup who will function as well or better than the regulars, Sande Won Initial Race on Arizona Fair Track Earl Sande, who rode Zev to vie tory against Papyrus, the pride of Eng land, first appeared at A race track eight years ago when at Arizona's state fair he asked for a chance to ride, Finally they gave it to him, and mount. ed the slim, freckiefaced boy on a horse with a reputation of pulling up at the end of a mee with its rides missing. “Sandy” let loose pande- monlam ih Sy gy by thundering across w several lengths ' WORTH IT An old Beotsman, dictating his will, sald: “I give and bequeath to my wife the sum of £100 a year. Is that writ doon?” “Yes,” sald the lawyer; “but she way marry again, Won't you make iny change in that case? Most peopie do.” “Ah, weel, write again, and say: If my wife marry again I give and be quenth to her the sum of £200 a year.’ That'll dae eh?” “Why, that's just she would have double the sam had if she had re said the lawyer “Aye,” paid the Scotsman, “but him that takes her wull deserve 1.” POPULAR MUSIC What ¢ COngre aati The lullab Minister- please our Organist Obtigations. Debt could not spoil this With irritating chat ter each could say. “1 And thereby end the jife 80 gay cannot pay, matter Finished Cornet] st. “Fred Jenks is sour neight r now, man while eal} fend one even ng " remarked a iid you say?’ Jenks i cornetist.” Who did it? Had No Reproaches. Wife—Don't you think it's a me to he ye to church every Sunday? Hub-—-0h, 1 don’t know doing Something. Worse, understand Good shame aione Yon might be WORSE AND WORSE Sister—-1 wish you wouldn't butt in alien Charlie's here, you know how Lim. Bobble—That's what 1 told him, irresponsible Publication. The paper mark doth but deceive The eye that takes a squint You're not expected to believe All that you see in print A Little Christening. Customer-—Waiter, do you call this oyster soup? Why, the oyster In It isn’t big enough to flavor it! Walter—He wasn't put in to flavor it, sir. He's just supposed to christen it. A Real Performance. “They keep two servants” “1 wonder how they do it? I have difficulty getting one to stay longes How Benedict Saw It. She—~When we were married you sald 1 was the sun of your existence. He—Well, you do make it pretty hot for me sometimes, ‘ Long Time Between Meals. Housewife—] don’t believe you've washed yourself in the last year. Tramp—You are right, lady. I wash myself only before 1 eat. ” Papa and Mis Flivver, “What's the trouble? “The dar won't run” “What's the matter? “Pa's been fixing It again” VEGETABLE LOVE