PENNSYLVANIA STATE ITEMS Jeddo.— Experienced conl miners from the Ruhr section of Germany ar- rived here and will be given work at the collieries of the Jeddo Highland Coal company, oid | Butler—Aged women of the Mrst English Lutheran church are to have a home with an initial expenditure of $40,000, according to the will of Heury Relber, an oll and gas operator, who died here sereval weeks ago. They are to be housed In the Relber home- stead, a valuable property well adapt- ed for such purposes, Pittsburgh. Frank lola by shooting hlinself committed in the in which his wife and an infant son York.—~Mrs. Nora Bush, aged 052, pointed buck deer was found by Charles Stoudt io his corn fleld, with a fight with a superior buck. Lewistown.—The W. C. T. U. has asked donations of money to provide county almshouse. Tyrone.—8Standing on the Pennsyl- vania raliroad tracks here waiting for a freight traln to pass, Jozeph CC. Welsh, a brakeman, was killed by a Hight engine, Connellsville —Run down by an au tomoblile as he alighted from a West Penn street car, at Eighth street and lelsenring avenue, to adjust the trol ley, Conductor William Manges, Connellville, was Painfully injured and Mr, almost and Mrs lifelong Danville. Lawrence, William residents, Carlisle.— The Cumberland County as the highest ten-cow aver. butterfaut during November, car. Motorman Harry Ford heard Manges scream and ran to him just in time to see the. driver run to his machine, hop In and dash away. Huntingdon.-—A small balloon re- leased at Huntingdon County Agrieul- ture * Fair. August 31, last, by Fred Snare, of McConnellstown, was found on a shock of corn In a fleld of J. W F. Cooper, near Wyoming, Delaware county, having traveled about miles. Phoenixville.—Joseph Monarek com mited suicide while mending an um. brella. When two of his children re turned from they found their father had strangled himself with a strap. He was on th. floor, with the broken strap around his neck. Mrs Monarek was out working and man was alone in the house. He had been sick and unable work fo about twe years. Uniontown. —County authorities who investigated the death of Peter A Dobrish, aged 50, found dead in home at Tower Hill No. 2, that he was robbed und with a coal pick, which he used mines. Coroner Baum found the sharp pick with hlood, school io his decided then xian in the both points covered with that with one indicating the victim had hacked first with the Dobrish heen then that point ar 1 ather it is believed wis robbed of about STHiKx) Uniontown State troopers $ members of the police force of Po Marion ged battle engaged uiiners ' fi pistol fight After wit alle running Haff Va and Lowe, of rum the captured Ww (ioorge Mol ee, of John Molisee and Cascade, W. Va, ¥ Ra: iTkes-Barre Morgantown, with two anto 1 fift of moonshis After in oll ir an el whom AI W tress soa kes Ons 1 Wyoming In wif . Ww ith Mich Dn house Chile school saw tree on the man had Altoona TX) repl edge used his | After es the Citizer executive committees has an t first prize of 220 in Miss garet Laramy, daughter of R. E my. Ci : s3lel ¢ g0 to superintendent of thie schools, for the best five rule the hest flve the motorists and rules cilldren in of Second prize, $10, went to Miss Betty and third prize, 235, Miss Louise Seidel. The contest to all school children in Altoona. Uniontown.—Called to the front door of his home, CC. E mander of De La Loma Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, was presented with an envelope containing $50 toward the interest safety Endress, to giver sald the money was a Jpresent from the Ku Klux Klan. A= the result of a week's canvass the veterans have raised more than $3000 and, as thes aiready had about $8000, a first pay- ment of 310,000 soon will he made. Harrishurg.~The collections of the auditor general's department for the period from December 1, 1022, to the close of business, November 30 1023 Af period corresponding to the fiscal year in force in the past amounted to $, or $5,000,000 more than was collected during the fiscal year of 1922, York.-—Miss Harriet V. Furby, now at Palm Beach, formerly of Toronto, a trained nurse, has entered sult for $40,000 against the Pennsylvania rall- road for Injuries sustained following a wreck at Brillhart station, five miles south of York, on June 7. Miss Furby was a passenger on the train and in- stantly assisted the Injured. Return. ing to her conch from the work, she stepped through the trestle, falling thirty feet. The Injuries, which she sustained, confined her to the York Fospital, a hospital at Toronto and various other Institutions, her claim sets forth, Greensburg. -—- An undetermined amount of money deposited In the poor boxes in the Church of the Most Holy Sacrament was stolen. Hazleton. ~