Wik Bea sib Hg uP a SR a a, gn —— wn a” oma ‘ LOCAL AND PERSONAL Anna Hettinger, of Spring Mills, will spend the winter in Middleburg with Mrs. Shuman, McCoy Thanksgiving season at with Mr. and Mrs, John C. is spending the Mifftinburg Rossman, Miss Emma Chelistmas services in the local Re- formed church will be observed Sun- day evening, December 23rd. 7 o'clock. A Moller pipe organ was installed in the Presbyterian church, State College, the first recital on it having been giv- en Sunday. Mrs, Amelia King. of Centre Hall, and sister, Mrs. Morris Furey, of Belle- fonte, will.eat their Thanksgiving din- ner at Pittsburgh with their brother, H. W. D. English? The Mibheim ‘high school team suffered a crushing defeat hands of the Bellefonte Millhedm's soore stood 61-0, football at the high team, on : grounds. Saturday. The H. E. Foust, Joseph Carson, Blaine Palmer, Harry Foust and Charles Foust are carpenters from Potters Mis who construction been enguged in at State College —- AMoona, have work Bruce Stahl, of came to Monday ing the time chasing game, Centre Hall on and is spend- course, expects to get his share to take back home with him. There fuse for a are two things no one will re- Christmas present. One 18 a Centre Reporter subscription for one or more years, the other an automo- bile—any make and model, Centre date March 18, 1924, because of some mistake on the H. E .Bhreckengast, east of Hall, gives that has been changed to Tuesday. notice hig sale part of the auctioneer in booking the date, Miss Sarah Zettle, of Potters has been working Belj telephone exchange in Centre Hall She got her trafhing in the Srping Millg exchange when the Zettle family at that place. A Christmas service in the Latheran on Christmag evening. church, Centre an churches at Spring Georges Valley services will be ren- dered the night before Christmas Mrs. Harry E. has been in the Reish, of Centre [all Geisinger hospital for two weeks undergning treatment. Hee Krape, of hospital on Batur- mother, Mra. A. P. Centre Hall, went t, the remained over with day and Sunday her. Last sad: week's New Bloomfieldd Times James E. Stewart. who was op- erated vn in Harrisburg kest Thursshay and had his right jeg taken off just below the knee, ie getting along nicely. we are told. His many frends hope for ois return home and that he may en- joy health for many years, Mrs. George BL Mealtsm of Colyer, while at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roy Martz, in Lewistown, was stricken ill with diphtheria and for a mather serie condition. but is now a time was in reported ne being improving. Mr Mains, who 8 at his home at Colyer, is also ill and during the past week was confined to bed for a part of the time, Although last Friday was dn excep- fonally bad day for a public sale it did not seem to effect prices ag the sale held by Prof. W. 0. Heckman, south of Centre Hall. It was a dlean-up stock and farm equipment sale. The ample- ments. tractor and tools sold at very fair prices. Hogs did not go so well, but the cows and young cattle passed at good prices, If any of our farmer friends find a bunch of stray chickens, ¢ ducks and geese, they can discover a “witlin ng own- er in Max Herr, who digressed a bit In his gine of business. The coop the poul- try had been given as un room tumbled from the truck. above Tussey - ville, and Max had gone a considerable distance before it wag discovered. On retrdoing the coop was found, but empty. state 8. E. Brown, of near Potters Mla has annually for some time been fur- nishing headquarters for a number of hunterg from Coatesville, and they are now there to join in the hung to begin Saturday morning. The party consists of Messrs Willis Townsman, Howard and James Stanly. On Monday these three accompanied by Mr. Brown and his two sone. Malcolm and Harry, went down Bald Eagle valley ty, hunt wild Mrs. Johy, H. Knorr Mrs. Milton Bradford. Mra, Paul Bradford and Mrs Robert Meeker joined the Washington excurdion, Saturday evening, but on ‘reaching Baltimore they left the ex- cursionists to spend the day with Mes, Harry Hipple and Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Franke, in that efty. The tter excurwionist is a eister-inlaw and the others are sisters of Mra Hipple. and Mrs. Franke. Others who made up the excursion party from here were lsac Emery, Ernest Frank, Jefferson Blok, John Stack, George Auman, Har- ry Confer, Mis Ruth Smith, LUUAL AND PERSONAL. Banks will be closed today (Thanks- BOCCer auio | Cenire Hall high school went by | fuesdny afternoon, and that place by a 1-0 score. Ethel Mills. a stenographer in the the Kerlin Grand is suffering from a severe case of Mins Hettinger, of Spring office of Farts grip parents. As soon View Poultry at the howe of her as she is able to do so she will return tn her work here. Thanksgiving services in the Re- formed church in Mil by the Rev. F. H the Lathemnp heim. conducted Daunbenspeck, and in church in Aaronsburg 1 conducted by the Rev. J. 8. Hollenbach | on Thanksgiving Dav evening at 7:00, : ( Offering for the Law Fund of the W, © LX. Enforcement ( Rev, Wiison P. Ard, lellefonte pastor of the Lutheran church, Wis ® Bi- {* ig pponker at a meeting of the Mea's ble Clnad of the loc! Lutheran duy-school, 'm Tuesday evening Ard is a fluent speaker and was able |} to greatly interest hades hearers the t 3 topic, “The Measure of au { A buck deer was reg Potters Mills one some bird hunter deer taki down on road where a pool of blood formed It re- gained sufficient strength to the wohads, and although traced for some stance by parties the following day, it wis not found ( LOCAL AND PERSONAL, Starting Saturday, December 1st, both bankg in Centre Hall will be open closed on Haturday afternoon and Miss Elizabeth of State Col- #slenog- Jackson, position as offices of the Poultry Farm. A added in accepted a Kerlin third a month, View Diankd Delaney of Pittsburgh, 8 ' & week or ten days among residing neal Hall, entre He is an employee of the Street Raflway in Mw. Walter M. Ker¥in, of Cincinnati thio, is visiting among friends in Coens and is now in the Milthelm Fetrdct. She made the trip east witn me of her brothers who drove from : . entre county to the southern Ohio a onr, just received several carloads of Cannel Coal and Sof Coal; i have 1 + Hiss One arioad Buckwheat cosmid, and Chestnut arrive, this week, lefore making your coal purchases for he winter get my prices-9you. can HAVE BOmMe money .—A. M HOVE, Spring Mills. Pa. 2tp MI MP A Tn. Bus at Your Serviee The Dodge bus, used on the mall is at our service at any time trips—day or night, at the mosi comfortable riding advur The organizers of this bank had In ors, and for that reason asked for a easy matter to secure Is favorable and all other regulations We hear people say, “What's the ing a statement.” in Natlonal Banks. Third Federag There have heen Reserve Disiriet sinee come Into the bank where you deposi good, that all loans are per cent of its {Continued next The National Government nants to We pay 8 per cent. compound Int mind thelr responsibility to deposit. National charter. It is not an obtained only if his been complied with, after =» report have ise of examining a bank or publish. depositors no National Bank fallures In the the organization of the Federal Hee some une t and see that all the securities are Excessive loans protect the depositors, sa do we Bank erent on Savings Accounts. way of comfort an quality, at a low price. FETTEROLF’ Bell Prone. “Worth the Money”’ d S GARAGE | op A RE ERR, WANTED. Men 01 women to tak J Transfers of Real Estate. { orders among {riends od neighbors for Flimira BR. Gramley to Roy Held, he genuine guaranteed hosiery, full ines for tract in Millhelm. $315. { men, women and children, Eliminates darn {ing. We pay 81 an hour for spare time or $40 | a woek for full time. Expebence unnecessary, i | it i [AMES W. SWABB JUSTICE OF THE PEACE pass HALL, CENTRE OO. PA. Wills, &¢, written and en | - {1 Deeds, Mortgages, “GOLD IN Vis HEAD" | scuted with cars. "All legal business prom promptly | is an acute attack of ivusss Lnarrh, | | sttended to, Hpecial stiention given Those subject to frequent “oolds in the | | bi ting of Eaten. ti “ » LAcuuo., a | | | write, INTERNATIONAL. BTOCKING MILL , | Norristown, Pa. oilpd | i Feed and Coul—Just In, head’ will find that the use of HALL'S \ : ! | CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the Blanks opt 06 hand We have just unloaded the TOHOWINE | gugtem and render them less Hable to dependabde feeds, and i used Sol Repose attacks of Acute Ca- i iT ys Know you wiil rr may lead to Chrdnic Catarrh them in the past we know you ¥ HALL'S CATARRI MEDICINE is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous surfaces of the | Bystem, thus reducing the infliunmation and assisting Nature in restoring normal you have WO TO-NIGHT for loss of appetite, bad bresth, costed tongue, biliousness, Without griping or nesses CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS Set your liver right—onaly 25¢ be wanting more! BUGARED SHUMACHER FUL-O-PEP DRY MASH; . 13 ENS cs conditions, FUL-O-PEP GROWING MASH; All Druggists. Circulars free. SCHUMACHER BCRATCH GIIAINE, ¥. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. DAIRY RATION. We have also just unloaded several carloads of all fine-grade COAL~CAN NEL, PUNXSUTAWNEY and PEA FEED; BOSS The Centre Reporter, $1560 a year. Cet our prices on coal and found be ~~ [CLOTHING WEEK at Kessler’s Cortley, L & M System and R and E Suits For Men and Young Men. Your work You can't do” gobd work when your head throbs, your back aches or you're tortured by rheumatic, sciatic or monthly pains. Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills. relieve pain quickly, safely and without un- pleasant after effects. Your druggist will sell them to you at pre-war prices. Regular package — 25 | doses 25 cents. Economy package — 125 doses $1.00. New Numbers of Douglas Shoes--Just In. Brushed Wool Sweaters ind Nifty Pair of Knickers New Ladies’ Coats of high lustre, Bolivia With fur collar. & a— ——————— Kessler’s Department Store MILLHEIM “Hats Trimmed Free'' AS DAILY NUMBER OF LOCAL TELEPHONE CALLS IN PENNSYLVANIA 1919 — 1923 LF = rar - - - ood S00 0M 1005000 BOC ome “000 NUMBER OF MESSAGES DAILY The Service Muct Go On The addition of $30,200,000 worth of new equip- ment to our plant in Pennsylvania in one year is a stupendous undertaking. Switchboards, cables, wire,—the elements which make up the telephone system,—are living things, alive with conversation. While new telephones are being connected, while switchboards are being enlarged, while wire and cables are being added, there must be no inter- ference with the service of our 800,000 telephones already in service in Pennsylvania. The Bell System in this state is being expanded with staggering amounts of new telephone equipment. The plant must keep pace with the traffic, which ie now 3,800,000 calls a day. [If is estimated that in 1924 this volume will increase to 4,200,000 calls per day. . But there are no “growing pains”—no evidence tc the user of the service that back of his telephone in the Central Offices, in the streets and along coun- try roads, millions upon millions of dollars are being added. The Bell Telephone Company - A