Hall's Catarrh Medicine will do what we claim for it~ rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarth, Sold by druggists for over 40 years F, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio My Picture on Every Packate P.D.Q. PD. Q. a chemical (not an insect powder) that will ac- tually rid a house of Bed Bugs, Roaches, Fleas and Ants with its proper use-—impossi- ble for them to exist as it kills thelr eggs as well and thereby stops future generations, A 35¢ package makes a quart, Pres patent spot In every package. to get them 3 the ard-to-get-at places, cial Hospital size, £2.00, .. es gallons, Your druggist has it or can get it for you. Malled prepald upon receipt of price by the Ow! Chemical Works, Terre Haute, Ind. 0 Jose ph's 8) rAd Cz SUDDEN TAN po Pa There no for an unjust sufficient slander, i= Cuticura Soap for the Complexion. Nothing better than Cuticura Soap daily and Ointment now needed to make the complexion clear, Add to Cuticura Talcum, cuticura Tollet and you have Open for Two Hundred Years. Westminster hospital, nated tro ym an infirmary ing the sick and needy,” is subscription hospital will shortly time =00 years fi ful which origil- the oldest in London, and in repairs. it esta 1 blished in Petty apel street, and aft About 1530 cts of St. Pan pre sont clita 11 sits i ies street. iis He areiale i gned des nster One Worse. Poor Henry Peck by a motorcar and thoug about fright was not injured “Well, Henry.” had rushed to never in you eh?” “Oh “When “The day I ghed.—Cincinnati ened out wi you re scared, a friend “1 Were mo 10 his a ir life d, guess yes T was” mn was that?” asked hi irmu red Henry, s friend Henrietta,” he Enquirer, married i 8 will not soften it. ‘Made (01311 of wheat and barley scientifically baked 20 Supplies Vitamin-B Ese B01 11152) Sl I How can Grape:Nuts TR GIES a wonderfully appetizing, J C1100 food ? WT a rrr THE Cnr REPORTER. NEGLECTED GENIUS NE of the best-known of modern poets, {ll and destitute after a life time of toll, announces cheerfully that he Is emphatically not a neglected genius, True, he has no money, but it was not money that he worked for. His fame i8 perhaps not as great as his talent merited, but he did not work for fame. He worked for the joy of working, and that was enough. He looks back upon life feeling that | it brought him all that he could ask. Genius Is not neglected any more than diamonds are neglected, und for the same reason. This man, had he chosen, could now be comfortably sup- plled with money. We belleve that he should have been. Every man owes it to himself to gain Independence, and money means independence, Our poet's celeb rity could have been coloed into Something to Think About By F. 4. WALKER WITH FLYING COLOES YOU wish In your sphere of endeavor to reach a des | lmpor- | tance, press untiringly forward in all Let deter or when nor cold your purpose decided course attention to the sneers of the your firmiy fixed on your resolve and murch reso lutely abead, There will will exhausted, footsore our- aged; when opposing winds beat furl neither heat ou from once you have Pay no frivoious. your Keep tind be times when you be and dis sufliclent for depressing periods down and > + sole u see to lack make another and yi strength to ward. overtake awhile, step When these you, sit rest best Do with to get the x ’ ve ti mber tha to zi hos bhontanth Hose Deneptd Jou Ever reme essary we Dest. end t gruff words, Be uniformly cs Break ol Irte Judg- Us, Ok your neighbor, that vex your fettey v auma » perplexities to ail No one i f means can « are famili: valks of life. KC De ly is In righteous up to the ur ea fa Use your han your eyes to look overhead; ¥: zood ; your tongue and than yourself. than condemn, praise God encournge and cheer others less ¢ _ fortunate to Rather hold your Purge sour heart of covetousness te, a useless waste of only Envy is energy mischief and | enough cash to ease his old age, but if he preferred to neglect his oppor- tunities it is ‘nobody's business but bis own, It Is his absence of bitterness that is worth heeding. He has discovered, what every other man should discover, that no earnest effort is wasted. He has learned that people are only too ready to recognize genius when they find it, and to reward it when they recognize it, Indeed, so keen Is the hunt for genius that hundreds of near-geniuses grow prosperous in America as soon us they betray the least sign of talent, Publishers and producers hunt for men who can write. Great corpora- tions send out scouts for men with executive or engineering ability that Is beyond the comunon order. No musician who Is reaily gifted ever falls of an audience. And even industrious mediocrity will sometimes be mistaken for genius and bave riches thrust upon it. Cast the fear that you may be a neglected genius from among your If you are a genius somebody sou will have to hire gn office boy to keep people from 1 HG Even If you are not are likely to be wistaken that will not harm unless » yourself, Be for it will be hn Blake ) a for one, But you Cures you ok 1st IK ful not to do that, ® by 3 CENTRE HALL, PA. PERFECT DAYS ALWAYS By GRACE E. HALL HERE isn't a day in the whole round year That isn't a periect day; Measured and trued and printed with gold, It glides on its destined way; It 1s one of the gems that 8 FOU A pearl In life's necklace rare, And It hasn't a scar and it has™'t a mar-—— Unless you have made It there dven The sun cannot your life, the soft place; shine every But clouds have shine, woulu race; For the eves must bel old and the soul must feel ‘he peuce of these quiet grays, That soften the light and refresh our sight, After the burning rays. You weury in euch There Is beauty abundant for every need In every day of the year: If you cannot see it, you're deed, | For beauty | What ever your share i In the paintings of earth They are womlirous there's never Of chs (2 by bind In is ever near; lot, you may and sky; and na in worth ar a dearth fre » Arif the seeing eye, Dodd Mond & Compas iy.) 1 | M/liot 807 A DROW BAT: \ LENS Go LCR wn ASD Jom om eenTs Bach of the rain of The world cannot rem combined envy ag a blade of gress, kindly and tield you whole ove sand le trious owing or reaping. Nothing is impossible to the man woman do these and he and she will eventually every obstacle and march sphantly with flying colors to the sought destination. by Me Clare ite Newspaper Syn dicate ) Or grow charitable, in ntever indus. wi may be n or who elects to things; suripount triun long (BE 19823 7 or mT SOR ML i children were no more? dread the desert behind us | worse than the dark before. ———— if the DISHES FOR THE CHILDREN HE food that Is good for us is not always the kind we like; but the | following will be found acceptable to | most of the youngsters: i Luncheon Bread. | Mix two cupfuls of cooked, warm | wheat cereal with a teaspoonful of | salt, one-fourth of a cupful of brown sugar, one teblespoonful of shortening, | one-half of a yeast cake, wixed with | one-half cupful of milk scalded and | cooled to lukewarm; mix with the cereal, add three cupfuls of whole wheat flour and put another on the molding board. Knead until smooth. Put into a greased bow! and set to rise. When double its bulk cut down and let rise again, Then tut down and add one cupful each of ralsins, dates and nuts broken into bits. Shape in loaves, put into two bread pans and let stand until light, Bake 45 minutes, Let stand for 24 hours before cutting. Rice Pudding. Take a cupful of cold Lolled rice, two tablespoonfuls each of honey and shortening, one egg jo and four tablespoonfuls of cold water. Mix well, then add one cupful of pastry flour, two teaspoonfuls ot baking powder, a little salt, one-half teaspoon. ful of almond extract and one-fourth Dust the cur Beat well of a cupful of crrrants, rants with a little flour. 25% minutes. Serve hot with honey. ida, Western ya pape Union. Leia SAT] LOToS OF FOLWeS GET THE REP TATION FER BEING AWFUL PATIENT, WHEN THEY'RE JUST 700 DOGGONE LAZY T'BE ANY- THING ELSE! J ddd » A 7’ THE ROMANCE OF WORDS “POR K-BARREL" VV HEN ‘ 1 in the congressional midst discussion some measure which en- the expenditure of Iiarge sums of money in different parts of the country-~for example, the rivers and harbors Dbill—one member will denounce the bill ns a “poorly disguised pork-bar- rel”, the meaning is at once ap parent to anyone familiar with American. parliamentary slang, for it has come to be the accept: {3 ©d equivalent an attempt to secure public money for private ! or semi-private purposes. A “pork-barrel” measure. there fore, Is one which would enrich certaln districts at the expense of the public treasury, either hy providing for costly Improve ments or by spending money un- necessarily, To find the genesis of the phrase we have to go back to the earlier days of the republie, when the majority of the eit rens were farmers who, during the winter, were forced to lve on salt pork. If thelr supply wns adequate and their barrels well filled, they sald they bad no need to worry about a long. hard winter—the pork-barrel] would take care of them. In a similar, But more metaphorical sense, they now look to thelr congressmen to take care of them by securing at least a par tion of the “pork-barrel” legis lation, which will lead to profits on Inbor, land and supplies, (© by Wheeler Syndicate, Ine) upon talls of sess { Potrommorons. * Struggled Hard for Life, Strange evidence was given by the house surgeon at a Barrow (Eng) hos pital at the inquest of an eight-year old boy. The boy died from lockiaw caused by falling and cutting his wrist on a tin, The surgeon sald he died three times, He stopped breathing twice and animation was restored twice. The third time he stopped breathing It wae fing! ago. sacks. chemic sufficient quantid 27 states by 120 meant a investments with ment piants have through some st financing. 162 we in operation. financial, operating These are a few will tell something Adants Denver Birmingham Dies Moines Boston Detroit Helena Indianapolis Jacksouvilie empha Chacrgo Dalia ry“portland” cement. ies in every part of the plants. There is at least ts within shipping dis- low returns. been built or have gone age of construction or re completed and placed and marketing risks of that nearly 30 per cent {important facts about an of the important place ce- New York Parkersburg Philadeliphoa Putsburgh Portland, Oreg Salt Lake City San Francisco Seartle Se. Love Vancouver, B.C, Washington, D.C, Style E.71—Made from S$ 90 bright glazed kid- FosTiMD COMMON sense with rubber top lift- oak turned soles the foot. « Sizes 24 0 9. Send for Free Catalog Boy, the Anatomical Chart. Divorce report——"Mrs., Snyder told the court that her husband hit her in { the bakery and broke her gas range” | ~Roston Transcript. Admitting a mistake enables others to see it more plainly, FOR INDIGESTION : ELL-ANS 25¢ AND 75¢ PACKAGES Northrop & Lyman Ea Style E96 hd S its brilliant kid ey upper-—no seams v4. ToT over the tender toe joints — its flexible J turned oak sole—is a srescription for Happy ect, yet it has all the | chic style 80 necessary | in Miladies footwear. i Widths C.D, E & EE; Sizes 214 to 9. P.O. os 6 SIATIONY DEPT. 10 N.Y. CITY. RE REE I oe to keep your - how to care for him BA Result of 35 years’ experi. | Postal brings 300 free samples direct from mill, 14c¢ an ounce. Old Colony Mills Manayunk, Phila. INDERCORNS Removes Corns. Tm and ng 25 QUT Tis OLY is i “ae , en ie to x -., Fourth Ave, Pittsburah, Pa. Yoo will receive By retarn mail the fret-ald doctor In heads aches, navraigia, a's wohow and Piine, Aue to any vasse, Your home shotla never be without Header Remedy tables wid RAVE You any Actor bi bifle—non habit a Fil, YEE EVE WASH ana | RENT BRE hosih wi me i. | ¥ Lyme 10F | Satatonne. war 4 Iw NU, re NO. 35-1928,