T0 RELIEVE PAIN AND BACKACHE Women May Depend upon Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- ¢ table Compound lis, Minn.—*‘1 had heard so a eup Lydia E. Pinkham’e Ve ; thing to relieve my pains and backache, and to help build me I be to take t. had been sick off and to { tr and i a ay but now I the Vegetable Compound to every one.’ —Mrs. J. J. BIEBER, 8939 18th Ave. South, Minneapolis, Minn. Finds a True Friend “Every woman who values her health should be d to have a true friend like the table Com ”’ says Mrs. W. ES gaw, 8227 Walnut Street, Chicago, Hina "] had female weak- ness 80 af badiy tat I could not stand oh feet. of my time was spent in bed and 1 had Say back which were un 1 tried ¢ ev: ing 1 could think of to lpm self, and whena friend advised Lydia E nkhan's s Veg: tabl agan g ita Jp al it without heals tation.” Stearns’ Electric Paste §8 recognized as the guaranteed exterminator for Rats, Mice, Ants, Cockroaches and Waterbugs. Don't waste time ing to kiil these pests with powders, liquids or any experimental preparations, Ready for Use—B8etter than Trape 202. box, ie 18012. box, $1.50 soLo EVERYWHERE ar rn STHMA REMEDY THE BIG 4 Stomach-Kidneys-Heart- Liver Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly taking the world’s standardremedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles— MDM ROP'S 5 ed —— Z EXITOS TE Ta The Na ay . BA ait for centuries. At all druggists in three sizes. Guaranteed as represented. Look for the name Gold Medal on every box and accept no imitation Comfort Your Skin With Cuticura Soap and Fragrant Talcum Seap Z5¢, Ointment 25 snd 58c, Taleam 25¢. Kill All Flies} ™HRY SPREAD — oan’t spill or tip ever. will not soil ar infors saythi LER AlS PLY KIL EXPRESS. 2s. presald :y Fx - ERS. 150 bAve., y NE A Paradox, “What was the m yon did? 4 Life Help That Achy Back! Are you dragging around, day after day, with a dull, unceasing backache? Are you lame in the morning; bothered with headaches, dizziness and urinary gsorders? Feel tired, irritable and discouraged? Then there's surely something wrong, and likely it's kid ney weakness. Don’t neglect it! Get back your health while you can. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Doan's have helped thousands of ailing folks. They should help you. Ask your neighbor! A Virginia Case Mrs. G3. 8. Grein- 188 W. Main Salem, Va, “My back a great share of the time and I was often dizzy when aris Ing in the morn- ing. My kidneys didn't act right at all. 1 started to take Doan's Ji Kidney Pills and one box gave me splendid relief. Finally the pain left ana my kid- neys acted naturally again” fot Doda'y st ay Bove, B06 4 Pott DOAN’S =pney POSTER.MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. Rub thing easy ost diffienit ever payments” made A WILLFUL WINNER By CLAUDIA MAY FERRIN (©, 1923, by McClure Newspaper fSyndicate.) | ew weeks Irvin Phelps had been fostering courage—bullding hopes secretly, tempting fate literally. He was about to attempt an old-time feat; but an obstacle race lay between him and the goal. He had known Lora Denham since the opening day of the season, when the two had entered the lists as em- ployees, The wonderful lady handled the nickels and dimes squandered at the sky-high roller-coaster, As for himself, he was boss of a water-mill ar- rangement, collecting tickets and start- ing boats off down the make-believe millrace. Every pay-day added five dollars to his bank account. [It re. mained for the coy Lora to add the word that would make him a rich man, His one daily aggravation was the fact that he could not see Lora's eage- like booth, nor get a glimpse of her ex cept when the lunch hour freed the two. She was a indy of many acquaint. ances—a fact that need not have per except that he, breezes en school for a the beach his quaint, water-mill Idea. A sisterly of Latin verb days, out One morning to " mean She introduced and explained The gentleman at her elbow the seemingly familiar wonderful, to find yon “Irvin—Mr. Phelps, 1 “How mill!” Her presumably, to emphasize “You do the rush dally, “A big companion was I suppose?” “Can prove It by the tickets we shov up. Step in! Off to the By-by I" The of wilds you go. eye the manager few his utmost one words must be He was struggling the weighty. bring it that return to sequence great must of school-day Alice journey was so enthusiastic over her forthwith pur I To Irvin inter companion round-trip schedule seemed He braved the side-view at titude of the man higher up and whis pered : “1 luncl See you then?” he 1 at the pavilie 12:30 did not n that a fourt Neild Lora of was a conundrum as whomsoever of an expla party er could Alice's to to it and duction, to he dec ide existence. ipprise the how intro feat wit There , After all, he move he could hazard, to accomplish the out mspicnous his intent fear that Any would mean a Was a gnawing should lose Lora tlevise the least. When the one rived, trance say moment of the day ar made en “coaster” gate, another to misery ac as winsome the instant when he at the was sdded was lora, pang the te There jut she was chatting through her cage bars, as business took itz fitful turns caller Allee’s escort As ever was i their visit The racing cars above made It Im to hear, or to guess what acquaintances merely, or sweethearts of yesterday. or cousins, ar neighbors Iora appeared Intensely happy: he could not say that he was glad. He lurked behind a confectioner's hooth, te wait. Not long after, the twe made axit, most probably te keep the appointment with him He ap proached Lora's cage from the side op posite. Her smile of welcome was af gravating-—extremely, “It is such a rellef te give np the handling eof another's money, for awhile. Business Is flourishing. How ahout the water-mill “Grinding along, as usual” much the same. “By the way, | have arranged for you to meet a high school friend of mine. It is class day send-off.” “You are not so old as that-—don’t pretend to be.” She was most vivacious Her gayety deepened his agony, every moment, As they neared the pavilion, Irvin's His only resource seemed n aisles. To delay ithe meeting meant that he might keep Lora for himself so much the longer Somegne waved a kerchief, from out the shadows of a beach shelter. Lora responded, to his chagrin, It was Alice ~and the man he dreaded. They had to wait, ‘Do you knoy her?” "No—1 know him. Now, which of us shall do the honors of Introduction? The man is a ‘brother of my brother inlaw, and has brought news of the dearest sister in the world.” Handy Device for Motorists, Intended to hold clothing, hats and other articles, a double lining stelp to be strung immediately under the auto top, has been Invented. There are three compartments in the space between the bottom and top strips fo clothing and wraps, while stmps along the under side of the sections are d« signed to hold hats, In addition there are four convenient pockets for odds and ends, Folegrams pi; AR a result of the incessant’ venience which the motorist Inventive genius has frequently changing troubles, A new and s simple to operzie device, rim, perm one minute. It joss of time, and general incon of tires becomes necess toward the elimination of lock, Is applicable in the speedy time ary. tire- the Lever to Re of illogical Method of “Honking” Serious Menace to Safety of Traffic. That the automobile he importan? as Dhrgkes in the prevention of motor accidents Is 8 fact which ap few drivers recognize t 13) hg vers aceording to a bulletin on this su issued by f Motor are many ton es No Mot sre the horn a the National There ont tl ne must points tiongl ation, whe ne Bn: hat without mod he relled up in using it good iudg ment the driver cannot hope for favorahla resulis Ihe tin says further Disregard for Horn, Horning it Is reveals animal Instinct torist it as a signal of ing just as though he car were entitied to spe ne WINE as practices ent, sex doom dent reports analyzes Mote that such at driver encoun tallation and gaRociation the ile of re itude on the rages an attitn disinelina the part pedestrians they take of the way Th part of tion to of other with their mo the re nhout he that time ng sut sult gett! is may if te the extent that he will change his wise endanger himself. There are oc. eanlons when It is better net 1s use the hora at all Fer mest purpsses a moderately jong blast of the horn, sounded from a sultahle distance, In ta he preferred either Impatience or inexperience. (a either of which pedestrians or other matorista will foolishly pay less niten Suspicion of Loud Blast If the horn is sounded loudiy and too soon, the driver will be under ton Motor ng the does not Ax discovered by National suhiect. the average driver results from his tight situa upon 100 horning per cent There are many warning of the horn, ical response, upon the jent. re If any motorist res to discover just how dependent he is upon effec on some day He will fall back of driving through traflic without resorting to the horn find that he is obliged rather heavily upon his steering. {to ————— en PROPER USE OF CAR BRAKES Driver of Automoblie Should Learn to Judge Distance and Allow Machine to Coast, An operator of an automobile should rarely use his brakes, except for un emergency stop or on a hill. Learn to fudge the distance, and nilow the car to const to the point where the stop 14 to be made. ‘This saves the hrake lin Inge and jointa In the brake mechanism, 80 they will last almost indefinitely PLAN FOR BUILDING TANK FOR GASOLINE Fuel Can Then Be Obtained at Wholesale Price. Gasollr hand I'his is An Old Oil Drum Serves as a Tank fer This Home Garage Filling Sta. tien, sround it to held A cylindrical upper section with a conleal cover Is made from galvan iron, riveted to the upper fiange of the drum. which is provided with a hasp and padiock. A section of this upper a deor. There is apace in the hood The pump is of the type used for in is naed farce the gasoline from the tank by increas the air pressure within It hose connects with the line se! into the tank with the lower end an inch or twe above the bottom. The filling cap is fitted with a gusket to prevent any ismkage of air KRovern! modificat] are possible, the tank ontside the garage for and gas corner can be adlusted to each Fred T. An Popular Science to ons of this method one of is to burs and run a convenient The problem individua! requirement. deraon the Monthly AU TOMOBILE pipes air into of § in Stop and look In fact « so» fonk twice, Never from the permit left-hand doors of the car. . s » passengers A Iarge majority are directly traceable to system. the ignition r - . The heat way to keep the car look. ing new ie to have it varnished every six montha, - - . Weak valve springs can cante end leas trouble in promoting poor engine operation . * 0 to to ht The spare oupht he covered protect it from 1™ 2 effects of sunii and heat, «so» If nn motor is suliect to eonelderahle vibration there 18 danger of the bolts coming loose at the base, Clergyman Delivers Special Which the Youthful Members of His Flock Can Understand. bitterest palatuble medicine Can and Even the put into a lowed, pellet swal byterian clerg Httle 15 of his flock, Philadelphia I know a Pre VInan SOTINONS the boys und gir ‘Grirard writes In the Inquires a ten-uinute sermon # story they nd Then out of the church they go can undersia distressed by the ionger an ermon which he preaches of the church ” you ash + us n doubled rensoned the elders “What result In the short t this he has of ine more thn tendance young alder ones Trained at Princeton, this the right As Aspirin Say “Bayer nile package or on 1g the scribed B% YOU see the name tablets ' Bas er Hine years and Don't on Forget Cuticura wi An exquis ng and other perfumes ely on it Trio (Soap oe each adding to yo folie te face skin bab rene You powder perfume, superfluous because ane o Ointment and Tal Advertisement mn everywhere « Most Valuable Land The duke of Westin World. owns the heart of Londm and COuTse, n insier The of in overed and rents hima $15,000,000 a vear. The wit} family before London As it the land were erected Became a8 « grew and crowded on the it hui ity ACres was not sold in and rented Preparation, are you stds elgn languages? Ing in New York™ ‘Why these inking of ing all “I'm ti ny. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION Hot water Sure Relief 254 AND 75¢ PACKAGES EVERYWHERE Clear Your Complexion with This Old Reliable SULPHUR COMPOUND Por pimples, black-heads, freckles, blotches, and tan as well as for more serious face, scalp and body eruptions, hives, eczema, etc. use this scientific compound of sulphur. Az a lo tice, it soothes and heals ; taken internally a few drops in a glass of witer—t gels at the root of the trouble and purifies the blood Physidans agree that sulphur is cle of the most effective blood purifiers a Me member. a good complexion isn't skin deep {t's health deep. Be sure to ask for HANCOCK SULPHUR COMPOUND. 1 has been used with satis factory results over 28 years, 60c end $1.20 the bottle at your druggist’s. Hf he can’t supply you, send his pane and the price In stamps and we will send you a bottle direct. HANCOCK LIGUTID SULPHUR COMPANY mote, Md Hancock Sulphur Com nl yor end Cox the Lygwid Compound Balt wud Ont Bad Breath Is Usually Due to Constipation When you are constipated, igh of Nature's lu- not eno bricating liquid is produced in the bowel to keep the food waste soft and moving Doctors pre scribe Nujol be ts like this natural t and thus secures reg iar bowel! movements by Nea lubrication cause It ac aprcan ture's own method— Nujol is a Jubricant—npot = icine or laxative—so0 cannot Try it today. med gripe. thot at Tay O%x BE CLSACARTo OT A LAXATIVE You Walk in a to If you Shake Into Your Shoes some Alien’s Foot-Ease, the Antiseptic, g powder for shoes he pinch or hat a It takes the friction from oe and gives instant relief to corns tired, aching, che vs, hot, swollen, rs and callouses. can wear shoes aller ng Allen's Foot-Ease in Soid everywhere. Trial pack age and a Foot-Ease Walking Doll sem post Free. Address Allen's Foot-Ease, Le Roy, N. Y. one size Cac ch shoe. -~ $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 Per Night MERCHANTS HOTELS and LUNCHROOM 230 Light St. —10 and 12 N. Liberty St. ENS BROS. Baltimore, Maryland HEALTH How to get and retain. Full particulars free. ZENDEJAS INSTITUTE Los Angeles, Cal. {| Use Dr Them n'y Ryewater Boy at vour drogeiel 's of Teor. 5. Y. Booklist -- 1623. cost, materials. o media AE Ae