NERVOUS WOMAN COMPLETE WRECK Tells How She Was Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Indianapolis, Indiana.— ‘Now I want to tell you just what me to take your medicine. It seemed that I had some kind of weak- ness so Hat] Sould not carry a child i full time. The last time I was troubled this way I had a ner- vous breakdown and ‘lwas a complete jwreck. The doctor thought I would not live, a if I did that —d | would never be well and strong again But I told them I was going to get well, that I was not going to die just then. My husband got me Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound and I took six bottles of it. I soon got strong again and had three more children. ve recommended the Vegetable Compound ever since, and if you could see me now ou would think I had always been well.’’—Mrs. MARY F. HERRICK, 234 Detroit St., Indian- apolis, Ind. pectant mothers and should be taken during the entire period. It has a gen- eral effect to strengthen and tone up the entire r may work in every respect effectually as nature intends. Grippe Physicians advise keeping the bowels open as a safe- guard against Grippe or Influenza, When you are constipated, not enough of Natgre's lubricating liquid is pro- duced in the bowel to keep the food waste soft and moving. Doctors prescribe Nujol because it acts like this natural lubricant and thus secures regular bowel movements by Nature's own method—Ilubrication. Nujol is a lubricant—not a medicine or laxative—so Sannot gripe. Try it today. Death only a matter of short time, Don’t wait until pains and aches become incurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by taking OLD. MED, OLD M. oiL The world’s standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles—the National Remedy of Holland since 1696, Guaranteed. Three sizes, all druggists. Look for the name Gold Medal on every box and accept no imitation GREEN MOUNTAIN COMPOUND ing paroxysms 85 years and result experience in treatment throat and inng diseases b Dr. J. H. Guild. canaes, treatment, ete, upon request. 2c. and $1.06 st druggista. J. H. GUILD CO, RUPERT, VT i Try PISO’S Attonishing} Side ve Se all po pleasant—no 1 up LF dh I AREA CONSTIPATION Air's Coolest Time. At a height of one and a half miles In the air. the coolest time of the 24 hours is during the day instead of at night, as might be expected, Freshen a Heavy Skin With the antiseptic, fascinating Cuti- cura Taleum Powder, an exquisitely scented, economical face, skin, baby and dusting powder and perfume. Renders other perfumes superfluous, One of the Cuticura Tollet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum) Advertisement, A —— His Fix. “Try to be content with your lot.” “But I have no lot. If I had 1 would put a house on It.” Bios For 2 Fre Sl k Ee them Clear, sl UR INTERNATI Abel R. Kiviat, in the near future, York state. His case AAS Discovery of Rusie Captain Tarleton, U, 8S. A, r tired, tells of the discovery of a pitcher back in the dark days of the eighties, an Indian- apolis athletic club, sponsored an independent baseball team, This team was playing a club from Frankfort but was without pitchers, except the one who h worked the day hefore and com plained of a sore arm, One of the players sald the centerfielder could pliteh— that he saw him twirling on the lots an few The centerfielder pitched that knew nothing ever, upon the box. He fort team that hits and pitch. The player when y AAPA ALAA EEL EEE LEELA LEGA EEE EGBA GSE AE ad that fn game days before, he he How. ¥ sald game hut that of pitching. insistence. he ent out the Frank day with three scovered he could rg shut At was Amos Rusle, A RP FFT rT Trebor oot oases Yankees Sign Shays HERI ne John Suggs, with the southpaw Atlanta pitcher club of Champion collegian, League a youhg American Yankees, Suges is and the trading ted Sox. Yankee staff made vacant by of Lefty O'Doul to the — Obeyed Invitation of Cap Anson to Get Billiard Cues While Riding on Steamer, Old-time ball players took more strongly to billiards than those today, formers were produced, being Cap Anson and John Clarkson, superb pitcher, “Clarkson Iways was ready for a game on the green cloth,” said An- son one day. “I recall when we were leaving Boston on a boat by the Fall River line one night. John and I were gitting on the upper deck, and I sug- gested a little game of billiards, There was a bit of rivalry between us, and John was prompt in accepting the challenge, “qf you don’t mind I wish you'd go up to my cabin and bring down those two cues which are lying on the bed,’ I told him. John went in- side, and appeared promptly, lugging the two cases, “Then the whola gang gave him the laugh. ‘Whoever heard of plas. ing billlards on a river boat? they asked him. John was a wee bit peeved.” “COME-BACK” |? and American mile ch game, will attempt a co A. A. U. for req in a held In has been reinstated, Canadian, esting meet New Sporting Squibs of All Kinds Yale students may e ! for their ow . » » . W. Rog contract to coach tl wr has signe e¢ Princes team, % » * The ing a ¥ New York Civie is mak ¥ drive to abolish leigue EE Sunday ba J. A. 8p been elected captain Swiliinng team. Jack COliege, tract Ryder, has to continue Perhaps the becom and lies in ndency to business sthenia to neura big thus cease intercollegiate rowing April 21 to ty eight-oared decided over This season's year embraces 12 will ‘vars! be famed COUrses, . » who will keep fight present the Bos lea ie this ank L. merican Manager Fr the 100.000 swimn fa otar be a far The stru ture, it Is hoped, will be ready for use Season. Floyd Herman, firstsacker y» Bost in the Western He was this spring, hit for 16 inst season games for Omaha. *® - . Scout Mike Donlin of he has landed Jlack, the who stands height. the feves Chie "REO Six feet three Jean Dubuc was a hardhitting piteh- er in the majors and he is a hard- minors, lengue pitching in 124 games with inst year for 3051 Syracuse, a * » of Philadelphia's sporting features In one garages, are handball courts and a There will be hot and cold shower baths and locker, lounging and retiring rooms. Arnold Statz, speedy Chicago Cub outfielder, has been surprising follow- ers of the royal and ancient game by his splendid long drives and has made good in some of the Paclfie coast tournaments, where he has been play ing under the 80 mark. i Think They Can Act It Is recorded that John Bulllvan was proud of his Ing. job Fitzsimmons always thought he possessed great histrionle ability. Jim Corbett, who first went on the stage when he was heavyweight champlon, has been an actor ever since. Even Professor Muldoon, now boxing commissioner of New York, played the part of the wrestler In “As You Like It.” L. figts BRANCH RICKEY WON OVER DODGER PILOT Pitcher Pfeffer, Lefthander Had One of Best Seasons of His Long Career With Cardinals in 1922 Made Mistake With Lee Meadows, ap ean be clas ut libel- A malor He SW a blindfolded anybody lea ns lottery witho ing It is legal In b winner teh grab success or falilure, later, nager of the lsughing at E. Ebbets ber Robinson of the Bmooklyn "And why not? tickey excl and Harold during the did! but loger——well, aseball business, as to the and the it Is a sng ate result, exchange, wi not vii until months Branch Rieck *¥, ma Cardinals is sniffling Charles and perbas Didn't Ferdi for 18177 ange Janvrin ‘feller ner of Of o« And sumi nirss hie didn’t his iong prosperous seasons of with the Cardinals during 19227 And at the same time, move ¥ around the list of National be * 18 located with American can't done, Schupp City in associat Manager Branch Rickey. Pfeffer was the winning pitcher on Cardinals staff in 1922, winning 19 and losing 12 games, while with an earned-run average of 3.08 he sur artists as Alexander, MeQuillan and Grimes, Of course, there are other trades that are not on the right side of Branch Rickey's ledger. There was one of several years ago with the Phillies, when the Cardinals parted with Lee Meadows, Gene Paulette and a wad of coin for Eimer Jacobs, Frank Woodward and Douglas Baird. ' Rickey drew dead timber from the Philites, while Meadows today is rated in the £50000 class, passed such Meadows, of Harvard in His Annual Report to Faculty, A university golf course is suggested in the annual report of W. H. Geer, director of physical education at Harvard, “A university golf associa- tion,” the report says, “was recently organized to stimulate further inter. est in golf and to ralse money for the supervision gnd. construction of a university golf links. Such facilities made available to students, members of the faculties and officials of the university would make an important addition to the outdoor exercise equip- ment.” * GREAT HITTERS WERE GIANTS Angon, Brouthers and Connor Were All Over 8ix Feet—Stuffy Mcinnis Is Short, Many of the great ball players of the game years ago, especially the great hitters, were giants in size, like Anson, Brouthers and Connor. First basemen, for instance, were supposed to be six feet or over. And then came such freak firstsackers as Fred Tea. ney, small In stature, and Stulfy Me- Innis, not at all tall, and put a new finish on the play. } IT MAKES KIDS FAT AS BUTTER Builds, Tones and Strenghtens Them—Stops Coughing and Enriches Blood. BALTIMORE LADY SAYS ITS FINE FOR KIDDIES that will | fat as | art, 1%16 | “There certainly is one tonie make children strong, well, and butter,’ declared Mrs, Anna H Harford Ave., Baltimore, Md “The way 1 discovered it was ‘hildren had the whooping cougt were coughing so hard the would get black in the face They were so w sak | ind sickly I didn't known what to 4 on advise of others I bought a bottles of Hypo-Cod at the drug and 12 is wonderful 1 ne medicine would help children qu much. That Hypo-Cod strengthened them | 80 rilce thelr system threw oft th ! ing cough. By the time I had given three bottles their cough was gone and they were as robust and fat as butter Now I tell every mother I see who has weak, sickly children that Hj fod what they need.” contir led HH: s¥ ve uF when my They store, | smed 8 | ite go | ver dre whoop. them | YO ~ Mrs A AAR TI Instant relief from CORNS without risk of infection Bafely! Yes can end the pain of corns, in ons minute, Dr, Scholl's Zino-pads will do it, for they remove the couse fric Lon-pressure, and bea) the irritation, Thus you avoid infection from cutting your corns or using ¢ STORIE acids Thin, antiseptic; waterpro / Sizes for corns, callouses, Esco Get 8 box today ut your droggist’s or shoe dealer's, ’ Dr Scholls > Zino-pads Made in the laboratories of The Scholl Mig. Co, makavs of Dv Scholl's Foot Comfort Appliance: Arch Supports, ete, Put one onthe pain is gone! Thousands of "mothers il thelr nt } ren Hypo-Cod as a tone strong, well and hearty wholesome and good for them nuia on bottle) Hypo-Cod taste works quicker and costs mos the old-fashioned tonle Grandms litle boys and girls Hypo-Cod, It 1 Ther ari in medicin fren sickly \EeTOUN weather ng the wet, dur story 1 From a 1 moided face, sitely Grown eye were the oh aston of which the centra Hie } Trans ASTHMA Relief GUARANTEED Within 24 Hours! Free Trial Treatment! No Risk! Aspen Leaf Powders give full relief in 24 hours, from Asthma, Catarrh, Rose Fever, Hay Fever, etc. Sufferers get full night's sleep after first dose. Jreared from great physician's formula; in use 10 years; contains no hart or habit -forming drugs. Aspen Leaf Po We ders in capsules; full treatment $1.00. {FF Trial sample gives 24 hours’ treat- ment, enough to prove; sent free, post- paid. Write ASPEN LEAF POWDERS COMPANY Box 508 Cieveiand, Ohio SKIRT AND A SWEATER WITH “DIAMOND DYES” Each “Diamond Dyes” con ins directions so simple that any woman dye or tint faded, ahabby skirts, iresses, waists, costs, sweaters, stock ngs, hangings, draperies, everythi like sew. Buy “Diamond Dyes”'—no other tind-—then perfect home dyeing is guaran. even if you have never dyed before, ur druggist whether the material Ik, or whether cotton, or mixed goods. Dia Byes never streak, spot, fade, or So easy to use. —Advertisement. package of ng t is linen, Flavoring Roegquefort Cheese, Holes Le wd in loquefo rt ot by machin the mold t« desired Qavor Erg are there ery to admit grow, thus givi ig the \ubortant to Mothers Examine carefully eve ry bottle of "ASTORIA, that famous old remedy ‘or infants and children, and see that it ears the A 30 Years, letcher’s Castoria In Use for ver or Fl nust have to Remove Easily. reason why March . nearly everybody - ihers’s a t but happily there is wv tubes of night frockins ig ht w is the tir es the at] bE 3c & Eg DLT: ln 23 Des * s A CO, DETROIT ETI EYEWATER De. lssss Thompaon Thompaon Sons BOOKLET FREE Lo, 25 10--1823 if vou are dis land, if your present farms of Western Can where oats, dairy industry, less ambi trying to get al on h tion fails to give you oh priced a new chance in the fertile, virgin where wheat produces 20 to 40 1922 crop was biggest in history, fodder crops are the basisof a great him success and prosperity. In Western Canada you still can per acre, on long terms if desired, as has for many years alfalfa. had in on Taxes Favor the Farmer as Values Increase produced no war 8, etc.~jand such Wheat, cata, barley, land boom; prices are aay. ax. tye, . Rent Now—Buy Later Pay Out of Profits the producing former. The tax on land is reduced when it is brought under cultiva. tion—while on your buildings, machinery, improvements, personal property, automo. bile, thereis no tax at all. A single crop is | oF often worth more, acre for acre, than the | from cost of the land. TTS May For the and CELIA Jmant year; Bat ori dn Ey sired, | six percent per annum on We Help Find Your boii Bigs Em es He oO] service of the Get the Facts—No Cost RS Sor Lat us know ; Hass 4 RE a F. A. HARRISON Desk W, 308 N. Second St, Harrisburg, Pa. aoe stil available a ow Prices