mm A A THE CENTRE REPORTER. ISSUED WEEKLY, CENTRE HALL, PENN'A. : : : a T— THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1923 SMITH & BAILEY, Proprietors, B, WW, SMITH. .....coocontnnvivavnans Editor EDW. BE. BAILEY, Local Editor and : Business Manager, Entered at the Post Office In Centre Hab as second class mail matter. TERMS. ~The terms of subscription to the Reporter are $1.50 a year, in advance. ADVERTISING RATES. —Legal notices, twenty cents per line for three Insertions, and ten cents per line for each additional insertion, Local notices accompanying display ad- vertisements, five cents per line for each insertion: otherwise, eight cents per line; minimum tiventy-five cents, charge, advertising rates made known application, Display on Borough Fire Alarm, y borough of Bradford & mill yund : two short in the the Co. blasts when fire is Reformed church; One long and five short blasts when fire is Reformed church. CHURCH APPOINTMENTS. PENN'S VALLEY LUTHERAN CHARGE REV. MELVIN ©, DRUMM, Pastor, ~—SERVICES FOR— SUNDAY, FEB, 25, 1923 cement Centre Hall ting 1 Teac! Spring Mills ting, Thurs, 7 9:30 a. m. Hall, won, Spring morning: Mills Tussey evening POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS For Sheriff, that E candi 0 announce will be a re county, subject Democratic voters primaries to be held tember 18th, 1923 ing shipped a car ¢ to the vastern mar menrmsng. PUBLIC SALE REGISTER. MARCH 10, one ¢ goods H. Ban house hold Mrs. Ella hung i. hv H BUILDING FOR SALE -- bullging at Send Pot- ian church offered for fame sale, to James H te, Pa WANTED more new subscribers to The Centre Report. er, at $1.59 One hundred or per year, in advance; sat. isfaction guaranteed, or money re- funded. A Good Thing —Don’t Miss It. Send your name and address plainly written together with 5 cents (and this slip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co, Des Moines, lowa, and receive in return a trial package containing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for conghs. colds, croup, bronchial, “flu” and whooping coughs, and tickliug throat ; Chamberlains Stom- ach and Liver Tablets for stomach trou- bles, indigestion, gassy pains that crowd the heart, biliousness and constipation , Chamberlain's Salve, needed in every family for burns, scalds, wounds, piles, and skin affections ; these valued family medicines for only 5 cents, Don't miss i. chapped hands ? IMENTHOLATUM makes them —— Yomited a Lizzard, Mra “lle, a Geprge Wisneski, of Phoenix few davs ago, while sulfering and of a inches in from a choking vomiting sensu tion, was relieved reptile between ix and seven length, The 1 reptile was alive apd had all the ap and general form of pearances in color legs, Up te ined a Mzeasd, except it had no Monday the reptile was Kept alive is being studied and classified Mrs. Wisneski is a daughter of Mrs Jerome Auman, and when a girl lived neal Centre Hall with her parents, She had been suffering gtomach trou About tw Mis and with bie for several years weeks previous to hor relief, salmon, suffered Hi neski ate canned thereafter MN pans sim to ptomaine poisoning, and for this the of was being treated in 'hoenix hospital. Thursday last woek noticed her patient trying to vomit choke She at once went to he 1 sistance, opening her mouth and tok from her throat the prot raeding HHes although she 8 vel ing reptile, conditfon began te im prove, pital This information was sent Bradford, in 1 Hall woman's mother, who is Ms entre Sister —————— Bohn—Auman, Arthur [. Bey uman, hot united in Hollenbach in Aanronsburg The Hollenbae rr, head of May week Marriage Licenses, CaufMel SPRING MILLS mikist and tool He wns e ther and a good be missed the coqpnunit 3 ard in chueeh to PINE GROVE MILLS vid Wim nee spied i "1 ¥ i. The poms State ‘lege “ $0 { hy M purchasing ONDE 6 Cons dering many sick folks, band hove dn th urday evening was rep ized Rome Gingerich and his brid first legzens in home-keeping t hedr the well-known homestead farm nea Larrien Hall, haat week Livother E Blooded stock. Pome and art will ti the farm and Draught talent of the Mili. on the Odd Fe Admission, 16 Don't forget of the Desert” younger of Pine March 3rd, in Jos’ hall, at 7:45. p. m 35 gan the pay, “A by home sot (irove Saturday He 256 amd cents Our merchant J D. Neidigh shipped four carloads of $1.25 wheat Inst week. Miler Brothers, of Tyron purchased several carloads of shipped from Pennsyivania Furs at 70 cents for 70 ha in the ear it appears from the reviews of trade conditions throughout the United SBiates everything % on a healthy move forward, except the farming Industry ft fs belleved by that if lepublican administration would do many the ns ta do welll by the farmer aw it Is about farmes- for the English Government, ihe ers throughout the United States would be able to come across in fine shape. What fe mgant Bs this: that if the U 8. Government gave the farmers opportunity to borrow §4,666.000,000 at 3% per cent for sixty-two yeorw they would be In the market to buy largely and be able to carry thelr Indebtedness without Metres nn The Perry county Times, published weekly at New Hloomfisld, unnounces | the installation of a new Linotype. The Times ts 2 much glive newspaper, and with this additonal equipment Editor Leto and pong ill be much better able th serve thelr phtyous. * THE DEATH RECORD, WIELAND —~Miss Sarah I Wi and, oldest daughter Wieland, of State College, died In the the Penngy Harsburg ‘ wanting RE of Raflroad st On. n Firickay « on vering, Febriogday way to on Philadelphin Wieland hes Mikss heen =n had for some vears, but not until January had her condition known to her friends found advismable to It was hospital for treatment as ihe bie means of prolonging her BOALSBU RG, February Matthias hia ann Tohn i . + Week Hig sickn g due to od wge. Mp, Duracy is 83 years old Mra. Ella quiEting parly WMO Mothersbaugh hd a big Wednesday of last weed Those present Foie members yf the Mra, Mothersbaugh The the class of the Reformed 8 8S Sunday school class of which inember Indies of first organized had a moet. ing on Saturday evening and decided supper and St Patrick's Day the of March 17th frfisth potatoes will be the leading font. to give a social on evening ures the Knights present at members of to Ix A number of unabie Thursday account of the extremely © bad roads, the nings entertainment tations, songs ahd a sYetoh and toasts by &feront nresent Orchestra muse by the Garbrick fam fly of Belicfonte, After the program of Malta were the banquet on ovening on 1d weather, The cove and Bripnw, comwiated of red eloped ones the tables, which were spread plenty of gol eats, with + wie Dn a MCNTANA WORLD IN ITSELF State Needs No Outside Aid to Sup. port in Comfort Pecple Within Its Borders. and ent 1d support nl Fditors' ople would but I In and iries of she grows all the grains, the north enttle, sheep, vegetables of zone ; ber millions; her wa. wool from from 500.000 from TON (KM) from 20 kinds HATED FALSE PRAISE Asgerted It Always Both Ashamed viliated, “LGiihiraltar ter Indignamt. of the war when the and © of te 1 penny -—a very sharp 1800 the pric nd rose ng dinners was in- through ntly not made gery. company, hiliing and ordered him g aloud: “It is hard country’s batties 1 bread.” hread., he called his whole Wie no HOPD ore the grudged her Why Eddies Whirl Counter-Clockwige. writes to Scientific is true that aii A correspondent American asking if it whirlawinds, toinadoes, cyclones, ty (movements of air), mael water leaving a washbowl or bathtub (movements of water), unless ¢ riificially interfered with, revolve contra-